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  • Gün 11

    Sea Day Jan 19th

    19 Ocak, North Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌬 77 °F

    Another sea day. Scott was up early and hit the gym at 6am. Taught Roger and Penny how to play Farkle. Dinner in the restaurant with Maggie, David and another couple. Then went to Torshaven to listen to some music and for a cocktail before bed.
    We took the Behind the Scenes Tour of the ship. We toured the lower decks, kitchen, storage lockers for all the tons of food and beverages, control room where there were screens everywhere to monitor the ship functions and engines. They said that there were over 400 cameras on board to monitor the ship. The kitchen was spotless and floor to ceiling stainless steel. The laundry had massive washing machines and a special $1M machine that dries, presses and folds the sheets in one step. There were offices for operations, IT, HR and what you would see in any office building, just smaller. They took us down the corridor that runs the entire ship, called I-95. It is amazing all that goes on below the floors that we see to run the ship. There are over 400 crew members that support the ship of 950 guests.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 12

    Sea Day Jan 20th

    20 Ocak, North Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌬 82 °F

    Sea day. Morning breakfast outside then the Cornhole tournament again, We did ok at trivia and did not win since there are groups of about 12 people with about 1000 years of experience. Lunch, then an unplanned afternoon nap. I started a work of art (photos attached) and it was my first attempt at watercolors. Dinner and a relaxing evening.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 13

    Sea Day Jan 21st

    21 Ocak, North Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌬 82 °F

    Another sea day. Breakfast, and my second attempt at art work. Scott was not interested in making his own art. I am going to make a 3D picture box which will be finished tomorrow. Lunch with Roger and Pennie again, then Pennie started teaching me to knit. I did not do well with my first lesson, but Pennie said to be patient and she's going to help me out more tomorrow. Crossed the equator today at little after 6pm.
    Another trip to the gym in the afternoon and soon we will be all buff from the weight training. Then the spa, a quick dinner and late night show with Lindsay Hamilton as the performer. She is a great singer and throws a lot of humor and crowd interaction into the show.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 15

    Sea Day Jan 22nd

    23 Ocak, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

    Another day at sea. Early trip to the gym. Skipped breakfast, more Cornhole tournament and trivia.
    In the morning I met the sweetest lady in the Atrium. Her name is Barbara and is 88 years old. She has a very quiet southern voice and is always around the ship with her leggings, skirt and walking stick. We have seen her many times, so I just introduced myself. One day she was on the treadmill next to Scott. She wasn't setting any speed record, but was out there walking with the rest of us. And she attends the Line Dancing classes. I expect to see a lot more of her and get some great stories along the way... I included her picture.
    Lunch with Roger & Pennie again, and I finished my second work of art watercolor shadow box (photo attached) then some more knitting lessons. I am getting better and she showed me the pearl stitch. Scott signed up for an art class in a few days where you create underwater turtles.
    Back to the gym and spa, then a quick dinner. Prepared for our 2 Bora Bora excursions tomorrow. Backpacks, jackets, camera, etc.
    Then relaxed to the movie See How They Run. Was a really good movie.
    Then to bed to rest for our first non US country
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 15

    Bora Bora Jan 23rd

    23 Ocak, Fransız Polinezyası ⋅ ☁️ 84 °F

    Full day in Bora Bora with 2 excursions to keep us busy and see all the sights we can in one day.
    In the morning we had an open bus tour of the island which took us around the main island road and was 15 miles. Along the way we saw their way of life and how they value the simple things and nothing is really complex. The main challenge is that just about everything has to be brought in by ship, so it's a challenge to build new buildings, fix vehicles and introduce new things. Just about everything is re-used and re-purposed. Many of the resorts were destroyed by the 2010 monsoon and were never rebuilt. The few that were being rebuild were stopped and cancelled due to Covid. It's a shame since the island is such a beautiful resort place to visit.
    We had lunch at a cafe and experienced the cost of living in Bora Bora. Lunch was about $95 US. However, it was really good seafood and MaiTai's.
    In the afternoon we took a boat cruise around the island to see the bungalows that are built in the ocean. They are part of the remaining resorts and vary from $500 to $1500 a night. There are pics of these.
    We saw a plastic bottle floating in the water and went to pick up the trash and when we were near it, it moved away from the boat. we caught up to it and our boat captain lifted it out of the water and it was a fishing buoy with a line, hook and live fish caught on it. He is taking it home for dinner.
    We were the last tinder boat (small shuttle boat from the ship to the shore) back, so they could not leave until our group was back on board.
    Dinner and bed to get ready for tomorrow's excursions...
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 16

    Moorea, French Polynesia

    24 Ocak, Fransız Polinezyası ⋅ 🌧 82 °F

    Scott's 50th birthday today! We arrived at the island of Moorea early morning. It was s short distance by sea from Bora Bora. It's Scott's birthday today, so we did well making it a great day and beating his 'fish' story from Bora Bora.
    We headed out for our long excursion to the island on a tinder boat again and met our local guides for almost a full day in the sun and ocean of Moorea. We just wore our water shoes, swimsuits since we would be in the sand and water most of the day.
    They took us around the beautiful blue water coastline while watching for dolphins, turtles and sharks. We did not see any and could not snorkel or get into the ocean due to winds and very strong currents.
    We then went to a beach for lunch and some time there in the ocean. We did not expect to see the birds diving for fish. Scott was in the water with a baby shark, turtle and some small fish. It was amazing how close you can get to them and see through the clear blue water.
    Then back to the ship to relax to get the sand and salt off of us and relax in the hot and cold spa.
    Birthday dinner at 7 in the Italian restaurant on the ship.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 17


    25 Ocak, Fransız Polinezyası ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

    Visited Tahiti today.
    It is the largest of the French Polynesian islands and not as scenic where we were docked at the other smaller islands. We took a walking tour with our guide to see the gardens, town hall and public market. The market had the freshest fruit, fresh meat and fish and hand made items to buy. We got more apple banana's!! There was also a food court but skipped that just in case of any food 'issues' down the road. We also bought some fresh flowers from a lady with all kinds of flowers we do not have at home. We took those back to the ship and our cabin steward was so kind to find us a vase for them. She is the best!
    Just before returning to the ship we found another micro brewery just across from the ship. Of course, we had to stop in to make sure we sampled another French Polynesian beer for quality control. And they passed. Really good malty lager and a not no hoppy IPA.
    Then back onboard just as it started raining. Just like in the ocean islands, it rains for a short time each day. We just happened to dodge this one, luckily.
    Back on board, we ate and later on saw a show with a local Polynesian 'band' and dancers. It was really good and was a showing of their local instruments, music and formal dance routines.
    Then we left for 5 sea days to New Zealand - yeah....
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 18

    Sea Day Jan 26th

    26 Ocak, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

    Our first sea day and back to our normal routine, just this time with some arts and crafts thrown in. Scott is participating in the water color creation of underwater sea turtles. The picture is the first class and we will finish them tomorrow in another watercolor class.
    Morning gym, cornhole, trivia (only 19 out of 34), art class, gym. I also had another knitting session with my teacher Pennie. She is so patient.
    And our first round of laundry. It only took 4 washers and dryers to get all our dirty clothes done. About 2.5 hours for the laundry, drying, folding and hanging backup. But now all our clothes are done. Our floor has only half the number of guest rooms as the others due to the ship's configuration, but the other full floors are apparently having laundry 'issues' where guests are getting into conflicts over washer and dryer usage. Nothing like and old-people fight breaking out.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 19

    Sea Day Jan 27th

    27 Ocak, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌬 77 °F

    Another sea day with the usual list of daily activities. Scott went to the gym early in the morning, breakfast.
    In the morning they had a competition at the pool for the miniature ship building competition. The guests had to build a ship from things they found around the ship, repurposed or recycled. Each ship had to hold 6 cans of Coke and float in the pool for 30 seconds. It was fun to see all the things people scavenged from around the ship and how creative they were. We talked with the winners before the contest and they actually did a trial run in the big massage / bubble pool in the spa the day before to make sure it would win.
    Then trivia again and another afternoon trip to the gym. I also finished my turtle watercolor and scott finished his rainbow turtle but did not take a picture of it.
    After that we played games with Pennie and Roger, then dinner and a rum tasting before the nightly performance with an electric violin player.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 20

    Sea Day Jan 28th

    28 Ocak, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌬 77 °F

    Today was a different day at sea. We got up and went to the gym, then a coffee talk with the head chef Willie. It was interesting how he has to plan so far in advance to source the huge amount of food to feed 1000 people on board.
    The the highlight of the day was our beginner Sushi class. It took about 3 hours. This class was run by a guest Chef, winner of several sushi competitions. We cut all the ingredients, fish, etc. They made the rice for us in a big rice cooker. It was very interesting how important the rice is and is mixed with vinegar and sugar. We learned how to roll the sushi and then made all the sushi in the pictures. It was a great class since we actually did all the work (except the rice cooking). Then we ate it all for our lunch...
    Afternoon was another round of playing games and more learning to knit.
    There won't be a posting for Jan 29th since we lose that day crossing the International Date Line tonight.
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