West & back

April - July 2023
The first major trip in our caravan. To northern WA and back Read more
  • 113footprints
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  • 89days
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  • Day 21

    Port Lincoln rest day

    May 4, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Rest day at Port Lincoln. Cleaning and tidying in prep for trip to Streaky Bay. Kids had a swim at the caravan park pool.

  • Day 22

    Port Lincoln to Streaky Bay

    May 5, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    It was an interesting travel day for us today. Made memorable by the turn in the weather just as we hooked up the trailer and which followed us all the way up the coast.

    The weather fined up as we left Port Lincoln and we made our first stop at Elliston. We had some food and a look around just as a wall of rain approached the town. Unfortunately I wasn’t quick enough to fill up with fuel and absolutely copped it saturated on the edge of town 😅 (imagine me ducked down behind the car with pump in one hand as sideways rain hit the car).

    On we went to Venus Bay, stopping for a snack and quick look at Needle Eye Lookout. Once again, we could see the wall of water approaching off the coast and this time we didn’t hang around long.

    As we got further north, arriving in Streaky Bay, the storm front either weakened or no longer could progress north and the afternoon stayed fine. And oh my god was it fine! What a spectacular sunset. We setup the van (site right on the beach), the kids headed to the playground and Corinne and I grabbed our camp chairs and wandered onto the beach with a drink.

    Its moments like these that stay with you. An absolutely gorgeous afternoon ensued as we sat and watched the kids wander back our way and investigate the shallows for crabs, pippies and other sea life.

    Starting to wish we booked longer here but we’ll see what the weather brings. For now it’s near perfect 😍
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  • Day 23

    Streaky Bay town & jetty

    May 6, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    We had a great day and crammed so much in that I’ll have to split the day into 3 lots of pics (app limits me to 20).

    Started the day with coffee in town and a nice walk around the main street, jetty and then stopped for lunch at a place on the water called Drift. The kids had fun with the seagull repellant on the deck 😁

    Before moving on, we stopped in at the Shell Servo to see the replica of the shark that was caught off Streaky Bay back in 1990 (apparently the guy used 24kg line and took 3 hours to reel it in before they gaffed it!!). The shark was the biggest in the world at the time at 5m long and 1.5t 😱
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  • Day 23

    Murphy’s Haystacks

    May 6, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    We were debating whether to backtrack half an hour to Murphy’s Haystacks because we’ve been driving so much. We were so glad we did! They were amazing rock formations out amongst the wheat fields and great for pics 😉Read more

  • Day 23

    Whistling Rocks

    May 6, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

    The final location we visited for the day was Whistling Rocks on the western peninsula near Streaky Bay. Another amazing place we all loved. It was blowing a gale but the huge crashing waves in the bays were amazing as well as the unique blowholes which ran deep into the rock. The holes wouldn’t whistle but more so make an amplified wave crashing noise about 3 secs after the wave hit the shore. Some of the waves were so massive it’d send a cloud of sea spray all over us, which the kids thought was hilarious and fun.

    It was a cool afternoon/evening but wasn’t enough to stop Sid venturing into the bay to look for sea life. I setup with with the camp chair and a beer once again as the sunset was too nice to pass up. Corinne & Abby headed into town for dinner stuff. Night of the king’s coronation.
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  • Day 24

    Streaky Bay to Ceduna

    May 7, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    We left Streaky today and didn’t make it far before stopping at Perlubie Beach which was a stunner. It had some low jagged cliffs and crystal clear water so the kids just had to have a wade.

    Lunch was at Smoky Bay in the van. We parked on the side of the road and the kids had another wade.

    We arrived in Ceduna around 2pm, setup and hung out for the rest of the arvo - the kids swam in the pool here, Sid had a call with his friend Saskia and we visited the nice new playground across the street. The Ceduna sunset was lovely 🥰
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  • Day 26

    Nullarbor Roadhouse

    May 9, 2023 in Australia

    We left Ceduna early to embark on our great Nullarbor journey. Into the land of no water or mobile reception 😜

    First stop was Penong which claimed to have Australia’s largest windmill in Australia, although in the modern age of wind farms I’m not so sure anymore 🤔

    Next few stops were Head of the Bight and some other cliff top views along the way which were pretty special. It felt like you could really make out the shape of the bight (although it was highly likely we could not).

    We pulled up at the Nullarbor Roadhouse mid arvo and setup was pretty easy - park at any powered site as long you’re facing forward towards the road. We had heard good things about the meals there so decided to eat out and hung out in the bar beforehand. I was keen for a beer so we went earlyish and had great fun, chatting with travellers, playing pool, kids played the arcade machine and we had a snack whilst sinking a few.

    I said to Corinne as we sat in the bar and had dinner, that this was one of my highlights of the trip so far, then realised promptly that this was the first night we’d had out on the trip since Yack. I’d highly recommend a night at the Nullarbor Roadhouse to anyone. Hang out in the bar with the travellers and enjoy the night 🍻🍽️

    Sunset in the desert was speccy too 😍
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  • Day 27

    Road to Cocklebiddy

    May 10, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Woke up at sunrise and stepped out into the freezing cold but it was worth it. Like sunset it was crystal clear and spectacular.

    The day’s drive was the longest of the trip at 470km but the first half of it was along the bight so many cliff top stops were had which were all gorgeous and I just had to get some shots of the car & van in front of the cliffs.

    At the originally named ‘Great Australian Bight - Scenic Lookout No 1’ we managed to see a large pod of about 13 or so dolphins off the cliffs so that was a highlight.

    Later we finally entered WA so had the border quarantine stop and on the way to it crammed as much of the fresh fruit and veg as we could into our mouths. Sadly lost the honey though, which we didn’t know was a thing.

    Cocklebiddy had a nice sunset but was generally uninteresting except for two wedge tailed eagles which were rescues and sat in an enclosure out the back.
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  • Day 28

    The longest straight road to Norseman

    May 11, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    Roughly 440kms were covered as we traversed WA along Australia’s longest straight road and then some.

    The day was filled with travel, roadhouses, passing road trains and confusion over the time since Nullarbor Roadhouse, Cocklebiddy & Norseman all observed different times 😅

    There were some really flat sections of the trip, including a few that were emergency airstrips for the RFDS 🏥✈️ but it was all new to us so really interesting. That first corner in ages took us by surprise 🤣

    With the change in time to Perth time I think we got to Norseman quite early, although it’s all relative because the sun felt like it was setting around 4:30pm. We took a look around the Norseman main street but tbh it was a place you’d rather leave than go to. Full of miners and boarded up shops.
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  • Day 29

    Arrival in Esperance

    May 12, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    A quick drive past the Norseman Gold Project then we got out early. Amazing the amount of low-lying salt lakes on the way to Esperance. I’m sure we must’ve seen about 30 of them, varying in size.

    Arrived early, set up then headed around town to have a look and have lunch. The coast was very pretty with the peninsula and so many islands offshore but interesting to see that industry was still very prominent with several giant cargo ships offshore and a large port with silos for grain.

    Spent the rest of the arvo chilling at the RAC caravan park which is the best appointed park we’ve been in so far. The “camp kitchen” (inverted commas cos it’s too good to be called that) and games room were amazing, not to mention the heated pool, kids play areas and amenities.

    The kids had a nice swim as we watched some tugs guide a cargo ship into shore, then we enjoyed wine time and dinner at the camp kitchen.
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