• 日77

    End? No the Journey Doesn't End Here

    2018年3月27日, デンマーク ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

    After 12 and half hour of flying I'm back home. I met Karen from my university in the airport we had been on the same flight, so we waited for our luggage together.
    It's been an incredible adventure and I hope I get to travel for 2 months again in the future, but for now I'm happy to be home.もっと詳しく

  • 日76

    Time to go Home

    2018年3月26日, シンガポール ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    As check out time from my hotel was 12 o'clock I stayed as long as possible. My airport transfer was not untill 3 so I walked around the old quarter to find food and to kill some time.
    When at the point where it's time to go home I really found it hard to get motivated to do anything, I just wanted to get to the airport and check in and begin the journey home.
    While walking around I sat down on a bench and had a chat with a Vietnamese fellow who wanted to practice English. As I had a flight to catch I had to cut our conversation, I spent my last cash on food and snacks and was transferred to the airport.
    My first flight was to Singapore I had an entire row to myself, which was really nice.
    In Singapore airport I only had 25 minutes to change terminal and reach my flight. After a lot of running I managed and could prepare myself for the 12 and half hour flying time.

  • 日75


    2018年3月25日, ベトナム ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Slept in, got up and found breakfast. By experience the best way to see a city is walking from green area to green area on the map. So that's exactly what I did.
    After getting a bit lost I found a lake with a temple. Halfway round the lake I left the rest for later to find the next green area, a huge park with playground carousel and other entertainment options. Where the first lake had been really busy and crowded, here there was a lot more peace and quiet.
    In the park I was approached by Vietnamese who just wanted to speak to a westerner to practice English, it's quite fun, one of them had been to Denmark on a roadtrip.
    I found some lunch and then went back to my hotel to relax, it's very different walking around in Hanoi compared to everywhere else I've been. It's really hectic and there's a constant risk of being hit by a car or a scooter so it's a bit stressful.
    After a long rest on the hotel where I chatted a lot with Emily I went and found dinner, I already knew I wanted Pho, and where we ate yesterday did a really good one, so I went there.
    Next I walked a little through the night markets before I went home to pack for my journey home.

  • 日74

    Back to Hanoi

    2018年3月24日, ベトナム ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    After breakfast we checked out of our rooms on the boat, and we relaxed on the top deck, the sun was out for a change so it was actually quite worm, something I hadn't felt like since coming to Vietnam.
    At 10 we got to try our hands at making Vietnamese spring rolls, it was actually quite easy as it was a simple matter of filling rise paper with vegetables, meats, and noodles and roll it up and eat it.
    We had lunch at 11 and then we disembarked our boat and was taken back to Hanoi, it's a long drive so luckily we had a stop about halfway.
    Back in Hanoi I relaxed in the room and then went to dinner with two of the guys from the Ha Long Bay cruise. After dinner we walked through the night markets. A part of the old town, where they block of traffic and have a market in the street full of fake brand clothing, bags, watches, and everything else.

  • 日73

    Limestone Islands

    2018年3月23日, ベトナム ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    I was really tired yesterday so went early to bed, and we didn't have to get up until 8 o'clock for breakfast.
    After breakfast we went to a less busy cave, it was really nice, and as less tourists come by that cave, more if it stood pristine.
    We had 20 minutes to change for kayaking, and then had a good 3 hours worth of kayaking and caving.
    Ha Long Bay is very beautiful, so it's sad to see the amount of rubbish on the beaches and in the sea.
    After kayaking we had lunch, followed by some time to rest before we visited a pearl farm.
    On the pearl form we learned they use 3 species of oyster to produce pearl, each create different size and colour. The oysters has to be cleaned every 2 months and even then they only have a 30% success rate, sometimes they have to wait 5 years for the pearls to grow
    We were taken to Ti Top island, here we again experienced a staggering amount of tourists. We took the 400 steps to the top standing in line the entire way. When we came down again 2 of the girls and I went for a quick swim. The water tasted like diesel and so we quickly got out again.
    After the swim the boys played football 5 vs 5, it was an even match which ended 8:7 unfortunately to the other team.
    Back on the boat we had dinner and then enjoyed a pleasant evening swapping travel stories.

  • 日72

    Ha Long Bay

    2018年3月22日, ベトナム ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    It's weird to be alone after so long time with G-ADVENTURES. Today I embarked on a 2 night cruise of Ha Long Bay, I was picked up from my hotel and drove from Hanoi to Ha Long.
    After traveling 70 days and meeting a grand total of 1 danish couple it was weird being in a bus full of young danish guys and girls. The drive from Hanoi was 3 and a half hours with a half hour stop along the way.
    The stop was at a massive souvenir shop, here they hand made alabaster stone idols, hand embroidered canvas into beautiful creations and made jewelry.
    We arrived in Ha Long and Boarded our boat. After a few minutes with welcome drink we checked in to our rooms. Being on a boat with private room, ensuite no less, is going to be awesome.!
    We cruised to Sung Sot Cave, along the way we saw a lot of boats, and there was a ridiculous amount of tourists primarily Chinese. Sung Sot cave was massive and made up of 3 chambers, first chamber seemed large, but each of the next were bigger, with the third being absolutely massive. The drip stone made amazing structures in the cave.
    After a 10 minutes sail we got to go kayaking in Kuno? Cave. This was a tunnel through the cliff to get into a bay with cliffs all around and the only way in or out was the natural tunnel.
    We rowed back to our boat and had showers and dinner.
    We were 18 on board 16 Danish and 2 Swedish, so it's almost like being home.

  • 日71

    Last Goodbye

    2018年3月21日, オーストラリア ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    My time in Australia had come to an end, luckily my flight was not to early in the morning, so Emily and I were able to have a last breakfast together and say proper goodbyes before I was picked up by a shuttle bus taking me to Cairns airport. It was hard to say goodbye, but I'm happy it wasn't a rushed goodbye.
    I had good timing in the airport and managed to get into the check in line just before a massive group of people, which also meant I had a very short wait at security.
    Like any airport it's pretty boring waiting for the flight, I watched a movie to pass the time, my final destination was Hanoi Vietnam, but first I had a flight 3 hours in the wrong direction to Sydney.
    With under 2 hours to collect bag, check in again and get through Sydney Airport I was a bit stressed. After collecting the bag I had to buy a train ticket to get to the international airport. After a quick check in, the automatic immigration didn't work, so I had to get handled manually, at this point I had 15 minutes to boarding would commence. At security my bag had to be rescanned twice, I was picked out for a body scan, where as always my right shoulder gave a reading, and to finalize the complete overhaul my bag was swapped for explosives. I ran through the airport to get water, lunch, and snacks for the flight.
    After an uneventful flight it was easy to go through immigration and after a collecting my bag I took my pre-booked transfer to my hotel, in the transfer was a danish girl and a danish guy traveling in Asia, they had been waiting in Hanoi airport for 45 minutes for me. So for the 4th time since leaving Denmark I spoke danish.

  • 日70


    2018年3月20日, オーストラリア ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    It's my final full day in Australia as I fly to Vietnam tomorrow. Emma, Jasmine, and Sierra had all highly recommended going to Kuranda, so Emily and I took the Scenic railway at 8:30 from central station. We continue to be lucky with the weather, so we got to see one of the world's most scenic railways in its best light.
    Along the ride we saw waterfalls, rivers, and the beautiful world heritage rainforest. If you ever find yourself in Cairns a morning train to Kuranda should be high on your list.
    The train has two modern locomotives painted in patterns of the local aboriginal people, the rest of the train is comprised of older carriages, some more than 100 years old.
    Kuranda itself is a small town that clearly depends 100% on tourism. We went through the markets, which were nice and relaxing. We then went to the Birdworld. Here we handfed different parrots, lorikeets, and other birds. They even had a Cassowary.
    Next we went to Koala gardens. It's really small, and so are the pens and cages. So that was not the best experience.
    We went and found lunch. On the way I managed to finally find a souvenir for myself from this massive country. A bull roarer also know as a bush telephone. The lunch was not great, so we went to skyrail to catch our cable car home. This was the best cable car I've ever done, soaring above the canopy we got magnificent views of the rainforest, we even got lucky and had an unplanned stop above Barron River, which allowed us to spot turtles and a freshwater crocodile.
    We went of on both stops along the way and there got to see Barron Falls again and red peak.
    After a shuttle transfer to NJoy we finished our day with laundry, showers, 8 ball pool, packing, and a lovely dinner at the Turkish restaurant where we ate the first night in Cairns with G-ADVENTURES.
    A perfect way to cap off a wonderful time in Cairns and Australia.

  • 日69


    2018年3月19日, オーストラリア ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Up early as I had a white water rafting pick up at 6:30. Luckily I checked my email as my tour was cancelled. The plan was a full day tour on Tully River, but the roads to the access point on the river had washed away in the flooding, so it simple was not possible going there.
    Instead I went on a shorter and less intense tour on the Barron River. We were 10 people and 2 guides going, and a guy from the company also came along to have fun in a kayak.
    The rafting was fun, but rather short, the best part was that we got to do a lot of swimming, and what is know as surfing where you on purpose get stuck in a rapid and let it flood your raft.
    At the surfing spot we got to try and swim across the rapid. I managed to swim so close that I got caught in the whirlpool, at first I didn't realise what was going on so I kept swimming futilely in the current. When it dawned on me I just enjoyed it until I first was pulled fully under life vest and all and then spat out again and swam to the raft. Final adventure was our guide flipping the raft on purpose, I ended up under the raft and had to swim out.
    The tour was over really early, so when I got back to NJoy Emily was still in our room. She suggested we could go to the aquarium and I agreed if we could go past the contemporary arts museum, which is right next to the aquarium.
    The museum had two exhibitions, the first one was pictures of Chinese people in Cairns cooking secret recipes. We were a bit puzzled as to how that was considered art.
    On the top floor the exhibition was a lot of large balls with a dim red light inside. A small sign set please interact with artwork, so we did. When kicked, punched, thrown, or in other ways stirred the light inside change to a bright light, so we just had fun with that for a long time.
    We then went to the aquarium, it's brand new only opened 6 months ago, and as aquariums go it was really good. We went to a behind the scenes tour and got to see their unique water purification system, which mimics thunderstorms to help coral growt
    After the aquarium we went to a café to snack a little, on the way we saw some low hanging clouds in the mountains across the bay.
    For dinner we went to a Greek restaurant. There was music, which along with the décor and staff really sent me back to Greece. The food was amazing, and a dinner party suddenly got up and danced traditional Greek chain dance. If our food hadn't just arrived we would probably have joined in. It was a good way to end a great day.

  • 日68

    Free Time In Cairns

    2018年3月18日, オーストラリア ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    So I've been in Cairns for quite a few days now. I planned to have activities every other day, which has been great. But as I was warned by several people, the city itself seems a bit dull, that is of course unless you want to get your drink on.
    As I don't drink and as I have seen a lot of the city from the outside, today was about seeing a few things from the inside. I wanted to go to the contemporary arts museum, but it was closed, so I went to Cairns art gallery instead. I sort of did the gallery in reverse, this was good as the three exhibitions on the upper levels didn't really speak to me. The exhibition on the ground floor however was amazing.
    It was an interpretation of Oscar Wilde's The Nightingale & The Rose. It was beautiful drawings, paintings, and props for an animated movie. Absolutely stunning.
    After the gallery I walked aimlessly around town. Found an alley with some amazing Street art and a café in the end, so I sat down there, wrote my journal and did some reading, and later had lunch
    I met up with Emily and we went and found something to eat before we went to the lagoon. For the first time on this journey the heat had got to me, and I really needed to cool down.
    We went to Fasta Pasta for dinner and then saw Game Night in the cinema, the movie was a better than average comedy and really enjoyable.


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