A very poorly travelled geographer.
Scotland is best. Yorkshire not half bad too.
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East Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom
  • Day 1


    November 16, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    Landed in Netherlands on time. The Captain promised to fly fast.
    J got me to airport in plenty time. But No Coffee. Ouch.

    Passport took 25 minutes. Thanks Brexit. Then I wandered until I found nice food. But coffee was meh.

    Then popped on a train to Hilversum where my friend's daughter met me. Short walk to house. Cuppa tea and chat. Now waiting for E to get in from work.
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  • Day 9

    Sunday - Friday

    November 11, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

    Sunday.,.. two Restorative Yoga sessions with Lucy, plus lunch and cake. It was lovely to be in the studio in 3D
    Northern Lights!!! The heavenly dancers. I missed peak of storm but little phone got some shots.
    Monday... Alnwick for coffee except we didn't. It was a bit dead. However the cheese shop did not disappoint.
    Tuesday... Not much done , but a second trip to Lucy's studio. Then a muck up about pub for dinner. It transpired that J was both hangry and pissed at his family's inability to organise a Christmas lunch.
    Wednesday... J slept in and we didn't make it to Holy Island. We popped to Alnwick to pick up doggie nail clippers then headed into the National Park area. To that wee village that we oh so nearly moved to. Beaten twice to the house that we liked. Oh well. East Yorkshire it is. We had tea innapub huge portions and well the veggie shepherd's pie was not a triumph. But I got loads of fresh veg on the side.
    Thursday... Iz came on train but arrived just before 4pm so day was done and it was dark. No beach for me this holiday. 😢. As I said before Alnwick not good for meals so we were rescued by the Oak pub on the roundabout.again. Good nosh. Iz and J had big moan about their family. Poor things. Outnumbered and expected to travel long distances for get togethers. I invited them all here for the Xmas lunch.... Tumbleweed!
    Friday ... Very frosty morning and photos of the farm and historically important silo.
    Little dogs foot was much better so no off leash! He had spotted other dogs, hens, peacocks and pheasants!
    A bonus yoga session at Shilbottle Hall then back to chuck stuff in car to travel south. Briefly met the Thursday zoom ladies in 3D. Squeee.
    Trip uneventful but long.
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  • Day 4

    Sunday Monday

    November 6, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    Saturday was a non day. No energy. But we went out for a lovely lunch. Proper food not sandwiches. And I got some treats from the deli. I love Rothbury Deli. It smells so good.

    Sunday... Yoga Retreat Day. A whole day in Lucy's Studio. 2 x 4hrs restorative yoga. Lots of lying down but I was still tired after. Subtle but powerful. Then about 10pm... Aurora Borealis. Whoop! My wee phone managed to capture some colours for you.

    Today... Alnwick. Cheese Shop lunch. Great chat with the owner. Booze shop for Alnwick Rum. Hope I have ice cubes. And pet shop (it's brilliant) for doggie treats. Other than that not much. Jigsaw, yoga, playing in field with dogs. Yet to have a good range around the farm. But you can see some of it from the Loo View.
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  • Day 1


    November 3, 2023 in England ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    Sunrise this morning. How lovely to be back in Northumberland.

    Yesterday's trip was awful. Congestion and roadworks the whole way. We were late in leaving (my fault) too. So no lovely lunch. Instead an awful garage sandwich.

    But.... Bit of shopping and stir fry was had. And then a radox bath. And bed. Slept sound! So maybe need a radox bath every night. Although I had leggings on and I've noticed that compression helps where weighted blanket does not.

    Anyway. Lunch out somewhere nice today. And wellie walks in the field.

    Tomorrow is Restorative Yoga day. So looking forward to it. Actually in the studio with Lucy. It's been zoom since March 2023.
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  • Day 11

    Heading South like a goose

    September 15, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    A few photos.

    1 the finished dress deliver d and modelled
    2-4 my sister's shet where GinHutJewellery is created
    5 Gin Hut Jewellery
    6 they grew up. First pub outing with all three nieces
    7 M driving me back to Edinburgh
    8 out with my new friend in the old city. Turns out we both went to same yoga class in the 90s
    9 Pebbles looking innocent
    10 a new book. Alan Spence and Elizabeth Blackadder. He gave us a talk in school when he was a young author.

    Currently on a mobbed bus to the train station. V is upstairs I'm downstairs. Hey ho. So much for the chum. Anyhoo we will grab lunch somewhere.

    11 a new cafe/bakery in Edinburgh. I highly recommend. Nearly missed my train though!
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  • Day 5

    Beach Day

    September 9, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Felt not too good at first. But had a lie down. C got the guitar out and played some songs. She also sang. It was lovely. Then her dad got the quiet pipes out and played for a bit. Ahhhh. Music of my roots.

    L appeared back with her beau and we packed bags and headed to the beach. St Cyrus. What a day. Warm. Sunny. Even the wind. Scotland in September. As a teenager I was kayaking in snow storms in September. Global warming!

    Anyways me and L had a lovely swim. In my new swimsuit! L had bought one that was too long. Perfect. Then C and I went treasure hunting. Shells and crabs. How lovely just chilling with the kids. L is 23 and C will be 20 in a few days. Poor M had to go to work. Anyway she is driving me back on Monday so more adventures. Also I think we're off to pub later.

    I also made a purchase at the open studios... A scrappy acrylic of St Cyrus beach. It's lovely.
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  • Day 4

    Up to Sister's

    September 8, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Me n C were up early to catch train to Stonehaven where we were picked up by L. It was quite foggy in places with a thick haar going over the Forth Bridge.

    I made it with good time to take them to lunch and then do my zoom meeting. They supplied me with cups of tea and snacks!

    M arrived home from her horrible cafe job and we all lounged about until sis and BiL for home from work.

    Delicious tea and then out the NE Open Studios opening night. Sis has made gorgeous jewellery. And got sales on the night. It's on for next 10 days! @GinHutJewellery on Instagram.

    Got back tired. Wanted to crash but we ended chatting for a while. Tired out. But happy.
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  • Day 3


    September 7, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    A trip into town to meet Ciorstaidh off the bus from Dundee and take Violet to No. 6.

    A little wee birthday gift of ear piercings for C while we waited for V. No success for lunch so treated them to disgusting bubble teas. And messed around taking angle photos. Who wears them best?

    Then bus home. Sticky drinks and phones. For a lovely bowl of kedgeree.
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  • Day 1


    September 5, 2023 in Scotland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    What an easy trip. Why do I ever drive it. No 5.5 hours of hell. Left house at 8am got to station in plenty time. Got me a coffee and a granola bar.
    Train was on time leaving and arriving. Beautiful day. Lovely scenery as always. And a quiet Quiet coach. Schools are back only business folk and old folks travelling. The beaches looked so inviting.
    Violet didn't come in to meet me off train so I went for a wander through Princes Street gardens. I bought a hugely expensive Lucas Ice cream. The best thing for after a tonsillectomy. So thought my aunt and uncle. Only to find me munching through a bag of crisps.
    I then popped into One World Shop. Got some Grumpy Mule coffee and oops lizard earrings.
    No. 34 bus home. My grandads route. Which went past a sandwich shop with a huge long queue. An award winning shop in Tollcross. Might have to try it out.
    I've been lazing on settee most of the afternoon. Lovely. The Sainsbury's shop arrived. No hassles. Tomorrow? Maybe gardening for mum. It's a bit weedy. Must remember to pace myself though.
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  • Day 87

    Durham Meeting Point.

    August 28, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Well, I forgot about my trip to Durham. Lorna and I meet here as mid wayish from Pockletown and Edinburgh. Not since before YouKnowWhat.

    What a pleasant surprise it has lost its run down feel. A few shops still empty. Tesco instead of M&S and lots of new restaurants.

    Alas, if you have been on YOU or HappyFeed you will know within half an hour of arriving I got clobbered by a migraine. Boots were lovely and sold me a packet of meds. I'm not sure if they worked or not. Because I felt awful. I managed up the hill and into the cathedral but then it hit good and proper. Sweats, shivers, nausea, bit of head pain. So I spent 45 mins outside with head between my knees. Once the nausea was over I just had the jitters. But a wander and a sit in the Cloister helped.

    I couldn't look at the Gaia installation. Such a pity. Made my head reel. But we got into the Chapter room now it's open to public. (Harry Potter location for the fans) and then walked around looking at my favourite windows and the tapestries.

    After we sauntered down the hill and found a great spot by the river. I barely managed to eat my scone and drink a cup of tea. The menu was great and we plan out Xmas outing there. I was grateful for the new cosy shawl that I had bought in the cute shop up near the cathedral.

    We walked up the river to Prebends Bridge which I hadn't been on since my interview day in 1982. Did not get a place a DUni. Their loss. And I wouldn't have met J... Then back down other side and headed to station.

    So despite it all a nice day. Lots of chat. More behind us than in front. Both trying to 'settle' in the positions we find ourselves. And just being friends of nearly 30 years!!! Noooo. Yes. Blimey.
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