Asuu: Highfields, Australia Lue lisää Highfields, Australia
  • Päivä 9

    UK day 6- to the Lakes District

    19. helmikuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Today we are driving up to the Lakes District. We packed the car and headed off around noon. The weather is rainy today so good day to be in a car. We had a lunch stop at The Fitzherbert Arms in Swynnerton. Amazing food and a gorgeous pub. We continued on our way getting to our most gorgeous accommodation around 5pm. Poor Geoff got a bit car sick around the winding roads. We spent the afternoon and evening just adoring the cottage and surroundings, it's like an episode of escape to the country.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 8

    UK day 5- Blenheim Palace

    18. helmikuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    Today we headed down to Blenheim Palace near Oxford. The weather was cold and grey but dry. We started in the palace and worked our way around the huge rooms with many beautiful paintings, tapestries and homewares. We refreshed with some lunch then a lovely walk around the beautiful grounds.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 7

    UK day 4- local day

    17. helmikuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

    Just a lazy local day today. Catch up on washing and shopping. Geoff and I walked into the town centre, about 25 minutes. It was cool to start but warmed up as we walked. We had a shop around then Mary and Jan drove in and we all had lunch in Touchwood shopping centre. Geoff and I walked back then Aaron drove us to get some fireworks but it was closed. Pie and veg for dinner tonight then off to bed.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 6

    UK day 3- Cotswolds

    16. helmikuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

    Today the sun was shining and the skies were blue, so we headed off to one of our favourite parts of the world , the Cotswolds. We drove through some beautiful countryside and cute towns and eventually ended up in the Cotswolds. A drive through 3 picture postcard villages, Buckland, Laverton and Stanton. OMG so many photo options, it almost looks like a movie set in a British movie or TV show. Broadway was the town where we had lunch and a walk through the main street and popped into sweet little shops. One place was an old Georgian style building with homewares and furnishing, the building was just amazing and you could imagine it in its days as a home for some wealthy people. After our walk around we drove through some more countryside dotted with sheep ready to pop with little lambs. We saw a fox heading into his lair and beautiful pheasants in the fields. Another stop was made at Broadway Tower where the view was just devine. We saw Deer around the tower and it was quite icy on the hill but sunny. Drove on to Chipping Campden where we had afternoon tea in a sweet little tea rooms, another walk around into some more cute homewares and decorating shops then back on the road for a bit more of a tour, taking advantage of the beautiful day we had. We drove through Blockley, Bourton-on-the-Hill and Moreton-in-Marsh. Back home to Solihull.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 6

    UK day 2- Birmingham

    16. helmikuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

    We had a good night's sleep and up reasonably early. No snow today but beautiful fresh sunny day. After brekky and shower we all got into the car and Mary and Aaron drove us into Birmingham with commentary. Going through all different types of areas from the less wealthy suburbs to the posher places. We drove through Bournville where the Cadbury factory is and the village that Mr Cadbury had built for the factory workers when the factory first began in 1824.
    Continuing on into the town centre. It was icy cold in the wind and we had a nice warm cup of coffee then had a walk around town.
    Back in the car and out of Birmingham into the country, so pretty with the winter trees. We ended up at a pub, the Crabmill in Henley-in-Arden, to have some lunch. A bit more of a sightseeing tour around some beautiful heritage listed country estates with magnificent scenery. Back to Mary and Aaron's getting quite weary. Mary and Geoff went off to IKEA to buy a chair while they had a big enough car to fit it in. Jan, Aaron and I had some toast and relaxed in the warm house. Another early night as we were very tired.
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  • Päivä 4

    UK day one

    14. helmikuuta 2018, Englanti ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

    Next leg of our journey was on Norwegian Air. We boarded the plane after a freshen up shower at Singapore airport. We got fed at the beginning of the flight then settled down to get as much sleep as possible. We all managed to get some sleep, before we were fed again.
    Finally we arrived in the UK. Mary and Aaron were there to meet us and after a coffee we headed off in the hire car to their house in Solihull. It was a fun drive with one stop for breakfast. Had a little drive around Mary and Aaron's previous neighbourhoods then we arrived at their house and as we got out of the car it started to snow. How exciting!!!! After some food and drink we had a bit of a sleep to get over our jetlag. It was cold and rainy which we enjoyed as we just had some fish and chips for dinner and enjoyed each other's company. Early to bed as we were very tired.
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  • Päivä 3

    Singapore day 2

    13. helmikuuta 2018, Singapore ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Ahhh what a lovely cool, comfortable night's sleep. Pathetically first things first we all checked our electronic devices then got ready for the buffet breakfast downstairs. After brekky we headed up to the rooftop pool to check out the view and pool facilities, very nice.
    We walked up the road to Kampong Glam and had a look around there before we tried to get a transit pass which proved to be more difficult than we thought, so we got a taxi to Gardens by the bay. This is the most magnificent place. We went on an audio trolley tour for 20 minutes which was great cause it was sooooo hot to walk around and Jan has a dicky knee. Next stop was the Cloud forest conservatory. It was amazing and so cool with a big waterfall and tropical plants including ferns and outstanding orchids.
    Time to have some lunch and a relax in air conditioned comfort.
    We then went on the walkway over to the Marina Bay Sands hotel and shopping centre. Hmmm a bit nice!!!! But I think I'll have to stick to katies and Jacqui E for my fashions!!!!
    Off to the airport to shower and relax and freshen up after an exhausting day out in the heat. Next leg of our journey starts at 10.50pm. UK here we come.
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  • Päivä 2


    12. helmikuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    After a hot steamy night at the Gold Coast it was an early start to head to the airport to begin the first leg of our adventure. Ann and Patrick dropped us off and in we went to board our Scoot flight to Singapore. As flights go it was very comfortable and seemingly quick.
    We booked in to our accommodation, hotel Destination in Beach road. Had a bit of a relax then headed out to Chinatown for a look and some dinner. It's nearly Chinese New Year so there were many decorations around. We had some lovely dumplings, fried rice and noodles.
    Even though we were tired, we pushed on and went to Gardens by the Bay for the light show. Such an amazing place and so many people out and about on quite a pleasant evening. Fatigue got the better of us, so we headed back to the hotel for a refreshing shower and a nice sleep.
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  • Päivä 1

    Jindalee, Australia

    27. tammikuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    On a very hot Australia day weekend we decided to take the boat for a trip down the Brisbane river. We launched the boat at Jindalee boat ramp, this is a very good facility. There is plenty of space for boat rigging and parking. There is a nice park as well with bbq and covered tables for picnics and toilet facilities. The launch was easy and once I parked the car and trailer we headed off down the river heading into the city.
    It's very different moving through the city on the river. The river meanders through the suburbs and it's a little disorientating to know where you are. Along the river the houses are magnificent and huge you would never see them like that from the streets.
    We moved past places like golf courses, Lone Pine sanctuary and the University of Queensland. That took us to the beginning of the city. As we approached the city we had to be more alert as there were the city ferries and rivercats to contend with. We went under all the bridges, pedestrian, train and auto. Past Southbank, Kangaroo Point cliffs, Eagle street pier and then under the Storey bridge. We continued past the suburbs all the way out to Bretts Wharf and past the P&O Pacific Dawn cruise ship.
    We headed back to meet up with Sue at West End boat ramp where we had some lunch under the shade of some Moreton Bay figs. We took Sue for a trip on the boat then dropped her back at West End.
    Back up the river to Jindalee boat ramp where we put the boat back on the trailer and that ended a lovely day in the boat on the Brisbane river.
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