Reunited with my Dane.

Ağustos - Eylül 2019
Emily tarafından 30 günlük bir macera Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 12

    Amazing day

    4 Eylül 2019, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Amazing day!!!
    Out of Lassa’s house at 2pm... it’s a slow start on my holidays now :)
    So hungover. Stopped at a Thai curry for breakfast?! Lunch and a beer to stop processing what happened last night!
    Caught the U-Bahn to the river and onto a boat. German information but I had German beer and curry sausages. 27 degrees and beautiful breeze on the river. Berlin is gorgeous from the river!
    So much more beautiful than by the hop on off bus!
    We disembarked by some sunflowers and actually spent 30 minutes doing a photo shoot. Was so much fun actually and I discovered portrait view on my mobile hahaha
    Waved to the boat guy when he noticed the tip Lasse had left 😁
    Had a wonder in the wrong direction. Stella and Lasse do suck at directions!
    Made it to Segesäule and walked around that. I need a coke!
    Got one. Short walk to the bus station and caught it one stop back to the Segesäule. Told you they were bad.
    Ok on another bus and into to Brandenbuger Tor (gate). Walked to the Jewish monument. OMG. I loved it. The feelings you get looking at it and walking through what feels like growing coffins. Very reflective space and so quiet.
    We went into the Museum. Not a sound. So respectful from all who are there.
    So so happy to have been taken here!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 12

    The night

    4 Eylül 2019, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Came out of the museum at dusk and we found an Indian restaurant for dinner.
    Hitler’s bunker was right around the corner so after dinner we walk there. It’s a car park now. So incredible that this was the hive of WW2 planning and destruction and now it’s a car park with a view of the Jewish monument. What a fuck you to Hitler.
    We walked back to the monument as it is so different in the dark. We started to walk through it but we all got a bit scared.
    Onto the train and off at the gate again.
    Beautiful in the night lights. I cannot believe that I a standing here and it bought a tear to my eye.
    We went to the gay part of town and above the train station is a rainbow! Awesome!
    Had a drink at a bar and then headed home. Big amazing incredible day!!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 13


    5 Eylül 2019, Almanya ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Ok so Mai Tai’s are certainly great... who doesn’t like a flaming drink! However they can put you on your ass pretty quickly 😂
    Tall glass and 3/4 full of alcohol 😬

    So today was a bit rough. Very late start to the day. We caught the train into Schönleinstraße and Lasse did warn us of the drug deals happening here. Quite a few people running around trying to get something and dealing in the open. Christiania has nothing on this train station!

    Found a hair dresser for Lasse and I but I started feeling so rotten I decided it wasn’t for me today.

    Walked in and apparently this was a woman’s hairdresser, the men’s was a few doors down. The area is quite Turkish so made sense.

    Lasse cut his hair off! Looks fantastic!!

    Ok I need to go home. Back to the train and Stell and Lessa put me on the bus home whilst they went off to buy some food and perfume.

    They returned a couple of hours later. I feel better and they bought all the food.

    We had a picnic in the lounge room!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 14

    Back home to Denmark

    6 Eylül 2019, Danimarka ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Sleep around 12:30pm then up at 4:30am to head to the airport.
    On the plane and off at 7:30. I am so amazed around the ease of travel between countries here. Quick passport check when showing my plane ticket and that’s it! Nothing at the other end either in Germany or Denmark. Not sure how I am supposed to fill my passport stamps this way but it’s certainly quick 😁

    Got in trouble though trying to board with carry on. Apparently we hadn’t paid for that. For $20 return not surprising. But... the machine didn’t work so no 25 Euro payment from me hahaha

    Was picked up and driven back to Nanna’s house by Anders which was just amazing and so lovely of him! We are pretty exhausted.

    It’s raining in Denmark so perfect day to relax and get ourself back on track after Berlin.

    Lazy day inside with us finally eating something healthy with lots of water!!

    Early night around 9pm.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 16


    8 Eylül 2019, Danimarka ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Spent the entirety of Saturday reading a book I bought at the airport in Germany ‘The shortest history of Germany’. Loved it. Clearly couldn’t put it down. From the dawn of writing to today. Great insight!

    We had breakfast with Nanna’s boyfriend Andreas and a friend of hers. Then pizza dinner with their cousin I had met at her Auties party Tina.

    Was a really good relaxing day!

    Yesterday we headed to the Moesguard museum. Bloody hell what a building. Grows out of the ground with grass all up its sloped roof which you can walk and relax on. Great view to the seas.
    The museum was great fun. History of people of Denmark and particularly Aarhus. Really well done! I got to the see the Grauballe man up close and personal. The Iron Age bog man. Fully preserved. They actually had to put him in a box under similar conditions to the bog (which holds no bacteria) to ensure he was fully leatherised and not shrink and lose his form. The best preserved man to date.

    The museum is interactive and fun. Ideal to learn about this area and greater Denmark!

    Into town and we found an all you can eat Sushi restaurant ( sounds bad but..) that you order through iPads. Absolutely delicious. Probably would have been cheap but we also ordered wine which was so nice we had a few 😁

    Back home to relax and hit the hay.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 17

    Sightseeing solo

    9 Eylül 2019, Danimarka ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Great day! Stella needed to study so I jumped a bus into town by myself! Yep all alone in this little non scary at all country :)
    Got a Telstra day pass for the internet and I was off! Found a barber and got my hair trimmed. Did think I got tourist prices but then later on my walked realised that was standard pricing (double Melbourne).
    Walking ‘what’s that wildmill? Oops I am at Gamble bi. I’m going there later with Stella.’ Ok there is the church tower. That is in the centre of town. Off I walk.
    God this city is beautiful. I am on a street lined with small coffee shops with people siting outside. I am getting hungry and even though I know almost everybody knows English I keep walking. Mum you would have been proud as I didn’t want to sit.
    Passed a little church with a gay painted bench out the front. Don’t see that everyday do you Andrew?
    Still aiming for the big church.
    I stopped in the square of the big church and bought a hot dog. Into 7/11 for a red bull. I know how to say hi ‘hej, pronounced hi and Tak. There were Americans in front of me so I seemed like a local 😁
    Into the church and I asked if I had to pay and they responded ‘only if you want to climb the tower. 150 steps.’ Of course I want to climb the tower are you kidding me?!
    Ok is it because I am almost 40 or I am unfit that I found this hard? Hrrrrrm best start to think about this. What better place than getting to the top and being the only one up there!!! 360 view and I am in the bell tower overlooking Aarhus!
    I kept sneaking under the bell to go to the otherside mindful that the bell may go off any moment.
    Sure enough as soon as I relaxed it did. Scared me. It only sounded once though. Missed it on the video.
    Back down (always easier). Oh there is a statue. Christian X. As I was about to take a picture a mini tour ground walked up. I thought if this is in English this is my lucky day.
    Sure bloody enough it was. Oh wow was the guide amazing!
    Be ready!

    Christian X King of Denmark though WW1 and WW2. Kept Denmark out of the first.
    During the second he stayed in Denmark when other countries Monarchs left under Nazi occupation. He even road the streets to let the people of Copenhagen know he was still there.
    Hitler apparently really liked the Denmark king and even sent him a letter for his birthday. To which the king responded via telegraph ‘thanks’. Not a fan back hahaha
    When asked for the Jews to wear the star Christian responded that, if that was so he would be the first to wear it. So Denmark Jews never had to.
    When asked to hand over the Jews the king refused and this was accepted.
    In 1944 the Danish parliament were requested to reinstate the death penalty but they refused so were dismissed. At this time the Nazis decided to round up the Danish Jews. A German general who disagreed with the policy let 2 parliamentarian know the date. The king then reached out to Sweden who I think the King was married to Christian’s sister (Mum find out) and asked them to accept the Danes. They of course said yes. Copenhagen Danes were transfered by any boat available. Those in Jutland were hidden through farms (the tour guide’s grandfather was one of them) to be transported then via boat to Sweden. 6000 in total missing only 500.
    500 Danes were rounded up by the Nazi’s and sent to a concentration camp. When the king heard this he was furious and ordered the Danish Red Cross to go to the camp and get his people back.
    They did what they were told and after touring the camp said to the commander ‘oh by the way we are taking our Danish Jews with us’. When asked on who’s authority they replied Christian the tenth King of Denmark. They left with the 500 Danes and 200 Norwegians and got to Sweden before they were thwarted.
    In all I think it was 48 or 68 Danish Jews died in the war. What a statue to stop at!!

    Off to meet Stella now at Den gamle By (but I’m tired now so will tell you later).
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 17

    Den Gamle By

    9 Eylül 2019, Danimarka ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Got to the entrance of Den Gamle By just as it started pouring with rain. Had to dorn ponchos :)

    Open-air museum

    Den Gamle By (The Old Town) is a national open-air museum of urban history and culture in Denmark through three centuries. The museum consists of more than 75 historic houses relocated from all over Denmark.

    Dated from the mid-1500s to around the late 1800s, each with their own story. Inside the houses you can see the interior decorating, the house plants and the clothings of various periods from before the 1900s.

    Besides the historic houses and the appartments in the 1974 section, there are more than 34 workshops and shops as well as a pharmacy, a school, a post office, a telephone exchange, a jazzbar and much more. Furthermore the museum has its own theater, the Elsinore Theatre, which is used for opera, chamber concerts, festivals etc.

    It was amazing! Filled with old houses that we could walk through and read the stories! They have even moved places now from the 1970s which I thought was an amazing idea as though they are not that old yet they are nostalgic and will be old in another 30 years!

    We had so much fun walking through the town in the rain! Stopped into the bar for a quick beer and to dry off. Down underground so warm and cosy. They have jazz here at Christmas. Mum we are coming here not this year next!!! Winter Christmas!

    I loved the old town!

    Into town with a stop off at the gay chair in front of the church then onwards for a vegan cafe restaurant that Nanna had given Stell for her birthday.

    Simply amazing day in Denmark
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 18

    Tattoo day

    10 Eylül 2019, Danimarka ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    11am and at the tattoo shop. In the chair by 12 and had the Tattooist laughing. He was great value! I even got an Australian discount :) (think it was smaller than they thought I wanted but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it).

    He was amazing. Very tender spot in the inner centre of the arm but did not hurt anywhere near what I expected.

    Sick Rick was his name and I could not be happier with the outcome.

    Stella also got a tattoo but hated the line work on it. Luckily Rick stepped up and went over it fixing it right up!

    Burger afterwards then home for a home cooked meal with Nanna and Stella.

    Another great day and with a memory etched on my arm.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 21

    Last day in Denmark

    13 Eylül 2019, Danimarka ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Woke up and helped Stella’s mum organise plants for the markets onto 4 shelving units whilst Stella made breakfast.

    We got the road around 11am to head to Toring where Stella’s brother Martin lives so I could meet him.

    He was great and had the most amazing LEGO collection that would make people jealous. We went for a walk and picked up a soda then wondered back. Unfortunately we didn’t have a long time to spend there but I am so glad we made the trip and I got to meet him!

    At the train station we said our goodbyes to Stella’s mum and made the journey back to Aarhus and Nanna’s house.

    We had the most amazing night!

    Nanna cooked one pot. Tina, Nicholas and Andrea’s were there and we ate and drank until midnight. We danced and sang in the lounge room and the feelings were nothing but happiness. We laughed A LOT!

    Was an amazing last night and I am so thankful to Stella’s family for making me feel so so welcome into their homes and family!
    Okumaya devam et