To Bali & beyond....

tammikuuta - kesäkuuta 2024
with Anne & Edie. Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 19


    15. helmikuuta, Intia ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Not much happening this morning, so I decided to set off to the Vellore flower market by tuk tuk. We pulled up to what might have been it, but everything was shut & covered up. The tuk tuk driver was clearly out of ideas, so I asked the nearby fruit vendor & off we went again. He pulled up at the corner of what looked to be a long market street selling just about anything you might want. He said, "Go down, left, right, flower market. I wait here!" So I set off; the only European in the whole place. I did as instructed & had to ask for further directions & ended up in a very narrow, covered market which wove its way on & on. I was terrified of getting lost & felt overwhelmed & a bit intimidated. So I turned back buying some rambutan, grapes & a couple of scarves as some retail therapy. It was a fascinating trip, but I was glad to be deposited back to the hotel. 😅Lue lisää

  • Päivä 23


    19. helmikuuta, Intia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    It was with very mixed feelings that I decided to come home as planned. The decision was made plain to me as I saw that Anne & Edie were very well supported by an incredible group of humans. This experience, though brutal for Anne physically, mentally & emotionally and painful for me to witness, brought many lasting lessons for us both. Not the least for me - trust & patience. I shall be forever grateful for a small group of incredible women who quickly became friends & supported me beautifully & for Anne's partner Praveen, who quite simply is an Angel.
    My last morning started early with a visit to the old, original temple. It was quiet, no-one around except for priests & guards & women quietly preparing the temple & grounds for the day. Anne materialised & we witnessed a quiet blessing for the temple cows which happens, twice a day, every day, no matter what. The main cow had lost a calf a few days before, so the ceremony was extra poignant as she was painted & bestowed with mantra, flowers & music. We moved then into a smaller temple for an Aarti ceremony. The Aarti is performed by a priest waving lighted wicks soaked in ghee before the idol accompanied by various musical instruments, mantra & expressive songs which praise The God. Blessings from the lights were given to us also & we were given the opportunity to name those we wished to bless also. A beautiful, gentle experience. 🌸
    A quick breakfast with the kids & it was into a car for a 4 hour drive to Bangalore. My driver was keen to practise his English so I learnt a lot about India & the area along the way. A full pressure hot shower was joyfully received upon arrival at the Hyatt for an overnight stay. Woo Hoo! A bit of an explore close by & then to bed for the long day travelling home began. Bangalore airport was quite the surprise - large, modern, beautifully decorated with cane lamps & structures flowing from the ceiling. Light, bright, efficient & not at all crowded. I was near tears as the plane with the red kangaroo slid into the gate. And so ended a pretty epic 3 weeks on all levels. I experienced every emotional state I knew of and more. Many great experiences, beautiful people met & lessons learnt which will remain deep within forever.
    🇮🇳 🧡🤍💚 🇮🇳
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  • Päivä 32

    A few more photos to finish up

    28. helmikuuta, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    1. The public entrance to the Golden Temple. As international visitors staying at the ashram, we had a private back way in with no security check.
    2. The entire place is called Sripuram with the Golden Temple at its core. Around the Temple you can see a star shape. It is a beautiful covered walkway for (theoretically) contemplation & prayer. Not advisable to go on weekends when it is very crowded & lots of teenagers who didn't get the contemplation memo!
    3. Sri Lakshmi Narayani Golden Temple. The reflection in the surrounding water is of course stunning.
    4. A lovely picnic spot.
    5. My girl gang! Amazing, kind humans. 💕
    6. These tiny flowers littered the lawn outside my room before being swept up with all the other fallen leaves & flowers by smiling ladies.
    7. Rice paddy & mountain view on the road to the Ayurvedic Treatment Centre where one can have all kinds of things done. Full body oil massage + sauna in an old fashioned wooden box for A$20!
    8. This is Shushumna, my 90 year old New Yorker pal who took me under her wing. Here she is planting trees for the forest. She has been coming here for 22 years, since the beginning of it all! She rides a pink bicycle called Hazel. 💕
    9. I spent some time helping Grade 6 with their reading. They really didn't need much help - just a bit of vocab explained. I think they enjoyed having me??😂
    10. Colourful view from the school window.
    P.S. I was very impressed with the school. These kids are sharp & their demonstrations of what they can do with abacuses (?) & how well this instrument serves their mental arithmetic skills later on, were quite plainly, awesome - lightning fast. Edie was gobsmacked & she & I were still calculating as they moved onto the next sum!! The yoga exhibition was amazing too. Not surprising as the kids practise everyday. They meditate daily too alongside lessons in AI!! India's future is bright 🌞.
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