The Marrakesh Express

septiembre 2017
Una aventura de 11 días de Hazel and Ted's Journeys Leer más
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  • Día 1

    Manchester Airport

    20 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    Well .... here we are six months later. Following our aborted March trip (broken fibula on the first day, no less!) we are making another attempt at a Great Railway Journey to the Imperial Cities of Morocco. At present, Ted and I are sitting in Terminal 1awaiting the 17.35 to Marrakesh. Following a tagine (Ted) and an indifferent Caesar salad (Hazel) the world looks rosy after a large glass of vino! In no time at all, well three and a half hours, we were once more en route to The Hotel Es Saadi via the very smart arrivals hall of the Menara Airport. Once more we entered the security gate of the hotel, once more it buzzed madly at us and the bags and once more the guard smilingly ushered us in saying it didn't matter- good job I left the bomb at home then! 😂Leer más

  • Día 2

    Relaxation Day!

    21 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    So today was all about having a rest. Breakfast was outside mostly, which I don't think was an option back in March, but it was just as lovely and I bet the gardens were even more beautiful a couple of months ago if the amount of now faded bourganvillea flowers are anything to go by. We also found the hotel shop and bought a Telegraph, a book and a fridge magnet. Ted moaned about the price of the paper (especially as it was yesterday's!) but proceeded to read it from cover to cover! 😏
    We took up our position by the pool where we stayed, apart from a short lunch break, for most of the day. Two swims each in the pool when the sun burnt through the clouds and some 💤!
    We saw the Gatwick crew arrive just after 1 pm, looking tired and dishevelled after their early flight and felt very pleased with ourselves for being there another night and being fully rested today. Checked in with Irene the Tour Manager and Aziz the local guide and reminisced about the March misadventure! Longer chat with Irene later, which was very entertaining, about previous disasters she has encountered as a tour manager in various countries and I can only say when Legionnaires' Disease and Death were mentioned that I got off lightly with the broken fibula 6 months' ago!
    Met the group with the communal evening meal at 8pm-well, 3 other couples of the group anyway. Better meal than in March as there were 3 choices for every course. On to Day 3 .......
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  • Día 3

    Marrakech Medina or Return to the scene

    22 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Memories of 6 months' ago were fresh in our minds this morning as we retraced our steps with Aziz to the Medina. I took a photo of the offending man-hole cover and felt the ghost had been laid as we traversed into the Bahia Palace. Plenty of history plus present day facts from Aziz plus dodging the attentions of the souvenir sellers, especially the one with the most life-like wriggling wooden 🐍 - horrible! The morning tour finished with a visit to the Apothecary with an interesting talk and chance to buy the various wares which, of course, everyone did. The chance to anoint my gammy worn out hip with a magic elixir was just too tempting although no-one came forward to purchase the Moroccan version of Viagra we noticed!!Leer más

  • Día 3

    Evening at the Medina

    22 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    To say I was bothered about the snakes would be an understatement! !!🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
    However, as Irene the Tour Manager, has a similar aversion, I stuck close to her and only saw what could have been one of the little blighters from a distance whilst more robust members of the group paid good money to put them round their necks! How could they?! However, the sights, sounds and smells of the main square were fantastically Moorish, inviting, romantic and thrilling otherwise with story tellers, street hawkers, actors, Mendi painters and countless other people gathering as dusk settled. The typical Moroccan restaurant served up typically Moroccan food (with alcohol!) and both the "musician" and the belly dancer took a fancy to Ted! Back to the hotel with alarms set for an early start to Casablanca!Leer más

  • Día 4


    23 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    An early start! Cases outside the door by 7.15, breakfast, then off to the station to catch the 8.20 to Casablanca. Fabulous station building remembered from the Michael Portillo programme. Old fashioned train in compartments for 6 and into Casablanca by just after 12.30pm. Landscape on the way barren but punctuated by irrigated areas of greenery. The 3 major industries are Tourism, Agriculture and Phosphate exportation in that order. Unable to see the mounds of white phosphate as they were obscured by mist but a lot of it is on the way to Casablanca.
    Casablanca is a very modern and smart city with 5 million people. King of Saudi Arabia has his holiday home there and there are lots of very prosperous residences with swimming pools in the way to The Corniche-the promenade really-where we had our lunch at a hotel. Various types of fried fish for all with salad and fruit. We had stopped at the "heart" of the city (Mohammed V Square) with its fantastic fountains, for photos but after lunch went to visit the iconic Hassan II Mosque which is absolutely huge, built over the sea and occupies 9 hectares. We had a comprehensive tour and talk of the mosque and ablutions! Rick's cafe ( not the original!) scene if the film Casablanca was photographed from the bus then it was on to Rabat for a two night stay.
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  • Día 5


    24 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Rabat is the capital of Morocco where the Parliament sits and the King's Palace is. After a bit of a disappointing breakfast here at The Farah Hotel we set forth at 10 am for an interesting tour of the places of interest. Firstly, was the unfinished tower and mausoleum of Hassan II and Mohammed V who died in the 90s and 60s respectively. We took pictures of the guards, some on horseback and those who guard the tomb. Following this was a walk in the Medina to the Casbah down the picturesque, if fraught with dangerous potholes,
    cobbled alleyways. There are numerous cats, looking thin and scraggy, whom the locals feed. Cats are preferred to dogs as pets as they are thought to be much cleaner creatures. We had a view of the beach and river estuary with Rabat on one side and Sale on the other. The temperature was steadily climbing and there was a welcome breeze here overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Now it was time to call in at a local cafe and partake of mint tea and locally made almond biscuits which were delicious although the guy collecting the money didn't necessarily have change and didn't really feel he should give you any anyway! After this we walked past where scenes of Mission Impossible 6 and Black Hawk down were filmed and then onto the grounds of the Royal Palace. Lunch was at a local restaurant and Ted partook of the meatballs (recommended dish) and I had the less appetising chicken tagine. Return to the hotel now and free time allotted to us for good behaviour so Ted and I sat by the rooftop pool. We were soon joined by several agreeable members of the group and spent a pleasant afternoon in the sun with a swim. Dinner at the hotel's Italian restaurant tonight.
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  • Día 6

    On to Tangiers!

    25 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    9am start with a 3 hour drive to Tangiers-too many delays with the train apparently! Visited the Caves of Hercules and the lighthouse at Spartel Cape on the way to lunch. This was another set meal with salad, a Moroccan chicken dish in a filo pastry case with icing sugar and cinnamon which made it sweet, followed by water melon. After this we did a walking sight seeing tour of Tangiers through the Kasbah, saw the grand banyan tree in Mendoubia Gardens and the Grand Socco. On then to the hotel which is a bit remote on top of a hill across the bay from the Port. Ted and I took our own cases up to the room instead of waiting for the porters so that we could be first out on the deserted but lovely poolside. In fact the whole hotel appears to be a little deserted! Just our group filtering out to have a swim and a sunbathe in the last dying rays.Leer más

  • Día 7

    Destination Chefchaouen!

    26 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    So an earlyish start to Fes but calling at The Blue City of Morocco, Chefchaouen. This is one of the most visited cities in the world apparently, said to be a cultural melting pot with blends of Jewish, Islamic, Moroccan and Spanish influences evident in the city. Two and a half hours by bus then met by a "local" guide who led us through the city ("lovely jubbly" being his favourite phrase!) but who was quickly but quietly "set aside" by Aziz who did all the talking! Didn't stop our friendly local guide from gathering in a goodly amount of tips as he said goodbye at the lunch restaurant!Leer más

  • Día 7

    Lunch in Chefchaouen then on to Fes

    26 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Lunch was again a set menu with huge plates of salad followed by a tasty chicken tagine then yoghurt with nuts and honey. So many salads and vegetables are not doing our digestive systems any favours so I partook of the first course sparsely, as did a few others who are suffering in varying degrees with Moroccan "belly"! The restaurant waiters were very hardworking and eager to please and it was a typical local place serving typical local dishes. We wandered on some more through the delightful "blue" streets before the call to prayer halted Aziz's pearls of wisdom in the main square. There was only time to have 20 mins or so to ourselves to soak up the atmosphere but it was hot and we were all anxious to get to our next destination of Fes-a mere 3 and a half hours further on so .... back to the bus. We didn't arrive in Fes until past 6.30 pm so only time for a quick wash and brush up before the buffet dinner.Leer más

  • Día 8

    The Artisans of Fes

    27 de septiembre de 2017, Marruecos ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Fes is one of Morocco's oldest cities founded in about 809AD. The present King's wife is from Fes and, as there is yet another Royal Palace here, the King is often here. So we started off looking at the grand gateway of the Palace then followed Aziz and his two local helpers through the, at times, very narrows streets of the city. UNESCO has made it a World Heritage site and helps to fortify any crumbling buildings as structures within the Medina cannot be changed. At times we were instructed to keep well into the right or left of a street by the shout of "Ballac" or that's what it sounded like, as a laden mule would come bowling through at a fast pace and one was in danger of being flattened!! Today was all about visiting the various artisan workshops where a demonstration was given then a chance to buy the wares. First stop was in the bronze/silver metal work shop where it was revealed that 37 workers from this firm had partaken in working on the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. We were shown some beautiful plates of all sizes (to suit all purses!) and some silver teapots, the latter being subjected to a battering from a strong file to show how it would not be damaged or tarnish because it was a good quality silver (not plated!) teapot. I, of course, fell for this and bought one along with matching plate to put it on. Second up was the inside of a traditional Berber house which happened to be a carpet factory. My worst fears were confirmed when, after a demo of the most beautiful carpets, mint tea all round and an invitation to use the "facilities", no-one was up for making a purchase, unlike the flurry of sales at the metal workers. The owners of the factory and their underlings desperately tried to worm their way into our hearts, bringing out more and more carpets, thinner ones, cheaper ones etc until we were in danger of drowning in carpets and Ted and I had to make an exit to escape the embarrassment. On then to the tannery! Here we gratefully accepted a large sprig of mint to waft under our noses before climbing up about 3 floors of the leather wares shop to reach the viewing platform above the very smelly tanneries below. Thank goodness someone in the group also had a pot of Vick to help out. Then it was purses, bags, jackets, slippers, belts, or boots-whatever anyone wanted to haggle for and eventually buy or not buy. Last stop was the silk shop with a weaving demo and scarves and pashminas for sale. Some had lost the will to live by this time and were getting a little shirty when pressed by the shop owners to buy but it's all part of the culture. We had also seen the dyers street where material was being actively dyed and Aziz took us to the bakery and we all had a piece of bread. Time, at last, to go back to the bus and wend our weary way out to the pool and a spot of lunch. This "5 star" hotel is a bit hit and miss service wise so a few problems for some as about 20 people all descended on the unsuspecting pool bar staff! However, snoozettes by the pool were then in order for a couple of hours before it was time to get ready for the evening meal and show out.

    We gathered in the hotel foyer at 7.45pm and were transported to the Jewish quarter where we had started the day for our meal and evening entertainment. It was a most beautiful building inside with a stage for the "turns"! My appetite is not the best at the moment and I felt neither Ted or I did it justice really. Starter was cooked vegetable salad which was very nice and varied followed by 2 main courses, yes 2, and BOTH chicken. The first was the sweet one cooked in the thin pastry that we had in Rabat and the second was the chicken tagine with olives and preserved lemons which we had also somewhere else. Dessert was fresh bananas, peaches and grapes and then some almondy biscuits. The restaurant had now filled up with Australians and other tourists although we had all the front tables. A local band played all through the meal (traditional Arabic music) then another band came on. We were particularly amused by the man who appeared to be playing a large pair of kitchen scissors and were desperate for him to do a solo but unfortunately he did not have the chance to do so! So on to the, shall we say mature, belly dancer who was very good and dragged the older men then the younger women up onto the stage to put them through their paces. Ted beat a hasty retreat (remembering his Marrakesh experience!) and watched from the back! A magician with a dove came on and did some good tricks especially with a glass of water folliwed by a younger and more scantily clad belly dancer/fire eater - equally at home with both skills it turned out. About 10.30 pm we filed out dutifully to the coach and so to bed! Alarm set for another 8.45 am start.
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