Cambodia 2019

7月 2019
Off to Cambodia to ride bikes and not acquire an infectious disease もっと詳しく
  • 15足跡
  • 3
  • 15日間
  • 85写真
  • 0動画
  • 15.1千キロ
  • 14.4千キロ
  • 日10

    Bokor Mountain Challenge

    2019年7月10日, カンボジア ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Up early for the pre-ordered breakfast which was a little slowing in coming but one of the nicest we’ve had in Cambodia, Baguettes and Jam, Fruit, lovely coffee and an omelette. By about 730 we were ready to head off to Bokor Mountain National Park for the “Hill Climb Challenge”.
    The first leg of the journey was down the main road for about 8km, the traffic was busy but nothing like leaving Phnom Penh and we were soon at the gateway despite the brisk headwind… then the REAL challenge began – a 20km stiff climb, up and up and up some 1300m steadily climbing to the “Big Buddha” (which is actually a famous Buddhist Nun). It was really rather a hard slog, but still beautiful riding up through the tropical vegetation with intermittent views to the coast and ocean below as well as the amazing sounds of birdlife. It was pretty warm (around 32 degree) and quite humid but there was a stiff breeze which was cooling (although unhelpful being head on!). My gears being basically… well stuffed… meant that the lowest I could go was 3:4, thank heavens I prefer to power rather than spin.
    I have to admit I was pretty pleased with myself not only to make it all the way up without having to resort to the van, to do it in under 2 hours and be first by more than 20 minutes! Deb did amazingly well to, again making it all the way and in around 2 and half hours. At the top (or as far as we were going) we had a decent break, and a visit to the Big Buddha Nun. Then it was time to descend…. Ok so I might be a good climber, but I am not good at going down and have the honour of being last (although I did stop for a few photos) … I have the peddle when most people can just roll and I tend to slow more on the corners. My average speed was about 40km/hrs so heaven only knows how fast some of the others were going down the very steep and windy road. Back at the gateway we regrouped and with a fantastic tailwind we had a nice quick sprint back to Kampot and Hotel Pippali.
    A swim was in order (the pool is rather lovely) and then showered and changed Deb and I had a walk down the road to café espresso where we enjoyed a late lunch and a coffee with 4 other riders (the food was western but tasty, I had a falafel salad and an affogato. Deb and I along with another rider (Carmen who is from South Africa via the UK and is a trainee GP from Bristol) then went into town for a massage, we came across seeing hands, a ramshackle place staffed by visually impaired massage people who provided a clothed, 1 hour, deep pressure massage for $6. It bloody hurt at the time as they seemed to find all my most tender bits, but boy was it effective. By the time it was done there was just time to make it back to the hotel for our 1720hrs meet up with Hoem. Just as we were about to head out the afternoon rain came pelting in – but then had a 15 minute break (most conveniently) to allow us to walk into town to the river boat he had arranged for us. The rain came again – even more robustly – for about the next 20minutes then stopped for the evening allowing us to enjoy a cruise up the river (hilariously clearing the bridges by mere inches – even more hilarious was the fact we were sitting on the roof of the boat at the time and anyone who wasn’t sitting on the floor would have been swiped off the boat!). Costing he princely sum of $5 – which included 2 cans of beer – the “point” of the trip was to see the sunset (the weather precluded that pretty much) and then see the fire flies. The latter we did see – a single tree’s worth but they were definitely fire flies. We were able to arrange food as well as beer and I enjoyed a green mango and prawn salad while Deb had some fried rice. Once the cruise was finished we walked up to the Night Market where I had a Nutella and banana crispy crepe thing and then we found a supermarket where Deb was able to get an salted caramel magnum. Then it was back to the hotel for bed.

  • 日11

    Salt fields and cooking class

    2019年7月11日, カンボジア ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    It was a lovely relaxed start to the day, after a rather good night’s sleep I was wide awake at 0600hrs and decided to get up and do the exercises I have been neglecting (owing to all the riding is my… not very good… excuse) and then swam a few laps of the pool. Breakfast was a leisurely affair and again delicious, we all enjoyed taking our time and chatting before being kitted out for our morning visit to another NGO – this time the Chumkriel Language School at the salt fields. It was a very pleasant and easy 5 km ride out of Kampot to the Chumkriel Language School (CLS) at the salt fields. The school, which started in 2005 in a small classroom, began by teaching English to 100 children. Today it has a dedicated school building, agricultural garden and sports field, and is teaching a comprehensive curriculum to the children of the local community, including teaching English to over 500 children. The philosophy of the organisation is of a hand-up rather than a hand-out, and at present they are able to offer; Daily classes in Khmer subjects, health & hygiene, and basic English for over 100 primary-age children. A library where reading skills are fostered. Computer classes for secondary students. English classes attended by over 500 children. A sports field for informal recreation and organized sports. A garden to teach children and their families how to grow their own vegetables. A Soup Kitchen providing daily lunch for 31 children. Free transport from the salt fields to the government school for up to 30 local children and scholarships for children to attend high school or university. We spent about an hour or so there learning about the work they do. The salt field workers have been hit very hard by climate change adding the difficulties of their lives. The altered whether patterns have meant rains in the wrong seasons and so very little salt has been able to be made from the fields and hence there is no wages for the workers.
    We rode back to town and then Deb and I headed off for another massage (a half hour foot reflexology treatment – divine) and then browsed a few shops before finding our way to Deva Café for lunch. This was way across the other side of the river but was worth the walk. It was a quirky place, the café was on the side of a busy road and looked like a kids tree house but the food was sensational – we enjoyed sangria and a banana flower salad and some stir-fried mushrooms and coconut ice-cream to finish. Described as a sanctuary for women. The Banteay Srey Project operates as a vocational training centre for Cambodian women, providing them with well-paid jobs and many ongoing training opportunities. The Project runs three social enterprises including a women’s spa, yoga studio, and a vegan café. The spa and cafe offer an ideal opportunity for Khmer girls coming from difficult circumstances to work and develop themselves in a peaceful, restorative environment. At the project, trainees are given step-by-step instruction to develop skills. Through providing high quality services to foreign guests and communicating in English, they develop confidence, cultivate a new sense of self-esteem and learn useful skills for future employment. They are given excellent working conditions, medical benefits, maternity care, and a fair salary.
    After lunch we had to leg it back to the hotel – halfway back Deb realised she had forgotten her drink bottle and had to grab a Tuk-Tuk to go back for it while I dashed back to the hotel while working out where we were going and letting Deb know. It all worked out as we all ended up at the Kampot Pepperpot and Seafood Restaurant at the designated time for our cooking class.
    First we had to decide what we wanted to cook and then we travelled by Tuk-Tuk to the local market were we purchased our ingredients. The market was very local with mud, cats, rats, holes in the roof and everything from gold jewellery to beef liver up for sale – I think some of the group were overwhelmed but it was GREAT, I wish I had more time to go back and explore and the confidence to purchase there.
    Back at the restaurant we got stuck in to making our meal. We did a baked egg custard (but with palm sugar and coconut cream and baked in a small pumpkin. We then prepared our starters – mine was an tiger prawn and eggplant warm salad and then it was Fish Amok for mains. Once we had done the cooking, which was great fun, we then did the eating, which was even more fun although way too much delicious food…mmm.
    Totally stodged full it was back to the hotel for some work, some wine and a swim, followed by more work and I have to admit more wine…… last day on tour tomorrow… so sad!

  • 日12

    Final day on the bikes

    2019年7月12日, カンボジア ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    We had pre-ordered breakfast so we were packed and ready to eat by 630… the food was delicious (omelette, fantastic coffee and baguettes and fresh fruit) but the service was a bit haphazard – never mind, I really liked this hotel, the pool was great and the rooms were cool and comfortable.
    Heading out at about 0715hrs our first leg was 20km to the pepper farm “La Plantation”. The day seemed a little cooler although there was some wind. Initially we had sealed roads but then lest the bitumen and headed down some attractive unpaved roads through the country side, fantastic views of farms and salt fields as we made the gradual climb to La Plantation. The farm is a certified organic sustainable agritourism business – with a social conscious. Started less than a decade ago by a French couple, the farm aims to restore the Kampot pepper trade which was lost under the Khmer Rouge. The farm grows pepper, chillies, turmeric, lemongrass and has plantings of mango and bananas being established. The have water buffolos … which they use to manure the crops and make an organic pest control when combined with a local herb. We were given a tour of the farm and learned all about pepper growing and harvest. We also had a chance to taste and buy some pepper.
    Back on the bikes the second leg was another 20km… back tracking down the unsealed road the utility of the traditional Cambodian Khema cotton scarf. Woven in a checked pattern, the scarf has seen a lot of use while riding, sun protection, sweat band, head cooler, towel, wash cloth and today dust mask as we shared the dusty roads with a hoard of trucks. However we soon seemed to cut through on the back roads and emerged on the main sealed road to Kep. Kep is a coastal town which was founded in the early 190’s by the French as retreat from the heat of Phnom Penh. Today it is known for it’s beach and it’s crab market and it was the latter we headed for when we arrived at about 1200hrs. we wandered the bustling market which again had a very local feel (think cluttered, dirty, bustling and loud – it was ACE). Some of the groups were a little cautious but others were up for it … I tried squid sticks, prawns, fish pancake with pickle, coconut cake and a doughnut all washed down with local beer – delish!!!
    The final leg of the day was advertised as 20km (but was closer to 25… Liar liar.. pants on fire Brett… just kidding) we started on the bitumen and then followed a series of unsealed roads down the coast. The area was quite exposed and the wind a little stiff which was VERY annoying but by the same token at least it was cooling coming off the sea and the views were amazing. We continued until the road just stopped… it literally just stopped with no explanation. Then it was time for what Brett calls single track riding… through fields, paddies and salt pans on rutted tracks about 6inches wide before we emerged on a deserted stretch of beach were we could rest in the cool of a shelter for 10 minutes – it was just lovely. From there it was a little more of the same until we reached a scruffy little fishing village and then turned inland for a few kms before emerging on the main road… from this point it was about another 7km to the boarder with an “almost” tailwind – waa hooo!
    The Boarder marked the end of the ride for Deb and I and 2 other participants while Brett and 5 others were bid farewell and crossed the boarder into Vietnam. I felt sad to see them go – I don’t want to ”get off the bike”.. I wish now that I had signed up for the full trip to Saigon… ah well… I’ll just have to start saving for the next trip!
    We ducked into the Casino (Vietnamese money and “hostesses” in abundance there!) and I was amused when the security guard tried to make me go into the men’s toilet ….. hmmm clearly I have to work on my image… perhaps I should start wearing more pink!!. Then it was onto the bus for the 3 hour+ drive back to Phnom Penh and Mito Hotel… which turned out to be definitely more than 3 hours and a rather unpleasant experience with crazy traffic, a non-airconditioned, bus, cramped conditions and no “happy room” breaks… but thank heavens we made it at last!
    Arriving at Mito Hotel we were met by Sam, a Tik-tuk driver friend of Hoem’s who will take us for a tour tomorrow and who will also drive us to the airport on Sunday. Then check in quick shower and out to dinner.
    We decided to have another go at Palm Sugar (the Phnom Penh branch) the place was deserted and having got used to happy hour cocktails we couldn’t come at paying a whole $5 (with no rooftop ambience) so we had a glass of wine each (Australian merlot!) go with a delicious shared meal of shrimp cakes, green mango salad and Khmer fish curry. After our meal we headed off to the FCC for a cocktail at the rooftop bar accompanied by lime and pepper ice cream for me and mango and ginger for Deb. After one drink, and sick of the thumping from the bar across the road we went for a wander to Le Moon, where we had another cocktail (and a heap of water – I think we were both very dry!) while enjoying the roof top ambience and the great views of the river and then it was time to head back to the hotel and bed!

  • 日13

    Penultimate day in Cambodia

    2019年7月13日, カンボジア ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Bit of an ordinary night’s sleep and then up at 0600hrs to do the much neglected exercises which left me feeling much better. The café was packed and noisy when we went down and so we enjoyed of breakfast out on the balcony in company with the local stray cat (there are SO many in Phnom Penh and many seem to have short, stubby and/or deformed tails – apparently it is due to a recessive gene related to the “Japanese bobtail” breed and affects over 80% of cats in the city and is in fact common throughout the country and indeed all of southeast Asia.
    At 0800hrs we were picked up by Sam the Tuk-Tuk driver who took us through the totally insane traffic to The Killing Fields which are about 15km south of the city and were the site of more than 20,000 executions between 1975 and 1979. I won’t say that it was a “good” thing to do, but it felt necessary and was certainly worthwhile. Interestingly the audio commentary echoed my feelings in that the speaker said that Cambodian people appreciated the fact that visitors took the time to come and hear the stories and learn of the genocide atrocity. Although it was only one of many “killing fields” throughout Cambodia during the civil war, the site now stands as a permeant memorial for the 3 million or more Cambodians who were killed under Pol Pot. Known as Choeung Ek, the centre houses the remains of 8985 people murdered and buried in mass graves. When exhumed in 1980, many of the bodies were apparently still bound and blindfolded, there was evidence that most were bludgeoned to death to save money on bullets. Those who didn’t die immediately were drenched in DDT and then buried. Currently 43 of the communal graves have been left untouched and over time, fragments of human bone and clothing have risen, and are now clearly visible; a very obvious sign of the horrors which occurred – staff collect these items every few months. The most gruesome component of the killing fields was the killing tree, which was used to beat children and babies against before they were thrown into the mass graves, there theory being that the entire family must be killed so that there was no one left to seek revenge. In the middle of the Killing Fields is the Memorial Stupa which contains more than 8000 skulls arranged by sex and age. It is an horrific yet peaceful tribute and I felt move to light incense and make a small donation.
    Back in the Tuk-Tuk it was back to the city and off to the Russian Market… this was essentially a tourist trap and after a quick wander and an essentially fruitless search for the elusive metal pepper grinder I saw in Siem Reap we went back to the Tuk-Tuk. Sam helped use to buy a big bag of fruit (Cambodian prices - $2.25!) and then we went and checked out a pepper shop (again no luck). We were getting a bit hot and cranky by then and a little over Sam’s ranting about the evils of the Vietnamese (also it was hard to hear what he was saying in the Tuk-Tuk so I think I missed about every third word. Realising that we were in street 240 which is know for it’s social enterprise shops we asked him to pull over and let us have a wander… we also suggested that he might like to pop home to check on his son who he had expressed health concerns about (we sent some of our copious supply of banana’s with him. We wandered street 240 until we came across a Belgian Chocolatier and coffee shop (which had soy milk – happy dance for Deb). We took a table outside and ordered drinks and a chocolate each and then surreptitiously tucked into our fruit… Mangosteen, Longan and Bananas … yummo.
    After we had eaten, we browsed the rest of the shops and then were collected by Sam again at about 1300hrs. Next stop was Wat Phnom which is a Buddhist temple which was built in 1372, and which stands on an artificial hill some 27 metres above the ground. It is the tallest religious structure in the city and is considered the central point of Phnom Penh – we had a bit of a wander there, enjoying the quiet and the cooling breeze. Finally, we got Sam to drop us at the Royal Palace… the elaborate complex of buildings is the residence of the Royal Family and has strict rules for visiting including that the arms must be covered. Deb as wearing a sleeveless dress but had a scarf to cover herself – this was deemed insufficient and the suggestion seemed to be that she buy or hire an ugly cotton sack top. At this point we decided to give up on the whole idea and got a refund and headed off to have a massage. Sam had warned us to avoid the “casual” massage places which offered $3-$5 treatments on the basis that a) the staff didn’t know what they were doing and b) would steal your stuff while you were distracted. With this in mind we chose a place which looked a bit more reputable … however although they definitely didn’t pinch our stuff, I am not sure they were anymore skilled. My practitioner was a very large young lady and as the massage involved her sitting on me, I was rather concerned that something might get broken – i.e. me! The treatment which was supposed to be neck, shoulders and back seemed also to involve the arm, legs and feet (so possibly not the best grasp of anatomy) and also incorporated at lot of rather odd squeezing and poking … all rather odd really but we both seem undamaged and somewhat looser through the back and legs.
    It looked like it was going the thunder so we dashed off to the “5 Drunk Men” skybar overlooking the river to wait it out and to enjoy the 2 for 1 Papaya Margarita deal. The rain didn’t eventuate and as the bar only seemed to do unappealing western bar food we googled “Skybars Phnom Penh” and came up with “Eclipse” which was, as it turned out, worth the 3km cross town hike. Situaated on the 23rd floor of the Phnom Penh Tower, the bar is open air and boasts amazing 360 degrees views of the city. We arrived during “Happy Hour” and enjoyed a Singapore Sling each ($3 – generously sized and not watered down) and then a Mai Tai for Deb and a Sangria for me. We also ordered food which was surprisingly good – prawns and fried rice for Deb, seared squid and fresh Kampot peppers for me and spring rolls to share, followed up with the Dragon fruit we had bought at the market. We just chilled at the bar for a while before walking back to the hotel to get organised for departure day tomorrow!

  • 日15

    And home again!

    2019年7月15日, オーストラリア ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    I have to say I woke up on Sunday morning feeling pretty rough… I am not sure if it was the pepper and chilli from the previous evening’s meal, the STRONG cocktails, dehydration, heat stroke or food poisoning or some combination of all of the above. Suffice to say that I felt rather wretched … however a shower and some bread and butter and plenty of water meant I was vaguely human when we ventured out to the central market for a browse … it is a great place, hustle, bustle and selling everything from fresh produce, clothes, gold, technology and fresh cooked food. We purchased a bag each and then went to the local shopping centre for Deb to get a coffee and I had a fizzy drink. Amazingly when I ducked into the supermarket for my drink, I found the pepper grinder I had been searching for and was please to be able to buy it. Back at the hotel, I had a lie down, a shower and then got changed and finished packing.
    We were collected by Sam a little after 1100hrs and were driven to the airport in his Tuk-Tuk – as it was a Sunday the traffic was comparatively light and it only took us 45 minutes. We killed some time in the food court and then were able to check in and proceed through the gate where we browsed the shops for a bit before boarding the flight to Singapore.
    It only took 2 hours and was a fine flight … Singapore is a massive airport and the transit process was easy. We had time for a final celebratory beverage at a bar, and then it was time to board the next flight - about 7 hours to Melbourne the bulk of which we were both able to sleep through. The rain and freezing temperatures which greeted us were – to say the least – a shock, but we were sson on our way into town via the Skybus and then train – What a great trip with a wonderful traveling companion!