Exploring the world one adventure at a time. Baca selengkapnya Saint Petersburg, Florida
  • Hari 15

    Puerto Madryn, Argentina

    31 Januari, Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    Yoooooo.... I got to walk the beach in Argentina and it was amazing! Looooong dark brown sandy beach absolutely covered with Medusa Jellyfish. We kept dodging them but realized the water was filled with children and they did not at all seem concerned about the jellyfish. They were actually using them as soccer balls. So we got to poke them and play with them too. It's summer vacation and the beach was packed with camps, families and tourists.
    We saw some sea lions hanging by the dock and then we jumped into a boat to see even more!
    Plus, during the boat ride, we got to see Penguins and tons of dolphins who were jumping straight up in the air. Super cool! We sat with a lovely couple who lives in Weston, the town we lived in before moving to Illinois. They know Emily's 4th grade teacher and their kids went to the same preschool where I taught. Small world!
    Oh... And I caught a cold. So rest, fluids, and Mashed potatoes is Emily's prescription so I'll follow her directions.
    Next stop... Uruguay!
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  • Hari 13

    Penguins in The Falkland Islands

    29 Januari, Kepulauan Falkland ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

    The Falkland Islands smell like jasmine and kelp and I love it here. We took a trip to a farm where a penguin colony takes over in the summer months. How lucky we were--the babies recently hatched and we got to see tons of them. Tons of teenagers too. And as I was walking by the ocean dipping my feet in, suddenly a penguin popped out of the waves and came running to shore. We saw king Penguins and Gentoo Penguins. Lots of "Oreo" cows too - black with a white stripe down the middle. And gigantic geese. And a seal and mussels. What an amazing day!!Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 13

    A few more from Faukland

    29 Januari, Kepulauan Falkland ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

    I was so psyched to show the penguin pics that I forgot to share the others I took.
    Our day started with an hour long wait in the dining room to get access to go ashore. Luckily we had a great couple next to us, who ironically lived in Naperville the same time we lived in Downers Grove, and now live an hour away from me in Florida. Us three ladies used that hour to plan a more Systematic way they could get us to shore. It was finally our turn and we crammed 100 people into a glorified lifeboat for a 30 minute ride into Stanley. But wow... Once we got out it was totally worth it! Sea breeze, bright cobalt water, and delicious pastries by the shore.
    We were looking out at a dock when we noticed what we thought was a dog hanging out. It wasn't... It was a seal! Apparently he's a teenager and spends his day lying around on the dock, waiting for his mom to bring him fish.
    We had an interesting tour guide on the way to the penguin colony. Did you know the are exactly 4.5 doctors in the Falklands and they ship patients to England to have knee and hip replacements (fully paid for by the government). The county's medical director is freshly graduated. They offered her the position and she said she didn't have any experience yet. But they were certain she was the right for so she took the position. Then covid happened. Can you imagine what that was like for her?
    Kids get traveling teachers for their education. The teacher rotates between farms and spends 2 weeks with a family before moving to the next one. In between visits, they have classes by radio or phone. Then, from 11-15, all kids are required to come to town for boarding school.
    If they want to go to college and if they qualify, the government pays for their tuition and gives spending money. 75% of students return back to the islands after graduation.
    Oh... And apparently you can eat penguin. Here are some recipes. I don't recommend you so that, though. They are too cute, and are wicked oily!!
    Currently sitting on the balcony watching Whales spout and dive and heading to Argentina.
    Tomorrow... Sea lions!
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  • Hari 12

    Surfing the Drake Channel

    28 Januari, South Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ☁️ 34 °F

    Emily is amazing and always up for fun. Last night coming back from dinner, we walked by the indoor swimming pool. Let's just say the going back through the Drake Passage had been much, much rougher and the pool had turned into a literal wave pool. We took one look at each other, ran back to our room to put on swim suits, and hurried back in case they decided to close the pool. Good news--they didn't and we spent the next hour body surfing the huge waves. One guy, Anton, saw how much fun we were having and jumped in too. What an unexpected adventure! (this morning, the pool has been closed. Glad we grabbed the chance when we could).
    I'm currently sitting on a lounge chair at the bow 14 stories up, watching the ship take on gigantic waves. Not scary but incredible to see the power of water.
    Yesterday, we had a huge snowstorm all day. All the decks were closed and it wasn't clear if we were going to be able to get to our next stop, Elephant Island (named for all the Elephant Seals that inhabit the island.) Around 4pm, the cruise Director announced we were approaching it and to come inside to the viewing areas in case things cleared up enough to see. Our cabin was on the opposite side so Em and I bundled up to go see what we could on the other side of the ship.
    We discovered that the pool deck was open so we braved the 60 mph winds to see what we could.
    We could barely see Elephant Island when all of a sudden, the snow storm stopped and the sun came out. We saw an iceberg floating by with a while colony of Penguins and I saw a bunch of seals popping their heads up in the water. No pictures of them... Too rocky and too cold to hold the phone but I grabbed a few of the scenery.
    After, we headed into the observation lounge to grab hot chocolate and to listen to the naturalist. Cool stuff!
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  • Hari 10

    Iceberg... RIGHT AHEAD!

    26 Januari, South Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ❄️ 28 °F

    This is absolutely unbelievable!!!!!! . We've seen Penguins, whales, and tons of icebergs. My fingers are too cold to type. More story later. Most beautiful scenery ever!!

  • Hari 9

    Drake Passage

    25 Januari, South Atlantic Ocean ⋅ 🌬 45 °F

    We are entering the Drake Passage and the ship is definitely rocking. It's hard to walk straight and people are bumping into each other at the feeding frenzy buffet.

    Rougher seas will be hitting this afternoon. The Drake Passage is where the Atlantic and Pacific meet with all kinds of wind formations creating havoc. You either get "The Drake Lake" where it is calm or "The Drake Shake" where it is not. Fingers crossed that Sea Bands and anti-nausea patches will do the job.

    We saw our naturalist's presentation today about Mars. I think I'm going to have a degree in science by the time I get home.

    Someone asked him if we are likely to see whales or other animals during the Drake. He said. "No. You won't. Don't waste your time. But there is a chance we could see a Giant Albatross (12 foot wingspan). Apparently they suck at flying but are super amazing at gliding and can go miles out to sea if it's windy. I'll try my best to snap a pic if there is one. I hope so!!

    Em and I spent the rest of our morning playing Unicorns on the back deck and drinking Affagatto and now we have snuck up to the 14th deck for a bit of outdoor fresh air reading, even though they have all the deck chairs battened down.

    Later we are hitting the martini party and seeing a broadway-type show.

    Last night we saw a Tango show, which was nice, and "The Naughty Game Show for 18+". Y'all... Imagine a room full of older-than-me folks trying to come up with "12 words to describe the big-o" or to describe their favorite genre of porn. I gotta say, their generation must have been crazy because they came up with some... Interesting... Answers. Apparently John Travolta is a specific porn type popular with the ladies in the room.

    People on the cruise for the most part are friendly, like the two gents from England we traded barbs with before the Tango show.
    There is one person, however, who is not.
    We ended up sitting at one table over from our Argentina Karen. Her voice was unmistakable and so was her complaining. The poor woman who was playing cards with her was accused of cheating during their card game and had to listen to Karen complaining that it's cold outside and why didn't the cruise ship warn them about that. Good thing she didn't seem to recognize us, and too bad she didn't seem to have purchased the unlimited beverage package or a spa service. She really needs to chill.

    Other than that, people are pretty relaxed on board. But the best company I could wish for is my Emily. So glad she's here with me.

    Even if she's currently beating me at all our games.
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  • Hari 9

    Cape Horn Chile

    25 Januari, Cabai ⋅ ☀️ 48 °F

    We got woken up by the captain at 6am to alert us that we made it to Cape Horn, Chile. The naturalist and cruise director jumped on the intercom and explained that we are having unusually amazing weather--no fog, no wind, suns out - - so the ship can get much closer to land than what typically is possible.
    There is a sculpture on land honoring all who have lost their lives in these waters. If you notice, the space between the left and the right sides creates an albatross.
    There is one soldier stained to be here for 18 months. He has his wife, his son, his daughter, and their cat with him.
    Worst joke of the day was by Milos , the naturalist who explained, "The captain will be spinning the ship around in a circle so everyone can see. Those in the front of the ship will feel a lot of movement. We call this the ships Daily Bow Movement".
    On a ship full of oldies, this got a lot of laughs.
    Also, can you imagine any other cruise ship that would allow the captain to come on the in-room intercom at 6am just to tell everyone to go look outside? Only a ship full of oldies!!!
    Next stop, the Drake Passage.
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  • Hari 8

    Ushuaia--The End of the World

    24 Januari, Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

    After the dog hike, we checked out a fjord-type Vista. One side is Argentina and the other is Chile. They took us to a restaurant where we had barbequed lamb and a coffee-whiskey-cinnamon drink. Fun people at our table... Lots of laughs and great experience. Detailed story will come via 50badassadventures. Miss y'all!Baca selengkapnya

  • Hari 8

    Hiking the Andes with dogs

    24 Januari, Argentina ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

    We took an excursion in Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world. It was a cool, beautiful day. We went to a sled dog training center where they have 75 dogs in their family. 12 came along with us for a hike across the mountain valley and across Beaver pond.Baca selengkapnya

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