
июня 2018 - июня 2024
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  • День 2


    12 июня 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Thank you guys for the lovely birthday wishes! I spent some wonderful days in Miami with my flatmate and coworker Florin.
    The weather forecast looked horrible before we took of from Newark. But since it was my birthday wish, we were lucky and had much better weather than expected. We stayed at an amazing Hostel called Freehand. I can highly recommend it. On the first day we stayed at South Beach and discovered its beauty. The whole Ocean Drive and the Nikki Beach are exactly they way you picture Miami from the movies. There are plenty of fancy cars, summer sound on full volume and all the old hotels that sparkle in the sun. In the evening we started the night with a drink at the very high frequented bar in our hostel called Broken Shaker. After that we took off and had a delicious meal and headed to the party street where we found a nice outdoor club.
    At 12am we celebrated into my birthday. We had a blast!
    The next morning we went to the beach and after that we discovered Wynwood (a hipster area with lots of streetart) and little Havana where we felt as if we would be in Cuba.
    In the evening we went to a famous italian restaurant that Hana recommended us. They served their well known Spaghetti out of a Parmesan wheel. Moreover the Pasta is homemade and you can watch the chef freshly doing it during the evening.
    On Monday, our last day we could not resist but to try out the new fancy way to drive around in the city. There are battery loaded Trottinetts called "birds" all over the city. With their own app you can unlock the bird and off you go. The cool thing is you can leave it wherever you want to - just make sure to hit the button "lock" in the app. This is how we drove around for about 45 minutes for only 8 dollars.
    It was lots of fun but also really American - just standing on the bird and not doing any movement but just clicking on the speed button.
    Of course we also spent some time at the beach again and at the pool in our hostel.
    Now we are back in NYC and back at work as of tomorrow.
    Happy Tuesday everyone!
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  • День 18

    Last hours in NYC

    28 июня 2018 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Hello guys,

    Oh my God, I cannot believe it! It is my last post from NYC. Not sure if I might keep on writing here or not afterwards.
    Anyways, it has been one hell of a year! I made so many experiences that I have a hard time to even process all of them. Moreover my head knows that I am leaving in two days but my heart is still here and I enjoy every seconds that I still have.
    Of course I am also very much looking forward to going home to Switzerland but still the worst part has not happened yet. I am not very good at saying goodbye and it is not just a goodbye from the amazing people here but also a goodbye of my life here which makes leaving even harder.
    But I know life in Switzerland will also be nice and I have some exciting job offers on the table that I still need to evaluate and I will also have some more interviews next week. So no news there, I will do the big announcement once I know it for sure.

    See you soon my friends and family - I cannot wait to hug all of you! It has been a long year!

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