
Şubat - Mart 2023
Mitem Ray am rayse und Orang Utans go bestuune
Another adventure with my personal Orang Utan
Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 5

    Jungle Day 3

    4 Mart 2023, Endonezya

    After an other lovely meal in the early morning we started our way back to Bukit Lawang. Halfway though we met our friend Kathrin the Organ Utan again. We didn't have to walk the whole way back as we got picked up with the 'Jungle Taxi'. Of course I couldn't bring my phone but we had at least as much fun as the guys in de video above 😂

    Nocheme super Zmorge hemmer üs langsam aber sicher uf de Heiweg gmacht. Unterwegs hemmer üsi Orang Utan Fründin d Kathrin vom Vortag wieder gseh. Nocheme sehr gäche Abstieg simmer vom 'Jungle Taxi' abgholt worde. Us Sicherheitsgründ hani mis Handy nöd chöne ufd Fahrt mitneh, aber mir hend mindestens so vill Spass gha wie die Lüt im Video obedra 😂
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 6

    Jungle Day 4

    5 Mart 2023, Endonezya ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    The plan for today was a Village Tour with our personal local guides and hosts Oman and Bob. Off we went, the four of us in one tuktuk.😂 They showed us some of many local food productions such as rice, brown sugar, cacao, tofu, palm oil and rubber. All in all a very educational day with LOTS of fun with our two guides. Terima kasih!

    Hüt isch e Dorftour mit üsene beidne iheimische Hosts, em Oman und em Bob uf em Plan gstande. Unter anderem hends üs erklärt wie me Ris, Palmöl, Kautschuk und Kakao ahbaut. Au hend mer bide Tofuproduktion dörfe zueluege und wie us Sirup brune Zucker hergstellt wird. En enorm lehrriche Tag goht z End und mir sind unglaublich beidruckt wie vill Lebesmittel do no vo Hand hergstellt werded. Terima kasih (Danke) a üsi super Guides, mer hend riesig Spass gha z Vierte uf eim Tuktuk😂
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7


    6 Mart 2023, Endonezya ⋅ 🌫 18 °C

    After a 4 hour journey we arrived in Berastagi, a village 1.400m over sea level. Similar to Switzerland, the climate is way more enjoyable as it isn't as humid as it used to be in the jungle. There is a food market every single evening from 6pm where you can choose between local specialities. Safety first, Ray and I decided to become vegetarians for the time we stay in Indonesia😅 #youdon'tknowwhatyouget

    Right now we're already in bed as our alarm is set for 4 AM to hike to the top of Mt. Sibayak.

    Noch 4 Stund imene enge Touristereisebüssli simmer im Bergdorf Berastagi ahcho. (1.400m.ü.M). Meh noch mim Gusto ischs do agnehmi 20°C warm und d Luftfüetigkeit isch au vill tüfer wie im Dschungel. Jede einzel Obig abem 6i stellet di Iheimische ufs Neue en Essensmarkt uf, womer us verschiedenste lokale Spezialitäte chan ussueche. Safety first hend de Ray und i üs entschiede, dassmer für die Zit do in Indonesie Vegetarier werdet 😅 #Hundefleisch

    Jetzt gohts ab is Nest, well morn Morge am 4i üse Wecker lütet für d Sunneufgangtour uf de Vulkan Mount Sibayak.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Mount Sibayak

    7 Mart 2023, Endonezya ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Waking up at 4 in the morning wasn't as bad as we thougt. The fact that we already knew the other group members (USA, Germany, Netherlands) from Bukit Lawang made it even better to hike up the vulcano in complete darkness. Unfortunately the early wake up hasn't paid off as the sunrise was completely blocked from clouds. Eventhough we've enjoyed the trip with our new friends a lot and the visit at the local hot springs made it all worth it. My first time on a vulcano was a 10/10.

    S früene ufstoh am Morge am 4i isch weniger schlimm gsi als erwartet und üsi Gruppekonstellation mit 3 Lüt wommer scho kennt hend vom Dschungel (USA, Dütschland, Niederlande) hets Ganze umso besser gmacht. Leider hemmer dasmol s Glück nöd uf üsere Site gha und de Sunneufgang isch vo dichte Wolke verdeckt worde. Trotzalledem isch mini erst Vulkanbesichtigung wunderbar gsi. Nochdem dassmer im Krater vom Vulkan umenandgloffe und wieder vom Berg abegloffe sind, hemmer no chöne ide heisse, vom Vulkan ufgheizte Quelle go bädele (natürli im T-Shirt und churze Hose fürd Fraue), was die ganze Strapaze vom Morge wieder wett gmacht het.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 9

    Road to Singkil

    8 Mart 2023, Endonezya ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    We left Berastagi on time to go to our next destination, the harbour village Singkil. Due to an accident we arrived two hours late at our first stop the Sipiso Piso waterfall (210 meters high). After a quick lunch we hit the road and arrived at our final destination Singkil at 6.20 PM. After a quick stroll to the harbour we're now laying in our bed hoping the best for tomorrows boat journey to Tailana Island.

    Pünktlich am 9.00 simmer mit üsem Privatchauffeur und sinnere Frau z Berastagi abgfahre. Wegeme Unfall simmer denn mit 2 Stund Verspötig am Sipiso Piso Wasserfall (210 Meter höch) ahcho. Nocheme churze Touristetürli und Zmittag hemmer üs if di lang Witerfahrt gmacht. Am 18.20 simmer denn endli im Hafestädtli Singkil ahcho. Nochdemer üses meh als eifache Zimmer bezoge hend und en churze Erkundigsspaziergang zum Hafe gmacht hend, liggemer jetzt im Bett und hoffet dass morn alles rund lauft mit üsere Bootstour Richtig Insel Tailana.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 10

    Überfahrt nach Tailana Island

    9 Mart 2023, Indian Ocean

    Our morning started with an unsuccessful treasure hunt for an atm which wants to give us some money. We now just have to hope for the best cashwise. The proud Swiss people that we are we of course arrived at the port 10 minutes early to leave it 80 minutes later by the locals boat. Apperently we forgot somebody at land wich made us wait another two hours. After another 4 hours we arrived on the Island Balai where our hosts were already waiting for us with their slow boat. At 5 PM we arrived at Tailana Island, our final destination. We were flabbergasted from the first minute we arrived. More about this beautiful island tomorrow...

    Üse Morge het demit ahgfange, dassmer zwei Geldautomate abklapperet hend wo üs aber beidi nüt hend wölle usegeh. Bargeldmässig mömmer ide nögste Täg eifach ufs beste hoffe. Typisch schwizerisch simmer denn 10 Minute zfrüeh am Hafe gstande, dassmer 80 Minute spöter mit em Boot vode iheimische hend chöne ablegge. Ahschienend hemmer denn aber no nebert oder nebis a Land vergesse und hend drum nomol 2 Stund bizli usserhalb möse uf es anders Boot warte. 4 Stund spöter simmer denn uf de Insle Balai ahcho, wo üsi Gastgeber mit erem "slow boat" uf üs gwartet hend. Am 17.00 simmer nochere wunderbare Bootsfahrt endli a üsem Ziel, de Insle Tailana ahcho. Meh zu dem Stückli Paradies gits morn...
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 11

    Tailana Island

    10 Mart 2023, Indian Ocean ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    As we don't have a lot to tell you about today, here are some facts about Tailana Island:
    • 7 acres big
    • 20 minutes to walk around it
    • 6 huts to rent
    • 5 workers and 2 cats live here
    • 1 outdoor gym
    • 8 AM - 1 PM & 5 PM - 10 PM electricity
    and we are the only two visitors at the moment and enjoying it to the fullest 😊

    Für üs isch hüt gmüetlichs Schnorchle, Sünnele, Lese und eifach echli si ufem Prgramm gstande. Wellmer eu drum nüt würkli spannends chönd verzelle do es paar Zahle zude Insle Tailana:
    • 7 Hektar gross
    • 20 Minute zum sie umrunde
    • 6 Hüsli fürd Gäst
    • 5 Gastgeber/Arbeiter und 2 Chatze lebed do
    • 1 Outdoor-Fitness hets
    • 8.00 - 13.00 Uhr & 17.00 - 22.00 Uhr Elektrizität
    und mir sind di einzige zwei Gäst momentan und gnüsseds i volle Züg😊
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 12

    Insel Hopping

    11 Mart 2023, Indian Ocean ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Todays adventure was an island hopping tour with one of our host. Tailana is one of the Pulau Banyak wich translated are 'The hundred Islands". If you have a quick look at google maps you will see many tiny "Robinson Crusoe" Islands. Three of them have been visited by us today. Next to all of them were beautiful reefs and multicolored fish including some Nemos. Eventhough the weather wasn't as beautiful and with less sunburn potential than yesterday, we've soaked up all the beauty this place has to show.

    A special highlight waited for me after our last dinner (fish of course) when I was finally allowed to pet the cat that followed us everywhere. Thanks Ray🥰

    Am hüttige Tag het e Island-Hopping-Tour mit eim vo üse Gastgeber uf üs gwartet. Tailana isch ei Insle vode Pulau Banyak, wa übersetzt so vill wie "Hundert Insle" bedütet. Wennd schnell uf Google Maps güggslisch, gsehsch ganz vill chlinni "Robinson Crusoe"-Inseli. 3 vo dene hemmer hüt dörfe betrachte und eini vo dene het tatsächlich nume ei Kokospalme druf gha. Nebet allne Insle hets wunderschöni Riff inklusive es paar Nemos womer via Schorchel sind go bestune. Trotz em weniger (für Sunnebrand) guetem Wetter hemmer a üsem letschte volle Tag a dem unglaublich schöne Fleckli Erde alli Idrück regelrecht ufgsugt.

    E speziells Highlight vo dem Tag het noch em Znacht (wie all di letschte Moolzite hets natürli wieder Fisch geh) uf mi gwartet. I han endli dörfe de Büsi strichle wo üs scho sit Tag eis wie en Schatte verfolgt het. Danke Ray🥰
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 13

    Byebye Tailana

    12 Mart 2023, Endonezya ⋅ 🌩️ 26 °C

    Today we said goodbye to our little Island Tailana and Clara the cat. Another 6 hours by boat we now stay one more night in Singkil before we leave for Lake Toba tomorrow.

    Hüt hemmer üsere chlinne Insle und de Clara (em herzige Büsi) wieder müesse Tschüss sege. Nochere witere 6-stündige Bootsreis blibemer jetzt nomol ei Nacht in Singkil, vors denn morn an Tobasee goht.Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 14

    En wiitere Reisetag

    13 Mart 2023, Endonezya ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    6 hours. In the car. Again. We are both happy to spend a whole day exploring Samosir Island tomorrow. We feel lile the cat on the table above and say Selamat Tilur (Good night)! 🤗

    Auf ein Neues... 6 Stund im Auto. Mir sind beidi glücklich morn en ganze Tag chöne d Umgebig vo Samosir chöne ahzluege. Mir fühled üs wie de Büsi ufem Föteli obedra und veraschieded üs für hüt. Selamat Tilur! (Guet Nacht)! 🤗Okumaya devam et