South- and Central America

January - August 2023
Solo Traveller in South and Central America from Jan-Aug 2023 Read more
  • 201footprints
  • 14countries
  • 223days
  • 1.4kphotos
  • 119videos
  • 50.3kkilometers
  • 22.9kkilometers
  • Day 23

    Chilling in santiago

    January 25, 2023 in Chile ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

    At the next day I went with Isabella to a big parque, where it looked like in Barcelona because of the palm trees.

    We went to another parque, where the police had a Razzia. When we were controlled by the police and only needed to say we are from Germany and they left without any other questions😂. I got again in touch how privileged I am, because I am a white men from Germany.
    In the evening we watched the sunset with friends of Isabella at an nice viewpoint.
    Because one female friend of Isabella is currently dating a “rich” Chilean (22), we were able to enjoy the rest of the evening on an rooftop with an pool in the best area in Santiago. (The father is the CEO for the Chilean CNN and her mother is a garden designer).

    I have never been in such a luxury house! We drunk wine and I really enjoyed the evening:)

    I had to say goodbye to Isabella and now I am on the way to Mendoza. I want to celebrate my birthday by enjoying one of the best wines in Argentina with an bike tour in Mendoza.
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  • Day 24

    Arriving in mendoza

    January 26, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    After I arrived late in the hostel, I checked in and got in touch with Lara from Germany. She is volunteering there. I also spoke to mexicans, France and Israelis at this evening. After Assado (typical Argentina BBQ) and free wine in our hostel I went to bed.Read more

  • Day 25

    Wine tasting in 4 bodegas +Bday

    January 27, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    After breakfest I decided with 4 people from the hostel to make a wine tour. Mendoza is famous for its wine (especially Melvet) and that’s the reason why I did that! We were a girl from Austria, Lara, one girl from the US and one girl from Mexiko.

    We drove a little bit outside of the city with an Uber, where we rented bikes, which were not the best😂

    At the second bodega we met 4 France girls and an Israel couple of our hostel, so our wine tasting was with ~10 people😂after that we had an winery-tour there, how they explained how the procedure of their organic wine is.
    In one bodega we also tasted olive oil with bread. We were hungry and tipsy, which was nice 😂.

    When we gave back the bikes, we got free wine😂 soooooo nice in Mendoza haha (because in my hostel I have free wine as well😂)

    In the evening we ate pizza in our hostel and we celebrated into my birthday. It was a different birthday experience, to celebrate with people you are not so close to. But I really enjoyed it, because Lara organised the happy birthday song at 24:00. We went out and I had a really nice birthday night with the hostel.
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  • Day 26

    Bookings+ Lago Potrerillos

    January 28, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    In the morning of my birthday I had to book a bus to cordoba. Because I knew I will have a hard day tomorrow in front of me, I had to do that at my birthday.

    In the afternoon I went with Lara and Jana and Charlotte (German) to the Lago Potrerillos with an Uber, where it was really nice to chill at my birthday. It was an relaxed day, especially after the wine tour and partying and drinking😂

    The view was amazing and we also went into the lake (but this has not been allowed)😂.
    We also played cards and went to an viewpoint close by. After enjoying a coffee with the same Uber driver, we went back.

    We arranged with the same Uber driver in the evening, that he will take lara, myself and one Canadian girl to the the place, where we can go to the base camp of Aconcagua, the highest mountain outside of Europe

    So lara and myself only went in the evening to an place close by, where there was an traditional Argentinian dance 😍

    Wow, what a chilled and nice day! We went to bed early, because we needed to wake up at 5:30.
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  • Day 27

    Aconcagua base camp + Puerte de inca

    January 29, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 5 °C

    At 6:00 raul, our taxi driver picked us up. The drive was 4h, because he drove slowly and we made stops. At first at an amazing viewpoint at the Lago Potrerillos, where we have seen the sun rising up. What an view!!

    We also drove to Puerte de Inca, which is known for a bridge of the Incas. There was an Hotel before & a landslide destroyed it. Also there are thermal lagoons, which the mayas really loved.

    (—> so two stops we didn’t expected, because we “only” wanted to go to the base camp of Aconcagua, very nice from raul)

    We hiked up to the base camp of Aconcagua, the highest mountain outside of Asia. Not such a hard hike (3 1/2h, because the Canadian girl was sooo slow😂). But the nature there with the colours of the mountains were so fucking amazing… wow.. the pictures and videos are not showing that unfortunately🥲

    We ate to lunch at the base camp and went quite fast down, so that we can get the bus at 16:30. Unfortunately the Canadian girl was so slow, that she didn’t get the bus. We arrived at ~21:30 at the bus station.
    In the evening we got some food from jonas & I went out with him, Jana and Charlotte.

    (Hopefully I will get the group pictures of Sneha😂)
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  • Day 28

    Chilling after fucking amazing days!!

    January 30, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    The last days were crazy, exhausting and full with Programm, so I decided to do nothing😂
    I bought a new powerbank because my current one has a “Wackelkontakt”🤦🏼‍♂️

    I also spoke to some friends and tried my first “bife of Chorizo”. Wow that tasted really good!! (during that a person came and wanted to have some bread and paste & because I was quiet full I gave her sth. During that she grabbed my phone and wanted to steal it! WTF 🤬)

    Later I went back to the hostel and ate with Lara Chai Late & Niranja y chocolate ice cream. So Sortiment was amazing and it tasted soooooo goood haha.

    I had so say goodbye to Lara, an really warm and nice person as well as to the other hostel friends.

    I am now taking a night bus to cordoba & will stay there for 3 nights. Hopefully I can join Jana and a Charlotte in Salta for a road trip at this region.
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  • Day 29

    Arriving in Cordoba+2x free walking tour

    January 31, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ 🌩️ 32 °C

    After 12h of bus transfer I arrived in the hostel & I have seen the Swedish guy again, which I met in Mendoza. Unfortunately he had an accident with his feet, so he cannot do anything😂

    I made two free walking tours (11 & 17 o clock), which included the Antike Cordoba & the modern. Cordoba is the second biggest city in Argentinia (2 million) and is known as a student city (200.000). I really enjoyed the tours. I tried alfajores (sweets) and it was really good. Furthermore in cordoba is the second narrowest building in the word😂💪🏽(3 m)

    Although I cooked for my dinner, Stefan asked if I want to join a Bachata class with him and Aziz. Wow, I really enjoyed learning dance moves. Because I love dancing, It could also be a nice hobby at home. We ate after that something at the hostel and we still tried some moves out! Haha so Good.
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  • Day 30

    Chilling in cordoba

    February 1, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    The last month of travelling was very nice and also exhausting. So I decided to have a really chilled day, because there is not much so see in an around Cordoba. Also I felt a Little Bit k.o.

    I planned a route and what to do exactly in Salta + Jujuj. I will go on a Roadtrip on Sunday with Lena, Charlotte & Jana.

    I also checked, how much money I have been spending the first month: under budget 😎💪🏽

    Because of the situation in Peru it is still a big topic. The flights over Peru are so expensive and every alternative as well…
    One flight von La Platz to Quito: 400€ with luggage 😬

    Currently I am thinking about to book a flight from Bolivia to Ecuador, then Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and ending in Mexiko or/and 6 days in NYC. We will see.

    I went to the barber with Stefan after waiting to Aziz and I was not satisfied 😬 still to long haha, but the next customer was already there.. I also bought a new short jeans and a new belt.

    In the evening I chilled at the hostel with aziz and Stefan, because I didn’t want to go out after being around every evening. I slept from 11 p.m to 9 a.m😍
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  • Day 31

    Bored in Cordoba😂

    February 2, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    After breakfast I had a phone call with Leon & I went with Aziz to the train station to book a bus ticket for him. He will drive with the same bus as me now💪🏽

    Although they said in the tourist offices that the Cordoba Museum of Memory (Mostly about the dictatorship) it is open today, it is still closed. So I went with Aziz to a Religious Museum closby the tourist office. It was ok😂

    Because Aziz wanted to chill in the hostel I decided to eat another nice bife de chorizo, and is was nice!

    I went to the biggest park in cordoba, listened so some podcast and music and had a phone call with Joschko.

    In the evening I cooked with Aziz a huuuge portion, but we ate it😂

    With a few hostel persons I went to a techno club & I am really looking forward to go on the roadtrip on Sunday💪🏽

    To be honest, although cordoba the second biggest city and a student town, it is not much to do around here.

    Because my goal was not partying and drinking here (what I think is the main thing to do as a Traveller in cordoba), I expected more of the city.🤷🏽‍♂️
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  • Day 32

    Last day in Cordoba 🔜 Salta

    February 3, 2023 in Argentina ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    After waking up and breakfast I made my laundry by myself at the hostel. There I got in touch with two skater girls from Rosario and one guy from French. We chilled at the balcony while the France guy played some Musik on his kalimba (really relaxed and slow tones, I liked it!)

    I bought some food and relaxed at the big park again. I really enjoyed being
    More alone after a lot of socialising the last month. I thinked a lot about my life and other stuff.

    I catched up Aziz in the hostel, because he didn’t slept at home hehe. We ate a very nice Bife de Chorizo together & now we are heading together to Salta.

    Jana and Charlotte also reserved for me a room in her hostel and with Lena they booked a car for 6 days for our roadtrip. (Sunday Morning Till Saturday at Lunch)

    I am so excited about the roadtrip, because it is my first one in my life 😂💪🏽
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