Time out!

joulukuuta 2023 - maaliskuuta 2024
Ich bin dann mal weit weit weg - Ohrwurm von Yasmo in den Kopf gesetzt bekommen & in die Tat umgesetzt. :) Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 28

    Thank you Laos 💕

    14. tammikuuta, Laos ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Today was kind of a sad day. Even though I am looking forward to exploring another country, my heart feels kind of heavy about leaving Laos.
    I absolutely fell in love with the country, it's magnificent nature and its friendly people. 🥰
    Life is very simple here. And by saying that I don't mean that it's not complicated, but that living standards & conditions are often very basic. Flushing english toilets are luxury, and you hit the jackpot if there's toilet paper in the bathroom (especially as a woman). 😬🧻🙊 and btw that's true for the whole country.
    Seeing how people live here and how they (have to) afford their daily life and still seem very happy just makes me super humble and grateful at the same time. I am thankful for being able to seeing all this and for making this experience. We take so many things for given, while they are just not for other parts of the world. 😑

    I really enjoyed every second here, made great experiences and wonderful connections - thank you Laos for having me and treating me that well! ❤

    Next stop -> CAMBODIA 😊

    Bloom- The Paperkites
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  • Päivä 29

    Welcome to Cambodia

    15. tammikuuta, Kambodza ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    Yesterday was just a very long travel day. Annoyingly long. Especially because it just took so long, because
    - people were discussing with the border officials at the exit in laos, as they wanted 2$/p for the exit stamp (which of course is not official) 😤
    - we were discussing with the visa officials at the cambodian border, as they charged 8$/p more than officially requested 🤬
    - we made a stop at a random restaurant after 30 mins of drivin in cambodia, which took 1.5h instead of the announced 40mins 😠
    - the average speed a minibus would go is approx 50 km/h because of the bumpy roads 🙄

    So going to Siem Reap took us 12h instead of the advertised 8h 🙈🤯

    However, the first impression of Cambodia wasn't the best, due to the above described issues. 😬
    But today I spent the first day in Siem Reap and have to say that I really like it! 😊
    People are very friendly and the city is unexpectedly clean 🧹 and green 🌴🪴.
    Until early afternoon I was just strolling around without a clean plan, had nice breakfast and went to some markets.
    In the afternoon I did a bicycle Tour with Martina, which was organized by the hostel. 🚴🏼‍♀️🚴🏼‍♀️
    It was a really nice tour, where we met some lovely people, saw a nice sunset (again...) 🌄 and also got highly interesting background info on cambodia. 🤓
    In the evening we just went to one of the nightmarkets in town & had dinner and fried ice rolls🍦 with people from the hostel 🥰
    All in all I'd say it was a really good start in a new country 😊

    Soundtrack of the day:
    These days - Foo Fighters
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  • Päivä 30

    Angkor Wat 🤩🤩

    16. tammikuuta, Kambodza ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    This morning the alarm clock was set early. Very early. It rang at 3:30 🥴 yes, a.m.
    The reason therefore was the upcoming sunrise tour to Angkor Wat, which started at 4:30a.m. at the hostel.
    And yes, getting up early totally paid off - experiencing sunrise at Angkor Wat was simply amazing. 🤩🤩

    With the tour we went to 5 temples that day - Angkor Wat, Bayon, Ta Keo, Ta Prahm (where Lara Croft was recorded) and Banteay Kdai.✌🏼
    If you think that's a lot...well, the area of Angkor is 20x20km, so what we saw today actually was just a fraction of what it has to offer! Can you imagine, that around 1 Mio people lived there in the 7th/8th century?! 😯 (As a comparison, London had 0.5 Mio citizens at the same time).

    However, the tour was interesting but rather long...returned to the hostel 10 hours later 🙈
    The rest of the day we just chilled at the pool of our hostel, did research on a special project we're realizing tomorrow 🤫 and had a few drinks during the poolparty of the hostel haha 🍸🍹🥂🍶🥃 and yes, we're still going on haha.
    Cheers to that!

    Soundtrack of the day:
    Sunrise - Norah Jones
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  • Päivä 31

    A needle, a pool, a bike 💉🛀🏼🚲

    17. tammikuuta, Kambodza ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    After catching up some sleep, I started the day with a nice breakfast at the hostel. 🥑🍞🍳 needed to fuel up for the appointment Martina and I had this morning. 😉
    So at 11 we started our walk to the nearby tattoo Studio, where we both got our first tattoos today, because...WHY NOT? (ifykyk) 😁
    Have to say I'm super happy about it and like it a lot! 🥰
    Afterwards we just chilled at the pool a for a while and toasted to our new body art before we got ready to go to Angkor wat again - we needed to utilize our 3 day pass 😇
    But instead of doing a tour again, we rented mountainbikes and just drove around a bit - which actually was way more effort for me since I got a bike with broader wheels, which meant more pedaling for me than for the others haha. 🥵 but it was nice, we got a bit off the beaten path and watched (another 🤭) sunset there. 😊🌅
    And now we're just getting ready for the journey to Phnom Penh by nightbus....yaaaaay 🙈🚌

    Soundtrack of the day:
    Why Not - Dope Saint Jude
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  • Päivä 32

    Witnessing Cambodias cruel history 🥺

    18. tammikuuta, Kambodza ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Just a warning: this isn't a funny post at all.

    Today we made our way to Choeung Ek, the killing fields of Phnom Penh, which are a historical site where around 17,000 people were killed by the Red Khmer between 1975 and 1979. At that's just the number of people killed at Choeung Ek.
    During those 4 years nearly a quarter of Cambodias population was systematically executed.

    It was really hard and depressing to be there and see fragments, places and weapons that have been used not too long ago to kill Cambodians. Actually it was shocking to see all that. And you can feel, how Cambodias population is still very affected by it's recent history.
    I wasn't sure whether to take pictures on site, but then I decided to do so, in order to create awareness and show, what's been going on during those 4 cruel years.

    We've also visited the S-21 genocide museum afterwards, where people (mainly academics, politicians and educated people, but also basically everyone else) were tortured and killed in the most cruel ways you can possibly imagine.

    Almost every local has a story or personal experience to tell when it comes to the Cambodian genocide, which is just so sad and heartbraking.

    Soundtrack of the day:
    A Heavy Heart - Garreth Broke
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  • Päivä 32

    Onwards to Phnom Penh 🚌

    18. tammikuuta, Kambodza ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    As already mentioned in a previous post, I spent the last night in a tiny little cabin of a night bus from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh, Cambodias capital. 🚌
    Fortunalety Miahli was on the same bus, so we could share the tiny sleeping cabin...I really wouldn't have wanted to almost cuddle with a stranger in there haha. 😶‍🌫️💩
    Our ride took around 7 hours and we arrived in Phnom Penh at around 5 a.m. (so again a day of getting up early 😉).
    We couldn't check in at our hostel at that time, nor use the pool area, so we chilled a bit in the lobby, doing some research and planning for our next travel destinations. 🗺🧳🗓
    I know it might seem like everythings done quiet spontanously, and sometimes it is...but then there are days like today, where you spend around 2h on researching where to go next, checking the best transport options, possible accomodation, etc. Sometimes that's really timeconsuming 🤯

    After all that, we went to see the Choeung Ek genocide center (also called killing fields) and the Tuol Sleng genocide museum.😔 But I've made a separate post on that one.

    In the afternoon we once again enjoyed some chill time at the pool before going out for dinner. It was our last evening together, before heading in different directions again 😕 yesterday I was even asked whether we were siblings haha. 👯🏼‍♀️thank you miahli for the last couple of weeks and for not being my travelling buddy but having the same ways 😆 it was a blast! 🥰

    Soundtrack of the day:
    Tuk tuk - Solomun, Ätna
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  • Päivä 33

    New day, new city 😆

    19. tammikuuta, Kambodza ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    I decided to not stay in Phnom Penh until my departure on monday, but rather see another part of Cambodia 😄
    Thus I took a bus to Kampot this morning, which is in the southern part of the country. ☀️
    New day, new city, new pool I guess 😁😎
    I arrived in Kampot at around noon and after diing the check-in I started researching on what to do the next 2 days 😉 actually Kampot has quiet some stuff to offer...so it needs somw planning (again 🙄) in order to get the most out of my time here 💪🏽
    I found a SUP tour and really wnted it to do this afternoon...unfortunately they didn't respond to my booking attempt, so I chilled a bit at the pool (yes, again... 😇👙)
    Around 20 mins before the SUP Tour started I reached out again to the agency, and they told me I could come to the afternoon tour! 🙌🏽
    Being a bin in a rush now, I quickly packed all my stuff together - fortunately I already was in my bikini 😆 - threw it in a drybag and made my way to the meeting point.
    It was such a nice tour, and I am super happy I was able to do it! Especially when the guide told us that this was the first tour since 2 weeks, as it seems there are not too many tourists around right now. 🍀
    We were paddling up and down a side river, with just palmtrees along the shore 🌴🌴 and flying fishes everywhere 🐟🐟 it was so idyllic! 🥰
    We then ended the tour by watching the sunset (yes, another one for the books 😅) from a really nice spot on the river. 🌅
    Guess I couldn't have a better start in Kampot ☺️

    Soundtrack of the day:
    Fliegende Fische - Neonschwarz
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  • Päivä 34

    Cruising dusty Kampot 🛵

    20. tammikuuta, Kambodza ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    My plans for today required a bit of driving around, so I rented a scooter 🛵
    The first stop was a bit outside of town, at the "office" of Climbodia, where I've booked a climbing & exploring tour 🧗🏻‍♀️🤠
    We first started with a short climb up a little mountain, followed by going along the cliff by a via ferrata before it was time for abseiling (yes, that's actually what it's called) back to the ground. 💪🏽 We then entered quiet a big cave, which we traversed walking and crawling an all fours and sometimes even on the belly 😆
    The last 1.5 hours we spent with rock climbing 🧗🏼‍♀️⛰️
    I really enjoyed the tour, it was loads of fun 🤩
    I got back on the moto in the early afternoon and went along VERY dusty and bumpy dirtroads to one of the pepper farms, that are typical for this region. 🌱
    Kampot pepper is a very regulated speciality and is the only pepper that has an PGI (Protected Geographic Indication). 🤓
    A volunteer showed me around the plantation and gave me a tasting afterwards - I was really surprised about the varietes of taste pepper can have! One speciality is pepper tea, which was really nice! 🍵
    After having lunch there and enjoying the tranquility of the place, I went back to town, not without making a quick stop at the salt fields of Kampot as well 😀
    In the evening I met up with Ilona for dinner, as she has arrived in Kampot today. 🍽🥰

    Soundtrack of the day:
    The dirt whispered - Rise Against
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  • Päivä 36

    Goodbye Cambodia, goodbye SEA 🥲

    22. tammikuuta, Kambodza ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Yesterday I left Kampot and returned to Phnom Penh since I'm flying out today. 🥲
    Had a really relaxing afternoon, just chilled at the pool, read my book, listened to music, and went out for a massage and dinner later on. 📖🎶💆🏼‍♀️🥘
    I'm leaving with a bit of a sad eye, because I really enjoyed Cambodia and Sout East Asia in general. Food is great (obviously) and people are just so friendly everywhere (except fot the border haha). 🥰 guess it's not the last time that SEA has seen me 😉

    But for now...next stop AUSTRALIA 🤩🐨🦘
    Well almost...with layovers in Kuala Lumpur, Bali and Melbourne 😬 gonna be a looooong day I guess 🙄🙈

    Soundtrack of the day:
    Going down south - The Black Keys
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  • Päivä 37

    Made it to Down Under 🙌🏽

    23. tammikuuta, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    After around 25h of travelling I finally arrived in Brisbane! 🥳
    Everything went quiet well, even the visa on arrival which I had to get for my overlay in Indonesia went smooth and I was perfectly in time for my flights to and within Australia.
    At check-in (yeah, had to check out & back in in Bali 🙄) I was told that I would have to do the same in Melbourne, because my connecting flight was domestic and thus I had to enter customs at the first stop in Aussie. Looks like they recently changed that, as not even locals knew they had to do it. 😬 that made my schedule pretty tight, but I can be fast if I want to, so no need to worry I thought 😉
    Also, I was seated next to 2 really nice girls, plane started taxiing in time, so all seemed well. Until...we stopped and the captain said that we're back at the boarding gate as one passenger needs to be removed from the plane 🤣
    All in all it took 1 hour until the passenger had left, his bags were taken off the plane, every bag 5 rows before & behind his seat has been identified and we got a new starting permit 😬🙈 at that point I knew there's no way I'm gonna make it to my connecting flight - just like around 30% of that plane haha, so at least I wasn't the only one 🙆🏼‍♀️
    Finally made it to Brisbane almost 4 hours later than planned. 🙈

    It feels kind of weird to be back in a western culture...and to the prices here - a coffee is now around 5$ instead of 1,5$ 😬💸 butbat least there's nice bathrooms everywhere again 🚽😆

    I spent the afternoon walking around a bit, exploring the area around the hostel and ended up at a really nice park nearby 🦎🌴🌳🌺
    In the evening there was a nice get together ans a common dinner at the hostel, where I met super nice people and got inspirations and suggestions for the trip 🥰

    Soundtrack of the day:
    Down under - Sander W., Sönnefelt. Nick Cunningham
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