California Trailer Trip

августа - сентября 2017
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  • День 25

    San Diego and Tijuana

    26 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We've spent four days in our final and southernmost destination. The first two days we camped on Silver Strand State beach. A very nice place to camp, almost right on the beach with several miles of beach to walk or jog and enjoy the many shore birds. My favourite was the pelican. I loved watching them hovering and circling about five metres over the ocean and then diving straight into the water for fish.

    During the first full day in San Diego we bought all day metro passes and took the bus into downtown. We walked and shopped and then caught a train out to Fashion Valley, a large shopping centre and shopped some more. We then caught the train back but got off in Old Town to walk around. We also decided to return to Fred's for a Mexican dinner. We had been there before on our last trip to San Diego, about five years ago.

    On the second day, we had to pack up the trailer and move it to the KOA as SS only had room for us for two nights. It was only a 20 minute drive. Before doing so though, we started our day as we have on most days, with a 30 minute run on the beach after coffees.

    After setting up camp at the KOA, we hopped in the truck and drove to the Mexico US border. We parked at a large outlet mall for free instead of paying $15 at the official lot. We had no wait or trouble getting across the border and had a great day, walking along Avenida de la Revolution and up to a large farmers market and shopping centre. We caught a cab back to a spot near the border and did a bit more shopping. Then walked back to the US and shopped in the huge outlet mall where we were parked. On the way back to the KOA we picked up groceries and then had a late dinner back at the campsite.

    Today was our last day, and although it was cloudy decided to go to the beach. We went to Ocean Beach first thinking it was where we were last time in SD. It was busy with a surfing competition going on. We asked and found out we wanted to go to Mission Beach, only a short drive away.

    On arrival at the boardwalk we were approached by a family leaving to catch a plane who had two extra boogie boards they didn't want and offered them to us for a very good price. So, we now had four good boards. We all got out on the water and had a good time catching waves. It wasn't too warm though so we didn't stay as long as we might have otherwise. But it was getting time to make dinner and we had lots to look forward to doing back at the KOA.
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  • День 26

    North to Soledad Canyon

    27 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

    Today we started the long journey back. Laura was picked up by her airport shuttle bus from the KOA at 8 this morning. I went for a run while the kids had breakfast and got the trailer ready for the road. We left San Diego around 10.

    With lots of time, we decided to go to our destination via Simi Valley so that Aaron could see the skateboard museum we missed on the way down to California. It was fascinating to see all the old boards and how far the technology has evolved from the earliest designs. Best of all, it was free!

    A short distance further and we were at our campground. Very hot! Fortunately, there is a beautiful pool for us to enjoy. We'll leave trailer setup for later!
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  • День 29

    Over 1/2 Way Home

    30 августа 2017 г., Соединенные Штаты ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    It took us three days of driving, but we're now out of California. But not out of the smoke. It was really thick closer to the Oregon/California border but still a fair bit here in Medford, OR as well.

    Aside from the smoke taking away from the scenic beauty along parts of the route and a minor incident with the trailer where we damaged the step and now can no longer use it to get in and out, it's been smooth sailing.

    Each day has started at a leisurely pace with getting ourselves fed and washed and then readying the trailer for the drive. With everyone pitching in its been easy.

    We generally drive for a couple of hours and then stop somewhere. One day it was at a designated rest stop on the highway, another in downtown Merced, where we went for a walk and found an ice cream shop.

    Yesterday we drove through an area full of nut growing ranches and we stopped at a nut store. We picked up some pistachios and a nut mix. One of the workers invited us outside to show us a pistachio tree and explained the process of picking and processing pistachios. She also showed us a male and a female pistachio tree. Do you know how you can tell them apart?

    Then, before arriving at our campground we might stop for groceries so that we don't need to unhook the trailer.

    The KOA's have all been great. We've been able to enjoy playing ping pong or pool at most as well as use the swimming pool when it's been hot. Yesterday, in Oroville we were able to walk a short distance to a huge Casino on the property. Not to gamble but to have dinner in the restaurant. We actually didn't walk there. We were about to but were able to hop on a free shuttle cart.
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  • День 32

    And So Ends Another Adventure

    2 сентября 2017 г. ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Got up first this morning, as I have every morning on this trip, to have my coffee. Wanted to keep it all easy for this last stay so didn't get the stove setup to boil water. Instead, I walked to the breakfast hall in the campground to buy a coffee. Sadly, it doesn't open until 8:00.

    Rather than wait 40 minutes, I walked down the street to the gas station. It too wasn't open. But then I spotted one of those small coffee kiosks nearby. I walked over to the counter and was shocked by what I saw! Or should I say, what I didn't see.

    Inside was a buxom blonde with nothing on except for a black fishnet. Her nipples were covered with a small piece of black electrical tape and her private area with a small, red cloth. She casually asked me what I'd like and made me a coffee. I walked awAy in disbelief.

    I decided to check out the name online later. Turns out Cowgirls Espresso is a franchise and are to coffee what Hooters is to restaurants. Crazy start to the last day of my holiday!

    The kids were all up early, obviously eager to get home and reconnect with their friends. We were on the road shortly after 9. Stopped at Costco in Bellingham and picked up a ton of Tillimook cheese, Emma's favourite. The border wait was an hour, but we had no trouble getting through with our booty.

    As we approached the sign with ferry wait times posted, we were disappointed to see a two or three ferry wait to Victoria. Nothing on the Nanaimo route though. We decided to gamble on the 3:15 to Nanaimo even though the lady at the ticket wicket told us it was highly unlikely we'd get on.

    As it turns out, WE GOT ON! Great way to end a great trip. Looking forward to the next one already, although I have no idea what that will look like. For now, it's time to pay the bills for this one and then we can start saving for the next.
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