Asia 2023

abril - maio 2023
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man.” - Heraclitus Leia mais
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  • Dia 36

    Tokyo Day 1

    9 de maio de 2023, Japão ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Arrived in Tokyo around 7am in the morning after 4 hours in a very uncomfortable Jetstar flight … that’s budget airlines for ya! (I wasn’t a fan of the headrest and Matt wasn’t a fan of no back seat pockets 😂) . We were both super happy to get off that plane and to feel cool air hitting our faces on the way out rather than humidity and an instant clamminess to our skin.

    After some airport-to-train navigation we had our loaded Suica cards ready to go for the hour long ride from Narita airport into Tokyo city. We stopped at a station close by to our accommodation @KINhotel and walked about 2km. On route we stopped to caffeinate. The vending machine hot and cold beverage options were one of the highlights of Japan!

    A lot of walking was done that day! We had 100yen sushi for lunch. After walking to two @Sushiro which were closed we found another sushi train and it was quite the experience. Ordering our sushi on a tablet and watching it arrive by conveyer makes for a fun lunch.

    We explored some areas of Japan that would be classed as “R18” or “Adults only” in our countries … if they even existed! As one of the must-see cultural regions of the city we entertained this and braved a 4-5 Floor mall which sold a broad and bizarre range of sex toys. The building was FIVE FLOORS!!!! Unreal. We felt like naughty teens in the store just finding everything immaturely amusing and also in disbelief that such a seemingly conservative country like Japan has an entire area of its this giant city dedicated to these fetishes. For insight, they had whole floors for life-size dolls, men’s toys, women’s toys, cosplay outfits, BDSM stuff as well as random vending machines that dispensed pieces of women’s clothing that made Matt’s face lose all colour and look like he was going to be sick 🤣.

    On a tamer note, we finished the day with a trip up to the Tokyo Skytree which was worth every dollar. The Skytree stands at (……….*MATT PLEASE INSERT FACTS HERE….)

    The Skytree were also celebrating the 100 year anniversary of Disney by having Disney character murals, fun facts and music filling the whole observatory. There’s something so memorable about watching the sun lighting up the sky red hot and setting in the distance while you have Mount Fuji in your line of vision and the Lion King’s Circle of Life is playing in the background. Perfection.
    It was really the unreal end to our first day in Tokyo and a way to stave off our sleep deprivation until nightfall.

    We had our first ramen of the trip for dinner afterwards. Again, they have machines outside to take your order, for payment and to give you a ticket. We had no clue what was written so it was a guessing game what we would be served. We ended up with 1 hot ramen and a cold ramen. We both agreed we prefer our hot ramen but the cold ramen was still so so delicious!
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  • Dia 36

    Tokyo Day 2

    9 de maio de 2023, Japão ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    We started the day with ramen from a booth @IchranShibuya. The whole process of food ordering and serving in Japan is fantastic and so efficient. We entered (another) underground restaurant where we placed our order and payment through a machine where we tickets were printed for us. This was a ramen only place and they had chosen to do one thing and do it well! We handed the lady the tickets and she gave us an order sheet where we had options for broth richness, spiciness, garlic content, meat content etc.. There was a panel indicating which seats/booths were currently occupied, free and being freed up. As soon as two were freed up for us, we entered through the typical Japanese half-curtains to our booth(s) which looked much like the prison call booths that you see in movies. There were bamboo blinds in front of each person which would be lifted and your order taken or dish served to you. The kitchen/meal preparation area was literally just on the other side of the blinds.

    It turned out to be quite a full day out to Shinjuku, Harajuku and Shibuya. We explored the famous Meiji Jingu (shrine) and wandered through Yoyogi park after strolling through the vibrant and energised streets of Harajuku. In this area there is a very quirky sense of fashion that’s embraced. As in typical Japanese style, there are cafes of all sorts - dog cafe, cat cafe, owl cafe, otter cafe, maid cafe… the list goes on.

    We made it to Shibuya crossing aka “The Scramble” at rush hour and watched hoards of people crossing the 6-way crossing at the same time. It’s like a calm chaos that we did not see in the other countries we visited on this trip! The others were just pure chaos. In between the crisscrossing of pedestrians, we’d see Mario carts being driven along the main city streets. Yup, only in Japan is driving a go cart through the city in a Mario (or other cartoon) outfit a tourist attraction!
    The Birds Eye view we got from the top of one of the buildings was definitely worth the fee of a single beverage per person!

    After this, we went to see Tokyo city at night. Not as lively as Shibuya and Shinjuku as this was mainly the business district. There were loads of restaurants with little/no English on the menu which suggests it was mainly where locals would visit for their evening meals rather than tourists getting the Japanese experience! We settled on Japanese Katsu curry which really hit the spot!
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  • Dia 37

    The Finale

    10 de maio de 2023, Japão ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    The last day of our travels since we left NZ on 4th April. (37 days)
    The last day of constant adventure since we finished work and left Tauranga on the 19th Feb to start exploring the South Island of NZ (81 days).

    We started the morning with the blaring of sirens on our phone at 4.20am and a big earthquake that followed not 10 seconds later. Both of us were shocked into consciousness by the swaying of the building from the 8th floor where we were. Being from NZ, earthquakes are not too terrifying but being in a foreign country and not knowing whether the building’s integrity could withstand such a shake made it a little more scary! It shook for longer than I expected and aftershocks were more prolonged than I was used to.. but after peeking out the window and seeing the roof top crane still in its place I figured it was probably safe to head back to bed. Matt was sound asleep again by that point anyway!

    The few days we had in Tokyo were the perfect way to end our trip. We ate and shopped and explored. On this last day we went to visit the Sensō-Ji temple and to get a couple of souvenir caricatures drawn up @CaricatureJapanAsakusa.
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