Kodra Cakoit

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    • Dag 31


      15. august 2022, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Schon kurz nach dem Start in Orikum auf Meereshöhe merkte ich, dass heute ein strenger Tag wird. Es ging stetig bergauf (immer über 10%) und hörte und hörte nicht auf. Da ich wiedermal das Frühstück verpasste, gabs halt Powerriegel - welche ich auch dringend brauchte. Der Weg führte mich durch den Nationalpark Llogara bis ganz hinauf zum Berggipfel auf über 1000 Höhenmeter. Die Aussicht und die danach folgende Abfahrt war dafür grandios (siehe Video🤪) und liess den Kampf beinahe vergessen.

      Damit war es aber noch nicht getan. Bis nach Himarë ging es immer wieder rauf und runter, so dass es heute schlussendlich über 1500 Höhenmeter und mehr als 60km gegeben hat. Den Nachmittag geniesse ich nun hier am Strand und tanke meine Energie bei einem deftigen Stück Cheesecake wieder auf.🤩😋
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    • Dag 58–61


      29. februar, Albania ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      A 6:45, tout le village est déjà réveillé! Avec notre tente installée entre l'église et l'école, on ne passe pas inaperçu. Un couple nous propose un café, puis c'est l'instituteur qui nous amène un petit gâteau. On balbutie des remerciements en albanais "FALEMINDERIT" mais pas facile; on communique avec les sourires. On se met en route et on atteint les paysages grandioses de la côte ! Dommage que le soleil ne soit pas là pour illuminer les eaux bleues turquoises de la mer.
      Direction Himarë pour notre pause de 3 jours... C'est la pluie qui nous attend, une petite station balnéaire (à majorité Grecque) en plein travaux pour faire face a l'afflux massif des touristes pendant l'été, le soir ceux sont les coupures d'électricité (a cause des travaux? Ou de l'orage ?) ... A suivre!
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    • Dag 56

      Day 55/56/57 - Himarë

      24. september 2022, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      In the morning we checked out at the Filikuri Hostel and moved our stuff to Sun Bakers (three nights in Himarë, three different hostels :D). We then went for some breakfast at the same place we had dinner the night before. The woman recognized us again and was very happy to see us again. ;) However, she forgot half of our order and at some point we just decided to give up. 😅 After getting some snacks in a little shop where Lucas spoke to the owner in Greek (!! So surprised how many languages people speak), the three of us went to Filikuri beach, a secluded beach outside of Himarë to which you have to climb down along a pretty loose rope along the rock. At some point it's attached to a bush. 😅 For those of us being afraid of heights, it was impossible to go down there so we skipped on this plan and went to a different beach in Himarë instead. 😀 We went for a swim (there was an icy cold layer of water on the surface, but it was warm at the feet) and enjoyed the beach time together, making fun and joking around. Later on, we met up with Jon and some people from his hostel again to go up to a castle to watch the sunset together. It was beautiful up there and we got to see a colorful sunset over the sea. :) After, Chris, Lucas, and me went for pizza and pasta in a restaurant again before going back to the Sun Bakers.
      Back at the hostel, we were hanging out at the bar socializing with other hostel people and having a few too many gin tonics. 😅 It was a fun evening though. :)

      The next morning, Chris took a bus back to Tirana while Lucas and me would relocate to another hostel - again. This time we went to "Relax hostel", according to online references the owner is quite moody, which turned out to be true. 😅 I decided to stay another night in Himarë to have a beach day at Filikuri beach with Lucas and some other people from the hostel. :) We went down the rope to the beach which was indeed a little scary, but it was fine in the end. 😁👌 Lucas and me enjoyed some really good conversations and went back to Sun Bakers for a drink after, where we also met Jon again. :) It was a rather quiet night at the bar so Lucas and me went back into Himarë and got some traditional Greek food on the way to our hostel. Waiting for our food, we also randomly met Sylvia (Australian girl we met in Tirana hostel) again and two British guys. They joined us in the restaurant and we were sitting there for some time, which was fun and good seeing her again. :) It's a really small world travelling in Albania, we bumped into so many familiar faces in different hostels a the time. 😀
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    • Dag 21

      Car wash Day

      28. oktober 2022, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nach einem leckeren Frühstück am Strand geht es weiter nach Süden.
      Unser Auto hat sich auf den Albanischen Straßen und Feldwegen doch arg versaut, und so steht heute Fahrzeug Pflege auf dem Programm 😀.
      An vielen Ecken wird das Waschen von Autos angeboten. Am Anfang war ich eher skeptisch, aber heute ist die Not doch groß.
      Ein Platz ist schnell gefunden, und typisch für die Hilfsbereitschaft der Albaner werden unsere Autos vorgezogen.
      Wirklich professionell wird der Bus eingeschäumt und gereinigt.
      Ich bekomme das grinsen nicht aus dem Gesicht bei dem glänzenden Auto 🥸
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    • Dag 3

      Direzione Himare Day 3

      14. august 2023, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Iniziamo la giornata alla grande con la colazione a base di kulaç, pane tipico Albanese.
      Partiamo! Destinazione Hïmare, paesino di pescatori. La strada si snoda fra montagna ⛰️e mare🌅, i paesini sono davvero incantevoli. Capiamo che in questa zona ci sono molte arnie 🐝 perché ogni tot km si può trovare una bancarella con miele e propoli in vendita. Facciamo una sosta panoramica da cui si può scorgere anche l'isola di Corfù. Da qui partono i parapendio🪂 e abbiamo la fortuna di vederne uno partire.

      Arrivate ad Hïmare scendiamo in spiaggia dove conosciamo una simpatica coppia Albanese ma residente in Italia. Ci consigliano un ristorantino davvero niente male in cui mangiamo specialità Greche🇬🇷.

      La sera il lungo mare è animato da bar e giochi. Alle 24:00 la musica però si spegne poiché non è permesso tenerla altra oltre quell'ora. Tre baldi giovani attaccano bottone con noi e ci offrono del buon champagne e una piacevole chiacchierata multilingue, un po' in Italiano, un po' in spagnolo e Inglese.
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    • Dag 35


      8. august 2023, Albania ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Today, we planned to beach hop on our way to Himare. Unfortunately, all the beaches we had identified on the map as having potential were situated within a naval base area. I'm not sure how that could have happened, but obviously, we just went on our way and headed to the next beach. This was the main beach we wanted to see anyway, so we weren't too fussed. The drive there ended up being the greatest appeal of it all. Unfortunately, I was driving and so didn't get the best photos, but we got to drive down from the top of the mountain on a zigzag road with pristine white beaches that lay at the bottom. The beach when we got to the bottom did not disappoint either. The water was insanely blue and the perfect temperature. Was so nice to jump in. We couldn't spend as much time as we had planned, though, as the wind did manage to ruin the fun. Because it is a rocky beach, when the wind really picked up, you would be getting hit and stung by tiny rocks that left like they embedded themselves into you. As such, we figured it would be best to make our way to Himare.

      When we arrived, we got to the hotel we had originally booked just to learn that they actually rejected our booking for whatever reason. This meant we officially had to find somewhere at the very last minute. We knew for a fact that accommodation isn't cheap or easy to find here because two Irish girls, who were coincidentally staying in Himare at the same time as us, were forced to stay at a camping site. This scared us quite a bit, but eventually, we found a really nice hotel that was quite expensive, but splitting it 3 ways makes it a lot more affordable. We had to pay 30 euro each, but that's what most hostels cost anyway, and we got our own private place.

      This worked out really well as eventually when we caught up with the Irish ladies, we made use of a 5 euro cocktail happy hour and went back to the hotel to drink. We were probably 6 cocktails and a few beers in by this point, and the drinking only continued, so it is safe to say it was a long night of drinking. Unfortunately, there isn't much nightlife in Himare, so this was the best option we had, but we were not complaining as we had a lot of fun.
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    • Dag 9

      ein Tag unter Wasser

      29. juli 2019, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Heute steht Tauchen auf den Programm. Mit Sami unserem Tauchguide tauchen wir vom Strand aus ein Riff entlang und nachmittags zu einem Schiffswrack aus dem 2. Weltkrieg. Besonders beeindruckend ist die Schraube, die von großen Schwämnen teilweise eingewachsen ist.
      Danach fahren wir in Serpentinen durch eine einsame Berglandschaft Richtung Norden. Manchmal führt die Straße durch kleine Orte am Meer. In Himara finden wir einen abgelegen Zeltplatz und mieten ein Zelt in erster Reihe mit Blick aus dem Zelt über die ganze Bucht.
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    • Dag 54


      24. september 2021, Albania ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Heute machen wir eine regelrechte Passfahrt zu unserem nächsten Ziel, Himarë. Von Vlorë aus geht es kurvig rund 1'250 Meter hoch durch den Nationalpark Llogara und ebenso kurvig wieder runter auf Meereshöhe. Der Fahrer unseres Minibusses nimmt die Kurven natürlich mit ordentlicher Geschwindigkeit und sich irgendwo festhalten ist empfehlenswert. Belohnt werden wir mit einer schönen Aussicht hinunter auf die Küste. In Himarë angekommen laden wir unser Gepäck ab und laufen die 300m bis ans Meer.

      In Vlorë machte uns das Baden nicht so an; das Wasser sah, wie die Strände auch, nicht sehr sauber aus. Hier in Himarë ist das Wasser jedoch glasklar, wie wir es uns von der Adriaküste gewöhnt sind. Man sieht von hier aus sogar nach Griechenland, zur Insel Korfu.

      Dass die Hauptsaison vorbei ist, merken wir nicht nur an der geringen Anzahl Strandbesucher, sondern auch an den Restaurants und Strandbars, die bereits abgebaut sind oder gerade abgebaut werden...
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