Base Naval Ushuaia

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    • Gün 5

      Une journée au musée

      2 Mayıs 2022, Arjantin ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      Il pleut ... c'est donc la journée parfaite pour aller au musée !

      Sur le papier il a l'air top, il est fait dans l'ancien bagne d'Ushuaia ... les prisonniers qui étaient envoyés là étaient des récidivistes ... Le vrai bagne quoi !!!

      En vrai, c'est pas top, la visite des cachots est marrante, mais sans plus. Seule la partie sur l'Antarctique est sympa (surtout depuis qu’Elvina a décidé que ce serait son prochain voyage) . On voit des cartes (sympa pour expliquer où on est aux enfants) et la maquette d'un brise glace ... qu'on verra en vrai dans le port quelques heures plus tard 😳🤩
      La prison est classée monument Argentin.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 19

      Finding Penguins

      9 Mart 2018, Arjantin ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      There's lots to do in and around Ushuaia, and if you plan it well, you can find yourselves with two full days. 3 even if you can. Everyone does the Beagle Channel Cruise, but other options include hiking in Tierra del Fuego National Park, glacier hiking, horseback riding, canoeing and more. Our group did a bit of a scatter, but this afternoon we were all on our included Beagle Channel Cruise.

      A bit of a lazy morning, in hindsight, I wish we'd gotten up early and checked out the national park. There's a number of trails, though the bus only runs at certain times and we didn't want to risk missing the cruise later. So, around town we wandered. Heading out along the water, then back to the main drag. In and out of tourist shops from one end to the other. The weather held out beautifully, the weather gods returned and smiled upon us. The winds were still strong though and you'd be advised to have the thermals handy.

      There's two tourist shops of note to check out. Both are on the main street, and you'll notice the first right away with prisoner figures all about it. Ushuaia, like Australia, was built by prisoners, the former from Spain. In the back of the first shop "La Ultima Bita", you'll find a large backyard display of prisoners of the past engaged in mining activities while authorities looked on and supervised. The second shop is on a corner a few blocks down on the opposite side of the street. I think they might be sister shops. The draw to this storefront is that they have rubber Ushuaia stamps you can mark your postcards with. Of course, we only stumbled upon this after we'd mailed our postcards.

      Speaking of postcards, the post office charges an arm and a leg for stamps, check out some of the local shops for stamps instead. That said, as far as I know, none of my postcards have arrived yet and we're coming up on a month. Not worried yet as it took 5 months for a postcard to arrive from Petra, Jordan.

      And speaking of stamps, don't forget to get your passport stamped with the "Gateway to Antarctica" stamp. There's another one for those who actually go to Antarctica, no cheating! So I am returning one day =) By the way, to tide your penguin needs til need, there's lots of penguin things to buy, you might find yourself going home with one, or two, or three, or who's counting anyway?

      Back to our day, we headed down to the docks to board our boat to cruise through the Beagle Channel. It's about a 6 hour round trip and though picturesque, you may want to bring a book or cards, especially since we return in the night. And yes, it does get dark in March. The sail is a smooth one, grab a seat indoors but you'll find yourself outside for a good duration. We get some shore watching time, looking back at the city, pretty as it rests, nestled in front of mountains still capped with snow.

      We pass by a Chilean town on our way south, but it's population still hasn't reached that of a city yet, so Ushuaia retains its title of southernmost city for now. We pass a sunken boat with history that I can't remember. Then sealions and birds that look like penguins. And a lighthouse. Finally we reach Isla Martillo.

      Most of our small group braved the waves splashing up the front of the front of the boat, staking out a good photo spot for when we'd reach the island. It was windy, it was wet (and admittedly I stayed in a doorway til we were almost there). The boat slows as it approaches and dare I count hundreds of cute Magellanic penguins appeared before us. We were limited in our movements, but we made up for it in excitement and camera zooms and hundreds of photos.

      Among the Magellanic penguins were a few gentoo penguins as well and two king penguins, a rarity who we learned might be scouting for a home for their own colony. We lingered and lingered until the boat slowly pulled away again, returning the way we came. So many many penguins...must get more...
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 61

      Ushuaias dunkle Vergangenheit

      4 Ocak 2017, Arjantin ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Die Einheimischen nannten es Ushuaia - Die Bucht, die nach Osten blickt. Vor 100 Jahren wurde ein großes Gefängnis und Straflager gebaut und viele Häftlinge starben beim Bau der Straßen und Häuser.

    • Gün 193

      El Fin del Mundo

      1 Şubat 2020, Arjantin ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      The end of the road in Ushuaia, Argentine . We find a number of fellow overlanders at the harbor including the old Renault,who also is planning to complete the full panamerikana, Ushuaia to Alaska. In the statepark close to town we see the red headed magelanian woodpecker.
      And one of the campgrounds has some innovative recycling options , including glass bottle trees and a playground built from recycled materials .
      What all the overlanders struggle with is getting money in Argentina. Oddly enough , the Western union exchange rate is by far the best , so we spent time lining up there as well with other travellers. At the end, if we are lucky and the store has enough pesos, we walk out with a shopping bag full of bills ! Its definitly complicated with an inflation rate of 50% per year ....but despite all of these issues the argentinos/as are wonderful people and we really enjoy our time here.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 233

      At the end of the world :)

      4 Mart 2017, Arjantin ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

      After a seemingly endless journey to the southern most city in the world (or fin del mundo as they call it here), I spent my first day working and exploring the area. The city of Ushuaia is in the very south of fireland and starting point for most Antarctica excursions. I too will be taking a boat south from here on Monday, but not all the way to Antarctica ;-)

      Besides being a small harbor and airport city for tourists, there's not much to say about Ushuaia.

      Outside the city, beavers have taken over the island and leave traces everywhere. Weather has been nice, but rain is forecasted for my entire hike next week...
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 423

      Pinguin Island - Ushuaia

      3 Kasım 2019, Arjantin ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      ❤️🐧Pinguin Alarm 🐧❤️
      Hier in Ushuaia haben wir die Isla Martillo besucht. 👏
      Unser Guide führte uns zu den Pinguinen, die gerade ein Wasserbad nahmen und wieder auf die Insel zurück watschelten.
      Bei diesem Anblick hatten sie sofort unser Herz erobert.😊
      Die Pinguine waren direkt vor unserer Nase. Sie putzten ihr Fell, verscheuchten andere, die ihren Platz einnehmen wollten und
      manche legten sich in ihr Nest um Eier zu brüten.
      Wir hätten ihnen dabei stundenlang zusehen können.

      Mit der Pinguin Tour auf der Isla Martillo haben wir uns einen Traum erfüllt, denn die ganze Reise über haben wir versucht Pinguine zu sehen, aber es hatte bisher nicht geklappt... ⠀⠀
      Diesmal ließen wir uns die Chance nicht entgehen und haben eine “Walking with Penguins” Tour gebucht und wurden nicht enttäuscht.
      Wir haben sogar drei verschieden Arten gesehen: Magellan-, Gentoo- und einen Königspinguin.
      Das schöne an dieser Tour war, dass maximal 20 Leute gleichzeitig auf der Insel mit den Pinguinen sind und die dadurch nicht gestört werden! ⠀⠀
      Alle Besucher wurden dazu angehalten leise zu sein und sich an gewisse Regeln zu halten, damit die Pinguine nicht beeinträchtigt werden.
      Wir hatten insgesamt eine Stunde Zeit die kleinen Rabauken zu beobachten und konnten uns bis auf zwei Meter nähern. ⠀⠀
      Das Wetter hat zum Glück auch mitgespielt und so war es einfach nur ein wunderschöner Nachmittag, der uns noch lange im Gedächtnis bleiben wird
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 49

      Beaver is gone, Beer is well

      30 Ekim 2018, Arjantin ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Auf der Suche nach etwas Speziellem zum Essen wollten wir Biber bei Volver ausprobieren. Aber:

      Kein Biber (ist aus - am Tag danach erfahren wir, das das Biber-Angebot auf der Speisekarte nur dazu dient, Touristen anzulocken. Biber sind in Argentinien Wildtiere und diese dürfen nicht gejagt werden. Aber die Touristen wissen das nicht, kommen wegen dem Biber ins Restaurant und essen dann halt was anderes. So wie wir 😂🤣).
      Kein Octopus (ist aus)
      Kein local Bier (ist aus)
      Kein vegetarisches Gericht (gab es noch nie)
      Keine Kreditkarte (kein Internet in ganz Ushuaia seit heute Nachmittag)

      Die Alternativen wären aber auch nicht schlecht:
      Estrella Bier aus Galicia
      Krabbe aus Ushuaia nach Volver
      Krabbe aus Ushuaia Akulufen

      Und zum Absacker noch lokale Biere in der Bierbar Birra.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 20

      Meeting Penguins

      10 Mart 2018, Arjantin ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Let's cut straight to the chase and highlight of this part of the trip. Meeting penguins. You heard right, this afternoon we're going back to Isla Martillo by way of Estancia Haberton and zodiac, to land on the island and walk amongst our new little friends. There's a few rules to keep in mind, stay on the marked paths, don't touch or engage the penguins and be quiet. The practice is for minimal impact on the penguins, after all, the Isla is their home and we're the guests, just quietly passing through. Oh, and the most important rule of all, you cannot take one of these penguins home.

      We do a beach landing on the opposite side of where we were yesterday so that we would start our walk through the nesting area where burrows have been dug, and some of the penguins are changing their feathers for the season. Some of them are still patchy. Magellans are everywhere and our camera happy fingers went click click click again. Our guide explains more about the penguins, but I'm so far behind (there's also no running) yet more than content to take more photos and just watch the penguins, some of who look back at us.

      On the other side of the island, we wander the beach that we couldn't step foot on yesterday. There are some gentoo penguins on this side, they're got the orange feet. And we were even in luck, the 2 king penguins from yesterday are still here. Our guide allows us to go closer, but only in a single file to take a few quick photos each. Our time on the island comes to an end much too soon. And with that, our tour as well. When we get back into town, we'll be having our pre-farewell dinner. I say pre because we leave Ushuaia in the morning along with a few friends staying behind to embark on an Antarctic adventure.

      Side bar - after visiting the penguins, we would return to Haberton and visit their marine museum run by volunteer students. A very neat place to check out while you're there and learn how to differentiate the different wildlife in the area. We'd also stop by a place in the forests where the trees appear to grow sideways.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 17


      23 Kasım 2023, Arjantin ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Ushuaiaist die südlichste Stadt Argentiniens und liegt am Beagelkanal. Das Wort „Ushuaia“ kommt aus der Sprache der Yamana, der Ureinwohner, und bedeutet „Bucht, die nach Osten blickt“.

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    Base Naval Ushuaia

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