Cockle Bay

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    • Dag 10

      Last days in Sydney

      26. marts 2023, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      The remaining four days in Sydney have been fairly quiet. The weather has been hot, humid, rain, thunder, drizzle, mild, sunny, hot…………repeat, repeat. There’s been a lot of soccer played by Granddad and Oisin in the yard, Flynn is just learning to throw a ball so we’ve had games outside with him too. Oisin and I made up Lego farm bricks from the supermarket, just like the ones in NZ, they’ve just been introduced here. I collected them and made a great little farm which I gave away to a friend’s grandson but things are different here: I’d never seen a henhouse, drone or scarecrow in the NZ packages so great excitement to find them. Yes, I know – I haven’t grown up yet!

      We’ve visited a few playgrounds including a playland at Rhodes Mall, very impressed with that one and Flynn and Nan had some big races in the ball pit. A new adventure for me, lots of fun. There are three or four playgrounds within walking distance of Jen and Vince’s place, couldn’t resist a slide and swing at this one.

      We’ve had a drive around the neighbourhood, streets full of Federation era houses (early 1900’s), different sizes, some with wrap-around verandas, all brick with stucco on some, delicate stained glass in some windows – a contrast to the older Victorian houses we’ve seen, and worker’s cottages like Jen and Vince’s. So different from New Zealand architecture.

      Very excited to find an IKEA in Rhodes Mall, no time to get lost in the endless aisles unfortunately but we did buy our favourite ginger snaps which we knew as ‘Anna’s Biscuits’, always a must-buy at IKEA in Singapore when we’d go to buy one thing and go home with bags full of ‘essentials’ (okay, probably not really essential) for our apartment.

      Today we had a lovely walk along the Glebe shoreline, which is in a little cove (Blackwattle Bay) part of Sydney Harbour – you can just see the Harbour Bridge in my bigger photo if you look closely. And the close-up, I thought the Tanqueray Gin signage on the building was appropriate when you looked at the line-up of ‘gin palaces’ docked across the bay. Not envious of course. There are lovely new apartment blocks along the shoreline, gardens, parks, and a big playground where we stopped for a while before lunch.

      We finished with lunch in The Tramshed – as it sounds, refurbished tramsheds with a token old tram and the rest of the place has several restaurants, all sorts from Italian to Vietnamese. On Sunday there’s a small market in the middle with stalls for lovely candles, fresh bread, olives, handcrafts etc, and there’s also a good supermarket with an emphasis on fresh produce so we came home with focaccia and strawberries for tea.

      And that’s our nine days in Sydney, next stop Singapore and then on to Barcelona on Thursday. We’ll be back to Sydney late May. Please join us on our travels over the next few weeks.
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    • Dag 40

      Sydney - Citylife & Beaches

      24. oktober 2023, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Die erste Großstadt unserer Reise stand an - Samstag Nachmittag sollte es nach Sydney gehen. Am Flughafen in Christchurch eingecheckt und gerade auf dem Weg zur Sicherheitskontrolle wurde leider der Flug gecancelt. Glücklicherweise wurden wir sehr schnell auf den Flug 2 Stunden später umgebucht und sogar auf eine A380 Maschine von Emirates - ein cooles Erlebnis.
      Angekommen in der sehr zentralen Unterkunft ging es direkt ins Bett, da wir für Sonntag ganz früh eine Sonnenaufgangstour mit dem Kayak im Hafen von Sydney gebucht hatten. Das Aufstehen um 4:15 Uhr hat sich mehr als gelohnt. Die aufgehende Sonne mit der Oper und der Skyline im Hintergrund - schöner hätte unser Start nicht sein können. Später sind wir mit zwei Mädels, die wir bei der Kayak Tour kennengelernt haben, nach Manly mit der Fähre gefahren und haben dort den restlichen Tag verbracht. Abends ging es zur Oper, um eine Lichtershow zu sehen, die es dort anlässlich des 50. Geburtstag der Oper gab.
      Montag ging es nach dem Frühstück Richtung Bondi Beach, von wo aus wir eine Wanderung Richtung Congee Beach (ca 2 Stunden one way) bei strahlendem Sonnenschein unternommen haben. Abends stand dann noch Adis Geschenk an - ein Walk während des Sonnenuntergangs auf der Harbour Bridge. Auch wenn wir eine ziemliche Rentnergruppe erwischt hatten, hat es sich echt gelohnt und wir hatten einen tollen Blick von oben auf die Stadt. Ordentlich hungrig sind wir dann noch bei einem echt tollen Italiener gelandet.
      Dienstag sind wir nach dem Frühstück zum Bronte Beach aufgebrochen (Nähe Bondi Beach), da es uns hier am Tag zuvor schon bei der Wanderung so gut gefallen hatte. Wie an einigen anderen Stränden gibt es auch hier einen Salzwasserpool direkt am Meer, was echt sehr cool ist. Hier haben wir die Sonne bis zum späten Nachmittag genossen. Abends ging es dann nochmal Richtung Hafen. Direkt bei der Oper gibt es eine coole Bar mit schönem Blick und guten Drinks. Beim Italiener vom Vorabend haben wir dann den letzten Abend ausklingen lassen.

      3 Tage Sydney gingen viel zu schnell vorbei - auch das Wetter hat es echt gut mit uns gemeint, 3 Tage lang wolkenloser Himmel und ca. 25 Grad.
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    • Dag 16

      Milford Sound

      1. januar, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      We are working our way up the west coast of New Zealand. Yesterday we spent the day in Milford Sound.
      I took a road trip to New Zealand in the mid 80’s but it was during their winter. I loved the country and its natural beauty but we got snowed out of Milford Sound. Ever since, Milford Sound has been a tantalizing destination. It did not disappoint!
      These photos (thank you, Charlotte) can only give a hint of the mystique of the mountains, the mist, and the fjord.
      The woman in the last shot is Ebony, one of our Māori cultural guides who has been traveling with us since we left Auckland. The last time I was in New Zealand my view of Māori culture was limited to a tourist show of half-naked tattooed men sticking their tongues out and thrusting spears aggressively to the persistent beat of tomtoms.
      Through our interactions with Ebony and another Māori man named Gus, we are learning so much more about their rich culture.
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    • Dag 11

      Macquarie Island

      27. december 2023, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We spent a a few glorious sunny hours at Macquarie Island, Australia.
      Along the beach I was intrigued by a King penguin who seemed to be late for a very important appointment with his colleagues.
      Close by was a Royal penguin colony where chicks were being tended to by doting parents.
      Meanwhile the sea lions basked in sun.
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    • Dag 7

      "It's getting better all the time"

      11. marts, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      To quote Paul McCartney and Robyn Plunkett "Its getting better........." And we had a pretty cruisie day.
      Our first night was pretty good, the bed was cosy and warm and we didn't fight about not having enough bed. Sometime during the night an animal scurried across the roof top and at another time a couple of animals had a very loud fight.
      It was misty in the morning and after breafast and a shower we went for a coffee at the jetty - coffee was great. Then we had a walk around wineglass beach - there were lots of people doing the same thing, some had bikes, some with fishing rods - a few swimming - the water looked great - but we will wait for a few more days until we are sure Covid has gone.
      We came back and sat for a while then had lunch. Nothing exciting, some wraps.
      In the afternoon it was quite warm, we headed up hill to a town area - the plan was for afternoon coffee, but the cafe with the reputation was closed for coffee, but we found some at a icecreamery.
      Then we walked home via a beatiful walkway along the rocky coastline - we dropped down into sandy bays and admired the colourful and rocky scenery.
      Gran is cooking her first meal of the gas stove - I cooked porridge with fresh dates this morning.
      We have booked a camp site north of here at St Helens - so will make our way there - but not until we have walked up to the Wineglass Bay lookout - see photo. It could be a tough climb, but we want to give it a go.
      Not a lot to say other than we did enjoy relaxing and getting more comfortable with this way of holidaying.
      The park has filled up from empty this morning and the internet goes so slooooooowww. Got 4 imaged up will try for a couple more later.
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    • Dag 36

      Day 36: Taste this! Rum

      27. januar, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

      Life-long learners unite! (I meant to post this a while back).

      Aguag & Destra Viking Neptune bartender’s and personal instructors on various matters related to the consummation of adult beverages continue to hold classes at Torshavn on various types of beverages. Keep your eyes on the VIking Daily for the next class. Be sure to register with Guest Services.

      Even if you are not a big drinker, or you are like me and really don’t know the finer details of one wine to another - these sessions really teach the 101 level of different types of drinks. Just take sniff and a sip and learn.

      Today’s class was about rum — So, I do have some Bacardi & Coke experience — It started in the late seventies. Enough said. I do love Myers Dark Rum as well. However, if you want to learn how to drink rum go to Belize - this past July Donna & I visited Belize - we are pretty sure that Belize Coconut Rum is running through the plumbing systems of the entire country. We did learn to enjoy a nice Belizean Rum Punch pretty much anytime of the day.

      The rums our guides sampled us through this evening were as listed below.

      1) Bacardi
      Color: White
      Country: Puerto Rico
      $19.99 at CostCo

      2) Mount Gay Eclipse
      Color: Gold
      Country: Barbados
      AU$ 54.00/750ml

      3) Myers Dark Rum
      Color: Dark
      Country: Jamaican
      $24.00 (in New Hampshire, USA, no tax)

      4) Ron Matusalem
      Color: Amber
      Country: Once based in Cuba, now Dominican Republic
      $125 per bottle

      5) Ron Zaccpa, Centenario XO
      Color: Dark Amber
      Country: Guatemala
      AU$ 222/750ml

      The saying, “You get what you pay for” is true as we journeyed up the ladder. It was a nice experience to try different rums, and learn a little bit about each.

      The reason you have to drink Bacardi with coke is to kill the torturous flavor. However, you should be shot if you mix Zaccpa with anything. It stands on its own as just a nice smooth , aaaaahhhh ….

      Class dismissed.

      #rum #myVikingJourney #myVikingStory #vikingNeptune
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    • Dag 34

      Night Sky: Southern Cross

      11. februar, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      So lucky to have had Howard Parkin, our resident Astronomer, on board to explain the stars to us each night. After many weeks, we finally had a wonderfully clear sky with fantastic views of the night sky from the top deck of the ship. The Southern Cross, 2 Pointer stars (Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri), and Southern constellations were right in front of us.

      We also managed to see the Milky Way, the 2 Magellanic clouds and an upside down Orion's Belt, and much more. It was one of the best nights of star gazing, thanks to the bridge crew for turning off the lights. It's amazing how bright the stars are without the ambient lights from the moon and city lights.
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    • Dag 44

      02.19.2024 Sailing the Australian Coast

      19. februar, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 72 °F

      Yay! A sea day. So nice to not have to be anywhere today. It’s cloudy, hot, and humid.
      Myron attended a few lectures while Diana updated the photo books.
      We went to the main pool but it was way too humid without the roof open so we moved to the Spa after about an hour.
      A little spa pool time, snow grotto and steam room for Myron.
      Dinner tonight was at the Chef Table with Burt, Todd, Mike and Lauri. A California cuisine dinner. We went to the Star Theatre for the comedy magic duo of Phil and Cass.
      Time for bed. Good night!
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    • Dag 33

      Lane Cove Sydney

      26. februar, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      I dag har vi sagt farvel til vennene i Appin. Huff, det ble tårevått! Når blir neste gang? Blir det et neste møte?

      Etter avskjeden dro vi innom en kjempeflott campingbutikk med alt du kan drømme om (hvis det er det du drømmer om da, vel og merke.. ) Tanken er å kjøpe et litt større telt som vi skal ha i tilknytning til bilen vi har leid på vestkysten. Så idag var vi kun på en liten rekognosering.

      Da vi nærmet oss Sydney tenkte vi å finne et hotell i sentrum. men fant ut at vi ikke ville bruke $ på det. Har derfor havnet på en campingplass som vi faktisk har vært på før. Lane Cove holiday park.

      I ettermiddag har vi vært på Manly beach og gått langs stranda. Været har vært litt bob bob, men godt og varmt.
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    • Dag 6

      Trains, boats and planes

      22. marts 2023, Australien

      Wednesday 22nd – a lovely day out with Oisin and Jen while Flynn was in day care, it was lots of fun from start to finish. We walked ten minutes to get the train so that was exciting for Oisin. First stop was the NSW State Library, we’d been there before and would go again. It has the most beautiful reading room in the middle of the original building with richly coloured stained glass, an art gallery with a portrait section (even has two Gottfried Lindauer paintings of Māori), landscapes and generally paintings describing the settlement and history of the state.

      The old entrance/exit has huge old pillars outside and in the lobby on the floor there’s a stone map of the Pacific showing Abel Tasman’s voyages including (as seen in the photo) his 1642 expedition where he mapped the top of the south island and lower north island – easy to see our Nelson home and Farewell Spit. And the doors are huge with brass or bronze (not sure which) panels depicting Aboriginal life and also portraits of important colonists who contributed to the founding of Sydney.

      The main reason for going to the library though, was for a small exhibition of children’s books highlighting their illustrators and how they went about their work. There were lots of books with an emphasis on diversity but also well-loved Australian books. Oisin was very excited to see the Grug and the painting of its house.…

      We headed down the hill to Circular Quay and had lunch at an Italian place Pete and I had been to last year, friendly service, good food – and the peach and passionfruit spritzer was pretty good. Oisin and I spent time looking at the big buildings and watching the ferries come and go, very exciting for the boy.

      I love seeing the old sandstone buildings and got a few photos. There’s so much history in Sydney, well worth a visit and a lot to see especially around the Rocks area and the gardens near Circular Quay but that’s just the start. We’ve been here a few times now and see something different each trip.

      After lunch we walked along towards the Opera House then headed home on the train again – Oisin was pretty tired and well ready for his bed at 7pm.

      We ticked the train box, ticked the boat (ferry) box, and the plane box? Ashfield is under the flight path to and from the airport so planes are frequent but you get used to them. And we'll be heading that way ourselves in a few days.
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