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    • Day 37

      Cossacks' wonderful viewpoint

      November 23, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Erster Gedanke: wie schön sind diese Bilder denn geworden. Mein erster Gedanke: Gott sei Dank sind wir angekommen.
      Wir fahren zu dritt (Jasmin,Pauline und ich) mit meinem kleinen Auto Richtung Cossack.
      Ohne Google Maps läuft hier gar nichts, also ist dies natürlich auch am Start.
      Wir fahren an der Stelle vorbei, an der ich schon mal mit den anderen Au Pairs war. Ich werfe in die Runde, dass ich das Gefühl habe, wir müssten eine ungemütliche Stelle befahren, an die ich mich dunkel erinnere. Ich fahre geradeaus an einem Cafe vorbei und fahre in die ungemütlichste Straße überhaupt (wenn man es überhaupt Straße nennen darf). Ich drehe nach gefühlten 20 Minuten, die wir in der wackeligen Strecke verbringen dürfen, und wir steigen aus, um im Cafe nach Zivilisation zu suchen. Wir drei klügen Köpfe sind an dem Schild "Settlers Beach" vorbei gefahren und somit dürfen wir es noch einmal versuchen.
      Schließlich angekommen fahren wir zuerst zum Strand. Es ist total windig und äußerst schwierig unsere Erdbeeren und Teilchen zu essen. Total versandet essen wir schließlich das was geht und wollen zurück zum Auto gehen. Davor setzen wir uns auf eine Bank. Jasmin vergisst ihre Schuhe am Strand, sodass sie wieder zurück laufen muss. Klingt erst mal nicht so schlimm aber leider darf man die 40 Grad Sonne, die auf den Boden knallt nicht aus den Gedanken verlieren. Aber wir als eingelebte Australier haben die Überlebenskünste und somit kommt die geniale Idee: Hundehaufen-Tüten als Schuhe!
      Und jetzt habt genau dieses Bild vor Augen: Jasmin mit ihren selbstgemachten Schuhen und ich mit meiner Aktionkamera hinterher. Beide am Schreien.
      Pauline ist schon längst wieder im Wasser und wartet. Sieht Jasmin schreiend zum Wasser laufend und mich 234928340 Mal am stehen bleiben, da ich mich vor Lachen nicht mehr einbekomme. Ein hammer Tag, ich sag's euch!

      Später machen wir uns auf den Weg zum Aussichtspunkt. Und die Bilder sagen mehr als Tausend Worte!
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    • Day 88

      Historic Cossack

      October 19, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Once the North West's first pastoral, gold rush and pearling port, today Cossack is a living ghost town. It was a great spot to see a beautilly restored town to give us an insight into 19th Century life in Northern WA.

      The flies were out in force today, so thank God for the flynets!
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    • Day 130

      📍WA Cossack

      May 16 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      📍WA Cossack

      On our way North we stopped off at a place called Cossack which is between Karratha & Port Headland.
      Back in the day this town was formerly known as Tien Tsin, and was an original port of pearls, but is now a historic ghost town (dissolved in 1910, and abandoned by 1950).

      You can stay in one of the buildings (accomodation) and there are some restorations happening on another. It’s actually quite a pretty town sitting right on the water.
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    • Day 39


      November 18, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Mit Victoria und Jasmin habe ich mich auf die "lange Reise" nach Cossack begeben.
      Bevor wir unseren kleinen Trip starteten ging es erstmal zu den Shops, um für Verpflegung zu sorgen. Anschließend sind wir mit Victorias kleinem roten Auto, in welchem die Klimaanlage nicht wirklich funktionieren will, Richtung Cossack gedüst.
      Jasmin ist gefühlt nach 5 Minuten auf der Rückbank eingepennt. Wach wurde sie nach einer Stunde Fahrt in Cossack.
      Dort angekommen machten wir zuerst ein paar Bilder von dem türkisblauen Wasser. Danach haben wir uns auf die Suche nach dem Strand gemacht ... 3 mal falsch abgebogen, bis wir uns dazu entschlossen haben im Café nach dem Weg zu fragen.
      Wir verbrachten bestimmt knapp 2 Stunden am Settlers Beach. Warum nicht länger? Naja .. es war windig ...sehr windig. Jedes Mal wenn wir aus dem Wasser kamen, waren wir innerhalb weniger Sekunden komplett mit Sand bedeckt. Zudem kommt noch dass der Sand total heiß war.
      Wir hatten uns dazu entschlossen, bei unserem Auto welches ca. 100m von uns entfernt war, im Schatten zu essen. Also machten sich die 3 Sandmännchen auf den Weg Richtung Schatten. Dabei hatte keiner Schuhe an und Jasmin hat ihre am Wasser liegen lassen ..
      Nach viel Geschrei und verbrannten Füßen sind wir dann im Schatten angekommen, um unsere Sachen dort abzulegen. Als erste habe ich mich den Weg zurück zum Wasser gemacht, da ich meine Schuhe dabei hatte und auf dem Rückweg die von Jasmin mitbringen wollte. Aber gerade am Wasser angekommen, höre ich zwei kreischende Mädchen hinter mir rennen. Jasmin hatte anscheinend so ein Bedürfnis nach Wasser, dass sie sich zwei Tüten für Hundekacke genommen hat und sich diese um die Füße geschnürt hat, um damit zum Wasser zu rennen. Es sah auf jeden Fall ziemlich scheiße aus. Hat aber funktioniert.

      Nach dem kleinen Abenteuer am Strand sind wir noch zum Aussichtspunkt in Cossack gefahren, wo man echt einen unglaublichen Blick aufs Meer hatte.

      Wieder in Karratha angekommen, ging es nochmals zu den Shops, da am Abend eine Poolparty angesagt war.
      Eigentlich hatten wir drei uns alle vorgenommen nochmal ein bisschen zu schlafen, damit wir abends fit sind ... aber das hat keine von uns gemacht,weshalb wir später im Auto alle hätten einschlafen können auf dem Weg zur Party.
      Auf der Party waren um die 20 Aupairs, alle aus anderen Ländern, die meisten aus Deutschland. Es war wirklich schwer nicht einzuschlafen, denn wirklich Stimmung wurde nicht gemacht, aber ein paar Stunden musste ich schon durchhalten ... die letzten Stunden mit 18.
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    • Day 178

      Cossack - Residents of a Ghost Town

      October 12, 2021 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      We are temporarily living and working in Cossack W.A. For the Garlbagu Enterprise. Garlbagu is a foundation to support Ngarluma Yindjibarndi People of the Pilbara with training and commercial opportunities. The Bert’s are working in the Cossack Cafe doing “whatever it takes”.

      Cossack is positioned on the “harbour” of Nullagine River and just 200m from the ocean. 52k from Karratha and 206k from Port Headland. It has a permanent population of 2 people 2 dogs and 2 cats.

      Looking out from the village in the arc from NNE through WSW the land and waters are pristine and it feels so very remote in this postcard place of Cassock. But when we climb to Tien Tsin Lookout on the edge of the village, while still beautiful we can see the impacts that industry has made in this part of the Pilbara:
      - Bulk container ships out to sea.
      - The massive ore loading facility feeding the carriers at Port Samson which still hosts a small seaside fishing village.
      - The (quite frankly, soulless) town of Wickham that supports the port.
      - A jail. Too sad.
      - The local community radio station 96.1 xxxx transmits into and supports the largely Indigenous interred population (listening now actually - a bit too much R&B for my liking).
      - The township of Roebourne is the support hub for the First People of this region. They are very up front about keeping the stories alive that tell of the atrocities committed against their ancestors following white settlement. [Back in the early and mid 1800’s the local pearling captains of industry rounded up the traditional owners with guns and whips and enslaved Aboriginal people forcing them to dive and forced the women into prostitution. Very shameful. A public outcry in the late 1800’s put a stop to the slavery and slaughter. The town is now back in the hands of First Nation Australians. They are working with an NGO to increase training opportunities for traditional owners and to increase tourism revenue in the area.]

      As ever, there is plenty of wild life, especially the birds:
      - Our first sighting of Spinefex Pigeon.
      - Huge population of Zebra Finch all of whom are busy building nests in the tree in the cafe courtyard.
      - A Kite has made a nest in the eaves of the courtyard and has a chick growing rapidly.
      - Galah who feed their young in a very vigorous and noisy ritual.
      - Turtles and Sawfish in the harbour.
      - some big strong looking Red Kangaroo.

      If you are still reading this post, you might fancy some history of Cossack.
      - Established 1863 as a Pearling centre, a hub for gold mining and for pastoralists. The town was dissolved in 1910 and abandoned in 1950 after Pearling moved to Broome and the Gold Rush ended.
      - you can explore the customs house, the courthouse, the post and telegraph office, the bakehouse, police buildings, and one of the stores (Galbraith’s store). Chinese market gardens, the tram station, the schoolhouse, and the Tien Tsin lookout. Many of the buildings are listed by the National Trust of Australia.
      - Flattened by cyclones in 1881 and 1898 then later restored.
      - The decline in the financial and viability of the settlement was evident before the last of the buildings were complete.
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    • Day 195

      Cossack Dining Room

      October 29, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Chef said let’s make this old storage space into a dining room. Makes sense as there is just a bunch of random crap in here and the room is air conditioned.
      Your wish is our command Chef!
      Now our customer can enjoy the Courtyard under the enormous tree, the Terrace overlooking the Nullagine River, or, we have a rectangular room with tables and chairs. Nothing noteworthy there, except for the air conditioning, and 4.5m high ceilings which is a treat in the Pilbara and great acoustics. Oh yes, and the artwork that found its way to the walls. (With more on the way). One of these item has a price tag of $16,000 virtue of some considerable Artistic notoriety. Cossack is the home of the largest and most prestigious indigenous Art Exhibition in regional Australia. Have a virtual viewing from 2021.
      The Art scene is growing in the Pilbara. There has been an art focused event every other week since July. There are even a rotation of “Artists In Residence” who run workshops and judge some competitions.
      Thursday night was the inaugural Thaanggangarli-Yarndu History and Heroes Exhibition (to give it is full name) in Roebourne’s Ganalili Centre. A big turn out and a significant achievement to showcase the Yindjibarndi culture. The exhibition space is in the ruin of an early settlement building which is roofless, dirt floor blue stone and very beautifully lit for the occasion. Present were Elders, community and Government leaders and corporate supporters (miners et al) and we the people of course.
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    • Day 191

      Work work work work.

      October 25, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Who knew work was so much fun. It’s been a while, so we had missed the routine and discipline. A little. Actually we probably won’t miss it at all when we stop working again in just over a week. Can’t believe we have been here 3 weeks, as the time has flown.
      The team here is great the work can be frantic at times but it is fun, the Chef is a star so we get to bask in Chefs’ praise.
      The best of it is the people we meet. Seems like everyone is on “holiday” of some sort when people are at their best. Almost universally they are captivated by the prettiness or the history of Cossack or both. There have so many stories that they are willing to share and love ours in return.
      Some 15 year olds might consider what we are doing as a shit job, but we find it rewarding and because it is central to the support of the Ngarluma and Yindjibarndi people through the Foundation of the same name, it is important. We are on Ngarluma Lands, but those people have largely lost their culture and language, while the neighbouring Yindjibarndi were able to stay on country and continue to grow their culture and are the major hosts in the Foundation.
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    • Day 192

      Cossack update

      October 26, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Living and working here in Cossack is such an experience. During the days there are visitors looking around and photographing the buildings, scenery and the wildlife. Less than 2k down the road there is a camp site on the beach (book in advance or you’ll miss out, and please move on after 72 hours so others can have a taste) so it is a destination kind of a place.
      At night we have it to ourselves. Well not completely. The caretaker and his lovely wife live permanently in the old Police Barracks building. Chef Bruce, who was enticed away from his travels hack in June lives in his van over behind the Galbraith & Co building, and we are located behind the Courthouse (currently a museum) and one of the town wells. Outside the bricks and mortar there are plenty of other residents. The Galah population here is really large, a Nankeen Kestrel has a nest in the eves of the cafe with 2 or 3 chicks. They have been spending time away from the nest so I expect they will be off doing their own thing soon enough. Spinefex Birds and Zebra Finch are populous as well. Surprisingly Sea Gulls only visit in ones and twos - until yesterday when some food was left on the terrace tables and a squabbling 30 or so descended. We can usually see large Turtles from the jetty wall at high tide, and folk report Saw Fish sightings - haven’t seen them yet.
      at least two types of kangaroos, and the last few nights we have been visited by Spinefex Hopping Mouse. The latter is so cute with their great big ears, chubby kangaroo proportioned body and legs, a log tail with tufting along the last 1.5cm and super speedy side-step. Side-hop?
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    • Cossack

      May 20, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Beware, there are said to be ghosts that roam the old stone jail and courthouse at Cossack.

      Built on the De Grey River was a vibrant shipping port until the advent of road and rail and devastation from cyclones saw its decline. Now a few stone buildings remain.

      Cossack is also known for the stair case to the moon sightings that occur when the Moonrise coincides with the low tide. After many stops and searching with some help we found the staircase and got our photo.
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