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    • Day 35

      Eungella National Park 🏞️

      December 20, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Statt einem Strand, war der Plan heute ein wenig Zeit im Inland im Eungella National Park zu verbringen. Der Betreiber vom Campingplatz, Glen, hat uns dabei einige Spots und Tipps gegeben.

      Angefangen haben wir mit den Araluen Falls in Finch Hatten Gorge. Nach einer kleinen Wanderung durch den Regenwald haben wir den kleinen Wasserfall mit natürlichem Felspool entdeckt. Einige Aussies sind sogar von den Felswänden ins Wasser gesprungen. Für uns hat es aber nur fürs Füße ins Wasser halten gereicht. 💦

      Ca. 400m den Weg zurück zum Parkplatz sind wir dann an der Abzweigung noch in Richtung eines anderen Wasserfalls gegangen. Als jedoch ein Schild kam, dass auch dir Pflanzen giftig sind, sind wir dann doch lieber umgekehrt. Der Ausblick vom Weg bis dahin hat sich aber alle Mal gelohnt! 😍🌴🌳🌼🌺

      Danach ging es durch das Tal und dann den Berg eine recht steile Straße hoch. Oben angekommen haben wir dann beim Goodes Lookout den Ausblick über das gesamte Tal genossen! 🏞️ Beim nächsten Lookout, dem Skywindow, konnten wir in einem kreisförmigen, 200m langen Walk ebenfalls einen wahnsinns Ausblick übers Tal aus verschiedenen Perspektiven erhaschen!

      Letzter Stopp im Nationalpark war der Broken River. Der Fluss ist dabei nicht nur das Zuhause von zahlreichen Schildkröten, sondern auch von Schnabeltieren. Diese kann man am besten morgens und abends sehen. Wir hatten das Glück, tatsächlich welche in freier Wildbahn zu sehen! 😍 Mit viel Geduld und einem scharfen Auge haben wir zwei gesehen. Dabei musste man besonders auf aufsteigende Luftbläschen achten. Somit haben wir eine weiteres Tier auf unser Liste abharken können. ✅
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    • Day 347

      The Reign of Bats

      October 16, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      … for as long as I can remember I’ve loved bats. It is stupid to say but I’ve always just been impressed with them!

      Since finding out that Queensland has the most insane amount of bats I’ve had it on my mind to see a colony of bats take flight and fill the sky.

      Today I got to see just that! 😍

      We went to this pub for somewhere to kill the time before going to see the Platypus at dusk.. and when we arrived all of the tropical bush was full of bats as far as we could see!!

      So after the Platypus we came back and waited until the it was time for the bats to fly…
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    • Day 89

      Eungella Nationalpark

      May 8, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Nachdem wir gestern in Airlie Beach angekommen waren, sind wir noch in den südwestlich gelegenen Eungella Nationalpark gefahren. Von der Umgebung haben wir schon bald nichts mehr gesehen, da es dunkel wurde. Aber das machte überhaupt nichts, denn heute fuhren wir (fast) denselben Weg wieder zurück 😉

      Im Eungella NP gingen wir auf die Suche nach Schnabeltieren und Wasserschildkröten. Zuerst aber musste ein Kaffee her. Im Restaurant vis-à-vis vom Campingplatz gab's, was wir suchten. Das Betreiberpaar war aus Österreich 🇦🇹 bzw. der Schweiz 🇨🇭 und war für einen Schwatz zu haben 🗣️💬😀

      Nachdem der Kaffee getrunken und die Wanderschuhe "montiert" waren, machten wir uns auf die zirka 2,5 km lange Wanderung. Bei der ersten Aussichtsplattform verweilten wir eine Weile und beobachteten das Wasser im Fluss. Es hiess, dass dort, wo es "blubbert" ein Schnabeltiere auftauchen wird. Und tatsächlich sahen wir Bläschen aufsteigen und im nächsten Moment war es da... und einen später schon wieder weg! Und so ging es eine ganze Weile weiter, bis wir beschlossen weiterzugehen. Von der nächsten Plattform aus sahen wir ganz viele Schildkröten in allen verschiedenen Grössen 🐢. Weitere Schnabeltiere waren aber nicht sichtbar. Es scheint, dass wir einfach riesig Glück gehabt haben ein solches zu sehen! 🤗

      Der Loop führte dem Brocken River entlang in den Regenwald. Standesgemäss fing es dort an zu regnen. Aber die Bäume waren so dicht, dass wir kaum nass wurden. Und zurück beim Wohnmobil, war die Schauer vorüber und die Sonne schien wieder ☀️
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    • Day 64

      North Beaches & Eungella, Queensland

      November 7, 2017 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      After breakfast and the visit from one of the cows this morning, Barbara took us out to visit the Northern beaches all of which are said to 'offer sun, sand and sensational ocean views that have the ambience of a tropical retreat whilst only being 20 minutes from Mackay’s CBD'. The first on her tour was Shoal Point where apart from miles of sand we could view incredible scenery toward Cape Hillsborough from the sparkling water. The shallow water and nearby islands make it the perfect place to launch a small boat. However, we didn't expect to see one launched in the way we did - coming along the road on three wheels was a boat being driven on top by a gentleman, looking like a king of all he surveyed! He drove the boat on wheels down the boat ramp and into the water, then once deep enough the back wheels were lifted up to either side and the front tucked underneath, the outboard motor dropped down and of he went speeding towards the mainland opposite!
      The next on the tour was Bucasia Beach a picturesque sandy haven, with soft white sand underfoot. Approximately four kilometres in length, Bucasia Beach is one of the longest beaches in the Mackay Region. Our next stop was for a coffee or cold drink at the nearby Eimeo Pacific Hotel, with an elevated coastal view. The pub's enviable position overlooks the Coral Sea and Eimeo Beach with views toward the southern Whitsunday islands. Eimeo Beach, (pronounced I-me-o), is a popular retreat for locals. Nestled in Sunset Bay, the beach is seasonally patrolled by volunteer lifesavers. A must-see is 80-year old Mango Avenue. This heritage-listed attraction stretches between Whittles Lane and Heidke Street, forming a shaded canopy above the streetscape.
      A beautiful part of Mackay's Northern Beaches, Dolphin Heads is a rocky and sandy headland, popular with photography enthusiasts. It can be reached by car within 15 minutes from Mackay's Central Business District. The area is thought to have been named after the shape of the headland, which looks similar to the shape of two dolphin heads. The view looks out toward southern Whitsunday islands, including Brampton Island. At low tide it is possible to walk from Dolphin Heads to neighbouring Eimeo Beach across the tidal creek bed. Here Barbara took us up to the complex of very posh houses nestled on the headland and actually found her way out, which it seems is usually quite unusual! Last was a drive past Black’s Beach which is the longest beach in the Mackay region, its golden sand stretching 6km in length. After this we dropped in to the garage to meet Barbara's son Steven, before heading back to the farm for Lunch and to switch cars.
      Chris's turn next - this time we were heading out to Eungella National Park to hopefully see Platypus in the wild at twilight. We made a few stops on the way, the first unfortunately closed at lunchtime - although we were ables to drive up and have a look from the outside.
      Greenmount Homestead (five kilometres west of Walkerston) is one of Mackay's most valued historic attractions. Greenmount was developed by AA Cook on the cattle run first taken up by Captain John Mackay and was gifted to the city by the Cook Family in 1984.
      Next was Nellie Melba's House by the side of the Pioneer river which has been turned into a craft shop, cafe and information centre. "Her soft brown eyes captured the hearts of men, her voice cast a magic spell on audiences in London, Paris and many other cities in Europe as well as the United States of America, the legendary diva Dame Nellie Melba". Few know that the acclaimed opera singer spent the first year of her married life in a small house right here in the heart of the Pioneer Valley, in Marian. The house where the diva with the golden voice lived, is now open to the public for free. It shows a beautiful array of photos, recordings, memorabilia, books and furniture of her time. A statue of a Cane Cutter, erected in 1994 as a memorial to the pioneering families of the Marian district, is situated in Edward Lloyd Park approximately 50 metres from Melba House. Plaques on the plinth list the names of the residents - those who settled the district prior to 1900 are on the front; the remaining three sides list those families which became residents since 1900. During the Rugby League season the Canecutter shows his support for the Maroons by dressing in the team colours and waving the Queensland flag.
      Then we headed towards the Eungella National Park and the Chalet. Located adjacent to the head of the Mackay Highlands Great Walk, and built in 1933 as a guest house for people requiring clear mountain air, the Eungella Chalet has been a landmark in the local area for decades. Today the Eungella Chalet still operates, providing clear mountain air, with some advancements in the way of creature comforts. The Chalet is a renowned pit stop for the weary traveler, providing a licensed bar and restaurant along with fantastic Pioneer Valley Views. On this day it was decorated with horses andjockeys for a Melbourne Cup lunch. In the garden were carved wooden statues of wizards, dragons and toadstools; as well as a staging area for anybody who wanted to do paragliding! Eungella is nestled on the very edge of the Clark Range, the city of Mackay located 80km to the east can be seen beyond the towns dotted along the meandering Pioneer River as it cuts through the flood plains of the Pioneer Valley. We sat and had soft drinks and enjoyed the stunning view back along the windy road to Mackay and beyond. Once finished and refreshed we continued the drive onto Broken River in the National Park which is recognised as the world’s best place to see Platypus, unusual semi-aquatic egg-laying mammals. This extremely shy creature is tough to spot, but your best chance of seeing it is at sunrise or sunset. The platypus viewing deck is near Broken River's picnic grounds. We tried the main viewing platform first and looked for air bubbles and ripples in the water, these are the signs that there could be a platypus below - however after 30 - 45 mins we had only seen a couple of snakes, turtles and bubbles with a triangular wake. We were about to give up but Barbara reminded Chris that there was one more platform underneath the bridge over the river. Finally, after staying still and quiet to improve our chances of seeing one, the little creatures decided to show themselves - Platypus are smaller that you think and really fast! Just as you get your camera ready to take a picture he disappears again! But we each got pictures and Chris felt a little better that this twilight trip had worked!
      Unfortunately, we could not drop into see Amanda on the way back as she was not feeling well. It is amazing how much quicker we got home - I think it was the speed Chris came down the range and followed the road along the river! Dinner was had again on the veranda - breaded steak, mash, Pumpkin and peas/sweetcorn. With the the occasional Dingo, cow or frog heard in the background.
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    • Day 8

      Berg rauf

      October 31 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Immer weiter geht es den Beeg rauf. Kurz vorm Ziel müssen wir eine Zwangspause machen, da der Motor überhitzt war. Bei der schönen Aussicht kann man aber gerne warten.

    • Eungella Chalet

      August 17 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      📍 Eungella Chalet, Eungella.

      This unique pub is located in the mountaintop town of Eungella, overlooking the Pioneer Valley.

      This beautiful town is located 1hr West of Mackay and 20mins from Finch Hatton.

      If you are in the Mackay area, a visit out this way is highly recommended.

      For accommodation we highly recommend camping at the Platypus Bush Camp. Link below 👇…

      The Eungella Chalet also offers Cabin accommodation. Link below 👇

      Link to Facebook post 👇

      Link to YouTube Episode 👇
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