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    • Day 13

      Sun 17 Dec. Geraldton WA

      December 17, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      After a couple more nights at Jurien Bay looking round the local area and relaxing we drove the 200 kms to Geraldton. This is the furthest north we are going and staying in the middle of town by the marina.

      We did a bit of exploring on Saturday and saw the Giant Marble, which is a clever piece of art on the beach and as you look through it, it turns everything upside down..... even Joy 😊.

      Sunday we drove to Hutt Lagoon, which is supposed to be pink due to the algae in it. However as it's been so dry the level had dropped and no colour to see. Hey ho....we tried.
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    • Day 77


      January 10, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Geraldton liegt an der Westküste von Western Australia in der Champion Bay, 424 km nördlich von Perth. Mit rund 40.000 Einwohnern ist sie die fünftgrößte Stadt des Bundesstaates und das Zentrum der Region Mid West. Wegen ihrer durchschnittlichen 8 Sonnenstunden pro Tag wird sie auch die Sun City genannt.
      Seit Jahrtausenden leben in der Mid West Stämme der Aborigines, die zusammengefasst Yamaji genannt werden. Rund um das heutige Stadtgebiet von Geraldton waren es die Clans der Amangu.
      Portugiesisch Seefahrer waren die ersten Europäer die an die Western Australia kamen.
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    • Day 64

      Pelikan, Park und Pink Lake

      March 9 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

      Das Beste an Kalbarri war die Unterkunft (Gecko-Lodge) und das Ortsschild. Kein Sonnenuntergang und auch ein mehr als dürftiger Sonnenaufgang. Der Tinitus geht auch langsam wieder weg, denn am gestrigen Weltfrauentag "durften" wir, trotz geschlossener Gesellschaft, in einem Lokal dinieren. Mit ca.180 Frauen jeden Alters war das ein Träumchen.
      Am frühen Morgen ging es zuerst Pelikane anschauen und dann in den Nationalpark mit dem Skywalk. Ganz schön hoch, aber mit einem klasse Ausblick über das Tal. Nur auf das Schuhwerk sollte man achten. Entlang der weiteren Route machten wir einen Abstecher zum Pink Lake. Dieser See schimmert rosa bis rot, je nach Sonnenstand und Wasserhöhe. Verursacht wird das durch eine Algenart und nicht durch die BASF, die dort einen Standort hat. 🤣
      Dann wieder weiter Richtung Süden an der Big Marbles vorbei zu unserem Endpunkt Jurien Bay. Da wir auch Heute einige Kilometer zurücklegen mussten, ging es früh ins Bett.😴
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    • Day 29

      Geraldton: Regional Art Museum

      January 9 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 77 °F

      From the Museum of Geraldton, we followed the waterfront trail for a bit before cutting inland a few streets to the art museum, which is housed in the same building as the Visitor Center.

      The current exhibit at the museum is the “Mid West Art Prize.” This is a biennial exhibit that is in its eight year. It’s not unlike the National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Art Award exhibit that we caught in Darwin not long ago. On a smaller scale, however, and the focus is on the Western Australian Arts Culture, highlighting the contemporary work of artists from across the state.

      My favorite turned out not to be a painting, but a pottery piece entitled “A Little Village of Red Brick Pots” by Pascale Giorgi. Before leaving the museum, I made sure to register my vote for it.
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    • Day 45

      Geraldton Western Australia

      March 9 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      I går kom vi med fly fra Alice Springs til Perth via Adeleide. Vi hadde booket et enkelt hotell ved flyplassen og sovnet umiddelbart. I dag hentet vi leiebilen og det ble en firehjulstrekker som heter Isuzu. Stor og god plass til eventuelt å sove i bagasjerommet. Vi dro og handla litt campingutstyr og har dratt 40 mil nordover mot en nasjonalpark som heter Cape Range nasjonalpark. Der skal vi være så lenge vi orker, det spørs litt på været, temperaturen og hvordan overnattingene går.

      Vi har stoppet i Geraldton og sover på et hotellrom i natt.
      Sånne reisedager er jo litt utmattende, og landskapet her på vestkysten av Australia er ganske ensformig og tørt, så vi sitter ikke akkurat med øya på stilk… men vi vet at for å komme helt til målet, må vi gjøre noen veldig kjeedelige transportøkter.

      Det blåser veldig her alltid og derfor vokser trærne bortover..
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    • Day 104

      Geraldton dump

      June 1 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Aperçu de mon court séjour à Geraldton !
      J’ai fais la rencontre de Marie, Philippe et Tamara avec qui j’ai partagé de chouettes moments 🤗
      Au dernier barbecue les filles nous avez ramené des crevettes et des homards de leur travail 🤤Read more

    • Day 176


      March 19, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      Relaxing at its finest. Wandering around Geraldton is a very easy task as it is rather small and there is not much to see. I bought some food for the next few days and realxed in the shaded area outside the hostel.

      In the evening there was a little concert by the beach. There were little food trucks and a massive stage. The band playing was surprisingly good for a tiny town.

      The sun set as they were playing which was very asthetic. I went down with the two girls from my room, we had crepes from one of the stalls and enjoyed the sun. It was a really nice evening and not at all what I was expecting.
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    • Day 217


      June 7, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      vu geraldton us hemmer eigentli wellä ufd abrolhos inslä. das sind ganz viel chlini inslä mit schönä reef zum schnorchlä/tauchä und gschützä tier ufem festland.
      leider büteds aber im moment kei tour me a, sondern nur nu rundflüg, aber das ish defintiv nöd das womer wend.
      si hend dr betrieb allgemein uf unbestimmt igstellt, sehr schade.
      mir günd de is visitor centre zum weg alternativä frage.
      si empfiehled üs es naturschutzgebiet ider nächi.
      mir laufed de chlei umä und mached üs de ufä weg witer in nordä.
      mir fahred a schönä ort vrbi und gsehnd üserä erstä emu😍 und es ziitli später nuch en ameisigel😍
      en kurzä zwüschestopp gits nu am pink lake. en riesägrossä salzsee wo dank de algä pink lüchtet.
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    • Day 29

      Geraldton, WA

      January 9 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 73 °F

      New-to-us Port #4.

      Finally … a day with comfy enough temps to wander around without feeling like we were in a sauna. Yes, it was quite breezy … but that just helped to keep us even more comfortable.

      The port is a short distance from the CBD … and we had to take a shuttle from the ship since walking within the port is not allowed. We were greeted in town by helpful volunteers who were handing out maps and answering questions.

      With everything we wanted to see and do within convenient walking distance, we set off on foot to see what we could see. Our first stop was the cathedral. Then up the hill to the HMAS Sydney II Memorial. Next up was the Museum of Geraldton … but along the way, passing by a café called Skeetas, we stopped for a bite to eat. The Hawaiian pizza was one of the best we’ve had anywhere, but the star of our meal was the salad … broccoli, feta, macerated raisins, and crunchy grains. We wrapped up our day of exploration at the Geraldton Regional Art Museum. Colorful murals here and there were the bonus of our day.

      I have plenty of photos to share, so I’ll make this footprint the intro and share a few random images … the rest will get their own footprints.

      Captain Giulio just came on the P/A to advise us that we will be experiencing swells as we depart Geraldton … and throughout the evening. Looks like we will be rocked to sleep tonight.
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    • Day 29

      Geraldton: St Francis Xavier Cathedral

      January 9 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 73 °F

      “A poem in stone.” That is how the St Francis Xavier Cathedral is described.

      The church was the dream of William Kelly, the first Bishop of Geraldton. He wanted a moderately-sized cathedral where the congregation could worship with a sense of personal participation. Priest-architect John Hawes delivered on that dream.

      The style of the church is influenced by the 19th-20th century Arts & Crafts Movement which was born of a reaction against revivalist styles such as Neo-Gothic and Neo-Classicism. It was built in three stages between 1916 and 1938, when it was formally opened for worship.

      We had no idea what to expect when we decided to stop by the cathedral on our way to the MHAS Sydney II Memorial. What we found charmed us and kept us engaged longer than we expected. I especially loved the striping around the interior … an homage to churches in Europe where the same effect is achieved through the use of different colored marble.

      “Geraldton didn’t have the money for marble, so paint was used instead” explained Maureen, the delightful 92-year old volunteer who welcomed us to the church.

      She and the other volunteers made our visit all the more memorable, sharing stories about the cathedral and pointing out special features — the carved names on the pillars … of pastoral station owners who donated handsomely to the building of the cathedral; the Jubilee windows that correspond to the cardinal direction points; the baptismal immersion pool with beautiful mosaic-work; the window in the floor with a view of Bishop Kelly’s burial chamber … excavated during the 2017 renovation of the cathedral as no one was sure if he had really been buried under the church; the crypt where the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows is located … dedicated to the soldiers who fell in WWI; the Geraldton bells … the largest church carillon in Australia; the way the sun beams come through the Star of Bethlehem in the Crib to bathe the Christ Child; and more.

      I should also mention that there was a lot of laughter throughout our conversation with the volunteers … such a nice change from the usually solemn exchanges at places of worship. A little irreverence is good for the soul, I say.

      We visit churches and other places of worship primarily to see the often amazing art and architectural features. St Francis Xavier Cathedral did not disappoint.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Geraldton, جيرالدتون, جێراڵدتن, גרלדטון, GET, ジェラルトン, ჯერალდტონი, 제럴턴, گیرالڈٹن, Джералдтон, जेराल्डटन, Џералдтон, Джеральдтон, جیرالڈٹن, 傑拉爾頓

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