Loch Ard Gorge

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    • Day 13

      Port Campbell bis Apollo Bay I

      February 16 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Nach Loch Arch Gorge geht es weiter bis Apollo Bay, wo wir im topp ausgestatteten Captains on the Bay ein Cottage mit Terrasse und Stellplatz bis zum Sonntag bleiben werden.
      Der Weg zur Great Ocean Road führt uns entlang the Otway Nationalparks mit beeindruckenden Scenic Views, die von Wind und Wasser imposant geschaffen wurden. Über die grandiosen Ausblicke bei Loch Arch Gorge haben wir am Vormittag besichtigt.
      Dann führt unser Weg zu den 12 Apostels, über Cap Otway bis nach Apollo Bay.
      Dieser Reiseabschnitt entlang der Südküste ist ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis auf diesem einzartigen Kontinent. Wir folgen der Great Ocean Road insgesamt 243 km und sind sehr gespannt folgen was uns die nächsten Tage erwarten.
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    • Day 25

      Loch Ard Gorge

      November 25, 2019 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Inget går upp mot lite storytelling när det gäller att göra en plats minnesvärd... Kusten vid Great Ocean Road har ju många dramatiska bergsformationer, och den som fick bli vårt första stopp för dagen är varken mer eller mindre spektakulär än många andra, men den har en bra, om än rätt tragisk, story.

      Loch Ard var ett tremastat klipperskepp som, på väg från England till Melbourne år 1878 kapsejsade utanför denna lilla bukt. Skeppet siktade på det så kallade "nålsögat", Bass sund som skiljer Tasmanien från kontinenten. Efter tre månaders seglats på öppet hav och flera dagars segling med död räkning (eftersom vädret var dåligt) navigerade skeppet fel och gick på revet utanför Port Campbell. Det var ett öde som drabbade många skepp, därav sundets öknamn.

      Skeppet sjönk på bara några minuter, och av de 54 ombord överlevde endast två, den unga överklasspassageraren Eva och skeppslärlingen Tom, som räddade henne genom att kasta sig ut i det stormiga havet igen när han hörde hennes skrik, då hon klamrat sig fast vid en planka i fem timmar.

      Det låter som en perfekt romantisk historia, förutom att den slutar med att de aldrig mer träffades (trots att de tillbringade resten av sina liv några mil ifrån varandra i England).
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    • Day 138

      GOR day 4 - Almost blown away

      February 26, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We camped on Tuesday night at a remote show ground campsite, quite busy, quite exposed, just 100m back from the sea and down 800m of corrugated road.

      We have slept in Bertha during some heavy rain storms, thunder and lightening etc, but this night it was windy. The wind was 50kmh (30mph) with just much greater. Laying bed was a bit like being at sea. If we’d been on an African safari I would have said that there was an elephant trying to push us over. Fortunately, 3.5 tons stays fairly well put, some of the tents didn’t fare so well. There was some debris in the hedges just past us. One of the large steel rubbish containers was turned over.

      We didn’t have much hope for the weather on Wednesday, but it was bright, although very windy. A we set off to continue along the GOR, we could see the sea crashing against the rocks. I could have spent all day watching the waves such was the size and ferocity of them. No photos do them justice.

      The GOR is a motorhome motorway, so many RVs along the way and meeting the same people at each site along the way. We stopped at Loch Ard Gorge and then walked on to Thunder Cave.

      We went on to Port Campbell where we had some soup to warm up, not even all of the layers were keeping us warm.

      Next stop London Arch, formerly London Bridge. ”London Arch (formerly London Bridge) is an offshore natural arch formation in the Port Campbell National Park, Australia. The arch is a significant tourist attraction along the Great Ocean Road near Port Campbell in Victoria. This stack was formed by a gradual process of erosion, and until 1990 formed a complete double-span natural bridge.

      The span closer to the shoreline collapsed unexpectedly on 15 January 1990, leaving two tourists stranded on the outer span before being rescued by police helicopter. Prior to the collapse, the arch was known as London Bridge because of its similarity to its namesake.”

      Bay of Martyrs came next, getting a bit bored with rock stacks in the sea now. The waves are great though. “There is a fascinating history surrounding this part of Victoria, which is alluded to in the place names of other bays and lookout points – Massacre Bay, Massacre Point, Bay of Martyrs. According to stories that have spanned generations, Europeans killed a large group of Karrae-Wurrong Aboriginal men here. They did so by running them off the cliffs, whilst the women and children were supposedly killed in a swamp that is close by.

      However, there are many contradicting stories and, more importantly, no written evidence of what happened. All that is known is that the population of Aboriginal people dropped from a few thousand to almost none. Some theories believe this was caused by mass migration, but local folklore has other ideas.”

      Lastly, Port Fairy known for being “voted as one of the world's most livable cities with a population under 20,000 after winning the 2012 International LivCom award” - it didn’t impress us much, but the waves on the beach were huuuge.

      We continued along the GOR until it ended at Allansford. We wanted to push on as far as possible before stopping for the night and ended up in a small campsite next to Yambuk Lake where we found hot showered to warm us up.
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    • Day 396


      January 28, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Ging es heute früh noch einmal kurz zu den 12 Aposteln, haben wir danach einige Zeit im Gebiet um die Loch Ard Gorge verbracht.

      Spektakuläre Klippen und Felsformationen gibt es hier zu sehen. In Verbindung mit der tollen Farbe des Wassers, ein wahres Schauspiel.

      Auch danach, haben wir an vielen Aussichtspunkten angehalten. Ein Überblick über Port Campell, oder die Bay of Island waren nur zwei davon.

      Nach dem letzten dieser Orte, waren wir aber dennoch froh dass es dann mal langfristig ans fahren ging.... alle paar hundert Meter stehen bleiben, war schön, aber irgendwie auch etwas anstrengend.
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    • Day 27

      12 or maybe 7 apostles - sunset

      April 24, 2016 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      As noted in our last post we stopped at the 12 Apostles at sunset. Quite a few have fallen down to the constant wear of the ocean. There may have been a lot of tourists that took away from the ambiance but it was stunning.Read more

    • Day 36

      Great Ocean Road

      February 14, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Today we left Melbourne and drove to the great ocean road. We had a photo stop at the gate, and then kept driving enjoying the view.
      We stopped at a café, here I managed to spot a koala. It was sleeping, which they do for 19-23 hours a day.
      There were also a lot of different parrots. Aina and I walked of a bit, and Aina spotted another koala, this one was a bit easier to see. And for about 5 seconds it was awake.
      The koalas were followed by lunch in Apollo Bay. Before going to Mait's rainforest where they have a 30 minute loop walk. So we walked around the forest and saw a lot of beautiful trees.
      After the walk we made our way to the 12 apostles, which used to be called the sow and piglets, but that name doesn't work for a tourist attraction.
      It was loaded with tourist so I walked to Gibson's steps, and managed to find some privacy on the beach.
      Next stop was Loch Ard Gorge a beautiful scar in the limestone cliffs. However I would probably not go swimming there most days as the waves and currents look massive.
      Port Campbell was our final destination so we made it there an hour before dinner time.
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    • Day 4

      Loch Ard Gorge

      April 16 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Loch Ard Gorge is one of the most stunning natural formations along the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. Here's what you need to know about this breathtaking destination:

      Location: Loch Ard Gorge is located within Port Campbell National Park, approximately 5 minutes' drive west of the Twelve Apostles Visitor Center. It's situated along the Shipwreck Coast, renowned for its rugged cliffs, stunning rock formations, and maritime history.

      Formation: The gorge was formed by erosion over millions of years, sculpted by the relentless forces of wind and waves. The towering limestone cliffs surrounding the gorge create a dramatic backdrop against the azure waters of the Southern Ocean.

      History: Loch Ard Gorge is named after the clipper ship "Loch Ard," which was wrecked nearby in 1878. Of the 54 passengers and crew aboard, only two survived: Tom Pearce, a ship's apprentice, and Eva Carmichael, a passenger. The gorge serves as a poignant reminder of the perilous maritime history of the Shipwreck Coast.

      Attractions and Activities:

      Beach Access: Visitors can descend down steps to reach the pristine sandy beach nestled within the sheltered cove of the gorge. The tranquil waters and secluded atmosphere make it an ideal spot for relaxation and exploration.
      Walking Trails: Explore the various walking trails that wind their way around the gorge and along the cliff tops, offering panoramic views of the coastline and surrounding landscapes. Interpretive signs provide insights into the natural and cultural history of the area.
      Shipwreck History: Learn about the tragic story of the Loch Ard shipwreck and other maritime disasters that occurred along the Shipwreck Coast at the nearby interpretive center. Exhibits and displays offer fascinating insights into the lives of early settlers and the challenges of navigating this treacherous coastline.
      Rock Formations: Admire the stunning rock formations that line the shores of Loch Ard Gorge, including towering cliffs, natural arches, and sea stacks sculpted by the forces of nature over millennia.
      Sunset Viewing: Loch Ard Gorge is a popular spot for watching the sunset, as the golden hues cast a warm glow over the rugged landscape, creating a magical atmosphere.
      Safety Tips:

      Follow designated walking tracks and lookout points, and adhere to safety signs and warnings.
      Be cautious of slippery surfaces, especially after rain or high tides.
      Stay a safe distance from cliff edges and adhere to any barriers or fencing.
      Swimming is not recommended due to strong currents and unpredictable sea conditions.
      Loch Ard Gorge offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the natural beauty and rich history of the Great Ocean Road. Whether you're exploring the shoreline, learning about the area's maritime heritage, or simply taking in the breathtaking scenery, it's an experience not to be missed.
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