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    • Day 76


      December 16, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Die gestrige Zwangspause haben mich nicht nur ins Kino und zum Friseur geführt, ich habe auch die Gelegenheit genutzt, die Zeitspanne bis Sydney etwas detaillierter zu überdenken. Ich bin gut im Plan und reduziere deshalb die Länge meiner Tagesetappen . Urlaub vom Urlaub 🙂

      Heute geht's wieder auf die Straße, testen wie das mit der Erkältung geht. Nach wenigen 100m verfluche ich, weil ich steil hinunter ans Meer dirigiert werde. Schön, aber genauso steil geht es kurz darauf wieder bergauf. Völlig unnötig! Kurze Zeit darauf bin ich dann wieder voll des Lobs über die Seite. Fahre ich doch jetzt über mehr als 10km einen wunderschönen Radweg immer am Ufer entlang mit tollen Ausblicken auf den Pazifik. Der Wind weht kräftig, gottseidank in die richtige Richtung, und die Wellen peitschen gegen Klippen.

      Sydney ist nicht mehr sooo weit und ich bin in einer Urlaubsregion. Viele herausgeputzte Ferienorte, die sich zu füllen beginnen. Die Schulferien haben begonnen. Start der peak season, der Hochsaison. Auch der Verkehr auf den Straßen nimmt zu. Und die Übernachtungspreise steigen

      Kurz nach Dalmeny finde ich mich auf dem Seitenstreifen des altbekannten Princes Highway wieder. Da werde ich für den Rest des Tages auch bleiben.

      In Bodalla angenehmer Zwischenstopp an einer Bäckerei. Brot und Getränk aus dem Geschäft. Mit meinen eigenen Vorräten ergänze ich das zu einem leckeren Vesper auf der Terrasse.

      Danach geht's weiter auf dem Highway. Seitenstreifen in allen denkbaren Zuständen, von nicht vorhanden bis überbreit. Wetter bewölkt, windig, Temperatur im angenehmen Bereich aber wie immer deutlich zu kühl für die Jahreszeit.

      Nach 50km bin ich auch schon früh da. Motel. Älteres Baujahr. Semi-günstig. In den Rezensionen liest man dann dazu immer: "You get what you've paid for" Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen. Außer, Merksatz: In Hotels mit angeschlossenem Restaurant findest Du auf Deinem Zimmer NIE eine Mikrowelle vor. Woran das wohl liegend mag? 🤔
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    • Day 521

      Vantrip 4: Umina Beach → Moruya

      October 7, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Von Umina Beach ging es dann weiter runter in den kleinen Ort Moruya. Ein großer Kontrast im Vergleich zu den anderen größeren Orten, in denen wir bislang waren. Moruya wirkte mit ihren altertümlichen Gebäuden ein wenig wie eine Cowboystadt. So wie wir uns Australien auch eher vorgestellt haben. 😄Read more

    • Day 6

      Day 6 - Ulladulla to Moruya

      November 16, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      We left our camping around 8.30, again in a cloudy day ☁️

      We grabbed a coffee and proceeded south.
      We stopped at Pretty beach where we took some pictures and saw a lot of kangaroos and a couple of black cockatoo, with their yellow cheeks they were so cute!

      We stopped in Moruya for the night, were we met a lovely couple from Noosa. She was Swiss and spoke a good Italian!

      We felt asleep with the sound of some heavy rain 🌧️
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    • Day 370


      April 5 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      More fishing was to be had at our next stop, Moruya. Lila saw a nice big blackish, a fish net, and a bream by the bottom, lol. Greg caught a few small fish and a shag (bird) opps.

      The girls enjoyed coming back to campand having a dip in the pool and then a spa bath after a good day exploring and fishing. We even had a kookaburra come and visit us, well try to steal our sausages.Read more

    • Day 110

      Settling in to Moruya

      December 7, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We packed up and left our forest free camp and drove to the beach at Durras South for a look at the waves and stretch of white sand. Then we continued to Moruya where we will stay for the next five nights. We set up the caravan (directly on the riverbank) in the heat and switched on the aircon to cool down.

      We ate lunch and had a rest before deciding to go for a short drive to nearby beaches, including Broulee and Mossy Point. The wind was too strong to stay long at the beach but Cadbury enjoyed playing with sticks and having a swim anyway.

      Last stop of the afternoon was at Tomakin, where we found a great view over the bay and white, sandy beach. We drove back to Moruya and enjoyed the evening sitting by the river, watching the changing colours of the sky setting through the trees. We only went inside when it was quite dark, although we have a bridge nearby, which is lit at night with yellow lighting along the water, so the water remains visible.

      Time to cook dinner - steak and veg on the weber tonight with a cold glass of sangria. Looks like it will be a warm night overnight and hopefully, judging by the clear, twinkly stars above, we will have a lovely sunny day tomorrow.

      Night night from the south coast of NSW xx
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    • Day 111

      Aldi at Bateman's Bay & Chill Out Day

      December 8, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      The day was forecast to be a bit gloomy so the plan was to jut stay put and chill out enjoying our campsite directly on the river front.

      I decided to get up early (for me) and head half an hour north to Bateman’s Bay, where the nearest Aldi store was, as I wanted one of the special items coming out today - the soda stream. I’ve thought about getting one for a long time, and I think it could be useful on the road as well as at home.

      I spent a long time shopping, at Aldi and Coles, to get a few things on my list not at Aldi, and was pleased to find Gadi’s favourite fodmap-friendly bread at Baker’s Delight, as the last few stores had run out.

      I also got a large coffee and enjoyed drinking it slowly, savouring time out on my own in this pretty riverside town. Unfortunately, the coffee did not agree with my guts, and let me tell you it’s not fun holding on when you are driving half an hour til the next town!

      The rest of the day passed uneventfully, as we relaxed outside by the river and had a swim and spa mid afternoon, followed by more chilling outside watching life on the river.

      We gave the soda stream a whirl, trying out some plain soda and some flavored soda.

      Gadi heated up a quiche and some veggies for dinner and we sat outside enjoying watching the colours around us deepen and intensify. It’s simple moments like this that you hold on to when life gets hectic and unpredictable.

      Time to head inside, shower and see what’s on Telly.

      Night night from Moruya xx
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    • Day 113

      Sun, Cloud, Kayak, Relax

      December 10, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      We had a sunny morning today but Gadi didn’t feel like going anywhere - l think he was keen on watching a series he’s hooked on.

      By lunchtime we had swapped the blue sky for a grey one, a well as some rain. I made a trout salad for lunch, using the whole trout we bought at the trout hatchery a while back.

      In the afternoon Gadi went out on his kayak. He tried to encourage Cadbury, who had no intention of going. I sat outside for quite a while, enjoying the serenity and beauty of the river.

      Another lovely evening, cooked dinner and relaxed inside.

      Good night from Moruya xx
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    • Day 114

      Sleep In, Walk Around Mogo in Afternoon

      December 11, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Gadi slept in this morning. He slept and slept and slept. I figured he must have had a bad night so let him. He finally woke up at 11.30!

      We decided to just drive to the heritage village of Mogo, about 20 minutes north, in the afternoon. We strolled around, checking out the shops (lolly, wood, leather among others).

      Back to our little home on wheels for our last evening in Moruya. We cooked chicken and veg on the Weber and brought our chairs and table close to the water’s edge for our last dinner here, savouring the twilight and the shiny water.

      We packed up what we could from the outside of the van (making it easier for tomorrow) and headed inside to watch TV with a hot coffee.

      Night night from the south coast xx
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    • Day 9

      Lovely Day

      February 17, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Overnight a little more rain and it went into the morning. This was like most other days breakfast,washing up, cleaning the tent, washing and morning tea. Just like any other morning.

      Then we drove to Moruya for lunch at the Waterfront Hotel and caught up with Mark and Gai wonderful company and yummy food.

      After lunch back at the camp site afternoon tea, resting, reading, playing my game and even a little nap. Resting is so tiring.

      Now dinner time, John cooked another BBQ.

      Once everything is cleaned up it will be time for a Movie, Chocolate and Baileys.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Moruya, MYA

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