Mount Isa

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    • Giorno 3

      Day 4 Mary Kathleen

      18 luglio 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Left our camp at Longreach and headed to Winton. Fuelled up and headed west. Pulled up for a cuppa about 10ks out and found the fridge not working again on 12v. I think it's a different thing this time. Met a bloke at last night's camp who told us his 12v hasn't worked for 8yrs, so not too worried. We had a good drive today. A bit more to see and took a few more photos We are camped tonight at Mary Kathleen along with about another hundred vans but as you can see by the photos still plenty of room. We have a few 4 legged neibours as you can see. Headed into Mt Isa in rhe morning after that all new territory.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 69

      Mary Kathleen mine.

      5 ottobre 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      The uranium mine was opened in 1950's to fill a contract to British nuclear energy. After fulfilling that contract a year early there were no more orders so it went into caretaker mode. Later it was again opened when further contracts were gained.

      Almost all the deposit was mined and the mine was then permanently closed. The pit with deep blue water remains. The water is contaminated and now seeping out into the environment. This problem is not solved at this time.

      Nearby the ghost town of Mary Kathleen is concrete slabs and bitumen streets. All the buildings were sold at Austin and are still in use in Cloncurry or Mt Isa.
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    • Giorno 4

      Lazy Day

      18 luglio, Australia ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Sat around Carella Dam and drank. Went for a quick spin to Mary Kathleen and drank the nice blue water.

    • Giorno 57

      Mt Isa Underground Hospital Tour

      9 agosto, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Arrived early for this tour, so enjoyed a complimentary cup of tea at lovely tables and chairs set up along one side of the verandah of the old building that was once used as the Maternity 'wing' of Mt Isa hospital. Use this time for a catch up call to Jen.
      Our tour was taken by a nice 'bubbly' and knowledgeable (of this topic) young lady. Made this all the more enjoyable - really interesting to hear how this underground hospital came about - then later just got be restored to what we can tour today.
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    • Giorno 406

      Darwin en weer een nieuwe baan

      6 settembre 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      We hebben een paar dagen doorgebracht in Darwin. Best een leuke stad, met een paar leuke cafeetjes en pubs aan de zee én een hele mooie moderne lagoon waar je veilig kan zwemmen (want: krokodillen natuurlijk). Ik heb daar geen foto’s van gemaakt dus heb een internet foto toegevoegd om een idee te geven. Rondom zaten allemaal barretjes en restaurantjes dus was wel echt een leuke buurt.
      We hebben daar ook mijn verjaardag gevierd, want dat had ik nog tegoed van Nik. Zijn kado was een leuk dagje uit samen zodra we weer in een stad waren, dus we moesten wachten tot Darwin. Zijn naar een rooftop bar geweest en lekker uiteten bij een Mexicaan met uitzicht op de lagoon.
      Verder zijn we naar de Rodeo geweest. Veel typisch Australisch kan je het niet krijgen. Was echt een spektakel en heel leuk om mee te maken.
      Ondertussen waren we weer eens op zoek naar een baan, want door alle autoreparaties aan het begin van onze trip was het geld iets eerder op dan gepland. En de Outback is duur! Uiteindelijk iets gevonden in Mt Isa, een outback mijn stad in Queensland. Kleine 3 dagen rijden van Darwin, geen probleem natuurlijk…
      Hier werken we bij The Buffs Club, een cafe/restaurant/pub/gaming/bottleshop in een. Nik werkt in de bottleshop en ik switch tussen het restaurant, pub en gaming. Gaming klinkt heel spannend maar het is een grote ruimte met alleen maar slotmachines, of ‘pokies’ zoals dat hier heet. Ze hebben meer dan 100 machines! (Heb weer een foto van internet geplukt zodat jullie kunnen zien hoe dat eruit ziet)
      Alhoewel Mt Isa redelijk groot is is er verder niet echt wat te doen. Het is weer echt in de middle of nowhere dus er is geen natuur eromheen en het is ook elke dag 40 graden dus ook niet echt weer om lekker te gaan wandelen. Dus we zijn vooral aan het werk en gewoon geld aan het sparen. We wonen in de staff accommodation van de Buffs voor heel weinig dus dat is wel lekker.
      Dus dat is ons leven voor de afgelopen 1.5 maand! En waarschijnlijk voor de komende 1.5 maand ook, haha.
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    • Giorno 55–62

      Mt Isa Caravan Park

      7 agosto, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Go and get ourselves sorted - paid our $200 for a powered site until the 14th August. We have site G10 which we're very happy with - nice size and close to all the amenities. Settle in, get 2 loads of washing going, $6 per load in lovely new washing machines (did a great wash) and I go use the CP showers. Have some lunch, leftovers and sandwiches. Now ready to go for a drive to Rodeo HQ to let them know we're available to volunteer (we've had no response from Roger's form filling and emails). Achieve this - with leaving our contact details with the Rodeo information ladies - who assure us that volunteers are needed and that the oppropriate co-ordinator will get in touch shortly..... Go down the street to shops, Roger has a few things to do. I decide to walk to the Tourist Information 'Outback at Isa' where Rog will drive and meet me. Enjoy a nice look here, decide not to book any tours just yet - in case we're volunteering next few days. Roger's done what he set out to do for today so we head back to our caravan to relax before getting organised to walk to this evening's town centre festival. Nice walk leave around 5pm, takes about 20 minutes, and we have a beaut evening with the festival activities - street parade, organisation's (ie kinder and schools) food and produce stalls. I enjoy a steak Burger and bottled water for $13 (Roger ate abit before we left our van) and we both enjoyed the kinder's take on waffles (the works!) $15 each. Now seated in a 'beer garden' area of the Civic Centre - watching the music artists - really good entertainment! Both Rog and I didn't take jackets and we're caught out with how cool/cold the evening has become. With this in mind we just held out to the music sets finish and decide to watch the main fireworks display ( a small display earlier at 7pm) as we walk 'home'. This we achieve - the fireworks were great! Now time 10.45pmto have a cuppa and warm up before bed.
      Thursday sees us without any request for our today will just be a relax and tinker day! Breakfast and lunch our usual caravan 'dos'. Roger shoots off about town doing some stuff he wants to get done, I just catch up on 'computer stuff' and my budgeting books. Tea tonight is chicken snitzels and salad. Roger decides to use the camp kitchen oven for some golden syrup dumplings - first cooking 'fail' Rog has had in ages! Didn't turn out as we know they should - we still ate them anyway (thermomix custard helped!). Time for a quick drive to the town lookout - good thing to do. Back for Rog to have his shower, I watch some more The Guilded Age (S2 E 3&4).
      Friday sees us still not contacted re volunteering - think we're both happy (thanks to Cloncurry Rodeo ❤️) to just let this slide. We have breakfast, I go have my shower. Roger gets online (the way of it nowadays) to make a booking for the underground hospital tour at 1.30pm - gets it. Now we go for a drive - Roger wants to go to St Vinnies ( something he's looking for!) and looking for a shop that supplies rubber that he could make a mudflap out luck yet, so we do a Woolies grocery shop. Next go looking for the Bakery that other travellers have recommended- we find it Grant's Pies & Cakes. Yes it's GOOD! Very busy too (good sign). Get a loaf of bread and our today's lunch. Curry pie and apple turnover for Rog, sausage roll and caramel macadamia flan for me mmmm yep! We're early, but we arrive at place for our Underground Hospital tour. Good spot to relax and fill in time, help yourself to a cuppa and sit in the shade of a veranda with a nice breeze. Tour is a goodie. After this we try the Mt Isa lookout again (did earlier today too busy) - get a park this time so check out the daytime views. Back to our caravan - relax time for me, Roger's working on replacing the mudflap that came off the caravan along the Birdsville Track (few weeks back now!). Have a lovely evening, tea tonight chops and stir-fried vegetables., then Apple Crumble Roger cooked up in the airfryer. Usual tidy up, Roger has his shower and I have a nice phone chat with Raelene. Bedtime and I (we) watch a couple more episodes of The Guilded Age S2.
      Saturday sees us up after 8am, leisurely breakfast, then Roger's tinkering with caravan 'stuff', muttering about loose wires and poking about in the fridge (which he cleaned and rearranged yesterday?). I have a lovely 'face time' whatsapp chat with Sharon. Next we get organised to go for a drive to check out Lake Moondarra. Roger packs food so we can make our sandwiches out and about. We take bathers and paddleboard (to inflate) if we decide to get on the water.
      Return from our nice drive. Roger needs to rest as he's gone and caught a cold, and it's making him feel tired etc. I organise tea tonight - Thermie pasta dish, followed by remainder of Apple crumble. Rog has shower and continues to rest/recover. I tidy up, early night to bed - finish watching S2 of The Guilded Age. Enjoyed this.
      Sunday - definitely a 'rest day' - hopefully Roger over the worst of his cold. He cooks us up bacon and eggs for breakfast and tidys up while I'm off having my shower. Tegan calls (on Whatsapp) lovely hearing from her quite regularly. When then relax under our annex, Roger reading, and plotting and planning more of our trip. I make a few phone calls- Stacy, Jenny, Barb. Great to have a catch up.
      Sadly Stacy's Nan is not well, so thinking of her and family.
      Lunch we have at our caravan - leftover pasta reheated in the microwave. Go for a drive into Mt Isa shopping area to go to Coles to restock on groceries, then we walk around the CBD checking out what shops on offer etc - of course very quiet on a Sunday afternoon. Roger drives back to the caravan park, I choose to walk the 20 minutes back for a bit of exercise. Now just relaxing, reading etc. Tea tonight Florries with salad. Usual evening routine, tidy up, Roger goes for a shower, then early to bed - both reading.
      Monday morning - I have a lie in reading my book Dating Game Danielle Steele to get it finished 9.30am. Rog up around 8am has his breakfast etc. When I get up I have my breakfast, then we go for a walk together to the Tourist Centre 'Outback at Isa' to have another look. While there, we see if we can change our tomorrow's booking to do the mine tour to this afternoon - we can, yay! We check out the Mine Museum (no cost, part of the tour fee) before walking back to have our lunch at our caravan. Ham and salad sandwich for Roger, and open toasties, mustard, avocado, ham,capsicum, tomato and cheese for me. We then tidy up and get organised before driving to 'Outback at Isa' to continue looking at the Mine Museum etc and taking our Hardtimes Mine Underground Tour at 2pm. Really good, finished tour around 5pm. I drop Roger back to our caravan, he wants to get tea prepared, so I can then drive to the pool to do a Aqua class at 5.45pm. Cost $11 for 45 minutes, friendly class with 9 of us (2 male) and our instructor. Had fun with a good workout. Drive back to our camp in time for tea, sausages and vegetables casserole done with plum sauce - yum. We have showers, do dishes and relaxing before bed.
      Tuesday 13 August. Get up around 7.30am have our breakfast, Weetbix for Roger, porridge with a pear for me. Washing and cleaning today - so I strip the bed, finally including the doona cover this time, and go and get 2 loads of washing happening. Not a long wait (15 min) until I got the 1st washing machine, and would've been less than 10 minutes after that the other machine was available too. Roger dusting, cleaning and washing the caravan floor in the meantime. Relax then, while we wait for the clothes etc to wash. Once the washing hung out on the caravan park's clothesline, we decide to go for a walk to Granty's Cake & Pie Bakery to get our lunch. A real spoil - Rodeo pie and custard donut for me, Curry steak pie and cookies and cream muffin for Roger - with cold drinks. The Pies are amazing, treats were a bit big for us after them! We needed the walk back to our caravan for sure (5km round trip). Get back and our washing is dry, so I make up our bed and we get our washing folded and away. Next we drive down the street to stock up, drinks. groceries then fuel. We'll be right for take off tomorrow. We get back to our van and unpack our purchases, then decide we're warm enough to go for a swim. Nice little pool in the caravan park - water 'refreshing' as not heated. Next showers time and afterwards I start on tea preparation - silverside and vegetables with mustard sauce. Relax and then enjoy our tea. Cuppa time then tidy up. Relax and plot and plan together for tomorrow. I watch Federer Last 12 Days.
      Wednesday morning, up around 8am. Breakfast, porridge made in my Thermie for me, Weetbix for Roger. I'll go have a shower, Roger will continue with tidy up and pack up ready for us to leave. We driving out at 9.30am, off to get fresh bread as we leave Mt Isa.
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    • Giorno 106

      Mount Isa (Kevin's photos)

      10 luglio 2023, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      In contrast to the quaint little country towns we have been visiting recently, Mount Isa was very much a big, industrial town with a major mine in the middle of it.

      Despite this it was fascinating in its own way, albeit with a fair bit more crime (there were 2 cars stolen from our caravan park in a week!)

      We visited the underground hospital which was prepared for a WWII invasion by Japan. Also Kevin went on a tour in a mine that was set up as a demonstration of how the underground mining had gone on in the past and present. Lots of big awesome machines!
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    • Giorno 36–37

      Mount Isa

      12 agosto, Australia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Blei, Silber, Zink und Kupfer sind die Elemente ohne die Mount Isa nicht existieren würde. Und das schon seit 100 Jahren.
      Eine faszinierende kleine Stadt im Nirgendwo mit ca. 18000 Menschen.

    • Giorno 56

      Mt Isa Lookout

      8 agosto, Australia ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Came for the drive to check out the night lights, very popular spot tonight. Had to park 'overflow' until others left.
      We'll definitely have to come back and check out in daylight as well. Just a wonderful vantage point to check out Mt Isa city.
      Came back during the day, afternoon of Friday 9 August. Yes the place to check out the 'lay' of Mt Isa.
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    • Giorno 58

      Wallaby Walk at Lake Moondarra

      10 agosto, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      While we are parked in Transport Bay, I figure I'll try and find a nearby walk. No swimming etc for us today - lovely spot for it, but neither of us that keen as not that hot. Lo and behold I find this one just 200m away. We've already had our lunch, and I can tell Rog is not feeling 100% (darn cold) so I suggest he finds a comfy spot to relax while I do this short walk (only about 800m itself!).Leggi altro

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