Potts Point

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    • Day 70

      Last but not least - Sydney 😎

      February 25 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      After a decent flight with an extraordinary sunset view from the plane, I landed in Sydney late in the evening. 🛬
      Checking in at the hostel was a bit of a shock... it's actually the worts hostel I stayed at during my whole trip. 😅 I already knew it's not the best one and currently under construction, but my room for the first two nights was pretty disgusting with stains on the ceiling (water damage?), a weird smell in the room, and last but not least the sound of rats scratching inside of the wall 😵‍💫 but's just for two nights, so I'll survive 😬
      The first morning in Sydney I decided to check out the CBD. 🏙
      Walking through the Botanical garden & seeing the famous Opera house kind of felt a bit like a dream come true 🤩
      After enjoying the view for quiet a while I just walked around, went to the Circular Quay and Darling harbour, visited a local weekend market and been to some other sights. ✌🏼
      Sydney is actually a really nice and green city - even though it lacks a bit of history tbh 🤫
      For the evening I met up with the swiss traveller I got to know in Cairns in order to enjoy the sunset with a great view on the opera house 🥰

      Soundtrack of the day:
      Wonderful life - Seeed…
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    • Day 14

      Sydney Botanical Gardens

      September 11, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      After my trip to Bondi Beach, I walked back into the city through the botanical gardens. Like everything else in Sydney, the gardens are immaculate. My photos don't do the trees and tropical plants justice. It really is an incredible place 🌴.
      The gardens offer some amazing views over Sydney Harbour, and I took the opportunity to take some arty photos of the bridge and opera house. The view from Circular Quay over towards these iconic landmarks is the most beautiful that I have ever seen that's been made by man.
      As the sun set, I took the ferry over to Manly Beach, which is one of Sydneys northern beaches. I didn't stay long, but what I saw was stunning and probably bigger and more popular than Bondi.
      This is my last footprint about Sydney, and I'm genuinely sad to be leaving - there's so much more to see. I absolutely loved this wonderful city ❤️.
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    • Day 12

      Katoomba - Blue Mountains

      September 9, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Up early (again!), walked up the road to a local market for a Danish pastry and a coffee. Then jumped on a train out of the city to Katoomba which is 2 hours out West. Arrived at Katoomba and headed for Scenic World, where we rode the world's steepest train journey into the forest at the bottom of the Blue Mountains. Had an hours walk around the forest and then rode the cable car back to the top. Got some lunch then got back on the cable car to go back down and finally returned to the top on the steep train again! 2 hours back to Sydney then took a ferry to the other side of the harbour and had a fab curry. Full on day again but so much to see and do in a little time 😁Read more

    • Day 92

      Rdv voiture + travail

      April 9 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Aujourd’hui on avait 2 rendez vous important :

      - Rdv pour un taff pour Emile🤞🏻🤞🏻
      - Rdv pour vendre la voiture

      Le rendez-vous d’Emile s’est bien passé et il a était pris mais c’était vraiment pour un travail assez ridicule😅😅 c’était une entreprise qui pose des fenêtres sur d’autres fenêtres au lieu de poser du double vitrage😓 un peu con ces australiens 🤣🤣

      Rendez-vous avec 2 Français pour qu’il voit la voiture comme on l’a mise en vente pour potentiellement qu’ils l’achètent ! Le rendez-vous c’est super bien passée, ils étaient super gentil on est resté un peu plus d’une heure avec eux a discuter de la voiture et pas que ! Eux non plus non pas trouver de taff ici et Sydney et décide d’aller faire le tour des fermes… on leur a expliquer notre expérience mais malgré ça ils veulent toujours y aller alors on leur souhaite bien du courage hein😅 on espère qu’il nous prenne la voiture 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

      Ensuite on est rentré à la maison pour postuler pour eux et travailler pour Marianne pour moi

      Il a plu toute l’après-midi et toute la soirée 😓😓 il faisait SUPER FROID

      Ensuite au dodo après quelques parties de Monopoly deal
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    • Day 10–18

      Venus Hostel Potts Point

      March 22 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nun sind wir schon fast eine Woche in Potts Point, Sydney. Wir haben auch nun endlich eine funktionierende SIM und die Bankkarte ist auf dem Weg. Die Stadt Sydney ist wunderschön, allerdings sind wir bis jetzt noch nicht einmal am Strand gewesen, da uns lange der Jetlag noch mittags hat schlafen lassen. Viele Leute haben wir auch noch nicht kennengelernt, da das Hostel eher auf Ruhe Wert legt, was ziemlich schade ist. Das jetzige Hostel können wir nicht verlängern, sondern müssen umziehen. Heimweh haben wir beide immernoch sehr, aber wir bleiben in stetigem Kontakt mit Deutschland. Gerade sind wir an der Jobsuche dran, was aber eher schleppend vorangeht.Read more

    • Day 4

      Der Weg zum Hostel

      March 16 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute weckte uns grausam der Feueralarm, ich dachte erst es wäre Alexas Wecker, da sie ankündigte dieser würde schlimm sein. Da fiel dann eine halbe Stunde Schlaf hatten, ich hatte nur 3 Stunden geschlafen und Alexa gar nicht wirklich. Wir checkten also aus und machten uns zu Fuß auf den 2h/2,5h Weg zu unserem Hostel, Paul versuchte noch uns aufzuhalten und einen Uber oder Ähnliches zu nehmen, aber wir waren nich zu bremsen. Mit kleineren Stops zum Ausruhen und bei kostenlosem Wlan- Telefonzellen war es zu ertragen. War tatsächlich schön so viel von Sydney zu sehen, aber sehr anstregend, sind jetzt froh in unseren Betten liegen zu können:)Read more

    • Day 116

      Welcome to Australia

      November 29, 2023 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Me voici arriver en Australie je suis sensé être avec ma cousine mais petite problème d’avion alors solo arriver à l aéroport je suis aller chercher carte SIM des dollars australiens puis puis je me suis rendue à mon hostel en train 🚊 cetais cool arrive à mon hostel je n’étais pas bien alors je me suis reposé le lendemain je suis aller visiter l opéra de Sydney j’avais plein d étoile dans les yeux puis j’ai traversé le pont pour aller en direction du Luna Park en se moment c’est n’est pas encore l été en Australie et il pleut souvent à Sydney en se moment je suis revenu à l hostel vers 19:00 pour le free diner j’ai rencontré une espagnole et plein de francophones 😂 on as passer une soirée chill a l hostel et go dodo pour de nouvelle découverteRead more

    • Day 42

      Sydney fällt ins Wasser

      February 9, 2020 in Australia ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Dieses Jahr trifft es Australien wirklich hart. Erst brennt es überall und dann wird das Land überflutet. Ich lande in Sydney als das Wetter gerade umschlägt: von 48 Grad und monatelanger Trockenheit zu 20 Grad und tagelangen heftigen Regenfällen. Beides nicht schön. Aber die Australier sind froh, dass es endlich regnet, egal wie. Die letzten Buschfeuer werden gelöscht und das Land kann aufatmen.

      Ich hänge 3 Tage größtenteils in meinem Hostel und nahegelegenen Cafés ab und weiß nicht recht, was ich machen soll. Diese Stadt ist für schönes Wetter gemacht. Einmal denke ich, ach egal: Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, nur schlechte Kleidung und mache mich in meine Regenjacke gehüllt auf den Weg zur Oper. Die Stadt ist wie ausgestorben und die weltberühmte Kulisse präsentiert sich mir in tristem Grau. Ein paar vereinzelte Unerschütterliche kämpfen verzweifelt mit ihrem Regenschirm gegen den Sturm. Das Wasser rinnt in Sturzbächen die Straßen hinunter und quillt aus den Gullis. Ich gebe auf. Weil ich bis auf die Haut durchnässt bin, nehme ich ein Uber zurück zum Hostel.
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    • Day 87

      Auckland to Sydney

      July 15, 2015 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      The Auckland sky was locked in resolute clouds as we waited patiently for our plane to take us to Sydney.

      We flew with Emirates, a choice made by a coincidence of timing and conditions that fit our budget when our itinerary went through STA Travel's computers 9 months ago. Yet what a choice it turned out to be.

      Whilst some of you will have experienced or perhaps even be accustomed to the kind of service that Emirates offer even its Donkey Class customers, we were not. After zipping through check-in early and boarding an on-time plane, we sat down in large comfortable seats and a warm scented face towel. Greeted with smiles we dined on a 3-4 course dinner and watched the latest films. When the lights dimmed, stars shone on the ceiling and we couldn't get believe what we were receiving for a 3 1/2 hour flight. As we descended into Sydney airport we watched the plane touch down onto the runway by a camera mounted on the nose of the plane.

      Having arrived in previous destinations very late at night and/or very jet lagged it was novel to feel fairly refreshed. It didn't all go according to plan however as when we used the self-service passport machines, they did not consider Alex's face matched his passport (maybe the hair) so he had to join a long queue of other passport rejects. We were prepared for Australia's tough bio-security but it turned out to be the woman in front of us who was the biggest challenge. After being in a long line with lots of signs alerting her to be prepared, she was still on her mobile and having to search for her documents when she got to this section whilst the rest of us queued behind. The security officer's face was classic as he gave a knowing look to his colleague.

      We arrived at our hostel under the driving skills and humour of shuttle bus driver Shane. He told us that he showed his son an AUS$5 note, which has the image of the Queen on it and asked who this was. His son replied 'Grandma'. Shane explained 'Grandma' happened to look a lot like the Queen but he didn't mention his son's age, hopefully it's not 17.
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    • Day 124

      VIVID Sydney

      June 3, 2018 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Annual festival here that is light show, music and more. The highlight for me is the Opera House which is another post. This is a half dozen pictures of examples of what is done with lights at almost a dozen sites around the city. Unfortunately, still photography doesn't give a good sense of things as most of the light shows were moving. The first pic is one of the harbor ferries lit up; the second is the harbor bridge. The third is Luna Park, the only remaining amusement park in Sydney. Then a couple buildings. The last is one of the interactive installations. Kids were dancing and the lights on the wall responded to their dance. BTW, the display in the last pic is on Cadman's Cottage, one of the oldest buildings in SydneyRead more

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    Potts Point, פוטס פוינט

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