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    • Dia 12–19

      Kapitel 2.1

      10 de dezembro de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Moin Leute bei uns ist alles soweit gut ❤️

      In den letzten Tagen haben wir nicht viel machen können haben an guten Tagen die Stadt ein wenig erkundet und sind auch über 20km gelaufen, aber das Wetter hier ist wirklich verrückt, es gibt mehr Regentage als Sonnentage, obwohl es hier Sommeranfang ist.
      Wir haben viel rum telefoniert zwecks Arbeit und sind zuversichtlich, dass wir bald arbeiten können ab Januar.
      In den nächsten Tagen müssen wir eine white card beantragen, dann könnten wir loslegen von unserer Seite. Müssen nur noch auf die Zustimmung der Person warten.
      Sollte es Neuigkeiten geben bekommt ihr hier bescheid ich melde mich die Tage wieder Grüße nach Deutschland und euch allen ein schönen 3 Advent 🍾🥳
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    • Dia 114

      New years city tour

      1 de janeiro de 2023, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 36 °C


      Mit einem anständigen Neujahrs-Kater wachen wir morgens in der Hitze von Melbourne auf - heute werden es 36 Grad. Doch statt im Bett zu verweilen, gehen wir erstmal eine Runde mit Boris (Jarryd & Talithas Hund) und erkunden dann auf Lime Fahrrädern die Stadt.
      Jarryd gibt uns eine private Tour und zeigt uns seine Lieblingsorte, zu denen er uns interessante Insiderinformationen gibt. Dabei können wir sogar mit Fahrrädern zwischen den Tennisplätzen im Melbourne Park flitzen. Hier finden in 2 Wochen die Australian Open statt. Melbourne ist echt eine wahnsinnig vielseitige und schöne Stadt, die immer wieder sehr an Berlin erinnert. Wir lieben es hier.
      Nach einem kleinen Powernap mit Boris treffen wir uns abends noch mit den Aussies und Koen zum Neujahrsdinner. Abgerundet wird der ereignisreiche erste Tag des neuen Jahres mit einem langen Neujahrs-Spaziergang durch das Zentrum von Melbourne, bei dem wir u.a. in den Carlton Gardens ein Opossum erspähen.
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    • Dia 113

      Happy new year from Down Under!

      31 de dezembro de 2022, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Wilsons Prom —> Melbourne

      Wir wachen früh in unserem Zelt auf und kurz stänkert das Wetter mit leichten Nieselregen, aber es dauert nicht lang und die Sonne kämpft sich endlich wieder durch. Es fällt uns wahnsinnig schwer von unserer Traumbucht Little Waterloo Bay Abschied zu nehmen, und das, an diesem herrlichen Sommertag.
      Wir gönnen uns während der Wanderung noch eine Abkühlung in den türkisklaren Wellen und wandern zurück durch die knallgrüne wunderschöne Landschaft. Viele Wanderer kommen uns entgegen, die hier in der einsamen Wildnis Silvester feiern, doch auf uns warten wieder Großstadtbeats. Wir halten auf dem Weg raus aus dem Nationalpark noch an einem kleinen Wilderness-Trail an, doch alle Kängurus haben sich in schattigen Plätzchen versteckt und so treffen wir nur auf ein paar süße Emus.
      Zurück in Melbourne gibt es eine freudige Reunion mit Koen, den Wolf mittlerweile in 16 Ländern sowie 5 Kontinenten getroffen und gemeinsam gereist ist. Zusammen machen wir uns fertig für die Silvesterparty im Warehouse von Mish mit dem Motto Jahr 2000 bzw. Y2K wie die Aussies sagen. Wolf klaut ein Glitzershirt von Talitha und Nina verkleidet sich im Gwen Stefani meets Britney Spears Vibe.
      Auf der Party treffen wir endlich Jarryd und Talitha (sowie all ihre tollen Freunde). Wir sind unfassbar glücklich, gemeinsam mit so lieben Menschen und viel Aperol Spritz dieses geniale Jahr 2022 ausklingen zu lassen. 2022: It‘s been wild and great! Wir können es kaum abwarten, was 2023 für großartige Erlebnisse für uns parat hält. Cheers!
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    • Dia 51

      Melbourne City H3 (just for us)

      20 de fevereiro, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      After a day at sea, we arrived in Melbourne first thing this morning (last time I was in Melbourne was for the prelube to Tasmania Interhash back in 2000. Back then, we did a thing called the Chapel Street Chunder Run, which was as I recall . . . a 5 k with 20 beer stops). Many of the hashers had morning excursions, like bike rides and various other site seeing, I just enjoyed a nice walk about town. The start was about a one mile walk from the cruise port, and we all gathered at the Port Melbourne Bowling Club for a one o’clock start . . . but we had a bit of delay. Once we got all our instructions, the pack split up into 4 options . . . first was a short walk for those that were not up for much trail, and they went off on their own. The other 3 options were longer walk (5 k), regular run (8 K), and super eagle (10 K), and we were off for a short 2 km jog to a tram station. From there, we rode along the city, each getting out at a different stop, and then followed trail back to the bowling club.

      By the time we all finished, it was getting late, so a short 15 minute circle was conducted and then we hoofed it back to the boat. Many thanks to the MCH3 for putting on this special trail for us on a Tuesday afternoon (their regular trail will be tomorrow evening). So now we are back on the boat, and headed south towards Tasmania, where we’ll hash in Hobart on Thursday. Tomorrow we’ll have a day at sea, and an onboard hash.
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    • Dia 45

      Wilsons Prolontory National Parc

      23 de março de 2017, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Gestern war ich auf einer Tagestour zum Wilson Prolontory National Parc. Er liegt ganz ganz im Süden vom australischen Festland (Ca 4h Busfahrt). Das war abartig schön. Die Gegend ist fantastisch! Wir machten einen coastal walk, einen rainforest walk und einen wildlife walk....
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    • Dia 45


      23 de março de 2017, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Seid Montag bin ich nun wieder in Melbourne und hab viele coole Leute kennengelernt. War shoppen, war im Kino, in ner Bar, auf dem summer night market, im casino, usw und ich war zum Glück nie alleine... richtig coole Woche hier.
      Heute gehts nochmal zum Strand und evtl noch in eine Rooftop Bar.
      Ab morgen mache ich dann eine Great Ocean Road Tour 3Tage lang.😊
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    • Dia 161

      Day 11 - Melbourne

      10 de setembro de 2017, Austrália ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

      The weekend has caught up with me and getting out of bed this morning was very hard! After pulling myself together we packed up and were on our way back to Melbourne just after 11am (with a quick stop to see the damage the car had left in the day light). Maddy was meeting some friends in the afternoon for drinks but absolutely pooped from the weekend we decided to stay at Maddy's to catch up on some admin and cook her dinner for when she got back.Leia mais

    • Dia 163

      Day 13 - Melbourne

      12 de setembro de 2017, Austrália ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      We woke to torrential rain and it stayed like that all morning! Not wanting to leave the house we cracked on with some travel admin as we had no idea what we were going to do when we hit Cairns tomorrow. Feeling very smug from not procrastinating and actually getting stuff done we rewarded ourselves with an afternoon stroll along the River Yarra when the rain eased off. On the way back we popped into Touchwood for a coffee and cake. I had a delicious banana and salted caramel muffin whilst Simon gave himself a massive sugar rush with an enormous peanut butter cookie.

      It's our final night in Melbourne so we went out for dinner with Maddy for $14 steaks, followed by some frozen yoghurt and a very bad $10 bottle of wine. Note to future self, there is a reason why wine is only $10.
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    • Dia 150

      Day 2 - Melbourne

      30 de agosto de 2017, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We are staying with Maddy for a couple of weeks so it's nice not to be in a rush to see everything. We had a lazy morning before venturing out to purchase an Australian SIM card. This was followed by another quick trip to Coles to pick up a couple of groceries and then back to Maddy's for a lazy afternoon playing with her housemates cat, Whisker.

      In the evening, we headed to the winter night market which was a lot of fun. Maddy came and met us after work and fortunately for her she missed out on a chap completely murdering Kings of Leon's Use Somebody. Ingrid and Dan, another camp friend, came to meet us as well which was lush.

      There was so much going on at the market, from live music, street performers and a silent disco. There was even a live web stream from Europe of a Romanian band called Moonlight Breakfast. It was a bit strange as they were by a beach playing in the sun whilst we were watching them on a tv screen whilst drinking mulled wine (I know what your thinking, mulled wine in August, crazy) but their music was really good. There were loads of market stalls and a huge variety of places to eat which made it very hard to choose as everything looked delicious. I decided on leek and potato soup which came inside an enormous cob roll whilst Simon went for some chicken kebab. It was a really fun evening and lush to catch up with old friends.
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    • Dia 162

      Day 12 - Melbourne

      11 de setembro de 2017, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      A lazy day of recovering from a boozy weekend and washing clothes was top of the agenda today followed closely by some more planning. We have now booked our flights to Cairns on Wednesday and have a hostel booked there for 4 days (back to slumming it). We also signed up to the WWOOFing (willing workers on organic farms) app which allows us to do voluntary work for people in return for food and accommodation. We thought this could, if required, save us some money and be something different to experience. So far we have applied to work at an organic farm and a yoga and meditation retreat so watch this space.

      On the family Christmas trip front we also successfully booked our Melbourne leg but Gold Coast and Sydney are proving a bit more difficult as the time of year means the prices sky rocket!

      As we hadn't left the house all day we decided to go out for dinner and experience our first Pho (Pho for those that haven't had it is meat, noodles and veg in a broth almost similar to a ramen but Vietnamese style). Victoria Street in Richmond is renowned for its many Vietnamese restaurants and was only 5 minutes up the road from Maddy's house. We sat down, ordered and were brought out three giant bowls which looked delicious. This is when it all went down hill for me. I decided to spice mine up a bit with some chilli. This little mishap meant my broth was now like a hot spicy lava every time it touched my lips. Next, on an attempt to cut some of the giant meat in my bowl on the back of my spoon with a fork (in hein sight a terrible idea anyways) I slipped launching broth all down my clean jeans and Blakes shoulder, with no idea as to where the meat actually went. After searching my lap, the floor, behind us, our coats and hoods we concluded it must have made its way back into the bowl. Blake and Maddy, both in stitches, managed to eat and enjoy theirs quite respectfully whilst I left hungry, wet and disappointed.
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