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    • Dzień 99

      Australien ist heiss!

      30 grudnia 2019, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Hallo ihr lieben,

      Wir melden uns zurück im Jahre 2020.. also erstmal ein frohes Neues Jahr 🎊
      es sind bereits einige Tage vergangen seit ich mich das letzte mal gemeldet habe. Dementsprechend viel ist auch passiert. Zunächst ging es für uns zum Kings Beach, an welchem wir einen schönen Tag am Strand verbrachten & uns ein großzügiger Australier 100$ schenkte! Er sprach uns an & fragte ob wir Backpacker seien & sagte „the next dinner is on me“ während er André das Geld in die Hände drückte! Wow 🤩

      Inzwischen sind wir nun bei Tag 99 von 126 angekommen und auch einige Kilometer mehr stehen inzwischen auf dem Tacho!
      Wie vorhergesehen war PhilMaximus leider eine Enttäuschung, da dieser alte fahrbare Untersatz undicht war bei Regen.. was, wie man sich wohl vorstellen kann, nicht so praktisch ist, wenn man im Auto schläft. 🌧 deshalb fuhren wir nach Brisbane zurück, wo es ein neues Auto gab: Aladin, juhu (eigentlich Aldrin aber den Namen find ich komisch). Damit fährt es sich gleich viel besser! 😊
      Das nächste Ziel war dann die Gold Coast, mit dem schönen Ort Surfersparadies. Da es uns hier gut gefiel, entschieden wir ein paar Tage in der Gegend zu bleiben & Silvester hier zu feiern. Wir besuchten den nahe gelegenen Lamington National Park, in dem man schön wandern konnte. Es gab einen Teil in dem man Papageien füttern konnte, das war toll! Außerdem fuhren wir zu einer Alpaka Farm und streichelten die kuscheligen Tiere. Ein anderer Tagesausflug führte uns zum Springbrook Nationalpark, in dem wir zu Wasserfällen wanderten & Australiens Wildlife in der Natur begegneten: gleich drei grosse Schlangen entdeckten wir, viele mini Kängurus und bunte Vögel. Auch hier gab es Glowworm Caves die wir im dunklen erkundeten. Und dann stand auch schon Silvester vor der Tür - wie schnell das Jahr 2019 dann doch verflog. Tagsüber besuchten wir ein Wildlife Sancturary, in welchem man allerlei Tiere zu sehen bekam. Unteranderem bei einer Reptilien Show in der man giftige Schlangen sah, Birdshow mit imposanten Adler 🦅 oder bei Rauptierfütterungen von Krokodil oder Dingos oder auf eigene Faust durch den Park. Am Nachmittag spazierten wir in Bureleigh Heads an der Küste entlang, bevor es dann am Abend zurück nach Surfersparadies ging. Dort war am Strand eine kleine Kirmes aufgebaut & ein DJ spielte Musik 🎡 wir aßen beim Italiener, und saßen dann am Strand bis um 12 das Feuerwerk überm Meer den Himmel erleuchtete 🌊 🎇 🎆 ein wirklich besonderes und anderes Silvester als die die ich bisher gefeiert habe!

      Die berühmte Byron Bay Stand als nächstes auf dem Plan. Dieses verträumte Örtchen war wirklich schön. Allerdings auch wahnsinnig voll! Wir besichtigten den Leuchtturm, von welchem man einen tollen Ausblick über die Küste und den Ort hatte. Zudem sahen wir im Meer einen Waal - oder einen anderen Meeresbewohner der Größenordnung (denn eigentlich ist die Saison doch vorbei?!).
      Auf unserem Weg nach Sydney hielten wir auch in Yamba an, wo André surfte. In Woolgoolga sollte ein toller Bollywood Markt stattfinden - der entpuppte sich jedoch als drei Stände am Strand.. ein bisschen winzig & wenig los.. sowas wird im Reisführer empfohlen?🧐 wir sahen hir zwei Sikh Tempel, sehr edle Gebäude.
      In Coffs Harbour besuchten wir ein Koala Hospital. Hier machten wir bei einer geführten Tour mit & lernten einiges über die putzigen Bewohner Australiens. Das Hospital war aufgrund der Waldbrände sehr überfüllt und viele Tiere mit Brandverletzungen dort.. zum Glück gibt es Orte wie diese, die sich für die Tiere einsetzen. Den Rest des Tages verbrachten wir am Shelly Beach. Von hier fuhren wir weiter in Richtung Sydney.

      (Leider kann man wohl nur noch 6 Bilder hochladen, deshalb gibts ab jetzt weniger Bilder.. )
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    • Dzień 80

      Queensland's National Parks

      31 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Planning for two days exploring some of the huge and incredibly varied national parks, we based ourselves in a small town called Nerang. It's central to the two parks we wanted to visit - Lamington and Springbrook.

      We arrived at the home of our Airbnb hosts Phil and Vieng at lunch time as we had been invited to their Australia Day BBQ. It was a very hot and humid day so their other friends and guests were gathered under a canopy next to the pool. We enjoyed chatting with the others, including a Malaysian lady who entertained us all with stories of her varied and exciting life as an investigative journalist, like when she was happy to speak out against the government in Malaysia that led to her asking police to put her in prison! After we had our fill of the delicious spread the pool became too inviting and half of us ended up swimming, while the others took some fun Australia Day themed photos.

      The afternoon and evening blurred together, and before we knew it we were falling asleep and we'd thoroughly enjoyed a very Aussie Australia Day!

      We got up early the next day to head into Lamington National Park. The park is over 200sq km in size, so we aimed for the centre where there were a number of walking tracks, about 1 hour from Nerang. The road wove it's way higher and higher, often right on the edge of huge canyons and falls so much so that Beth couldn't face driving it anymore! We arrived safely at the central car park though and decided on a 4km track that would take us to the Bellbird Lookout.

      As we had driven to where we had parked we'd ascended to a considerable height and the walk we wanted to do took us deep into temperate forest, with a cool rain hanging in the air. We equipped ourselves with an umbrella and our walking boots and set off, eventually finding ourselves surrounded only by lush green growth and the sounds of the wildlife. Unfortunately just as we arrived at the lookout the rain started to pick up a bit, and to be honest the lookout didn't serve it's purpose too well as the view was blocked by a dozen trees and bushes, so we couldn't see much of the area after all.

      We stopped briefly, thinking we'd find shelter and eat our picnic at the lookout however the two leeches working their way up my leg changed our minds, so we trekked back through the woods to a middle-of-nowhere type cafe. After eating our picnic (inside thanks to the now torrential rain) we chomped on the Aussie favourite of Lamington cake - vanilla and chocolate sponge cake, coated with chocolate and sprinkled with coconut. It's very appropriate that we really enjoyed our Lamington cake in it's namesake national park!

      As the rain settled in for the afternoon (and I found another 3 leeches!) we called it a day there and headed back to our house to sort out a few jobs, also hoping it would be sunnier there so we could swim wasn't!

      Our final day in the Queensland area began with another early start as we wanted a full day in Springbrook National Park. We made a slight detour to another beauty spot, named Natural Bridge. Here we walked paths down hill a few hundred metres before catching a glimpse through the trees of a tiny stream. Another hundred metres or so and we arrived at a viewpoint over the GIANT waterfall that appears suddenly from the stream. The water has such power that it has - over millions of years - carved a hole down through the rock, then out the side of the rock face which is how the 'bridge' has been formed. It's a very spectacular sight and we walked down into the cave that surrounds the waterfall. At night in this cave you're able to see thousands of glow worms, but as we were there during the morning they were invisible to us, however there were small bats flittering about over our heads although their recognisable squeaks and calls were inaudible as the waterfall thundered next to us. We enjoyed walking around the rest of the area, experiencing the peacefulness of the woods.

      A while later we continued the journey into Springbrook. The drive there was a similar distance as the day before and with similar roads, so when we arrived 3000ft above sea level we were immediately greeted with an incredible view through the mountains and all the way to the city of Surfer's Paradise on the coast.

      We picked up a map of the area that showed 5 recommended view points and beauty spots, some with a walk/hike and others right next to a car park. We'd already experienced our first and wanted to visit the rest throughout the day so next we drove about 30 minutes further into the national park. We were ready for a walk about with the end goal being a 50m waterfall, but once again a torrential downpour held us under shelter. Similarly to Lamington the temperature here was much cooler but once the rain had lightened we started walking into tropical rainforest and the humidity began to climb - if you imagine what a typical rainforest would feel like then you'd be about right for the area we were in at that point.

      The walk was through forest and across the river a couple of times but wasn't too taxing and took us about 20 minutes before we arrived at the top of the cliff edge, just along from where the top of the water was cascading over the edge and down into the valley. The sky had cleared by this time so we and the previously-cloudy valley were blasted by the sun, giving us a need for some shade but also incredible views of the picturesque landscape ahead of us. There were a few other viewpoints we walked to and they all had incredible views and we could see a path leading down into the valley but decided against this as the signs marked it as an 8km round trip... instead we had a leisurely lunch at a cosy cafe, sat on a veranda overlooking their garden.

      We were ready to continue a couple of hours later and whilst driving we mistakenly bypassed two lookouts and ended up at the highest point of Springbrook at the aptly named Best of All Lookout. This was a few hundred metres higher than earlier and again the temperature dropped. We walked along a path through temperate rainforest, a thick tree canopy high above our heads sheltering the ground from the sun. This meant that a heavy fog drifted between the trees and across boulders, deadfall and the occasional downed tree trunk and everything was covered in thick algae or moss. The sun kept breaking through though in thin beam-like bursts, giving the whole forest a very mysterious feel. The cherry on top? The sounds of the rainforest - birds singing to each other and who-knows-what calling out. This was a little ruined by a rowdy young family who were also walking the path, screaming, shouting and even blowing a whistle...! Kids!

      Anyway the walk only took 10 minutes before we found ourselves at the Lookout and boy were they right when they named it! We could see over nearby mountains, towns looked tiny and the ocean felt almost within reach - we could even see the crescent shaped beach at Byron Bay nearly 50 miles away! We were both amazed and spent a good time there taking it in. When we went back to the car we decided to skip the two other lookouts altogether, partly due to time restraints but mainly as we knew they wouldn't be impressive after Best of All!

      Weaving our way back down the mountain we then took the M1 highway 20 miles south of Byron Bay to Ballina, a gentle holiday town on the coast. We knew we'd arrived when Beth started shouting excitedly "THE GIANT PRAWN, THE GIANT PRAWN!" I'm sure you'll be as confused as I was to see a 20m high prawn appearing ahead of us and of course we stopped for a few photos - bizarrely it's in the car park of a DIY shop and simply recognises the Ballina area's exceptional quality of seafood, although otherwise it is as random as it sounds, and has become a bit of a tourist landmark!

      The giant prawn signalled our arrival as our motel was only down the road, and by this point we were ready to be out the car and to explore the area.

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    • Dzień 17

      Springbrook Nationalpark

      20 stycznia, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Super Wanderung zu den Wasserfällen mit Abkühlung im Naturpool..
      Willkomme Abwechslung zum Stadtleben..

    • Dzień 47

      Springbrook Nationalpark

      14 lutego, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Ein perfekter Tag mit den besten Scones meines Lebens, unglaublich lieben Australiern, atemberaubender Natur und einem tollen Roadtrip die Berge hoch.

    • Springbrook Nationalpark

      15 marca 2018, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Der zweite Nationalpark am selben Tag.
      Dieser Nationalpark war aber besonders. Wir warteten absichtlich, bis es dunkel wurde, da es dort eine Höhle gab, in der es nur von Glühwürmchen wimmelte.

    • Dzień 24

      Springbrook, Australië

      19 lutego 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Day 25 // Went to Springbrook National Park // Walked up to Natural Bridge, a waterfall that created a hole through the rock beneath it // Walked on the Dam where all the water is kept for the Gold Coast // Went to Saint Bernards to pet the doorguards and for lunch // Beautifull view of the mountains Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 98

      Gold Coast - Springbrook National Park

      4 czerwca 2022, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      On our way to Gold Coast we stopped into Sunshine Coast to See Dylan and Annie with their new baby Jaxon. The next day we explored Springbrook National Park stopping at Purling Brook Falls, Best Of All Lookout and a stop to the fudge shop. We then went for a quick visit to Burleigh Heads beach then finished the day with a swim and spa at NRMA Treasure Island campground. Czytaj więcej

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