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    • Day 8–10

      Salzburg (part 1)

      December 16, 2024 in Austria ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

      Took the bus from Munich to Salzburg. Great journey with beautiful views of the mountains on the way.
      The view of the mountains from our hotel room is spectacular.
      We ventured to the top of Gaisberg to find snow and a small traditional tavern.
      Oh my heart, Austria has been on my bucket list since I was 15 years old......I love it ❤️😍
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    • Day 59

      Tour Day 10 - Lake Bled & Salzburg

      July 18, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Special guest appearance- EC for the final day of tour
      Hello! Georgia is being the driving hero of the day for the first day of the road trip, so I’ve gotten the call up for the find penguins post!
      I (Erin) woke up for a quick morning run back up to the castle before breakfast and getting back on the bus for the last day of the tour. We jumped on the bus and the first stop was Lake Bled, which was a stunning lake in Slovenia. Got some photos and had a walk around the lake. We sat down for a coffee and then realised we had to be back at the bus in 20 minutes and it was a 12 minute walk. Safe to say it was the fastest I’ve ever skulled a coffee but luckily no burnt mouth. Made it back to the bus with 5 minutes to spare, so continuing to rebuild our reputation as the non late girls. The next stop was Salzburg, which is sound of music town. Turns out, not a very popular movie in our tour group. Kriszti our tour leader is not a fan because of the historical inaccuracies, but still tried to get everyone hyped by playing the songs. It really felt like I was the only one who enjoyed it. She pointed out a few of the mountains from the movie as we drove which were really pretty. Georgia reported the soundtrack and the town have not made her to want to watch the movie, so no wins on that front. We were a bit late to Salzburg and they are pretty strict on tour busses so we potentially got fined. When we got to Salzburg we went through the gardens which were stunning, and may have been featured in the movie, but it has been a long time since I’ve seen it, so I can’t confirm. We only had an hour, so we went in search of waffles. Instead Geo found some spaghetti ice cream which was exciting. Jumped back on the bus for the last leg of the journey and managed to not get stopped by border security going back into Germany which Kriszti said was unheard of. Made it back to Munich and went for a final dinner with most of the tour, at a little Italian restaurant. Sat with the guys and chatted about highlights, lowlights and weirdlights on the trip, which was a lot of fun. Walter was a lowlight and cucumber boy was the weird light for me personally. Went back to the hotel and had another drink with a smaller group, which was good fun and then were embarrassingly the first to head to bed at about 11, the oldies stayed up for another drink. Overall, an awesome tour with some amazing places and some very interesting characters met along the way. Definitely will miss Kriszti's local knowledge and the bus beers vibes. But looking forward to potentially finding a salad somewhere that isn’t Central Europe.
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    • Day 43

      Festung Hohensalzburg (1)

      June 11, 2024 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Die Festung Hohensalzburg ist das Wahrzeichen der Stadt Salzburg. Sie liegt auf einem Berg oberhalb der Stadt, dem Festungsberg, der sich nach Nordwesten in den Mönchsberg fortsetzt. Der Ausläufer im Osten des Festungsberges heisst Nonnberg, auf dem sich direkt unter den östlichen Aussenanlagen der Festung – den Nonnbergbasteien – das Benediktinerinnenstift Nonnberg befindet. Die Festung Hohensalzburg ist mit über 7.000 m² bebauter Fläche (einschliesslich der Basteien über 14.000 m²) eine der grössten Burganlagen Europas, die ins 11. Jahrhundert zurückreicht. Als eine der grössten vollständig erhaltenen Burgen Mitteleuropas hat sie jährlich über eine Million Besucher und ist damit die am häufigsten besuchte Sehenswürdigkeit Österreichs ausserhalb Wiens, wobei sie auch in der Bundeshauptstadt nur von Schloss und Tiergarten Schönbrunn sowie dem Kunsthistorischen Museum übertroffen wird.Read more

    • Day 12


      January 5 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      The DomQuartier is a collection of several museums — the State Rooms, the Cathedral Museum, and the Abbey Museum to name a few.

      In some parts of the museum I was not allowed to take photos, but here are some snaps.Read more

    • Day 7


      February 16, 2023 in Austria

      Strahlender Sonnenschein und wir machen einen Zwischenstopp in Salzburg. Marc hat hier mit 18 Jahren ein Jahr gewohnt und im Hotel Sacher gearbeitet.
      Zufällig hat es sich ergeben, dass unsere Freunde Leonie und Marco auch in der Nähe waren. Ein Treffen in Alfeld bzw. Einbeck letzte Woche hat nicht geklappt. Dann halt hier. <3 Herrlich!Read more

    • Day 22

      Salzburg Cathedral

      December 6, 2023 in Austria

      Salzburg Cathedral was much closer to what you expect in a cathedral - a calm and beautiful space. Not much stained glass as it was bombed in the war but painted ceilings and domes instead. Able to visit the crypt where several archbishops are laid to rest.Read more

    • Day 4–6


      April 23, 2024 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      De afgelopen 2 dagen heb ik in Salzburg doorgebracht. Ik was nog nooit in Oostenrijk geweest dus ik werd al enthousiast van het zien van bergen. Het is een prachtige stad met veel mooie historische gebouwen, musea, parken en hippe winkelstraten. Salzburg word gekenmerkt door klassieke muziek, omdat Mozart hier geboren en opgegroeid is en de meeste scenes uit de Sound of Music hier zijn gefilmd.
      Het is toevallig ook behoorlijk vegan friendly dus dat was fijn! De mensen hier vond ik heel behulpzaam vergeleken met andere grotere steden, mensen hielpen me met kleinste dingen of maakte een praatje.
      Ik sliep deze dagen in een hostel, in een meidenkamer, zo hoopte ik deze reis gesnurk snachts te vermijden. Helaas liet een kamergenootje horen dat ze nét zo hard kan snurken als een oude vent en was de eerste nacht niet best. De tweede nacht sliep ik er met oordoppen grotendeels doorheen. Hoogtepunten van deze dagen waren het bierklooster en het klassiek concert in de kerkzaal van het Mirabel paleis (helaas geen beelden van). De virtuose cellist en pianist brachten een aantal stukken van Mozart te gehore en nog 2 eigen composities. Ik was erg onder indruk. Het was hier verder net als in Munchen ontzettend koud en net nu vandaag de temperatuur omhoog zou gaan, sneeuwt het op het moment ik dit schrijf en is het ijzig koud. (Zoals oma Duijn zou zeggen: 'aprilletje geeft nog wel eens een gilletje'.
      Vanochtend mijn trein gemist want het bussysteem hier is nogal onduidelijk, dus dat word een lange reisdag naar Ljublana!
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    • Day 39

      Salzburg Sightseeing

      October 3, 2024 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Following the cancellation of the main reason I came to Salzburg, I was left with a free day, with no definite plans. Although I could have spent the time frantically rushing all over the city, trying to visit as many churches and museums as possible, I opted for a much more low key affair.

      The only definite place that I wanted to reach was the castle. Its official name is the Fortress Hohensalzburg, and it is visible from just about every part of the city. After taking a metro bus ride and a short funicular railway journey, I found myself looking down on the city of Salzburg.

      The city itself is surrounded by rugged mountains, some of which have splashes of snow on their upper slopes. This place would really be spectacular in winter, when the whole city is blanketed in white. Unfortunately, there was neither sunshine nor snow today, just a low covering of thick grey clouds. Although rain threatened for much of the day, it did not eventuate, but the low clouds were sufficient to completely block the view of the nearby mountains.

      On the way back from the fortress, I somehow managed to catch a bus going in completely the wrong direction. I soon realised my mistake, but had to ride to the other end of the route before the bus finally reversed and took me back to my hotel.

      I have to admit that after a long and demanding trip, I am starting to feel weary, and I am looking forward to finally be heading home again.
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    • Day 2


      March 17, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Ausflug nach Salzburg. Liegt nahe, da nur 30 Autominuten entfernt und zum schlendern einlädt. Kaiserwetter, die Sonne scheint und die Temperatur steigt. Die Skisaison ist gezwungenermaßen zu Ende und der Frühling kommt erst, d.h. es sind noch nicht so viele Touris unterwegs. Super!
      Die Verkäufer haben Zeit und man muss nirgends anstehen, ideale Bedingungen für den Städtetrip.
      Wir sitzen im T-Shirt auf der Salzburg und verdrücken eine amtliche Salzburger Nockerl. Das Leben ist schön 🤩.
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    • Day 40


      July 18, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Städtetour Salzburg. Mit dem Bus in die Altstadt; danach ging es erstmal hoch zur Burg. Die ist riesig und man konnte sich einiges anschauen. Anschließend Bummel durch die Altstadt und Besuch des Museums „Haus der Natur“, das für Kinder wirklich toll ist. Nach einem wenig überzeugenden Döner zum Abschluss sind wir nun zurück auf dem Campingplatz und bereit für die letzte Etappe ab morgen.Read more

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