Krems an der Donau

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    • Day 29

      … auf lauschigen Wegen unterwegs …

      May 28 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      … der Regen hat nachgelassen - ich fahre durch verlassene Gegenden …

    • Day 33

      The Wachau Valley

      September 26, 2016 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Monday September 26th
      In Which we Wide the Wachau

      Although the forecast was for yet another perfect riding day, it did begin with a very chilly start. We began by riding out of Melk and back to the bridge over the Danube. We then had a short but gut busting climb up the very steep ramp in order to cross the bridge itself. This took us back to the left bank of the river as we headed into the famous Wachau Valley region, famous around the world for its production of fine wines.

      As we entered the vineyards it was interesting to note that they did not just fill the floor of the valley, but continued right up the steep sides as well. It certainly would be hard work maintaining the vines on such steep slopes.

      As we rode we passed through a succession of extremely pretty small villages. With their narrow cobblestoned streets and medieval appearance, it was easy to see why this region is a favourite among those who travel on the numerous "pyjama boats" going up and down the Danube.

      In the mornings they were still quiet enough to be enjoyable, but as the day progressed they were progressively overrun by thousands of tourists. It was very difficult to cycle these streets once they got clogged with the masses.

      I was also having my own difficulties making any headway with my group of riders. It seemed that every time I turned my head they were further and further behind. I could not understand how anyone could already be 400 metres behind, when we had only ridden half that distance. The reason of course was that they were continually stopping for photos.

      One sight that particularly got my attention was of a guy busily painting the top floor of his house with the longest handled paint roller I had ever seen. The handle must have been 5 metres long and, each time it needed more paint applied to the roller, he had to direct it in through an open upstairs window for his wife to add the paint. It looked like a strange way to paint, but he was doing an immaculate job that showed he had obviously done it this way before.

      In the town of St Michael's there is a wonderful ancient church with a crypt full of stacked skulls, also an impressive tower with spiral staircase and panoramic views from the summit.

      I remembered this church from my previous rides along this section and we christened the skulls as the "heavenly Ghostriders".

      Durnstein is the most famous town in the heart of the wine region but it is spoiled by the crowds of tourists that surge through its streets every afternoon. Pity about that !

      As we rode through Stein we came across the filming of a period movie with a group of actors in historic costumes. I thought we might get a job as extras but I guess that yellow lycra clad bike riders would not be appropriate for this one.

      We arrived at Krems at around 3 pm and found that it was larger city than we had expected. It has lovely parks and a delightful old city centre. It would have been nice to spend more time exploring this place, but unfortunately that was not possible.

      Tomorrow we continue on to complete the final day of riding to Vienna.
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    • Day 3

      Dürnstein in der Wachau

      August 24, 2021 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute haben wir eine schöne Wanderung von Krems nach Dürnstein gemacht. Sind durch die Weinberge gewandert, haben eine Weinprobe gemacht, leckeren Wein gekauft. Und natürlich Marillenknödel probiert.

    • Day 11

      Das hei mir üs Verdient

      July 19, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach 113 km Radle hei mir gwüss chli Hunger gha ☺️🍔 dä mit meh Fleisch isch am Cat 🤣

    • Day 8

      Creme de la Krems

      April 5, 2019 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      If it’s Friday morning, it must be Krems, where we arrived after an overnight sail from Vienna. Depending on how you look at it (upstream or downstream), Krems is either the gateway to the scenic Wachau Valley region, an extensive vinicultural and fruit growing (especially apricots) area, or looking downstream (not our direction on this trip) Krems marks the point where the Danube leaves the Wachau Valley.

      Regardless, Krems is a river town. Think like Hood River, Oregon in the Columbia River Gorge perhaps, except it’s been around since at least 995 AD and has a population of 25,000. We explored its old main cobblestone thoroughfare through a preserved gate to the city, had a chocolate making demonstration and sachertorte tasting at the Hagmann cafe and konditorei, and then browsed some of the shops for schnapps (for real) and apricot likor. Also found a little street market with vendors selling everything from pussy willows (used as part of Easter observances by some) to challah (yes, from a mobile bakery truck). Then back to the ship for a topside lunch and our own sail up the Wachau Valley where the weather held out for us until we reached our afternoon destination of Melk (more on both the Wachau and Melk in the next footprints) where we had a brief afternoon shower clearing to a most pleasant Danube sunset when we were “underway” again as our sailor son would say. “Tschuss” as the locals say colloquially, as in “bye” or “see ya,” less formal than “goodbye” or “auf wiedersehn.”
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    • Day 25

      Ice Cream in Krems

      May 19, 2015 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

      Scenic Cruising: at about 2:20pm we pass the Aggstein Castle in the Wachau Valley. 2:34 pm. One Lord of this castle would kidnap people, and offer them a choice. Either they could pay the ransom or agree to jump off the cliff to their death. Maypole in small village. Vineyards over church steeple. Ruins of the castle Spitz. 2:37 pm.

      2:55 Weissenkirche was Protestant church attacked in thirty years war, has defensive wall,

      3:00 pm Durnstein Castle. Richard the Lionhearted was imprisoned here after he went on a crusade. His mother ransomed him by paying 26 metric tons of silver.

      In the afternoon we walked into Krems with John and Dawn; Heather and Don; Mel and his wife, and a few others. We got separated fairly quickly. We hung with Heather and Don and went to get gelato. John told us about two churches he had found, the Dom and one other church, the Piaristenkirche. We took photos in both. In the evening we had a Viennese buffet with accordion and guitar players strolling among the tables. I tasted schnapps, but didn't care for it. I ate a small cheese plate, and that is all I really wanted. However, when we went back into the kitchen, there was a serving line with Wiener schnitzel, bratwurst and all sorts of Viennese food that I could not resist.
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    • Day 25

      Train to Krems on the Danube

      July 16, 2017 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      We left Salzburg by train to stay in the Wachau area on the Danube. This area is UNESCO protected for its cultural, architectural, and agricultural heritage. There are many monasteries, ancient castle ruins, and this is Austria's wine-grape growing region -- Greuner Veltliner being one of the prime varieties.

      The town of Krems is small and very quiet, especially when arriving on a Sunday. We were a little concerned when we met our Airbnb host and she had us follow her through a construction zone to get to our apartment. They are renovating a very old building, but our unit was perfectly fine (whew!). We strolled around the town and down to the river to see where we would catch the ferry the next day. Dinner in a real beer garden!
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    • Day 3


      June 29, 2019 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Leidsime väikesepoolsema tee, mida mööda Doonaud nautida. Väga mõnus sõit. Palju viinamarju ja aprokoose. Temperatuur on ikkagi väga kõrge ning lootsime, et leiame mõne ujumiskoha. Õnneks ta meil läks ja saime täitsa korraliku ujumistiiru teha. Väikeses külas nägime meest rätikuga ning pidasime kohe kinni, sest see oli märk ujumiskohast. Vesi oli pigem jahe, kuid sellise ilmaga ideaalne. Iseenesest kellel soovi siis väga mõnusad külakesed, kus võibolla pikemalt peatuda. Seal saab ka laevasõitu teha edasi-tagasi või järgmises külas maha minna vm.Read more

    • Day 9

      Pochlarn to Krems 45.9km

      June 23, 2016 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      The sun was actually shining when we got up today..that's a first. Took a stroll through Melk before hopping on the bikes and heading to Krems.

      Lots of little villages, each with at least 1 church 😉. Stopped asking the way for coffee and the local rooster came to say 'Hello'.

      We got to the Wachau Valley where vineyards and cherry trees are the crop of choice.
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    • Day 6

      Fahrt durch die Wachau

      August 7, 2020 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      An alle Lieben die für uns die Daumen gedrückt haben für besseres Wetter - hört auf! Die Sonne scheint und die Temperaturen steigen auf ein unerträgliches Maß zum Radfahren. Unsere Route ging von Melk nach Krems. Quer durch die Wachau mit seinen vielen Weinbergen und den entsprechenden Heuschenken. Aber wer kann schon bei 30C, am Mittag eine Weinverkostung vertragen, wenn 37km zu radeln sind. Die Strecke war wieder Landschaftlich reizvoll und das ein oder andere Ufer hätte zum Abkühlen eingeladen. Aber das Hochwasser der vergangen Tage hatte seine Spuren hinterlassen. So radelten wir unermüdlich Berg ab und jetzt öfters Berg auf. Für Trainierte und E- Bike Fahrer eine entspannte Sache......
      Nach der Fährüberfahrt Richtung Spitz gab es leckere Mirabellen Getränke und den dazugehörigen Knödel. Lecker! Dann ging es weiter nach Joching, Weißenkirchen, Mautern, Dürnstein. Überall laden gemütliche Plätze zum verweilen ein. Gegen 16.30Uhr haben wir unser heutiges Nachtlager erreicht. Nach einer kurzen Erholungsphase ging es mit dem Rad nach Krems. Der gemütlichen Stadtbummel viel knapp aus, da der Hunger größer war. Bei leckeren Essen und Wein ging ein sonnenreicher Tag zu Ende.
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