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    • Dag 2

      Hallstatt - Wiesberghaus

      3 juli 2022, österrike ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Busem Obertaun - Hallstatt
      Pěšky: Hallstatt - Wiesberghaus 1884 m
      11 km
      9.40 - 1.6.30
      stoupání 1570 m
      klesání 200 m

      Ráno jsme vstali dřív, než jsme chtěli. Vzbudili nás motorkáři, kteří byli čilí jak rybičky už od 6 a dost hlučeli.
      Ráno jsme ocenili, že nemáme aura v kempu. Odjížděli jsme před 8, a to byla ještě zavřená závora.
      Rychle jsme posnídali, sbalili stany a odjeli k lanovce Krippensteinbahn. Na parkovišti se Adam začal balit. Včera jsme si špatně přečetli jízdní řád a byli jsme tu o hodinu dřív, Adam se aspoň v klidu dobalil.
      Bus jel včas. Přesunuli jsme se do Hallsttatu a vyrazili už po svých.
      Stoupali jsme podél řeky, viděli jsme krásné vodopády, zprvu cesta společná s bikery (MTB). Les vypadal jak v pohádce, mechem obalené kameny a skály. Údolí bylo čím dál užší. Stoupalo se celkem prudce, bylo vedro.
      Ba chatu jsme dorazili v 16.30, dali si pivko, Víťa podmáslí a čekali jsme na večeři.
      Sprcha byla s výhledem, tj. venku za dřevěnou plentou byla hadice na konci se sprchovátkem, napojena na velký barel, voda studená.
      K večeři byla polévka s frigátovými nudlemi, zeleninový salát s bramborovým salátem, uzené (tlusté), opečené brambory, zelí (hnusné) a křenový dresing, dezert - palačinky se zmrzlinou.
      Nad chatou je takový pidikopeček, že kterého jsme pozorovali západ slunce.
      Spát jsme šli kolem 22.00.
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    • Dag 8


      7 maj, österrike ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Nach einer Übernachtung in der Nähe von Graz (Landgasthof Lazarus) geht es heute nach Hallstadt. Das Dorf ist sehr populär, d.h. sehr von Touristen überlaufen. Nun ja, wir sind ja auch welche. Viele Asiaten da. Diese werden herangekarrt und ausgekippt. Die Anwohner müssen sich wie im Zoo vorkommen. Da Erdgeschoss ist fast überall mit Gardinen zugezogen oder aber es finden sich Geschäfte darin...
      Ich möchte nicht mit den Anwohnern tauschen. Überall wird in mehrsprachigen Schildern hingewiesen, dass die Privatsphäre zu achten ist und es sich um Privateigentum handelt. Gefühlt, können sich Asiaten nicht leise unterhalten. Immer laut. Unangenehm.
      Nach einem Besuch im Kaffeehaus und ausgiebigen Bummel ging es weiter nach Werfen. Hier werden wir 2 Nächte verbringen...
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    • Dag 3

      Gosh, I'm a decade older than I was yest

      28 oktober 2023, österrike ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      And so, after a vanilla cream filled pastry cone for breakfast, we ascended the funicular, all of 50 yards from our apartment, to the oldest salt mine in the world (see yesterday, museum...)

      You'd have thought if they were going to the trouble of building a funicular they'd have taken it to the mine entrance. But no, they made us walk the final 650m very uphill.

      We had to put on white over jackets and trousers, otherwise we wouldn't have looked stupid enough for the photos. Then we walked miles through tunnels. But we had fun on the miners' slides. On the longer 65m one, Di tapped into her inner miner by screaming the whole way down.

      It was nice to see the oldest wooden staircase in the world, perfectly preserved and only discovered/excavated a couple of years ago.

      Then we had a birthday lunch of spinach dumplings in very cheesy sauce followed by amazing strudel with great custard. Eaten overlooking the Hallstatt lake and valley, over 500m below. Di went out on the Skywalk to look down at the village. And I nearly did...

      The sun sets behind the mountains soon after 3pm so some of the later pics are in shade.

      Thanks to all who sent birthday commiserations on my ancientness.
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    • Dag 5

      Thank heavens for ibuprofen

      30 oktober 2023, österrike ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Both Di and I leapt out of bed at the crack of dawn - and collapsed in a heap, our poor bodies stiff and worn from 2 solid days of vertical alpinism.

      So we had a leisurely stroll to the end of the lake, on the basis that lakes are generally not too uphill. Different viewpoint of town, not much else going for it apart from tranquility and FLATNESS.

      Then we walked into town, found a picturesque restaurant in the town square, ordered overpriced lake fish (which was yummy). Then had a blazing row with the surly bastard who owns the restaurant. (Just written a stinking review on TripAdvisor and found that "surly bastard" is one of the nicer things he's been called in dozens of shit reviews going back several years) Cafe Derbl if you want to check!

      And now back earlyish to try to get ourselves fit enough to get back to Salzburg tomorrow.
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    • Dag 29

      Obertraun Day 1

      9 oktober 2023, österrike ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We took a private shuttle bus, CK Shuttle to Obertraun, Austria yesterday. After 9 transfers on public buses and trains, it was an indulgent luxury to have a door to door transfer. Our host at Cesky Krumlov even carried all our bags down for us. Our driver was from south India, now living in Cesky Budějovice, a city half hour away from Cesky Krumlov. He studied biology in Czech Republic, and stayed on. He learnt the Czech language before he left India, and continued his language study as part of his course which was all done in Czech. His wife is from north India, and they speak only Hindi to their 7 year old son so he can communicate with grandparents when they visit India.

      Obertraun is on Lake Hallstatt , part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hallstatt Dachstein Salzkammergut characterised by tall peaks and breathtaking views of the lake. Our accommodation in this heavily touristed and therefore expensive area is at the end of Obertraun, about a 2km walk to the main town where the shops, restaurants and transport are. On the way back, we thought we took a different route by what our host called the "local stream". Silly Perth people that we are, we think we followed the local drain instead and ended up back on the road we took into town. It was full of gushing water over pebbles, and looked very stream like. It wasn't until the next day, on the bus that we saw the said stream which we would have called a river.

      Grocery and food prices here are almost 3x that of the Czech Republic. Fortunately our Airbnb apartment is well stocked with herbs and sauces for cooking, and even has Vegeta a powdered vegetable stock.

      Distance walked 9.3km
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    • Dag 2

      Hallstatt in the rain and sun.

      27 oktober 2023, österrike ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We had wondered if we had missed The Season yesterday as many places were shut. But then we found out that it was Austrian National Day. When places shut. So today, they were open!

      Into the Hallstatt Museum to see 7000 years of salty history. Very well presented, several hours were spent enjoying the displays. Especially the mirrors (see pics) But also the artefacts. We are suckers for a good artefact.

      When in Florence a few years back we had an Ugly Baby Jesus competition in the Uffizi (won by Botticelli, with a creditable mention for Titian) If only we had seen the Hallstatt altarpiece in the museum, a shoo in for first place.

      Then lunch in the same place as yesterday as I refuse to pay €50+ for fish caught in the lake in the posher eateries. So we had spicy veggie goulash mit brot röll. For €9.

      Then a stroll round the town taking pics, including in the charnel house. Because there is so little land, they exhume bodies from graves every now and then, paint the skulls and put them on shelves. And stack femurs underneath. I assume the other bones are ground up for fertiliser, the geez was very reticent on this...
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    • Dag 3

      Salzwelten Hallstatt, Austria

      28 september 2023, österrike ⋅ ☀️ 68 °F

      The Salzwelten Salt Mine, situated in Hallstatt, Austria is one of the world's oldest salt mines, boasting a history spanning over 7,000 years. It's renowned for its rich deposits of salt and its significance in the region's economic and cultural development. Guided tours invite visitors to delve into the mine's tunnels, offering insights into ancient mining techniques and the intriguing narrative of salt production. Additionally, the mine presents unique features like subterranean slides and a salt lake, injecting an adventurous spirit into the educational journey. Through its immersive experience, the Hallstatt Salt Mine provides a captivating window into the heritage of salt mining in this idyllic region.Läs mer

    • Dag 59

      Hallstatt, Austria

      3 oktober 2023, österrike ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      What we did:
      - Caught an 8-10:30 train to Halstatt. From the train station you take a picturesque boat/ferry across the lake into town. With lush mountains surrounding the lake and a 75 and sunny day we were sold! Halstatt is tiiiight.
      - We wandered around the quaint town - Switzerland-esque with all log cabins and endless flowers/greenery throughout. Fortunately tourist levels were low when we were there so it was a nice experience! Can’t imagine it in high season
      - We took a furnicular up to the top of the mountain to really get the expansive views across the lake and mountains. Grabbed a beer and apple strudels at the mountain top restaurant and hungout! As the restaurant got busy, a Chinese lady asked to join us at our picnic table so we said sure… then her family of 5 comes in and all wedges in. 7 of us in a 3-4 person picnic table was nooot the move. Our shocked face at the large family must have made them realize they needed to find another table so fortunately they didn't stay long.
      - Took the furnicular down and enjoyed a great meal in a garden along the lake. Walked around some more and then took the boat and train back to Salzburg. Great day trip!!
      - It was 8 by the time we got back so grabbed some to-go food in old town. We ate in the Airbnb while watching some more Sound of Music before calling it early.
      - On to Budapest to meet up with Sally/Doug!! So excited for the upcoming week

      What we ate:
      - Salzburg Train station croissants and coffees
      - Coffee, beers, and Apple strudel at the top of the Hallstatt funicular restaurant. Voted best Apple strudel of the trip thus far.
      - Lunch in Halstatt at Braugastoff where we split bacon-wrapped chicken and a turkey salad
      -Quick take home dinner of poke and salads in Salsburg at Dean & David’s. We need to franchise this place in the US!! So good and lots of selection - need more fast casual healthy spots back home

      Fun facts -
      - In late August the residents of Halstatt made worldwide news with massive protests and became the new poster for rebelling against overtourism. A town of only 700 residents, it gets 10,000 visitors a day in the summer! Residents recognize the value of tourists, but want a ban on tour buses after 3pm. All throughout the city there were signs in Chinese, English and German telling tourists to be respectful. First time we saw the Chinese language on signs anywhere in Europe so we’ll let you draw the connection to the tour bus ban.
      - There was on 06’ chinese romantic comedy filmed in Hallstatt that boosted its popularity and actually led China to literally build a replica Hallstatt back home..
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    • Dag 3

      Hallstatt, Austria

      28 september 2023, österrike ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

      Hallstatt is a picturesque village located in the Salzkammergut region of Austria. Nestled between the Dachstein Alps and Laake Hallstatt, it's renowned for its stunning natural beauty and well-preserved historic architecture. The village dates back to prehistoric times and has a rich mining history, particularly in salt production.

      One of Hallstatt's unique features is its tradition of keeping geese. They are an integral part of the local culture and are often seen roaming freely through the streets and in the lake. This tradition is tied to an old belief that geese possess protective qualities, safeguarding the village from harm.

      Visitors are drawn to Hallstatt for its charm, the scenic lakeside setting, and the opportunity to explore the nearby Dachstein Ice Cave. The village also offers activities like hiking, boating, and exploring its fascinating salt mines. The combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage makes Hallstatt a popular destination for travelers seeking a quintessential Austrian experience.
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    • Dag 13

      Hallstatt, Austria

      26 september 2023, österrike

      Hallstatt /ˈhalʃtat/ (Alta Austria) es una localidad del distrito montañoso de Salzkammergut, en Austria. Está localizada junto al lago Hallstatt. Etimológicamente el nombre de Hall probablemente proviene del término céltico con el que se denominaba a la sal, abundante en las minas cercanas. La localidad da su nombre a la cultura de la edad de Hierro denominada Cultura de Hallstatt. En 1997, el paisaje cultural de Hallstatt-Dachstein fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco.3Läs mer

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