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    • Dia 3

      Christmas Markets

      17 de dezembro de 2023, Áustria ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      We enjoyed a relaxing morning this morning to catch up and enjoy a nice sleep in in our comfy beds. Eventually, we dragged ourselves into our cold clothes and waddled toward my first ever Christmas markets. What an amazing experience. The architecture of Vienna, in combination with the cosiness of the Christmas markets, meant my first experience was incredible. The Votivkirche, a Viennese Catholic church, overlooks the small park that occupies the Christmas markets. Its imposing size and Gothic style meant that it created an ominous view when you gazed upon it. Yet, while wandering through the markets, you feel very at home and festive. Everyone is wandering around drinking their Gluhwein, eating their Langos, and spending time with loved ones. Although the shops are interesting, they really take a back-seat to the time spent being social and festive. There was even the option to ice skate in a little loop around the park. Something hard to believe they could install, but it was every bit cold enough. After some time here and a few Gluhwein, we began a stroll through the streets of Vienna where I could see more of the ancient architecture and history. The streets are beautifully constructed, and the avenues are amazing for walking through. Though not a massive shopper, it is still fun to walk to see spruce trees being sold, Christmas decorations lighting up the path, horse and cart carrying people through the city, and people selling their Christmas goodies. The only thing it was missing was a touch of snow. Although I do want to see some, I will have to acclimatise slightly before I can enjoy it. We enjoyed a nice lunch before some more wandering. Eventually, it was afternoon, and the sun had already set. Though, this was welcome, as the skies were lit up with Christmas lights, and the streets became even more lively with people. It did cause the temperature to drop quite a bit, and we had already done quite a bit of walking. As such, we didn't stick around for too long before heading back to the hotel to enjoy some warmth and to put our feet up. We were due some busy few days so we were glad to have a relatively relaxing day today.Leia mais

    • Dia 31

      Cafe Landtmann

      30 de maio, Áustria ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Mozart Schokolade

      … einfach 😋😋😋 … 🤩

    • Dia 1

      Wien, Österreich

      21 de maio de 2022, Áustria ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Zum Zeitpunkt unserer Flugbuchung gab es keine für uns passenden Direktflüge nach Tirana, sodass wir uns für einen Zwischenstopp in unserem heiß geliebten Wien entscheiden um dort mit der Wiener Austria den letzten Bundesliga Spieltag zu verbringen.Leia mais

    • Dia 11

      Voltio por el centro

      22 de agosto de 2015, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Desde la catedral de San Esteban puedes ir dando un paseo por calles peatonales muy bonitas. Hemos visto la iglesia de San Pedro con su cúpula verde, la Escuela de Equitación Española, el museo de Sisí... Todos edificios impresionantes. La ciudad esta llena de museos, así que los han agrupado en el Cuartier Museístico.

      Lo que mas nos ha impresionado es el parlamento, que imita a un templo griego por aquello de que fue allí donde inventaron la democracia (o eso pone la guía, no van a poner que alguien fue a Grecia de viaje y se emocionó). El Ayuntamiento es también un edificio emblemático, aunque no lo hemos visto muy bien porque en agosto proyectan pelis contra la fachada y hay un tingladete de comidas del mundo delante donde nos hemos tomado unas birritas de paulaner hecha de oro.
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    • Dia 5

      All those who wander are not lost....w

      13 de agosto de 2017, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today was a day of wandering! After a chilled morning Eimear and myself headed off around to explore the city and do some shopping. We started in the same direction that we usually took to the centre and then started to head off in different directions. We were like magpies...every time something caught our eye we walked towards it. This resulted in us discovering how accessible everything was to our accommodation.

      In all honesty there is no need to take a bus tour around Vienna. The one we did was unimpressive and bottom of the list in regards all the tours I have done. That includes being lower that Barcelona where I fell asleep for an hour of it. All of the main sights are in close proximity to one another so there is no need for the bus as there wasn't much information included from the recorded tour guide. We went from Graben square, to the university to the city hall to the Parliament building to the Holfburg palace and back towards Graben square again all within a couple of hours. That included strolling, taking plenty of shameless selfies and most importantly snack time!! We racked up about 8,000 steps in our stroll around central Vienna.

      Following a rondezvous with Ais we hit the shops and continued with our strolling around. The magnets needed to be purchased and the famous Austrian Mozart chocolate located. We stumbled across a huge department store called Steffl. It reminded me of Brown Thomas and Maceys. Loads of floors with designer gear whereby the ground floor cosmetics are the only thing we could afford to purchase. To our delight it had a sky restaurant on the top floor so we could have our dinner with an idylic view of the Dom and the the cityscape.

      Here I finally I got my hands on vegetables. This has become my ultimate battle every time I am away. Anyone who knows me can attest that I am not the most prevelant vegetable eater but I do eat veggies every day. Austrians love their meat and it is the focal point of every dish. Then you will get rice, potatoes or chips with it. The end!! No veg or if you do it is a small selection of raw red onion with ribs, as was my experience during the week. Madness!! Thankfully in this restaurant there was an Asian option on the menu so I was able to get a vegetable stir fry with meet. Veggie heaven! Despite the random vegetable we couldn't identify.

      For our final night in Vienna we headed to the banks of the Danube. We had initially planned to go the bars by the riverside on Thursday but the thunder and lightening put a stop to that. All along the river they have bars set up with sand to give the impression of a beach. As a landlocked country I suppose you have to go to extreme measures in some cases. We had great fun down there drinking our new favourite drinks, the Hugo. This is a combination of prosecco, mint, lime and elderflower! Delicious!! We will miss them when we leave Austria. We kept forgetting that all the Austrians have excellent English so who knows what they made of our random conversations!!ha I was probably safe though because I was told once again on this trip that I talk very fast!! It had its perks sometimes.

      A quick pitstop in a photobooth finished off our night in a fit of laughter. We were howling trying to all fit into the booth and the picture phrame. We managed it and the result is very entertaining. A perfect evening to finish off a great few days in Vienna!!
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    • Dia 1

      Glühwein Tasting

      23 de dezembro de 2017, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Nachdem wir gestern noch im Büro gehockt haben, stehen wir heute ganz entspannt mit unserem ersten Glühwein 🥤☕️🍷vor dem Rathaus von Wien. Die Sonne scheint 🌞und der Wind 🌬pfeift uns ganz schön um die Ohren!

      Und im Gegensatz zu Köln ist es leer, keine Menschenmassen, die sich kaputt Trampeln oder hektisch noch die letzten Geschenke 🎁🛍 am 23. Dezember einkaufen müssen. Was für eine Wohltat!

      Da wir für die kommenden Tage hier in Wien nicht wirklich was geplant haben, können wir uns treiben lassen. Also schlendern wir heute über die Weihnachtsmärkte 🎄von Wien und auf jedem haben wir uns vorgenommen einen Glühwein zu trinken 🤪. Ob‘s klappt, mal abwarten!

      Gestartet sind wir am Rathaus, über einen kleinen Kunst/Alternativen Weihnachtsmarkt ging es zum Schloss Belvedere, mit einen Weihnachtsbaum 🎄 aus Schlitten 🛷 bis hin zum Stephansdom und zum guten Schluss gab es noch ein paar Buden irgendwo zwischen zwei Museen. Wo das war, ich hab’s vergessen! 🧐

      Gott sei Dank waren es dann über den Tag verteilt doch nur drei Glühwein, bzw. für mich Orangenpunsch 🍊.

      Wien hat das Tasting noch so gerade bestanden, mit einem gravierenden Minuspunkt! Es ist viel zu teuer! Ein „normaler Glühwein“ kostet mal locker 4,00 € bis 4,50 € 💰- und dafür gibt es nix besonderes!
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    • Dia 13

      Aber bitte mit Schlag

      4 de maio de 2023, Áustria ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Nach der Anschaffung eines neuen Schlafsacks, ging es HoppOn HoppOff durch Wien.

    • Dia 6

      Viena 3

      31 de dezembro de 2018, Áustria ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

      This time we had a car and so we were around Vienna near the lake Neusiedlersee. This is an area with vineyards and we visited the Vinery Beck in Gols. The wine is completely different from the Portuguese wines. Nevertheless, some of them were really delicious and we ended up buying some bottles to bring back home. On the way back we stopped in an outlet shopping centre where we had lunch and after giving the car back we went around the city centre where the Silvestre - New Year’s Eve - could already be felt. There were different areas around the city with all kinds of music. At night we ended up in Stephansplatz where classical music was being played and we wished each other Happy 2019 under a “smashing” atmosphere. Meanwhile we had stopped in Bellariastraße in Bellaria coffee house for Sacher torte, apflestrudle and kaiserschmarrn... delicious! Dinner was at a small traditional Viennese restaurant and the night ended up on the street, dancing and drinking hot wine from the cutest cups ever!
      Happy New Year!!!
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    • Dia 26

      Window shopping

      7 de janeiro de 2020, Áustria ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Beautiful wares everywhere gah!

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