Sankt Agatha

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    • Day 9

      Schlögen Schlinge

      July 17, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Das isch diä Donau Kurve wo i unbedingt ha wöue ga luege....u äs isch mega schön da 🤩
      U plötzlech si vier Musikante derhär cho u hei äs mini Konzärt gäh....mir hei müesse muxmüsli stieu sie....denn äs isch gfilmet worde u chunt im Winter oder Früehlig de im TV uf ORF3. u mir si de derbie gsy ✌🏽🥳Read more

    • Schlögener Blick

      August 31, 2019 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Vergrößere Bild 1 und vergleiche mit Bild 5.
      Gä, wenn mas erst gschafft hat, war alles halb so schlimm.
      Ernsthaft. Ein traumhafter Ausblick. War jede Mühe wert. Jetzt gehts zurück zum Yachthafen zu einem großen, kaltem, schellen Radler.Read more

    • Day 2

      Schlögener Schlinge

      September 27, 2023 in Austria ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Heute ging es, wie auf dem Donau-Radweg zu erwarten, an der Donau entlang von Passau nach Schlögen. Unterwegs trafen wir Nixen, Schiffe, Schleusen und Caches. Das Römerbad war wasserlos und so konnten wir erst nach 600 Höhenmetern in unserem Hotel in St. Agatha ein Duschbad nehmen.
      Die Grenze nach Österreich 🇦🇹 haben wir zwar passiert, aber wir wissen nicht wo, wir haben nichts gesehen.
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    • Day 31

      Alps Tour - Fields & Forests

      July 8, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Feeling well rested after the previous stressful day, A made coffee with the beans we picked at the coffee roaster in Innsbruck; delicious!

      A also discovered the update he was trying to push on to the Garmin GPS didn't complete during the night; the joys of slow rural internet... Once the updates completed, with hopes the previous day issues would be resolved, we headed down for a buffet breakfast. We also got to witness the "run of the gondolas". Apparently they put the gondolas away every night. 🤔

      Once checked out, we back tracked a bit and headed north to Salzburg. An hour later we were enjoying a coffee and lemon pastry next to the walls of Fortress Hohensalzburg!

      Venturing on, the navigation App A used for finding twisty, and off the beaten path routes, didn't disappoint! However, many of the instructed turn-offs caused some skepticism as they looked more like driveways for homes, not roadways. It was another warm day in the low 30s 🥵 Don't stop too long in the sunbeams, or its roasting.

      Venturing on, our path happened to lead us through Mattighofen, past the KTM Motohall. They were featuring a Dakar racing display. No idea that KTM was Austrian.

      We were enamoured with the endless rolling hills of corn, grains, and other agricultural productivity. We thoroughly enjoyed the occasional reprieve from the heat in the the cool forests with seemingly endless curved roads.

      A decided not to pre-book accommodations, and leave some things to chance, but always with a fall back option. Plan-B never happened, and we were very impressed with the first option. We arrived at Gusthof Silvia pension, and were greeted by Barking Deer that they farm. The room was comfortable, and dinner amazing. Very quaint and comfortable country setting to say the least.

      Amazing video for this local business:österreich/sendu…
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    • Österreich und die Schlögener Schlinge

      April 17, 2017 in Austria ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

      Österreich, gut 1000 km von zu Hause aus zu Fuß. Ein kleiner Schritt über die Grenze. Das Wetter ist schlecht, ich kehre irgendwo ein und erhalte die Info, dass die Fähre, die ich nehmen will, wohl nicht fährt, und ich deshalb lieber hier die Brücke nehmen soll und dann an der Landstraße entlang laufen solle ... ein schönes Hotel an der Schlögener Schlinge.Read more

    • Day 9

      Üses Hotel

      July 17, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Mir tüe da grad ir Schlögen Schlinge übernachte...mir hei äs riese Zimmer...aber diä Turischte da 🙈 Waaahhhnnsinn u aues nume Pensionierti 🤔 i glube mir si i dä fautsche Feriä 🤣

    • Day 8

      Schlögener Schlinge

      June 10, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Die Schlögener Schlinge wirkt leider auf den Bildern nicht so wirklich. Aber der phänomenale Radweg direkt am Wasser ist wirklich ein Genuss.

      Allerdings ist außer diesem und Natur nicht so viel da und ich wollte eigentlich unter 100km bleiben.Read more

    • Day 11

      Etappe 10: Hilgartsberg - Schlögen

      September 13, 2019 in Austria

      Heute gab es mal wieder ein paar Steigungen, aber immer noch viel Sonnenschein. Mittagspause haben wir in Passau verbracht. Anschließend ging es über die Grenze nach Österreich und wir haben wieder viele Kilometer gemacht.

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    • Day 29

      Cycling the Schlogen

      September 22, 2016 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Thursday September 22
      In Which we Cycle the Schlogen

      Today marked the start of section three of our European Odyssey. This meant that we would need to collect new bikes to carry us from Passau to Vienna. This would have been simple if the bike supplier could have delivered them to our hotel, but they didn't. They instructed that we would need to collect then from their depot, about 6 km out of town.

      Just to make sure that the handover of bikes would take place as efficiently as possible I rang the representative of the bike company the previous day and explained that we would be arriving in two groups of 14 people, about 30 minutes apart. "That is great, we will have the bikes ready and tagged with your names", she promised. It certainly never worked out that way.

      We arrived at the strangely named "Globus Garage" right on time at 8.30 am, expecting to be able to collect our bikes and get going

      The only person in the cavernous warehouse certainly did not seem pleased to see us.

      "What do you want ?", he demanded
      "Our bikes" (Why else would we have come to a bike storage warehouse?)
      "You can come tomorrow", he growled
      "Not tomorrow, we need them today !" (Why was my stress level starting to escalate?)

      I handed him the vouchers, showing the date of collection. He just grumbled and went to look in a big book. Then he gets on the phone to someone from his company. Twenty minutes later there were still no bikes. Eventually he starts to just grab bikes seemingly at random from the hundreds of bikes at his disposal. None had been prepared in advance. The only thing that the guy gave out freely was abuse.

      The shambles continued for the next hour while, one by one, we finally got a bike that was reasonable. This whole fiasco could have been been avoided if they had prepared the bikes like they were supposed to. While this was going on I rang the girl from the bike company and explained the disaster that was taking place. She simply replied that they could not be prepared as people needed to "try their bikes"

      I was not impressed at all. Every other operator we have dealt with has been able to prepare bikes in advance, except this company.

      The situation became more farcical when we asked for spare tubes and tools. I was met with the same torrent of abuse. Eventually he handed over one tube and a small box of tools. ONE TUBE for 28 bikes and about 500 km of riding ! The only way this grump would hand over another tube was when he was handed a 10 Euro bribe. We had also ordered one Ebike as part of the order and we discovered that the battery had only been partly charged, This was a really disappointing way to start this part of the ride and we were all glad to be finally out of the place and start pedalling our way to Vienna. Things could only get better from here - and they did.

      At least the weather was superb as we followed the left bank of the river out of Passau. We were now cycling one of the world's premier bike paths and we all knew just how lucky we were to have such a privilege. As Passau shrank into the distance behind us we looked to the mighty Danube on our right hand side. The water from the three rivers that join at Passau each has a distinctly different colour, and you can see these different colours in the water for some distance downstream

      After about an hour of riding we stopped to readjust our bikes and recover from the trauma of the bike collection, it was time for our first morning tea stop. We then climbed back on the bikes and continued till about 12.30 before stopping for a leisurely lunch. The last time we rode through this spot it had been a hot day and they had a sprayer rigged to cool passing riders. Today we had much milder temperatures and the sprayer was not required.

      Although we passed the occasional rider the path was actually very quiet, again emphasizing that this is the VERY BEST time for this type of trip in Europe. The hotels are quiet, most of the tourist hordes are back home again and the weather is usually great for cycling.

      It was interesting to pass the Gasthof Draxler at Niederanna, the place where our group stayed on our first Danube ride in 2009. I had many happy memories of that place and the fun time we had shared there.

      The final section of the ride took us further along the left bank to to the famous Schogener Loop

      This is where the Danube has to make a series of fantastic bends to get around some sizeable mountains that block the more direct route.
      Opposite the little hamlet of Schlogen we all crowded aboard a tiny ferry to cross to the other side of the river. This is the start of the walk to the famous Schlogener Blick (lookout). This is surely the most spectacular view of the river that we will get for the entire ride and well worth the short but quite strenuous walk to the summit. We all admired the view and took a camera full of pictures before returning to the base.

      Although we had originally planned to cycle to the hotel where we would be spending the night, I received an email the previous day to advise that the hotel would provide a lift for any that did not wish to ride (as it turned out everyone)

      The only problem was the the mini bus could only take 8 people at a time and the ancient bike trailer took an eternity to load and unload each time. This meant that the final group to be transported were half frozen by the time it was their turn for the lift. Fortunately the hotel Kocher at Sankt Agatha was probably the best hotel of the entire trip and our hardship was soon forgotten as we explored this lovely Shangri La, high in the Austrian mountains

      The views stretched out in all directions over the green rolling hills. Scattered over these mountains were the classic small villages, each clustered around their own church.

      By the time I arrived in the final batch, most of the women were already enjoying themselves in the swimming pool. Since Maggie had the room key, I was locked out and had to languish outside our room while she enjoyed the warm pool. I eventually managed to shower and change and get to to the the dining room just in time for dinner.

      The dinner was absolutely superb and so I was finally able to retire to bed in good spirits. It had been a long and very eventful day.
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    • Day 25

      Schlögener Schlinge

      May 24 in Austria ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      … hier entscheide ich mich für eine kleine Rundwanderung (11km … 🫣)
      … über Bräuleiten zum Aussichtspunkt Etzinger-Hügel hoch zu spazieren … 🚶🏽‍♂️

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