Plaza Murillo

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Viajeros en este lugar
    • Día 75

      La Paz & Valle de las Animas

      17 de octubre de 2023, Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We spent a day in La Paz, where Andrew’s Cuernavaca upbringing had him well prepared for the crazy traffic!
      The next day we took a short walk through the nearby Valley of Souls - a dried up riverbed surrounded by thousands of impressive ancient stalagmites.Leer más

    • Día 150

      Bolivie - La Paz

      7 de febrero, Bolivia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      La Paz, capitale la plus haute du monde, perchée du haut de ses 3640m! Mais surtout quelle ville, ou on peut voir des maisons (pas totalement fini) à perte de vue !

      Déjà pour commencer, le centre historique est dans une vallée et puis petit à petit avec le temps, et bien les maisons ont commencées à pousser sur les montagnes aux alentours! (Je vous laisse imaginer la pollution). C’est assez impressionnant, énormément d’activités, ça fait beaucoup penser à Ho Chi Minh au Vietnam.

      Maintenant, toutes les maisons en orange brique sont bien des maisons, mais pas finis! Mais pourquoi alors toutes les maisons sont « encore » en construction ? En réalité ça fait longtemps qu’elle sont habitées, la raison est simple, temps que la maison n’est pas terminée, et bien il n’y a pas de taxes 😅 !

      Sur la deuxième photo, on peut voir des bébés lama séché! C’est très commun de voir ça dans les magasins de rues, ici c’est normal (ps j’épargne les photos proches, mais ce sont bien des vrais).

      Les transports en communs sont bien des télécabines !

      Sinon vraiment la ville la plus impressionnante que j’ai vue depuis le début de mon voyage ! Actuellement à Sucre, ville au « centre » de la Bolivie.
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    • Día 92–96

      La Paz

      14 de febrero, Bolivia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      I was pretty hyped for La Paz since I heard so many good things about it and people were definitely right. Being the highest city in the world, La Paz can sometimes be exhausting to explore and you can reach areas like El Alto which are higher than 4.000m! The best thing to do in La Paz is probably the rides with the teleférico where you get amazing views over the whole city and can easily access all of its parts. One day I went to Valle de la Luna which is a place a bit outside of the city where you can observe these special formations of rocks. They have appeared due to erosion of the top of a mountain and since the soil is not solid, it has turned over centuries in a landscape like that. I was also partying a lot (more than I wanted) in La Paz and met some really nice new people or met people again! Finally, there must be a lot of good specialty food and drinks in La Paz that I unfortunately could not enjoy since I still have a lot of stomach problems which might not least appear due to the poor quality of water and in general the low level of hygiene. Nevertheless La Paz was a blast and I would always love to come back, it feels very safe to walk around, there is many cool places to visit and people are very sweet:)Leer más

    • Día 44

      Salar de Uyuni: part 1

      18 de noviembre de 2017, Bolivia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We went for a 3 days tour, starting in the city of Uyuni, one of the most important minery cities of south America. We were in a 4x4 car with our great guide Jaime, a couple from Tunisia, Juultje, Ross, Nacho and me.

      The first day we drove through a salt desert for hours were we took of these funny pictures . We passed part of the route of the Dakar rally, went to a cactus Island in the middle of the salt dessert, see a beautiful sunset and sleep in a salt hotel to finish the day!! Nacho felt sick due a food infection, that is why he was mainly in the car and not in the pictures!
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    • Día 45

      Salar de uyuni: part 2 - the other world

      19 de noviembre de 2017, Bolivia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We started the second day visiting couple of blue lagoons (situated 4200m above sea level). There we saw different species of flamengos and birds.
      After an amazing lunch seeing one of the flamengos lake we drove to "another planet". We visit the national park of "Reserva Nacional de Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa" were we found amazing landscapes like a huge red lagoon, geisers inside of an old volcano's crater . It was so cool to see all these things.
      We finished the day in the best possible way , after dinner we walked from our hostel to some hot springs were the water was at 39° meanwhile the outside temperature was around 0°!! From the hot springs we could see the sky full of stars. We saw falling stars and got a lesson from Jaime about the sky constellations ,it was amazing!!

      Luckily after a good night of sleep Nacho felt better and he enjoyed the day a lot.
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    • Día 47

      El Alto

      21 de noviembre de 2017, Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      We arrived at 6am in La Paz on Tuesday, after a 10 hour drive from Uyuni (the south of Bolvia, where we were on the border with Chile). Nacho and Iris didn't sleep much, because they were used to better buses (and Iris had to pee but the toiletdoor couldn't open haha). Roos and Juul slept good because their previous bus was even worse than this one. So when we came to the Wild Rover Hostel (which is a crazy party hostel), we decided to sleep some hours. We rested and felt ready for the day.

      We already did a free tour in La Paz, so we decided to make one in El Alto, which is a city next to (almost connected to) La Paz. It has 2 million people (La Paz only 1 even though it looks huuuge). It is really high, therefore called, El Alto.

      We went to the witch market, where they sell dead baby lamas for sacrifices, they read your life by coca leaves and many more creapy stuff.
      They really believe in a lot of things. When you "destroy" pachamama (mother earth in Quechua language), you need to sacrifice something. Small houses, animals. What do you think they do for skyscrapers? Yess, a human. Freaky right? They intoxicate a homeless person and when he is so drunk, they will burn him alive and put his ashes under the ground of the building, that is going to be built. It is so scary, but true. Superstitious in Bolivia! Pachamama.

      We took the telecabine up to this city. There are 5 in the entire city and transfers thousands of people daily. It is their way of transport, a metro is not possible to built in this city that is built in a valley.
      The telecabine is a present from the government and offcourse built by an Austrian company. Sometimes bit scary for Iris, but in general really cool.

      The cemetery is in La Paz, it is the biggest in Bolivia.
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    • Día 24

      La Paz (Bolivien)

      15 de octubre de 2018, Bolivia ⋅ 🌧 7 °C

      What a City 🙈

      La Paz, sowas habe ich noch nicht gesehen! Eine Stadt, die sich über 1.000 Höhenmeter erstreckt und angeblich mit dem Stadtteil El Alto nur 1.5 Mio.Einwohner haben soll. Da frag ich mich doch glatt wie die Volkszählung hier 2012 abgelaufen ist, denn ich kann nur schwer glauben, dass hier nur so wenige Menschen leben, wenn ich schon von 500.000 überrannt wurde!😂

      Der Ausblick von oben ist einfach atemberaubend und so irreal. Wie soll man sich in so einer Stadt zurecht finden? Aber die Stadt ist doch weiter als viele andere Städte im Land und verbindet die einzelnen Stadtteile mit modernen Gondeln zu sehr erschwinglichen Preisen. Wir sind 3 mal höher gefahren und konnten dann die Stadt in Gänze bewundern. Unten wieder angekommen, begrüßte uns allerdings ein Starkregen sondergleichen. Danke Bolivien, dass ich an meinem letzten Tag meinen hochattraktiven 12 Stunden Flug nach Kolumbien mit nassen Socken antreten darf 👌 aber drüben erwarte ich dann meine 2 Mädels und freue mich unendlich auf bekannte Gesichter ❤

      Erholsam war La Paz nicht - auch weil ich mich in ein Partyhostel eingebucht habe mit meinen Bekanntschaften aus Irland und England - aber dennoch absolut sehenswert. Gehört auf jeden Fall zu den Städten, die man gesehen haben muss. Einfach eine ganz andere Welt hier...
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    • Día 597

      Erkundung La Paz

      24 de julio de 2022, Bolivia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Da wir noch nicht so viel über La Paz bzw. Bolivien wissen, starten wir unseren ersten Tag hier mit einer Walking Tour durch die Stadt. Los geht's am berühmten Gefängnis von San Pedro. Hier wird es direkt spannend, denn wir erfahren viel über dessen Geschichte und wie das Leben hier funktioniert. Weiter geht's dann über den Markt von La Paz, der sich über viele Häuserblocks erstreckt, bis wir schließlich den "Hexenmarkt" erreichen. Insgesamt lernen wir viel über das städtische und ländliche Leben in Bolivien. Vor allem die Geschichten rund um den Hexenmarkt sind sehr faszinierend. Einen Einblick in die politische Vergangenheit erhalten wir zum Abschluss auch noch. La Paz ist eine unfassbar spannende Stadt. Nicht nur, weil sie in eine Schlucht hinein gebaut ist, sondern auch, weil Geschichte und Tradition hier noch deutlich lebhafter sind, als in anderen südamerikanischen Großstädten, die wir bisher besucht haben.Leer más

    • Día 75

      La Paz

      4 de febrero de 2023, Bolivia

      La Paz is definitely a city where you feel more out of your comfort zone. The altitude is intense. Walking up a slight hill has me out of breath and my lips have a slight tinge of blue. The city itself is complete chaos but it's really lovely to see how it hasn't been westernised. The city is still two thirds indigenous people. You can see the local cholitas in their traditional clothes while working at the local street food stalls. Bolivians are very local people and no franchise or chain restaurant has ever been able to survive here.

      Accommodation: Wild Rover. Can't say I'm the biggest fan. It's a notorious party hostel and I'm not really in the mood for partying. It's also Irish owned.

      -Day one: We arrived early on an overnight bus from Uyuni. We went to The carrot tree restaurant (Irish owned) and had a delicious breakfast. We then watched Ireland Vs Wales in the first of the 6 nations matches at the Lucky Llama. We checked into our hostel and I met my friend Grant who I originally met in the Philippines five years ago. We went to a local market together that's only on for the month of February. It's a religious market where they buy things in miniature versions. The miniature things are to represent everything that they want for the year (eg a new fridge or stacks of money). They then give these to a little god that has cigarettes in its mouth. The cigarettes need to be lit every Thursday at 12pm for a whole year. They seem to be very superstitious here.
      -Day two: we had another long breakfast at the Carrot Tree and I had a planning day. I booked my flights to Rio and to Mexico city. That evening we went to a Cholita wrestling match. It's one of the recommended things to do here. To be honest, it didn't really float our boat.
      -Day three: I had lunch at a famous street stall called Doña Emi. It was fried mash potato with a meat filling. It was very tasty. I then went to meet Crazy Dave, and ex inmate from the famous San Pedro prison. He's become a bit of a tourist attraction who tells you about the lawless life inside the prison and his time making "the best" cocaine in Bolivia inside the prison walls. The book Marching Powered has made it known to the world and I'll definitely be giving it a read. After that I did the Red Cap city walking tour and learned more about the superstitious ways of the Bolivian people. They believe in sacrifices when building property. This is often a dead lamba but an urban legend has everyone convinced some also used people. In the evening I had dinner with the girls at The Curry House. It was nice to get some spice again.
      -Day four: I went to meet Gina for breakfast at Cafe del Mundo and then for lunch headed to get a chola sandwich. This was again a location from the Netflix documentary. I spent the rest of the afternoon back in the same cafe to do some planning and organise heading to Lake Titicaca the following day.

      Try all the street food you can and watch the Netflix documentary beforehand.
      The Carrot Tree. Great food and Irish owned.
      The lucky Llama. Irish pub
      Cafe del Mundo
      Cholita wrestling
      Witches market
      Get the cable cars around the city.
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    • Día 81

      La Paz, take two

      10 de febrero de 2023, Bolivia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      I've come back to La Paz for one last stint.
      Accommodation: Skyline hotel. It was my first time on the trip having a private room to myself. It was pretty loud though and very cold at night.

      Getting back from Isla del Sol, I said my sad goodbyes to Megan. It was so lovely to have her with me for so long.
      On Saturday I did the much anticipated Death Road. I booked this through Altitude tours. I went for the cheapest package which cost 350 Bolivianos. It included breakfast (coffee and a breakroll), some snacks and lunch (rice and chicken). The cycle itself was really good. It's true that it is scary but not as bad as it's hyped up to be. The scenery is great and the cliff drops at the side of the road are scarily steep. We weren't able to completely finish the death road as a land slide a few weeks earlier has blocked the road. This meant we had to drive the whole way back up which was even scarier than being on a bike. I would have preferred if the tour didn't include lunch as it meant we spent hours driving to the "hotel" where it was located. We finished cycling at 11:30 and didn't arrive back to La Paz until 18:00.
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