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    • Day 18

      Favela Babilônia

      May 29 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      On arrive ce soir pour 2 nuits dans une favela, une vue incroyable sur le corcovado, ici les gens sont incroyablement gentils, même s'ils sont armés jusqu'aux dents dans les rues !
      Ce n'est pas Vincent en noir mais un brésilien armé dans la favelas, on a aussi vu un enfant armé ils défendent leur territoire, il y a aussi des guetteurs à chaque coin de rue.
      Notre hostel est en plein milieu il nous a expliqué que c'était une favelas pacifique.
      Assez impressionnant .. mais pour le coup on voit vraiment le Brésil !
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    • Day 168

      Rio de Janeiro

      February 20, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Gotta say we were both really nervous going into Rio.

      It's a theme in South America that everyone warns you about the next country, next town, saying that you'll get robbed, they'll steal your phone, etc, but with Rio, literally EVERYONE we met was warning us over and over again and we didn't know what to expect.

      It took us a few days to feel more comfortable, and we did take extra precautions, especially with it being Carnaval, but we did not feel unsafe or threatened.

      Quite the contrary, actually, Rio is a reeeeally cool town. The vibe is amazing. The people seemed very happy and fun-loving, and it is unbelievably gorgeous.

      It's a unique geography, with the bay and the surrounding mountains, which are absolutely covered in dense, vibrant, deep green vegetation.

      The views from Sugarloaf and Corcovado mountains are amazing, the christ the redeemer statue is on every tourists list (of course), and the carnaval was so much fun!

      They completely shut down sections of the city, even some of the main avenues for the 'blocos' (huge, themed, block parties) - there are about 400 blocos during the week of carnaval.

      We found some costumes to get in to the full swing of the party, and we had a blast!

      And the sambadrome was absolutely amazing. All of the samba schools of Rio compete in a massive stadium, they dress up to absolute nines in the classic carnaval colours, feathers, glitter, and dance their way through this massive arena with huge, brightly-coloured, parade floats and the scale of it is hard to describe. It is absolutely amazing and one of our highlights here for sure.

      All said and done, we kind of wish we had more time, just for the fact that we were a bit anxious coming here at first. But once we got used to the beautiful madness that is Rio de Janeiro, we loved every second of it and we can not wait to be back!
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    • Day 6

      Rio de Janeiro 🏖️🍹

      January 2 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Vier Tage Rio liegen nun hinter uns. Wir sind beeindruckt von dieser quirligen, freizügigen, bunten, toleranten und lebensfrohen Stadt, in der es immer recht laut zugeht. 🔉🎶💃🏾
      Ein Vibe an den man sich als Deutscher erstmal gewöhnen muss.
      Übernachtet haben wir bei einem deutschen Auswanderer in der Favela Babilônia, 10 Minuten von der Copacabana entfernt - eine sehr interessante Erfahrung. So konnten wir die wahre brasilianische Gemeinschaft erleben!
      Einen Besuch der Christusstatur haben wir natürlich nicht ausgelassen. Leider war hier nicht mehr als ein Grau in Grau zu sehen. ☹️😶‍🌫️
      Am Silvestertag haben wir einen langen Strandspaziergang an den an diesem Tag besonders belebten Stränden der Copacabana und Ipanema unternommen. 🌊
      Den Neujahrstag haben wir traditionell etwas ruhiger angehen lassen und uns die Escadaria Selarón angeschaut, eine bunte Mosaik-Treppe. Sehr hübsch anzusehen 😊

      Auf Wiedersehen Rio, wir sehen uns zum Karneval wieder! 👋🏼

      Auf geht’s nach São Paulo! 🚌💨
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    • Day 5

      Feliz Ano Novo 2024! 🎆🍀🍾

      January 1 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Frohes neues Jahr Rio! 🍀
      Dieser Silvesterabend war wohl ein einmaliges Erlebnis - Strandparty an der Copacabana. 🌊🍾
      Traditionell feiern die Brasilianer in weiß ins neue Jahr. ⚪️
      Eines muss man ihnen lassen: feiern können sie! Ganz Rio ist eine einzige, niemals endende Party. 🥳
      Nicht umsonst findet hier eine der größten Silvesterpartys der Welt statt. So war auch das Feuerwerk ein Feuerwerk der Superlative! 🎆
      Ein ganz besonderer Start ins Jahr 2024 und in unsere Weltreise! 🤩🫶🏼
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    • Day 3

      Full day in Rio

      June 18, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      After 11 hours of sleep 😴, we decided to take another hike to the halfway point of sugarloaf mountain ⛰️ From there, we took the cable car because for the other half alpine climbing skills are needed…
      Kathi also got her first “thousand” mosquito bites 🙄 🦟
      After some great views and a snack on top, we went to the botanical garden to see many many different palm trees and monkeys 🐒
      After another “short” walk to Ipanema beach and an Uber (instead of bikes) back to the hotel we finished the day with some Brazilian food and a drink on a rooftop bar.
      Takeaway of the day: almost no one speaks English here 😰
      and Spanish is no Portuguese 🙅‍♀️
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    • Day 6

      Catch et lutte à la plage de Urca

      February 10 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Après des blocos riches en rencontres, on comptait faire le pain de sucre mais nouvelle désillusion : les prix étaient aberrants. À la place on a préféré se poser sur la plage et faire du catch dans l'océan avec un bon gros coucher de soleil des familles sur le pain de sucre. Le cadre encore une fois est très différent du reste mais la tranquillité au milieu du chaos de Rio c'était sympa.Read more

    • Day 8

      Sugar Loaf and being a beach bum

      September 9, 2019 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Joe’s rich pasta dish last night must have not been the best choice, or maybe the tap water did it, but for whatever reason, we had a very late morning start. I took advantage and walked a few miles up and down the beach, and by 11 or so we were on our way to the “bondinho” (cable car) up to Sugar Loaf Mountain. It is a big piece of rock jutting out of the water, with amazing views. Getting there involves a stop on an intermediary rock, about half as high as Sugar Loaf itself. The views at every turn were pretty amazing, but I have to say I was left wishing I could have seen the bays and coves and mountains before all the high rise building.

      After a lunch in a beach café, I was once again left to entertain myself for a few hours, and this time I spent a good chunk of post-elliptical time sitting on the roof of our hotel in a beach chair next to the pool with views over the ocean below. Yes, very uncharacteristic of me to sit and do nothing, but it was relaxing, I will admit. Not sure about dinner tonight, that will depend on Joe’s stomach.
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    • Day 10

      Sugar Loaf Mountain

      September 10, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      "Prepare yourself for a queue tomorrow" was the last advice for our guide Maria. She had seen some videos of the day before, and the queue was down the street. This is one of the busiest tourist attractions in Rio, so we expected it already.

      When we arrived though, there was no line. Our luck from Paraguay border continued (Plus some sage planning from our guide to get there as early as possible.)

      Sugar Loaf Mountain is in two sections with two cable cars. Advice was to skip the first mountain in the way up and rush to get the best view points from the higher section at 395 metres, half the height of Christ the Redeemer.

      The view over the bay and city was stunning. Not only did we have an excellent boarding, the weather was crystal clear.

      One of those places you see all the time in advertisements and then have to pinch yourself when you're actually there. We did that while drinking the water out of a green coconut. Because, Rio, right?
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    • Day 8

      Bye bye Rio

      August 15, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Gestern war ich schreibfaul!

      Kein Regen , aber Nebel. Unsere Tour ging zu den unausweichlichen Punkten, Christus und Zuckerhut. Letzterer vernebelt.

      Wegen des schlechten Wetters konnten wir den Strand nicht nutzen

      Jetzt geht es weiter nach Chile

      Yesterday I was lazy in writing.
      No rain, but fog.

      We went to the 2 musts in Rio

      Sugarloaf and Christ,, first one in fog

      Because of the bad weather we couldn’t use the beautiful beach

      No we are on the way to Chile
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    • Day 139

      Rio de Janeiro

      February 19, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Es gibt wahrscheinlich, wenn überhaupt, nur eine Handvoll an Städten, die ähnlich beeindruckend gelegen sind wie Rio. Meer, Strände, große Berge, die Christusstatue und viele Monolithen überall in der Stadt verteilt. Der Ausblick von der Christusstatue ist phantastisch, aber leider ist es auch brechend voll da oben und wir sind extra früh gekommen (Zuckerhut ist leerer, weil mehr Platz).
      An unserem ersten Abend sind wir zum Sambódromo gegangen, um die Parade dort anzuschauen. Das war richtig toll! Wir haben zwar nur die zweite Liga angeschaut, aber es war ein richtiges Spektakel!
      Wir haben auch James Freund Carlos und seine Verlobte getroffen. Sie haben uns auf eine Nebel-Wanderung mitgenommen und wir haben mit ihnen sehr gut brasilianisch gegessen. Sie haben uns auch zu einer Churrascaria mitgenommen, was ein all you can eat brasilianisches BBQ ist.
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