
Découvrez les destinations de voyage des personnes rédigeant un carnet de voyage sur FindPenguins.
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    • Jour 76

      São Paulo

      22 janvier 2023, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Es paar Täg z São Paulo, dört isch d Brenda mi cho bsueche 😊 zäme reise mir chli düre Süde vo Brasilie

    • Jour 91

      Sao Paulo Shopping

      22 novembre 2021, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Di letzte zwei Täg hani den nüme all zu vil vorgno. Hauptsächlich chli go pöstele. Am erste Tag bini nach 25 de Marco. ‼️Döt isches relativ günstig zum poste und mer findet vili schöni Sache. I werdes den eu dehei präsentiere haha.
      Au e superschöni Kathedrale hani gfunde. Nur schad das nebetzue d Crackrauchers am lebe sind... ⛪

      Am zweite (und min letzte) Tag bini nach Campinas, das isch 1.5 Stunde Busfahrt vo SP Busbahnhof. Es isch mer gseit worde dases es mega schös Ikaufszentrum sötti si und lohnenswert segi...🙄Leider isches aber nöd gsi und d Prise sind relativ höch gsi für Brasilie!🤔
      Guet i mues sege en McFlurry Kitkat het immerno 12 Reals kostet, also 2 CHF, aber da isch de ersti "schlechti McFlurry gsi...😬 S Glace selber, wasi normalerwis liebe, isch wie ned gmischt gsi und het den komischi konsistenz gha, gelblichi Farb und au ein Teil schneller gschmolze. Ja da gset mer wasi füren Glaceanalyst bin...🤓🧐
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    • Jour 152

      Sao paulo - Exposition Hermès

      17 avril 2018, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Ce matin c’est de bonne heure que nous décollons de l’auberge bien décidés à visiter la ville ! Nous commençons la journée par la visite d’un quartier appelé Batman. C’est un quartier un peu bohème, fait de ruelles décorées par toute sorte de peintures. On se dirige par la suite vers la plus haute tour de la ville, un empire state building bis ! La vue est panoramique mais le cadre est moche contrairement a celui de New York ! On ira manger dans un succulent sushi à volonté alors que les potes prennent la route en bus pour Paraty. Ils sont dégoûtés de ne pas avoir eu le temps de tester cette adresse renommée à Sao Paulo ! On enchaînera par la suite vers un mall intégralement fait de magasins de luxe dont Cartier. Matthieu se fait un plaisir de revoir son homologue qu’il avait accueilli à paris pour un vie ma vie ! On visitera la boutique avant d’aller à une magnifique exposition Hermès. Nous sommes chanceux car ce genre d’événement se fait rare. Nous passerons un excellent moment en compagnie du staff Cartier avec qui nous aurons la chance d’avoir une visite privée. Une fois cela fait nous rentrons à l’auberge et rejoignons des amies rencontrés à Florianopolis pour aller dans un bar typique avec un concert de musique brésilienne. On poursuivra la soirée en discothèque jusqu’à 6h du matin avant d’aller se coucher.En savoir plus

    • Jour 2

      Sampa streets

      23 mars 2018, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Well, actually the pictures don't really show São Paulo (Sampa)'s streets, which is partly because I didn't really feel like pulling out my camera in the crowded city center, and partly because the parks make for much prettier fotos.
      I started of at Parque Ibirapuera, a huge park that's in comfortable walking distance from Felipe's place. Fitness is a big issue here: although it was a weekday and late morning, the park was full of people doing different kinds of exercise. I also visited Museu Afro Brasil, an exhibition about slaves in Brazil.
      When I had finally found out which bus to take, I went to the city center. In between Praça da Sé and Praça da República I allowed myself to get lost in the crowd. As expected, São Paulo isn't exactly pretty, it is rather something like the true face of everyday life.
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    • Jour 63

      Brazil, Sao Paulo

      22 mai 2014, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Fabio Mota
      "Reminds me of the beauty of nature and I hope someday we could preserve it."

      Dear Heidi, Thank you so much... I'm still spreading the word about the wonderful project! All the best, Fábio Mota!En savoir plus

    • Jour 20

      Fahrrad-Abenteuer in Sao Paulo

      22 novembre 2017, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Wir durften netterweise von unserem AirBnB Gastgeber 2 Fahrräder ausleihen. Der Haken war bloß das nur eins Bremsen hatte. So sind wir dann abenteuerlich durch Sao Paulos Straßen gedüßt und haben das Zentrum und Ibirapuera besichtigt. Mitten im Park sind uns dann an beiden Fahrrädern die Pedale kaputt gegangen und wir durften dann die Räder heim schieben. Abends waren wir dann noch in Vila Madalena mit unseren neuen Freunden was trinken 🍻En savoir plus

    • Jour 116

      Sao Paulo

      8 décembre 2016, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      30 Stunden Querverbindung über Abu Dhabi dann sind wir angekommen in Sao Paulo. Insgesamt 24 Stunden in der Luft. Zum Glück saßen wir am Notausgang und hatten extra Beinfreiheit. Gefühlt gab es alle 4 Stunden etwas zu Essen.

      Taxi bestellt via Uber und unser gut verstecktes Hostel gefunden mitten im Uni / Japan Viertel.

      Das Zimmer war sehr klein, ca. 20cm um das Bett rum war noch Platz zum "leben" ansonsten kein Regal, keine Ablage, kein Bad, kein gar nicht. Da ist noch etwas Raum für Optimierung.

      Die beiden Jungs, die den Laden schmeißen sind allerdings dermaßen nett und verpeilt, dass man das Zimmer schnell wieder vergisst.

      Sao Paulo ist ganz nett, aber viel großes gibt es nicht zu sehen. Das eine oder andere Museum, wie die Pinacoteca, welche richtig günstig ist und in einem historischen Gebäude untergebracht ist und in der Innenstadt das Museum of Art of São Paulo, welches zwar in einem modernen Bau beheimatet ist aber leider total runter ist.

      Generell muss man sich erst einmal dran gewöhnen, dass vieles marode ist und die beste Zeit schon gehabt hat. Sicherlich hat auch dieses seinen Charme und nach einer Weile hat man sich dran gewöhnt. Richtig schön sind hingegen die tollen Seitenstraßen, die sehr grün sind und hoch und runter gehen. Es gibt viel zu entdecken und hinter jeder Ecke versteckt sich etwas neues.
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    • Jour 105

      Simply São Paulo

      11 novembre 2017, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      São Paulo is probably one of the most underrated cities. Before arriving, we were warned about the dangers of the metropolis. Even the Brazilians in Rio didn't have a high opinion of São Paulo. It's just a big, dirty city was the usual response. Perhaps it was the area that we were staying in but we found the city to be vibrant with plenty of culture and great food. As the hotel receptionist proudly claimed: “we don't have the beaches of Rio, but we have culture and food. If you look really hard, you will find the beauty”. True, it is a big city with more than 20 million people in the greater metropolitan area, and parts of the city are dirty, particularly in the downtown area, yet there is still something about the city. All across Brazil there are warnings about the dangers of being robbed or assaulted but in Jardins, a more upmarket suburb of São Paulo, we felt safe. Perhaps we were just naïve.

      We almost didn't make it to São Paulo from Rio. As we were in the line to board the plane, we realised that our flight had changed gates and we were boarding a flight for a completely different city in Brazil. We had to hot-foot it to the correct gate and made it on-board just before take-off. There had been no announcement about the change and a minute or two later we would have been stranded in Rio.

      Once we arrived in São Paulo, we went in search of food and our latest addiction, Caiprinihas. In Rio, we had also acquired a taste for salgados, a salty, deep-fried Brazilian snack, and fortunately for us, they could be found everywhere in São Paulo. At one of the local snack bars, we indulged in a salgado as a pre-lunch appetizer. When paying for our meal, the waiter rattled off something in Portuguese. Still unable to speak much Portuguese, Jason decided that he would respond in Spanish. The waiter assumed that we were Spanish so he replied “Gracias, Señor”. We quickly realised that few Paulistanos could speak Spanish. Later, we finally found our Caipriniha but it was unlike the ones we tasted in Rio. It was straight alcohol on the rocks. And didn't they hit us hard! We rolled out of the restaurant and stumbled back to our hotel. Luckily it was only a hop, skip and a jump away. We swear we aren't alcoholics (but we might need to attend a few AA meetings before returning home).

      Immediately, we noticed that the cosmopolitan city was a melting pot, full of diversity and seemingly tolerant of all kinds of people. In the middle of Jardins, along Avenida Paulista, we stumbled upon a park, which we named “Homo Park” (we never did bother to find out its real name). We named it based upon the large number of same-sex couples inhabiting the area, cuddling and kissing each other. A gaggle of gays in the park, so to speak, and no-one batted an eyelid. It was if we were attracted to the same-sex attracted couples like a magnet. Of course we can sniff out our people anywhere in the world! Maybe it's the inbuilt gaydar. Even with Australia voting “yes” in the postal vote for same-sex marriage, these kinds of public displays of affection are not something that you regularly see around Brisbane. But here, we felt that it was completely acceptable and people felt safe to do so without persecution.

      Like any big city, there are many homeless people on the streets of São Paulo. It's almost as if they live in an alternative reality, invisible to the rest of society, as people go about their lives simply stepping over them on the footpaths, and maybe handing them some change every now and then. Standing on a platform at the top of a building looking down onto the streets, Ricky spotted what appeared to be someone's arse in the air. Then a second later, it was confirmed. Yes, we had just witnessed someone shit in the middle of the street. Pretty certain that wasn't on the bucket list.

      On our second day, Paulista Avenue was closed-off to traffic and the streets turned into a party. There were more gays than a pride fair or a mardi gras. And more eccentric people than a Lady Gaga outfit at the Grammys. It made for a great afternoon of entertainment. As we watched an indigenous group from Ecuador play pan-pipes to music that was a fusion of modern and traditional music, the crowd included a guy doing a two-step shuffle. He stood there with a blank look in his eye, as if he was stuck in a k-hole, whilst wearing a jumper in 35 degree weather. Staring at the band, he swayed back and forth or attempted to imitate them, spinning around to the music. Every now and then, he would return to the sideline and rest. But sure enough, he would be up and ready to go again as soon as a new song commenced. He returned a few days later when it was Republica Day, a national holiday to celebrate the overthrow of the Empire of Brazil. This time, he came with his bag of crackers that he munched on like a mouse all day. He was almost as entertaining as the band.

      Another guy danced like a crazed peacock, throwing his hands in the air. At one point, he hijacked an elderly woman in a wheelchair, took her for a dance and spun her around the streets. She lapped it up as if she was the star of the show, waiving like the Queen from her wheelchair. His erratic dance moves were punctuated with a flicking of his head and feathered earring to the beat of the music. He too was almost as entertaining as the band.

      The eye-candy on the streets was to die for, as hot, shirtless men filled the streets. What better way to spend the day than staring at the abs of an Adonis, along with a cold beverage! But by the end of our stay, Jason's retinas were damaged and he needed an ophthalmologist. He couldn't handle anymore Brazilian beauties. And if Ricky had a dollar for everytime Jason said "hottest men in the world" Ricky could retire. Jason was also struggling with his new look, which made him now look like Ellen DeGeneres with a beard.

      Apart from ogling the men and enjoying the people-watching along Avenida Paulista, we found time to visit some of the museums in the city, such as the Museum of Art São Paulo (MASP), which had an exhibition on the history of sexuality in art. On our last day, we visited the Modern Art Museum. It was hardly worth the $2.50 entry fee. It was literally one large room with questionable “art” and another smaller room with a video installation of a knitting circle, involving a crying nana – we think she may have dropped a stitch. We also visited the Afro Brazil Museum. We were expecting a museum displaying Afro-Brazilian culture, but we were hard-pressed to find many artefacts and instead it seemed to be more dedicated to Catholicism in Brazil. At least it passed the time before we needed to head to the airport (and it was free).

      São Paulo is notorious for its traffic jams, with over six million vehicles on the roads at peak hour. With this in mind, we left for the airport a little earlier, but this did not settle Jason’s nerves as he stressed about missing our flight. Throughout the journey Jason was constantly calculating the estimated time of arrival, in between conversations with the taxi driver using Google Translate. At one point, the ETA was midnight. Fortunately, the predictions did not eventuate and we made our flight, albeit with little time to spare.

      Next stop: Foz do Iguaçu / Puerto Iguazú
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    • Jour 10

      Municipal market

      23 juin 2017, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      When you are in Sao Paulo...the Municipal market is a must! It is a traditional gourmet point of the city. We went there for lunch to get a mortadella sandwich, which is on the second picture. Just coming inside the building I was overwhelmed by all the different stands, especially with fruits. The sellers stop you and give you to try some with expectations that you buy something in return. I tried some kinds of fruit that I have never heard of before. Of course a brigadeiro for a sweet tooth like me could not be missed as well. Brigadeioro is a common brazilian delicacy from condensed milk, cocoa powder, butter and chocolate sprinkles to cover the outside layer, also on the second picture.

      In the afternoon, we wanted to go up Banespa skyscaper, Brazil's version of The Empire State Building for one of the best panoramas of the city. Unfortunately, it is under reconstruction at the moment. So we came up with a plan B and went on a tour through a city hall, which was probably really interesting, unfortunately just in portuguese. However, the tour ended on a beautiful rooftop with a tropical garden and views of the city. So it was really worth it.
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    • Jour 151

      Sao paulo - 14h de route & restaurant

      16 avril 2018, Brésil ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Après une nuit dans un chemin au bord de la route, le réveil se fait dans la douleur car nous découvrons que des termites ont fait des trous dans notre tente 2 secondes. Nous sommes juste dégoûtés car c’est difficilement réparable et les décathlons ne courent pas les rues au Brésil. Nous reprenons la route direction Sao Paulo avec encore 10h de route avant d’arriver à destination. Une fois sur place nous retrouvons les autres à l’auberge avant de clôturer la soirée par un restaurant. Nous opterons pour un restaurant italien de très bonne facture conseillé par une connaissance vivant au Brésil. On y mangera divinement bien et l’ambiance y est agréable.En savoir plus

    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Liberdade, الحرية, الحريه, Либердаде, Ελευθερία, لیبرداد, リベルダージ, 리베르다데, Liberdadė, लिबर्दादे, Либердади, Лібердаді, 自由区


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