Sahat Tepe

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    • Tag 9

      Angekommen in Plovdiv

      6. Mai in Bulgarien ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Ca. 425 km heute, wegen dem scheiss Weg. Wäre aber etwas für Waltraud und Offroader gewesen.
      Die meiste Zeit gute Straßen, aber auch etliche Slalomstraßen, immer um die Schlaglöcher umzu.
      Nun eine Kleinigkeit zum Abendbrot in einem netten Restaurant.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 10

      Plovdiv: Denkmal Alyosha

      7. Mai in Bulgarien ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Das Denkmal befindet sich in Plovdiv auf dem Hügel Bunardzhik (er wird auch "Hügel der Befreier" genannt). Auf der gleichen Höhe wurde 1881 unter Alexander II. eine Komposition an russische Soldaten geliefert, die Bulgarien vor türkischen Truppen verteidigten. So kann man auf Bunardzhik die Geschichte der Beziehungen zwischen dem bulgarischen und dem russischen Volk im Laufe der Zeit verfolgen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 8

      All roads lead to Plovdiv

      24. Mai 2019 in Bulgarien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      A walk in the village of Kosovo before breakfast, then a 9am departure, headed for Plovdiv.

      First stop was the Wonderful Bridge, a natural bridge created by a cave being eroded by the river. It was a long drive in, and after a short walk, we were soon on our way for the 1 hour drive out.

      We stopped at the village of Narechen for morning tea, then headed toward Bachkovo Monastery. On the way we treated Nadya to some bread and vegemite, but she thought it was so bad she stopped the car to spit it out!

      Bachkovo Monastery was very busy as it's a public holiday today for Graduation Day for all the year 12 students. The graduates family spend a fortune on dresses/suits, flowers, car and a dinner for their family and friends... so much that they call it the "small wedding". Celebrations go late into the night.

      Assen Fortress and church, high on the hills overlooking Assenovgrad, was next stop, before heading to Vacha Dam on the way to Plovdiv, our base for the next 2 nights.

    • Tag 69

      Boyana spring - Rila Monestary - Plovdiv

      13. Juli 2018 in Bulgarien ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Today should have been a break day. But in the end it was three day trips in one :D Just too much too see here!

      In the Boyana District at the foot of the Vitosha mountain next to Sofia is a free water spring with drinking water. I watched for a while and was astonished how every two minutes a new pensioner walked trough the forest to the spring to fill up several 5l water bottles and to carry them away! So heavy. One old woman took a bag with rolls (in German: "Hackenporsche") to carry the weight. By asking why she takes the water from there, another old woman explained to me, it would be the best quality and would be very good for your eyes.
      So, I filled up my bottle and hoped to digest it well.

      Then, I made it to the Rila monastery (the Jerusalem of Bulgaria). Build over 8000 years ago. 60 monks still live there. It was a place that kept Bulgarian cultural thinking during the Turkish leadership in Bulgaria for several hundred years. The founder of it lived 17 years alone on a rock in the mountains and was a big role model for others... well...

      Then, I made it to Plovdiv after many more hours of driving on really bad roads. A local explained to me that it is the easiest for corruptive politicians to take money from the roads when receiving EU funding. They have the streets build it in poor quality and take the rest of the money. Would it be better to stop EU funds for streets when there's corruption? I thought long about it but would prefer to put better controls in place. There are at least streets!

      The old city of Plovdiv with all its restaurant, bars, students and artists took me into its ban.

    • Tag 18

      Erster Tag in Plovdiv

      3. Mai 2022 in Bulgarien ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Heute haben wir am Morgen die Stadt angeschaut und am Nachmittag waren wir im Mosaik-Museum. Als wir in die Stadt gelaufen sind haben wir noch einen alten Migros Lastwagen entdeckt. In der Stadt gibt es viele Römische Sachen wie zum Beispiel ein grosses Amphitheater. Im Mosaik-Museum gab es viele Mosaik-Bilder. Diese Bilder hatten oft Vögel drauf. Auf einem IPad konnte man sogar selber Mosaiks gestalten. Am Abend waren wir dann wieder in der Soup-Bar. Ich, mein Vater und meine Schwester haben Kartoffelsuppe bestellt , und meine Mutter hat Gemüse-Suppe bestellt.
      Dazu haben wir dann noch Brot gegessen. Nachher sind wir zurück in unsere Unterkunft gegangen und haben eine Runde Kuhhandel gespielt. Danach sind wir schlafen gegangen.

    • Tag 19

      Kloster Batschkowo

      4. Mai 2022 in Bulgarien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute sind wir im Kloster Batschkowo gewesen. Zuerst sind wir zum Bus Bahnhof in Plovdiv gegangen, wir waren ziemlich spät dran und haben den Bus um 10:00 verpasst. Zuerst waren wir bei einer anderen Bushaltestelle. Als wir den richtigen Busbahnhof dann gefunden hatten, wussten wir nicht, wo der Bus genau abfährt. Dann fragten wir die Frau am Schalter, die nur Bulgarisch konnte. Trotzdem konnte sie uns Sektor und Busnummer sagen. Es fuhr aber eine Stunde später wieder ein Bus, und den haben wir dann genommen. Als wir beim Kloster ausgestiegen waren, ist eine Frau auf uns zu gekommen, sie wollte dass wir die Toilette benutzen weil wir ihr dann Geld 💰 gegeben hätten. Wir mussten aber nicht auf die Toilette und sind einfach weitergegangen. Es hatte einen Markt bei dem es viele verschiedene Sachen gab wie: Schalen aus Ton, Spielzeug, Halsketten, Armbänder, Essen, Getränke und noch vieles mehr. Wir haben dann auch auf dem Markt Zmittag gegessen, danach sind wir ungefähr 10 Min. zum Kloster gelaufen. Es hatte schöne Wandmalereien und Bilder von Heiligen. Als wir das Kloster gesehen hatten, sind wir noch ungefähr eine Stunde gewandert. Es hatte in der Nähe ein Naturschutzgebiet und einen Fluss an dem wir entlang gewandert sind. Danach sind wir wieder zur Bushaltestelle 🚏 gelaufen, und wir mussten ungefähr eine Stunde warten bis der Bus endlich gekommen ist, obwohl wir die genaue Abfahrtszeit wussten. Wir sind dann wieder zurück nach Plovdiv gefahren. Es war ein sehr schöner Tag.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 36


      9. Mai 2017 in Bulgarien ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Surprisingly woke up at 10 unaided. So we will make the morning tour! We smell but will shower when we get back.
      We scoffed down breakfast then walked to the meeting point. Our guides name was Daniel and he seemed really friendly. Our group had about 18 people. There was a nice American couple we talked to.
      First we saw the town hall then the Plovdiv coat of arms which has written at the bottom "ancient and eternal"
      According to our guide Plovdiv is the oldest city in Europe and 6th or 7th oldest in the world.
      We then saw a statue who's name I think was Milo. We didn't learn his significance until we walked down to the old stadium and saw the model. Only a portion has been excavated but the original stadiums other end is marked by Milo.
      It was a stadium for chariots and horses etc.
      Next to it was apparently the oldest ottoman mosque in Europe.
      We then walked through the Kapana area which was known at the trap. Because 1, it's easy to get lost and 2, it's hard to leave without first spending money. The shop owners can be very insistent. We admired more of the street art which is encouraged in moderation because Plovdiv has been chosen as the 2019 European capital of culture.
      We then went into old town and admired the orientatal looking buildings and found what they called a gossip tower. It's a little room sitting on a wall where the bored woman would sit and watch the actions of others and well, gossip.
      We went up a small hill that had a terrific lookout of some of the hills.
      Plovdiv is know for its hills.
      One of the hills has a Russian statue on it which was packed because today is some Russian day. Should have been listening better...
      We walked past some museums and a church - the Church of St Constantine (and Helen?)
      Constantine was responsible for legalizing Christianity during the Roman period.
      Our tour ended at another theatre.
      There were a few other stops along the way but he lost my attention.
      Our tour was rubbish HOWEVER we learnt that it was the guides first ever tour so that explains it and makes it actually quite a good tour. My first time I would be a mess so he should be proud of himself. He at least made sense, he just wasn't very engaging.
      He had a supervisor with him who helped him out a few time like when we were standing in the rain and he told Daniel to maybe move us to stand under shelter. I thought he was just his friend rather than conworker.
      We weren't going to tip because it wasn't good but after learning it was his first time, we did.
      There was this annoying girl on our tour who was just an over confident person with an annoying hyena laugh with terribly obvious flirting methods.
      I still need to buy my magnet.
      Will can't walk past a watch store without having a look.
      Because the weather is so crappy and wet there are so many snails - lots of baby ones too I'm taking care not to step on. :)
      Will had about an hour nap while I caught up on my journal :)
      I went and woke him cause I was really hungry and we went to the place ranked number 1 on trip advisor - for good reason - the food was delightful. I had the pickled ribs and it just fell off the bone. Yummmmmy!
      We also had garlic and dill potatoes which were also fabulous.
      I bought my magnet on the walk home - a rose.
      I'm trying to get things that are relevant to my experience in each county or something I will associate with the country so I'm not necessarily buying the magnet I like the most.
      Example - the magnet i liked most was 2 Bulgarian people in traditional dress - while I loved it I don't want it because I haven't seen any people dressed traditionally so it's not relevant to my memories of here.
      I'm pre prepping for the rose Fields.
      We later in bed and watched 'Kong - skull island" I actually enjoyed it much much more than I thought I would. I then had an hour nap afterwards.
      We then woke up and packed - it was difficult getting our food to fit and I've discovered my cotton buds have gone through my bag -.-
      Oh well, better than an exploding sunscreen.
      We then sat outside with Jacob for a while then the 3 of us went to dinner together at the 'china panda' which, for the price, really hit the spot.
      It was like a chicken stir fry with rice type thing.
      We then tried to stop more money out but 2 atms denied us.
      We don't know why this would effect it but our only thoughts for why our cards had been a bitch is because we decided not to convert it to Euro on our card to try and save money cause the exchange was so bad.
      But ever since we have done that 3 out of 4 places haven't liked the card.
      It says card 'invalid here'
      We will try again tomorrow. It's not an emergency - I have 40€ in my wallet and my NAB card if worse comes to worse.
      We walked back to the hostel. There has pretty much been a complete swap of guests.

      I don't actually know who works here - well one girl yes but I don't know if a few other people who walk around with extreme confidence are just long term guests or worker volunteers.
      Either way - this group of unknowns had dinner tonight and it was fish and it was gross.
      Will and Jacob are playing chess :)
      We tried to play big 2 before with the 3 of us but we found out at the very end that 2 of the 2's were missing and they are the most important card in the game making it almost pointless..
      I'm stapling in tickets and flyers into my book - they stack up quickly!
      As we were walking back from dinner "omg a bombs gone of nearby" was a split second throught I had - but it was fireworks with a big kick.
      We surmise that it's for the Russian day - something to do with the Russians liberating Bulgaria from the Ottoman Empire..?
      Will is now having a shave and I'm relaxing.
      I will be so less stressed once we have actually been collected from the bus station tomorrow.
      I hope our hosts are nice!

      On an irrelevant side note. I hate the name Charlotte.
      I cannot fathom why you would give your child a name that you know it ranked number 1.
      I think your name has such an importance for a persons identity and sense of self worth.
      I would honestly feel a little less special if I had to share my name with literal 1/3 of my class. I would be so angry my parents hadn't bothered to put 1 minute thought into picking the word I will be called everyday.
      Common names are fine in theory. Charlotte is just destroying me because of the frequency I hear it.
      It's an epidemic.
      It's the new "John"

      We're watching videos in bed but I'll crash soon.

    • Tag 2


      2. März 2019 in Bulgarien ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Il soldato sovietico che teneva sotto scacco la città. Cavolo se era evocativo, cazzo se ti faceva cacare addosso. Lo vedevamo anche dal primo colle su cui eravamo saliti.

      Nota: molta gente saliva su in autobus. Noi abbiamo fatto tutto a piedi.
      Ai piedi del soldato, c'erano garofani freschi. Giudicate voi.

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