Phumĭ Moăt Péam

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    • Jour 19

      Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville

      3 avril 2019, Cambodge ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Heute verabschieden wir uns von der turbulenten Hauptstadt und reisen über Siem nach Sihanoukville, einer Stadt am Golf von Thailand. Eigentlicges Ziel wird eine kleine ruhige vorgelagerte Insel To Tha Kiev sein. Dich vorher statten wir dem Nationalmuseum noch einen Besuch ab. Das Gebaude ist im wunderschönen Khmer Stil erbaut, ist luftig und offen, mit einem liebevoll angelegtem Innenhof, nur leider für ein Museum dieser Kategorie denkbar schlecht geeignet. Nicht nur, dass Exponate kaum geschützt sind, auch Vögel scheinen den Ort zu mögen und hinterlassen in den Räumen ihre Exkremente. Eine Schande, insbesondere im Vergleich zum Königspalast. Die Exponate zeigen Statuen, Reliefs verschiedener Epochen und die verschieden Stile wie beispielsweise der Angkor und der Koh Ker Stil lassen such prima vergleuchen. Fragmebte mit Inschriften in Samskrit (Vorläufer der Khmer Sprache) sind zu bestaunen, ebenso Schnuck und Gebrausgegenstände verschiedenster Materialien, deren Datierung z.T. bis ins 8. Jahrhundert zurückreichen und erstaunlich gut erhalten sind.En savoir plus

    • Jour 13

      Sihanoukville, Cambodia

      28 décembre 2018, Cambodge

      Our only stop in Cambodia, Sihanoukville, where infrastructure is failing to keep up with the building boom financed by a huge influx of Chinese and Russian money. The population has over doubled in 10 years going from 145,000 to 345,000.

      Started the visit off by visiting the local temple and received a monk's blessing, then it was onto a hotel for lunch on Otres Beach where I had a foot massage. We also visited a local school and the children sang us a local song.
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    • Jour 10

      The Island

      18 janvier 2017, Cambodge ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C


      Otres Beach to Koh Ta Kiev (Cambodia)

      We got a 9am boat over to 'the island' but didn't get breakfast as no where was open... Too many party animals, their night was going until 6am with some top tunes. Could hear the music but didn't keep us awake as we were so close to the sea (8m close!!) so we could hear lapping waves over top tune age.

      We've been told there's no power etc on the island so leave with fully charged devices!!

      The boat ride is on a long boat and takes around 45 minutes.... Leaving the usual 20 minutes late!! Bloody Asians!!! On the boat are supplies such as water, food and one very hungover bar man who went to last nights shinanigans.

      We arrive and climb into the water to be greeted by hippy Aussies and Americans woooo.

      We get our accommodation sorted which is a large rabbit hutch on stilts with no door or windows! We are even closer to the sea with some private beach!!! Ahhhh it's amazing!!!! We're about 3m from the seas in a place called crab shak. We have a bed.... A hammock and a couple of wonky chairs. It's brilliant!

      We decide to mooch down to long beech and wonder whether we will actually see Pakora and Tal here! It's an island with about 6 different places to stay so we reckon we won't see them.

      But to our surprise we walk down the beech and there sits Tal!!!! We all look at each other surprised and then he sends us into sunrise thirsty pakora with the Pakora mating call! Obviously she thinks we're Germans replicating the sound of the TP bird!!

      We end up spending the day playing catch with the go pro and generally getting burnt and beered!

      We were all getting bitten to death as soon as the sun started to set so Noblet and I decided to swim home to avoid further bites! As we swam the bay we were surrounded by a glow! We had found the infamous plankton which people pay to go on excursions for!!! HAHA! It's brilliant! Every time they touch you they glow it's almost like you're a god! They light up under your feet and are absolutely amazing!

      We swim for ages amazed by these creatures, but after around half an hour the novelty wears off and I start to think that fish eat plankton, and sharks eat fish, and
      Sharks are most active hunters at dawn and dusk AND we're in unfamiliar water, is this a good idea?!? After about ten minutes in this thought zone I freak myself out and walk the last section of bay (if I could've lasted another 200m we would've made it all the way!

      With hind site I was so glad to have made this decision as there were massive sea urchins all over the rocks we would've had to go over at low tide!!!

      But at the time I was a massive bottle job. As we got out of the sea Noblet held onto a tree for balance and left an illuminous handprint on the bark from the plankton!!! AMAZING!!

      Back to camp for zzzzZZZZ

      man: Charlie for letting us come here and fook with the itinerary!

      Donkey: holly for not dealing with sharks (or lack of them and blaming national geographic)
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    • Jour 40

      #9 Zwischenstop - Sihanoukville, Otres

      30 novembre 2018, Cambodge ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Weißer Strand, schönes klares Meer, kaputte Straßen, Müll, ältere Touri-Resorts, verlassene Häuser und neue, riesige Baustellen. Der Kontrast ist heftig. Hier war es wirklich mal richtig schön - vor 2 Jahren. Und günstig. Jetzt bezahlen auch die Locals viel zu viel und "die Chinesen" sind überall, berichtet uns eine junge, sympathische Frau, die zum Hostelpersonal gehört. In der riesen Anlage des Bauprojekts nebenan, dass wohl erst in 2 Jahren fertig wird, soll es dann auch die chinesische Währung geben. Sie kaufen sich also anscheinend ein und treiben die Mieten und Lebenshaltungskosten in die Höhe. Wer hier jetzt Gentrifizierung schreit, liegt gar nicht so falsch. Man könnte fast sagen, der Chinese machts, wie der Schwabe in Berlin - doch das stimmt nicht ganz. Hier passiert auch viel in der Politik, denn Kambodscha hat seit 1985, also seit 33 Jahren, den selben Ministerpräsidenten. Die junge Frau sagt es ist das einzige Land der Welt, bei dem es immer den selben an der Macht gibt. Dann lacht sie und korrigiert in Russland auch - deshalb sind die auch so gute Freunde. Dieser Präsident schafft es wohl nicht die chinesischen Investoren klug zu nutzen. Man könnte auch sagen da fließt bestimmt viel Geld in irgendwelche Taschen und kommt nicht da an wo es gebraucht wird. Sie berichtet von Leuten die sich kritisch äußern und gefangen genommen werden. Das klingt alles sehr vertraut und wenn man sich die Geschichte Kambodschas zu Gemüte führt wundert es auch nicht. Diese Land hat hart gelitten unter Kriegen, Regimen sowie Schreckensherrschaften und erholt sich nur langsam. Hun Sen der als skrupelloser Präsident gilt und auch im Edelholzhandel unter Korruptionsverdacht steht, genießt dennoch großes Vertrauen und erhält sogar Unterstützung durch das Ausland, da er als einziger Politiker gilt, der in Kambodscha Stabilität gewährleisten könne. Zweifelhaft ob das stimmt und ob es nicht doch Zeit für einen Wandel ist nach der gefühlt längsten Amtszeit der Welt. Die Überstunden hat er sich jedenfalls schon ausbezahlt wie es scheint. Es ist trotzdem ein wunderschönes Land, dieses Kambodscha. Nur mit Sihanoukville werd ich nicht warm - von daher gut, dass es morgen ab nach Koh Rong Sanloem geht. Dort erwartet einen vermutlich einzigartige Natur auf einer kleinen Insel ohne Autos. Klingt cool - ich bin gespannt und sag dann mal wies war, denn Internet gibt's da wohl auch eher nicht :PEn savoir plus

    • Jour 88

      The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

      30 août 2018, Cambodge ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

      I took a walk on the beach today and had quite a chuckle at the little shellfish in the surf and the little crabs filtering food from the sand, which winds up in tiny balls. I actually saw these crabs on an Animal Planet or NatGeoWild program about Thailand's islands. The larger ones I saw today are not even as big as my pinky toe nail. They looked a lot bigger on TV. 😉

      After that, I had to find an ATM in the village. Yuck. This place is the grossest yet. Luckily, I didn't have to go very far for the ATM, and once complete, I immediately turned around and went back towards my hotel bungalow (picture). Now I'm having lunch at the hotel next door. Yummy.

      I arranged a van to Phnom Penh for tomorrow morning, so I expect tomorrow's post will be from inside yet another van. 😀

      Out for now. ✌️
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    • Jour 11

      Follow the Leader Leader!

      19 janvier 2017, Cambodge ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C


      Koh Ta Kiev (Cambodia)

      We awake for the first time on our little island and it's amazing. We have a panoramic 'window' opening (no window just air!) with just bright blue sea outside. It's amazing.

      Have a hearty breakfast but there is no mushroom left on the island. There is no power anywhere on the island nor running water. Everything if it's not caught here is brought in by boat. It's pretty cool for a limited time ha.

      We decide to go to the fishing village on the other side of the island. There is a map painted on a piece of tree trunk which we try to remember. We also ask for directions from some treehouse staff who have never been there.

      We set off following our friend Sullivan (the dog).... We walk along the abandoned road the Chinese have dug. A Chinese firm has a lease on the island for 99 years, but the recession hit when they started work so the only thing they achieved was reduce level digging. This has now been covered in undergrowth and new trees etc. Of course we're english so we end up walking in the mid day heat but I don't think this dog is nuts. We keep following Sully but end up at a mango farm. Turns out we missed a turning and went to the furthest possible point on the island ffs. Who would've thought following a dog wouldn't work!!!?

      So we head home after a couple of hours burning with our friend and go and meet pakora and Tal for a mooch to elephant rock.

      More effort required as we walk along the coast for an hour and then swim over.

      As we're swimming some kayakers tell us the tide is out round there so not to jump in! Bloody hell! So it's a big swim back carefully avoiding coral as it contains some of the biggest sea urchins we've ever seen!

      We have to guide pakora back in the end as she has no snorkel only a mask, and the sea scape changed that often you could be in the deep one minute and about to beach on an urchins spikes the next!! It was a lot of effort but luckily she was behind me at one point as a haviana floated off and I didn't notice. Noblet then took the lead but kept getting distracted by the fact he could tell the time under water with his new watch!!!! This lead to him going off course by 180 degrees!! What a doughnut!!! Eventually he managed to stay on track and pakora arrived safe and well haha!!

      Spoke to a drunk French captain in the bar who agreed to take us out fishing on his boat tomorrow... See how this goes!!!

      We made our way back to the treehouse for some below par tapas, and then all got stuck listening to some average singer/guitarist doing a 'set'. You know that awkward kind of looking at you whilst singing thing!

      Anyway we had some more beers and called it a night excited for fishing tomorrow!!

      man: Pakora - surviving without a snorkel

      Donkey: Noblet for times against humanity
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    • Jour 12

      Under the Sea!!

      20 janvier 2017, Cambodge ⋅ 🌙 15 °C


      koh ta Kiev (Cambodia)

      We're still on our little island of paradise.

      This morning we use our time to plan out for Vietnam with the bible (lonely planet). Once we're suitably bored of this it's into the bright blue clear water (3m away from our tree house). The only problem with paradise is that everything wants to eat/ injure you! So even in the sea we are aware of the many massive sea urchins protecting the rocks! Playtime is tentative at best! Flying fish jump past us and we watch 6 inch crabs scuttling on the rocks, attempting not to get wiped out by the waves!

      We're due to go out fishing this afternoon on our DIY excursion. We sorted this by speaking to the alcoholic/ high as a kite French 'boat captain' and agreeing to pay him $6 each to go out for several hours (compare this to the $20 it should cost and we're on a winner right? What could go wrong?)

      We arrive at the bar where we met this boat captain and enquire as to his wareabouts. He's still asleep.... The bloody French!?!? Honestly.

      Whilst he's getting himself and the boat sorted we down some pink coladas... Piña colada with Malibu and pink stuff and get beers in for El

      Load the boat (sack of beers) for our team outing and continue to get on it. Motor out off the shore, drop the anchor. Tiere shows us how to cast a line and we're off! Uuuu this is so exciting.... For five minutes. We quickly learn this sport is a good excuse to drink, and attempt to catch tea.... But not really a sport at all.

      On the other hand, the pissed captain finds two fish within two minutes so we are certainly lacking skill! One of the ones he pulls up comes up with a piece of coral the size of a football as the fish was hooked and got wedged in the coral so they came up together.

      So there are fish to be had and it's back to concentrating. Within 5 minutes we have caught coral and lost weights on two rods!! Hmm... El capitano perseveres and we decide to move so we can see elephant rock (which we missed yesterday) and watch the sunset... Easier said than done and the anchor has got caught on some rocks, so raj has to dive in and kick it loose, he does this fully clothed even leaving his crocs on as he jumps into the sea!

      We move position and drop our rods again!

      Ding dong... NOBLET HAS CAUGHT ONE.... And it's massive. Well, massively poisonous, and approximately 3inches long, he's in the lead.

      Then Pakora comes a knocking, 'Tal, don't move' he says 'what?' and starts moving.... pakoras hook went straight in his foot 😂. Wonder who donkey will go to here?

      And then ten minutes later pakora some how gets her hook stuck in her thigh!!!! Wtf how do you even do that 😂😂... Twice!

      We watch the sunset with our rods dropped, but as we turn around towards elephant rock (which actually looks like an elephant) we see a huge front coming in.

      El capitano seems fine though stating 'we watch the sunset and then we go home fast'. So we finish the sunset, casually wind our rods in (Tal catches a sea big which he thought was his bait lol) and I go to the toilet (quick dip). Only once I finish does he start to get a bit twitchy and it's full steam ahead! By now the storm is fast approaching. The other boats have only just seen the front as they were so close to the island and are hot on our heals following our route through the coral which we now couldn't see due to the dark clouds.... We were in the hands of a pastise infused captain around shed loads of coral in shallow water... Great.

      The storm picks up, as do the waves and we're getting soaked and blown around. The captain is worried and strains his eyes to see Raj who is attempting to avoid the coral. 10 long minutes later and we're heading into shore at last... We're lucky we're at the north West side of the island pretty close to where we were. When we got to the shore there was the bar tender waiting for us and the urgency of the situation was realised with the statement 'get off the boat quick, we need to tie this boat down NOW!'

      We did as we were told and ran to shelter in the bar. Only one thing for it... Get the beers in until the storm passes!

      An hour later the captain and bar guy come back informing us the boat was ok at last. We learnt the next day that the other boats heading to the south of the island were forced to abandon ship 500m down from us. Crikey.

      To summarise the fishing competition:

      First place Pakora with 2 big catches
      Second place Noblet 3" fish
      Third place Tal for his small worm
      Last Holly with absolutely nothing. Brilliant

      Man: the captain for getting us home
      Donkey: Thirsty Pakora for hooking herself and Tal on a fishing hook.
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    • Jour 86

      It's a small world after all

      28 août 2018, Cambodge ⋅ ☁️ 84 °F

      This is why I love wearing hash shirts when traveling. I arrived in Otres Beach, Cambodia, a place I've never been before. The very first bar I stopped at said there was a hasher bar down the street. Cool and amazing since there's no kennel here. I had some dinner, then made my way to that hotel/bar, which just happens to be next door to where I'm staying. 30 seconds after walking in, I'm hugging a hasher I met in Vientiane, Laos. LOVE IT!

      No plans for today. I'm watching a movie right now and will get some lunch after. Boring but very nice.

      Out for now. ✌️
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    • Jour 10

      Otres Beach

      8 mars 2018, Cambodge ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      We all went for breakfast for 9am and although Will and I were going to stay one day longer we decided to get to Otres Beach with the others as the only reason we were going to stay another night was so we could take a boat trip to see the plankton but we did that. So we packed up and caught a boat to the pier to get another boat the mainland. When we got to the pier Will realised he left his famous and much talked about pants to dry outside his dorm. By gosh I've never seen him so upset, he was determined to run back along the beach (about 30 min run in the peak heat of the day) and retrieve his favourite pants. Although we all told him not to and its just a pair of pants and he might miss the ferry, he obviously did it anyway. We all made bets on how long it would take him and we watched as a tiny red dot ran along the beach. He did it and got back just in the nick of time for the boat. I wish I meant as much to him as his pants do haha

      We jumped on the boat and the sea was quite rough so everyone went in the boat to avoid getting wet. Will and I soldiered on at the back getting soaked but it was so fun. We then took a tuk tuk to the resort where the others planned to stay and it was lovely so me and Will decided to treat ourselves and book a double room with a private room.

      Oh my god it's heaven. I'm currently lying on the outside double bed overlooking the river and watching the birds whilst editing this blog. Again we hadn't eaten since breakfast so we ordered a pizza to share and it was so yummy!! We were so so shattered from not sleeping the night before that we literally didn't move a muscle and ended up sharing another pizza for dinner as well. Wups!!

      The next day was a chores and planning our next steps day. We kicked off the morning by doing our washing and then planning our next move to Kampot and Kep. In the afternoon we went to the beach to read our books, watched sunset. It was our last night with the Chiang Mai family so we went for a family dinner. I had a really yummy seafood and red snapper BBQ before heading for drinks. For the past 2 months, apart from Beer Lao Dark I've been drinking awful lager type beer. I've started to get used to it but it just doesn't hit the spot. We went to a bar on the beach and oh my gosh they sold Angkor Extra Stout and it really was like heaven. So creamy, smooth and chocolatey with a hint of coffee. Just what I needed. A really fab night to end another chapter of the travels.
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    • Jour 3


      4 janvier 2018, Cambodge ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Inlandsflug von SR nach Sihanoukville (50 Minuten Flugzeit, ca 100,00 Euro pP Hin-und Rückflug)

      Achtung: teure Tuktuk-Mafia umgehen und offene Minicars wählen! (10-15 USD Transfer)

      Unterkunft / Aufenthalt im Tip Ta Kloy

      Otres beach
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    Phumĭ Moăt Péam, Phumi Moat Peam


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