We outran the Storm & back on the road

Left our rental a day early so we could outrun the big storm. Headed west and north to "get outta Dodge", as the saying goes. (Landed in Edmundston for the night.)
Wow, the weather improvements wereRead more
Jeannette N Tim Putnam
Always need more poutine 😋😋
Traveler Love the stuff & relieved we don't get it at home! 😅
Jeannette N Tim Putnam Glad you are safe and still enjoying your vacation ❣️
Traveler Almost home; 1/2 hr from the border ! Seems like it's taking forever, all the miles we added to stay outta harm's way. ⛽🚥🚘🌊💦 But--- We made good of it yesterday, with our exciting diversion... all walking , no riding. Will get to that day's pics later when on WiFi again 😁