Victory Square

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    • Day 2

      Vancouver HoHo and Stanley Park

      September 4, 2018 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We're in The Victorian Hotel - built in 1898, just 90 years after Vancouver was established. It has "stayed true to her roots, accentuating features of her past..." so, it's quaint, we've got a sunlight (but it doesn't open), and a stand alone a/c unit. The bed's very comfortable.

      There's a book to be written about Vancouver, a dense, glass fronted, high rise city. Or, at least, a Wikipedia page, which is here and does better justice than we could do in this blog:

      As usual, we took up the HoHo Hop-On, Hop Off to see the downtown part of the city and its famous Stanley Park. There are two routes - City and Park, and we got a combined ticket for both, as we're handy for Canada Place, which seems to be the tourist hub.

      So, read the wiki for the details. Our highlight was Stanley Park, where we got off to see a Totem Pole display, ate a Japanese hot dog, then walked the Sea Wall, all around to Lions Gate Bridge - and we saw our first sea life!

      Lots of lovely beaches and water traffic, we then had a selection of beers at a local brew house, before heading back for a nap.

      Tomorrow, we're going whale watching, and visiting Victoria
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    • Day 1

      Pauline's definitely a patient traveller

      September 3, 2018 in Canada ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      So, we got to Heathrow in good time - just as well, as we only saw this morning that the flight went from T3, not T5.

      Anyway, it was a different Airbus (so, not 7 days in a row for the other - it went to Singapore instead - ours had come in from Hong Kong this morning) and the flight was beautifully smooth, up over Glasgow, Skye, Iceland, Greenland and then Canada, in sunshine all the way.

      What a pity that Pauline had someone in front who seemed hyperactive - maybe it was the 10 cups of coffee he had - and one behind whose legs were long, so he stretched them out next to her seat and took his shoes off - you can imagine.

      Very, very efficient immigration, and a quick journey to our “Vancouver Original” hotel. It’s 9 pm here, or 5 am there. Let’s see how we get on with sleeping.
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    • Day 2


      May 26, 2018 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Leisurely start to the day, free bus to Terminal 2 and then a DIY check in, you even stick your own luggage label on these days! We had a very smooth and quick trip through security and had plenty of time to look around the shops and have lunch and the plane departed on time.

      We had some clear and good views of the Western Scottish coast line and then when we flew over the sea between Greenland and Canada it was very clear with blue skies and we had some amazing views of huge sheets of ice on the sky blue water. The camera was in the locker so we didn't get pictures of the best views but did do a few snaps.

      As we flew into Vancouver we could see the mountains, the green forests, islands off the coast, mills with logs floating in the water, all things that we associated from our last visit to Vancouver 36 years ago! We had a delay getting off the plane as paramedics had to come on for one of the passengers but fortunately the passenger seemed to be ok. We caught the skytrain to Waterfront in downtown and checked into our hotel, Skwachays Lodge which is decorated with aboriginal art.

      The long flight started to catch up with us so we grabbed a sandwich at the local 7/11 store and headed to bed at 7.30 pm!!!! However at 3.30 am next day we weren't quite into Pacific time so had a cuppa and wrote the blog!
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    • Day 22


      June 15, 2018 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We know our way around the immediate district quite well now so were able to navigate into Gastown passed the steam clock and a few souvenir shop stops en route to Sky tower. Downtown Vancouver has filled up with so many tall buildings since Tony and I were here 36 years ago and we didn't realise we had been up in the outside glass elevators then when it was owned by Sears and there was no viewing platform at the top. I know this is getting boring, but it was another sunny day with clear blue skies and a great view. We were able to spot the Church where we were meeting for the evening tour, the location of our hotel, the 'pizza' shape building we remembered from our visit in '82, Canada Place, Stanley Park, the Marine Building and Trump Towers (!).

      Next on the agenda was lunch at the Art Gallery (a suggested venue from Ellie's guide book), also it is in Hornsby Street close to where our bike tour begins. After a tasty lunch, sat outside on the patio, we set off to meet our mean machines for our afternoon Epic Electric Bike Tour. My 'boy' was named 'Wally'. Our tour took us up to Canada Place which was built for the Expo Exhibition and was a catalyst for a lot of development in the city. We cycled along the seawall towards Stanley Park and saw an area which is a naval base, originally it was a first nation burial ground, it was taken by the Crown and later sold by them even though they had no right of ownership and it's ownership is an ongoing dispute. We visited the totem pole park and were told about how they were story poles. We headed across the park through a shady, fern and tree area and it really didn't feel like we were close to a major city. We saw Beaver Lake covered in water lilies and a big dam that just 2 beavers had built. We headed up to Prospect Point, close to the Lions Gate Bridge and appreciated our electric power. There were some fabulous views which Tony and I had seen from Westerdam when we passed under the bridge on the way out of Vancouver en route up to Alaska a few weeks ago. Next we descended into English Bay where the locals had all headed after work as it was a sunny afternoon. We continued along the seawall across from Granville Island. We continued on to the Olympic Village, then through China Town and Gas Town and finally back to Hornsby to say goodbye to our bikes and very good guide.

      We had a quick supper in a very noisy bar/restaurant before joining our guide Roxanne on the Forbidden Vancouver Tour.
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    • Day 29


      October 9, 2019 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Heute waren wir in Vancouver - also...der Innenstadt, Downtown. Allerdings brauchte ich erstmal neue Socken. Irgendwie verschwinden die alle auf mysteriöseste Weise.🤔 Also sind wir zum nächsten H&M. Bella fand eine Hose und ich noch tausend andere Sachen. Am Ende kaufte ich dann doch nur meine vollkommen überteuerten Socken. Wir waren erst recht spät losgekommen und hatten uns nun schon mindestens n Stündchen oder mehr im Einkaufszentrum rumgetrieben. Nun wollten wir uns WIRKLICH mal was von der Stadt anschauen. Wir haben uns weiter in Richtung Gastown aufgemacht. Das ist quasi sowas wie die Altstadt von Vancouver. So richtig warm geworden sind wir mit dieser Stadt allerdings nicht. Bei mir lag es allerdings nicht nur an den unzähligen Obdachlosen, die sich vor allem auf einer Straße in Scharen tummelten, sondern einfach insgesamt die Stadt - keine Ahnung...allerdings haben wir vielleicht einfach nicht die richtigen Ecken gesehen.
      Höhergeschlagen hat mein Herz lediglich bei einem supercoolen Plattenladen. Soooo coole Platten für faire Preise. Mein Herz brach dann auch direkt in zwei Teile, während ich realisierte, dass ich keine einzige werde mitnehmen können.😪
      Witzig war außerdem ein Sitz der Church of Scientology. Wir spielten kurz mit dem Gedanken, einen kostenlosen Petsönlichkeitstest durchführen zu lassen. Hätte mich eigentlich schon mal interessiert, was die armen Irren einem so erzählen.😀
      Da Marihuana hier legal ist, kamen wir auch an einem völlig verrauchten Laden vorbei, in dem Leute am Tresen standen und genüsslich ihre Bong geraucht haben.😂 Einmal durch den Laden gehen bedeutet einmal kostenlos high werden.😅
      Wir haben es wirklich nicht mehr weit geschafft, dann wollten wir schnell wieder in die Unterkunft - dorthin, wo die urgemütlichen Betten und hoffentlich ein paar Cookies warteten.😁 Wir kamen auf dem Weg zum Seabus, der uns an das Ufer von North Vancouver brachte, noch an einem Liquor Store vorbei. Wir wollten Wein. Als ich dann allerdings sah, dass es Budweiser (hier heißt es irgendwas mit Czech) zu einem akzeptablen Preis gibt, hab ich sofort zugeschlagen.😍 Natürlich gab's die obligatorischen Papiertüten dazu.😄
      Seabus fahren war ganz nett. Keine Ahnung, warum, aber ich hatte es mir irgendwie spektakulärer vorgestellt...
      Zurück in der Unterkunft trafen wir noch einen anderen deutschen Bewohner, der für ein Jahr hergekommen ist und Work and Travel machen will. Frank heißt er. Wir hab uns noch nett unterhalten, bevor wir schließlich in unser Zimmer verschwunden sind und noch ne Folge Suits geschaut haben.
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    • Day 50

      Halloween in Canada

      October 31, 2018 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      Wieder angekommen in Canada wurde erstmal die neue Unterkunft bezogen. Willkommen in Ameisenhausen. ( Das wussten wir natürlich vorher nicht :D)
      Wir kauften uns für Halloween beide einen Jumpsuit, Ingo einen Yeti, ich eine Fledermaus. Wir wollten eigentlich ins SWAP gehen oder auf irgendeine Halloween Party. Aber für das Büro waren wir zu spät dran und die Schlagen vor den Clubs waren zu lange. Dafür war der Jetlag auch noch bissl in den Knochen und so machten wir einen gemütlichen Filmeabend im Bett und gingen bald schlafen :) Dafür war es schön die Dekoration und alles zu sehen und auch, das Feuerwerk. Okay die ersten Gedanken - haben wir was verpasst? Ist doch noch nicht Neujahr :D aber anscheinend ist das hier üblich... Auch die Kostüme sind weniger "gruselig", was wir mit Halloween verbinden. Sondern gibt es auch ganz normale Kostüme wie zum Beispiel ein kleines Kind mit einem Bagger um die Hüften. Also eher wie Fasching hier :DRead more

    • Day 11

      Vancouver Cannucks

      March 21, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Heute waren wir nach der Sprachschule sn einem Eishockey spiel.
      Vancuver Cannucks gegen Vegas Golden Knights 5er in der tabelle und die cannucks 25igst.

      Wir konnten uns denken wie das Spiel ausgeht. Jedoch waren die Cannucks immer nah dran die Führung zu holen.

      Die show in den pausen war grandios richtig gut gemacht . Jedoch machten die 9’500 während des spiels keine Stimmung.

      Die Preise wahren auch sehr hoch 1 bier 20$.

      Nach dem Spiel ab nach hause ins bett.
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    • Day 1


      February 2, 2020 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Visited first time Gastown. It's a district with a special charme. Most famous point is the gas driven Clock but it's nearly not possible to take a photo without hanging someone on it 🙄

    • Day 13

      Bar runde

      March 23, 2023 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Heute passierte nichts spezielles.
      Nach der schule von bar zu bar bis Feierabend.

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