San Antonio

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    • Day 22

      Seaside Memorial

      March 29, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Another pleasant surprise for me in San Antonio was the collection of memorials along the promenade.

      Ports sometimes feature a plaque with the names of those lost at sea, but I’d never seen anything like these. They remind me of roadside memorials for car accident victims that are a common feature around the world.

      Fresh flowers and colorful pinwheels adorn many of these memorials, but my favorite sight was sea lions and seagulls lounging among the commemorative plaques.
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    • Day 43

      Ende des ersten Reiseabschnitts

      December 1, 2022 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      So schnell ist auch schon der erste Abschnitt der Weltreise vorbei 🙈 37 Tage einfach mal weg. Wenn man mal zurück denkt, was da so alles passiert ist ... echt verrückt 🤗😁🤩

      An Bord reisen heute ca. 200 Gäste ab und etwa genauso viele steigen heute auf. Für einen Wechseltag also alles entspannt.

      Wir wollen aber ein bisschen in San Antonio einkaufen gehen. In erster Linie Snacks 😆
      Vom Schiff aus lockt die Stadt leider nicht wirklich. Daher wollen wir nur an der Promenade entlang bis zum Einkaufscenter.

      Vorbei kommt man da am Fischereihafen und an lauter kleinen Buden ... an denen wir auch nicht einfach so vorbei gehen konnten 😅 Empanadas sind einfach viel zu lecker, als das man sie links liegen lassen kann. Erst recht nicht, wenn sie frisch gemacht werden 😍
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    • Day 3

      1.Seetag Richtung Osterinsel

      December 3, 2023 in Chile ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Der Pazifik begrüßt uns von seiner stürmischen Seite. Mehr als 6m hohe Wellen, ein farbenprächtiger Sonnenaufgang und später heiter blauer Himmel bei ca. 15 Grad.
      Treffen in der Aidabar mit ersten Bekanntschaften. Es bildete sich eine fröhliche Clique.
      Nachmittags Vortrag des Dr.Renken über Sonne, Mond und Sterne.
      Nicht alle vertragen den Sturm so gut wie wir.
      Im Verlauf des Tages wurde die Wellen niedriger und die öffentlichen Räume belebter.
      Zeit zum Lernen: Besuch d. Spanischkurses.
      Abends dann ein Weihnachtsmarkt im Theatrium mit Keks-, Zuckerwatte- und Glühweinständen sowie Shopangeboten, dazu Weihnachtslieder gesungen von dem Tenor Tobey Wilson.
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    • Day 36

      San Antonio, Chile

      December 1, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Hier endet der erste Reiseabschnitt. Leider muss unser Mega Kapitän Felix Rothe aus persönlichen Gründen nach Hause fliegen🥺. Sehr, sehr schade..., wir hoffen das der neue ähnlich klasse ist🤔. Auch viele Gäste werden hier getauscht😅Read more

    • Day 25

      San Antonio (Santiago), Chile - part 3

      February 8, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Now, time for WINE!

      The rest of our day was spent at a vineyard, Casa Marin, near San Antonio. It is only a few miles from the Pacific and therefore gets wind and some cold weather. For some reason the grapes here are mostly very hearty and good quality producing 140,000 bottles per year. Sadly, some years, like recently, less water has yielded less grapes (i.e., 2 vines are now producing one bottle). Started by Maria Luz Marin in 2000 and later including her entire family in the business, it is known worldwide for their Sauvignon Blanc and Gewurztraminer. 60% is sold worldwide in 20 countries.

      We toured the winery and saw the process including the fermentation tanks and the storage barrels. Interestingly, mobile bottling trucks come to the winery to bottle their wine since their quantity does not dictate their own bottling. At our tasting, we had Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir, Syrah/Grenache blend; and a premium Syrah. Yes, we bought a case of wine. In the town of Lo Abarca we saw murals on the side of a church (by Maria Luz Marin’s sister).
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    • Day 25

      San Antonio (Santiago), Chile - part 2

      February 8, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      Our tour guide was Sebastian
      We went to visit the Museum Pablo Neruda and the Marin Winery

      First, the museum and all about Pablo Neruda:

      Interestingly, the 393 of us that are going ATW (the cool abbreviation for Around the World) toured the area today, while the 200 got off and 200 new people got on for this next segment. We had a private tour today, booked with 9 other friends from the ship in a spacious van to tour the countryside. Although we decided not to visit Santiago since it was “just a city” and over 2 hours from the ship, we made two interesting stops.

      First, we went to Pablo Neruda’s (1904-1973) house at Isla Negra, which is now a museum. He was a famous, yet very controversial Chilean poet and politician (was nominated for Chilean President but didn’t pursue) that we admit we had not heard of before. He received the Nobel prize for literature and has many published works which have been translated into English (subsequently we have read some of his work). As you prepare for Valentine’s Day, you will want to read some of his love poems. The museum is made up of many small uniquely quirky built houses that are connected together to form the shape of a ship. It includes an eclectic collection of possessions over Neruda’s life (unfortunately we have few photos because photos were not allowed inside the house). This included artwork, sculptures, ship memorabilia, glass collections (bottles and piano leg rests), many ship models and photos/paintings which I loved, a life-sized stuffed horse, a bathroom decorated in risqué photos and a separate exposition of incredible seashells he collected.

      "My shells are my Iife's best collection. They have pleased me with
      their prodigious structure, their lunar purity of mysterious porce-
      lain, and their multiplicity of form, tactile, gothic, functional." - Pablo Neruda

      I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You
      by Pablo Neruda

      I do not love you except because I love you;
      I go from loving to not loving you,
      From waiting to not waiting for you
      My heart moves from cold to fire.

      I love you only because it's you the one I love;
      I hate you deeply, and hating you
      Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
      Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

      Maybe January light will consume
      My heart with its cruel
      Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

      In this part of the story I am the one who
      Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
      Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.

      This is the desk where he wrote some of his famous works while being mesmerized by the Pacific.
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    • Day 25

      San Antonio (Santiago), Chile - part 1

      February 8, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      WELCOME TO FindPenguins (you will like it better than Blogger)

      (Note: You can look at ALL of our previous AND future posts here because my wonderful wife, painstakingly, moved each post from Blogger to FindPenguin ...including your comments)

      San Antonio (Santiago de Chile)

      So here we are at the END of the first of eight legs of this Adventure. This first leg was 6,021 nautical miles and took us from SF South on the Pacific (my favorite Ocean to sail). See the map above for the distances to date. If you are reading this, then you know we have switched blog platforms. Why? We think it is better than “Blogger” in that it is easier to post text, photos/videos on a more current basis, much easier to use offline/online, has a great map that tracks where we are at all times (for the techies, through meta data on our photos) and maybe best of all, looks and feels much better to you, the user, for reading and replying either on a computer and on your phone (there is now a notification feature).

      The photos above show the leg just ended and the new one starting today!
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    • Day 22

      Chile vs Texas Flag

      March 29, 2023 in Chile

      Today we are in San Antonio. San Antonio, Chile. Not Texas. I say that because the Chilean flag looks so much like the Texan flag, that I keep doing double takes. I wonder why they look so similar, and which flag came first. Where’s Sheldon Cooper when you need him?Read more

    • Day 39


      December 2, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute ging es mit dem Bus ins 70km entfernte Valparaiso. Eine Stadt mit toller Wandmalerei und Graffitis. Die trubelige Stadt verlassen wir mit einem Schrägaufzug hinauf in die Oberstadt.
      Das letzte Stück dann wieder bergab fahren wir mit einem von Hand betriebenen Fahrstuhl,ähnlich wie eine Zahnradbahn.
      Zum Abschluss des Tages lud uns unser Guide Michael auf Wein, Bier und Snacks zu sich nach Hause ein.
      Ein gelungener Tag.
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    • Day 38

      San Antonio /Santiago

      December 1, 2023 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Die Fahrt in die 6,8 Millionen Stadt Santiago de Chile dauerte 1,5 Stunden.
      Die Stadt an sich hat schöne Ecken,ist aber durch hohe Strassenkriminalität als gefährlich einzustufen. Mit der Seilbahn ging es dann auf den Hausberg Cerro San Cristobal mit seiner Marienstatue.
      Von dort hat man einen tollen Blick über die Stadt und die Anden. Mit der Zahnradbahn ging es wieder hinunter und mit dem Bus nach San Antonio.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    San Antonio, Сан Антонио, 산안토니오, Сан-Антонио, 聖安東尼奧

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