San Antonio Province

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    • Gün 8

      Motorrad steht in Chile

      7 Aralık 2018, Şili ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Heute ging's durch die Zollhürden. Die Arbeit machte eigentlich Ronny der hier die Abwicklung der Motorradtransporte macht, und alles perfekt, souverän und sympathisch -vielen Dank!
      Wir-wir waren heute nur zu fünft -mussten nur noch die Formulare unterschreiben.
      Dann ging's mit Helm und Sicherheitsweste in den Containerhafen von San Antonio.. Sicherheitsvorschriften werden hier sehr genau genommen. Nach dem Anklemmen der Batterie müssen die schweren Böcke bis zum Zoll geschoben werden. Die Rahmennummer wird geprüft, wieder Papiere ausgestellt, unser Gepäck interessiert keinen, dann dürfen wir nach nur 4Std aus dem Zoll schieben, gestern dauerte es 10 Std.. Wir sind alle nassgeschwitzt. Jetzt erst mal zu Fuss zur nächsten Tanke, Sprit in die Kanister und wieder zu Fuss zurück. Mit Sprit springt meine alte GS sofort an, ohne will sie geschoben werden, da kommen dann 300 kg leicht zusammen. Ich frage mich, wer das alles eingepackt und aufgeladen hat.

      Nach einer Woche mit vielen Hindernissen geht's also endlich los.
      Im Hotel packe ich alles um, warum habe ich eigentlich so viel Krempel dabei?
      Morgen geht's Richtung Süden!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 7

      "I confess I have lived . . "

      22 Şubat 2018, Şili ⋅ ⛅ -4 °C

      We left the Atacama Desert, and drove back to Calama, where we boarded a plane to Santiago. After a quick flight, we grabbed our rental car and headed for Valparaiso. On the way, we planned to stop at the second of Neruda’s three homes, which is located in Isla Negra (the third is in Valparaiso).

      The drive from Santiago to Isla Negra is about 1-1/2 hours. Leaving the city takes relatively little time, and you are soon surrounded by small towns and lots of fields. This is the heart of the Chilean wine country. The valley in which many of the grapes are grown is called Casablanca. We decided to stop at a small vineyard that our guide in Santiago had recommended, but GPS failed us and we ended upon in the middle of nowhere. So, we pressed on to Isla Negra.

      Neruda’s house at Isla Negra is located in a small beachside community. Since it is summer vacation at the moment, the beaches were filled with umbrellas and families enjoying a nice day. The beaches here are small, and pretty crowded.

      This house is called Casa de Isla Negra, and it sits right on the beach. Like La Chascona, his home in Santiago, this house was built to his specifications and is a series of small rooms filled with his many and varied treasures. He was a huge collector, and particularly liked ship prows of women (there are half a dozen in his living room), old bottles, musical instruments, pipes, oversized shoes, and sea shells. In fact, he collected so many shells that there is an entire room at Isla Negra that was built for the purpose of housing about half of his shell collection (the other half was given to a museum in Santiago). He was also quite a dandy, with a large collection of hats, costumes, and the tuxedo that he wore to accept the Nobel Prize. And, he loved to entertain, and had a bar in this house which was decorated to look like a French bistro, complete with tables. In the rafters of the room he carved the names of many of his friends, including Garcia Lorca. His bedroom was above the bar, so he oft said that he liked to sleep near his friends. He is buried at Isla Negra, and his death remains a huge controversy. In 1973, Neruda was suffering from prostate cancer. A few days after Allende was assasinated, Neruda was taken to the hospital. No one thought that his death was imminent. Six days later, he called he wife and claimed that he had been given a shot and was now in great pain. Six hours later he was dead. At the time, it was suspected that he was given some sort of toxin which caused his death. The theory was that Neruda was planning to flee the country, and lead a government in exile, in opposition to Pinochet, and that Pinochet had him killed. But, there was no evidence, and Pinochet had just risen to power, so no action was taken. In 2013, a judge ordered the exhumation of Neruda’s remains. In 2015, the government announced that it was “highly probable” that a third party was responsible for his death. In 2017, 16 scientists rejected the cause of death which was noted on his death certificate — cancer — and indicated that there was evidence of a cultivated bacteria which could have caused his death, but the investigation continues.

      Upon his death, a book of poetry was pushed called “I confess I have lived.” It is probably his most widely read book, and details the extraordinary life that he lived.

      After taking in the house, we returned to the car and drove to Valparaiso. We came in the back way, over the top of one of the hills. The area that we drove through was very poor, with many houses in disrepair. (We later discovered that the cost of rebuilding in Valpo can be prohibitive, so houses are often abandoned and new homes are found.). We wound our way down the hill, with me guiding and Arie muttering about “death by GPS.” We finally arrived at our hotel, Casa Gallo, which is located on Cerro Allegre. (Cerro means “hill,” and there are 44 hills in Valpo.). The hotel is lovely, and extremely well-situated. (We must give a big thanks to Reyna McKinnon and Sophia Cross, who gave us lots of info about Valpo and what part of town to stay in.). After dropping our bags in the room, we made our way to the rooftop deck to admire the view. It was just gorgeous, as we looked across the hills and valleys, which are filled with brightly colored houses.

      For dinner, we went to a restaurant called Cafe Turri, which has a fantastic view of the port. We really enjoyed watching the sun set, and the twinkling lights of the city. My dinner was fine, but Arie’s was fantastic. He started with carpaccio pulpo— paper thin slices (albeit cooked) of octopus. I can’t figure out how they were bound together, but the taste was delicious. For dinner, he had Conger Eel Soup (caldillo de congrio). He chose this because it was a favorite of Neruda’s . . .in fact, Neruda wrote a poem about the soup, which included the recipe. (In addition to being a poet, a politician and an architect, Neruda enjoyed entertaining and often created new recipes for his friends.). The poem has step by step directions for making the soup, and ends with this line: “And to table come newly wed the savors of land and sea, that in this dish you may know heaven.” The soup was fantastic, heavenly even — a rich broth, with a large piece of eel at the center and small chunks of potatoes. Arie announced that he wanted to try to make this at home. I’m all for it, but not sure where he is going to find conger eel . . .
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 12

      Day 9 - On Board

      7 Ocak 2019, Şili ⋅ 🌙 54 °F

      The day dawned brightly for leaving Valparaiso. We had breakfast and left the hotel. A wrong turn led us up into the hills trying to find the road to Santiago but cranking up the GPS got us on track. We drove up through the Casablanca valley and into Santiago to drop off the rental car and meet our driver for the hour an a half trip to San Antonio. That drive took us through a very productive region with vegetable and fruit farms interspersed with cattle ranches. The port of San Antonio is relatively small but busy and crowded. Checkin for the cruise is much like checking in to a flight - just a lot more people (think checking in 3,000 passengers). Still, we completed the process in little over an hour and we in our stateroom by about 3:30. We unpacked then attended the mandatory evacuation drill.

      The Celebrity Eclipse is a huge boat. At almost 1,100 feet, it's three football fields (including end zones) long and 120 feet wide. It has 15 decks and holds 2,850 passengers. Walking around you can hear many languages but most programs and announcements are in English. Some announcements are also in Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

      The ship sailed at 6:00 and we watched from our stateroom veranda. The San Antonio port is narrow and the ship had a pilot boat and a tugboat to help it clear the quays. As we pulled our, several small tourist boats filled with people came our to watch.

      Once underway, we attended a comedy show by an American, black comic, Daran Howard. He was ok but some of the references to black culture went over the heads of the international audience. We cruised south staying about a mile off the coast. We had a late (8:30) seating for dinner and waited to be seated with 1,000 other people. Our table mates (for the entire trip) were a couple from Germany and a couple from Lodi, CA. Hans, the German man, had been in the merchant marine and remarked on how skillfully the captain had handled the exit from the narrow harbor. Fred, the California man, turned out to be a civil engineer, like me, and Hans was a mechanical engineer. Fred's wife, Silvia, was originally from Peru but had been a teacher in the states, as had been Gail. Didn't learn what Hotie, Hans' wife, did.

      Dinner and our conversations lasted until 10:30 so we so called it a day.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 37

      Hafen San Antonio

      21 Kasım 2017, Şili ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Hier in San Antonio / Chile beginnt der zweite Reiseabschnitt unserer Weltreise. Auch heute hatten wir wieder lokale Gastkünstler an Bord. Die Familia Bombo Trio zeigte uns Einblicke in die traditionelle Folklore des Landes Chile.Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 102

      San Antonio

      19 Mart 2019, Şili ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      San Antonio ist der größte und wichtigste Hafen Chiles, von hier werden die meisten Güter international verschifft bzw nach Santiago gebracht...

      Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), der berühmteste Poet und Nobelpreisträger Chiles hat sich an diesem wunderbaren Fleck am pazifischen Ozean niedergelassen.
      Ein Besuch in dem seit 1986 bestehenden Neruda-Museum ist eine Pflicht, wo man die Wirkungsstätte des Dichters mitsamt vieler interessanter Ausstellungsstücke besichtigen kann.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 57

      Parque Tricao : partie 2

      21 Ocak 2023, Şili ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      J'avais trop de photos d'oiseaux à mettre, donc je fais une deuxième partie pour ajouter les photos du lac et des jardins hehe

    • Gün 276


      3 Mayıs 2023, Şili ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Heut gings erstmal raus aus der Stadt und ab an die Küste! Liebe Grüße aus Cartagena!

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    San Antonio Province, Provincia de San Antonio

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