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    • Day 13


      January 27, 2020 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      En route to Mompox, we stopped at Aracataca, the birthplace of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. He was Colombia’s most famous author. He won a Nobel prize for literature, specifically for popularising the use of magical realism in his writing. He was my mum’s favourite author, he also wrote ‘100 years of solitude’.

      Magical realism is when there is a novel that is very realistic but with a magical element to it, like Holes (Louis Sacher), with the curses.

      Mompox is a town almost ‘Frozen in time’ (not really) as it hasn’t changed since the 1900s, except the supermarkets and restaurants. It is a UNESCO - world heritage site.

      Today when we were walking around the town of Mompox, we visited some Filigree workshops! Filigree is silver with lots of intricate designs. While we were walking through the town centre we saw an iguana! It was 1 metre long!!
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    • Day 42

      Day 43 Mompox

      May 28, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Oooh I love this place! Woke up to church bells followed by coffee and croissant by the river. Had a great walking tour with a local guy Manuel -
      Slowly pottered around the streets and visited the 7 churches in the town, local wine tasting spots (Tamarind wine 👌). The town is also known for Filigriana (traditional very delicate silver jewellery making technique). Visited a cemetery, and ended chatting with a Filigriana selling jewellery outside called Gabriel. Sat with him and some other old boys with beers and some sketchy spanish! Then a gorgeous boat ride through the rivers surrounding the town - huge iguanas, beautiful birds, and yellow snake spotted. Sunset drink an the old market building by the river, then a lovely evening just pottering and sitting in squares. In the evenings everyone drags out wooden rocking chai nors into the streets and square and just chat - the town feels like one big cosy living room!Read more

    • Day 19

      Mompox et ses 38°

      March 3, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Il fait chaud à Mompox, très chaud.
      On fait traîner un peu le réveil, et la transition entre notre chambre avec la clim (qu'on a réglé à 27) et l'extérieur fait bizarre.
      Mompox est une ancienne ville fluviale coloniale qui a perdu sa prestance à cause d'une ancienne loi qui a modifié le trafic fluvial délaissant mompox.
      Elle s'étend donc le long du fleuve, et on en fait assez vite le tour. La religion occupe une place très importante, et on voit des affiches qui annoncent un évènement très important pour la semaine sainte (3 au 8 Avril).
      Mompox a eu un rôle très important dans l'indépendance de la "Grande Colombie" (Colombie, Venezuela, Équateur...) quand elle était encore sous le joug espagnol. Les références à Simon Bolivar, el Libertador, qui a grandement contribué à cette indépendance sont nombreuses ici.

      La ville est restée très proche de la nature sans trop l'impacter (mis à part les déchets ...encore une fois de partout). On tombe donc plusieurs fois sur des iguanes, des basiliscs (aussi appelés lézard Jésus Christ, pour leur capacité à courir sur l'eau, c'est très étonnant à voir) et des pléthores d'oiseaux de toutes tailles. On aperçoit d'ailleurs un iguane se dorer la pilule à côté de 2 grands oiseaux qui ressemblent à des vautours, dans un arbre.
      De très nombreux geckos asiatiques courent sur les murs.
      Vu le nombre de reptiles dans les environs, on va pas essayer de se baigner dans le fleuve hein.

      Une seule des églises a ses portes ouvertes, et on y entre pour admirer cette vieille bâtisse, sa toiture en bois et un char de parade en préparation probable pour la semaine sainte.

      La chaleur écrasante finit par nous faire rentrer pour l'aprèm, et on ressort au "frais" pour le soir. On teste le restaurant le mieux noté du coin, qui s'avère être une sorte de fast-food où l'on goûte d'autre spécialités du coin. Pas de friture ici ! Mais par contre peu de légumes, et des sauces fromagères très bonne et donc sûrement trèèès mauvaise.

      Sur le chemin, nous trouvons une équipe de football en plein entraînement et accessoirement, en plein milieu de la rue !

      [Petit rajout:]
      En rentrant, on tombe sur une messe en extérieur, avec un bon millier de personnes, alors qu'on n'avait vu que peu de gens jusque là.
      La rue était bondée.
      Vous excuserez la qualité du cadrage, mais on allait clairement passer pour des touristes irrespectueux si on filmait ouvertement donc on s'est contenté d'une photo. Il s'avère, après avoir interrogé 2 garçons, que nous venons d'assister à une répétition en vu de la semaine sainte (avec le char aperçu plus tôt dans la journée).
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    • Day 140

      Mompox Cemetery

      February 16, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      The Mompox cemetery was an interesting one. Here the dead are not only buried below the ground as done normally, but also in small chambers along the walls. We had seen a similar cemetery in Barcelona earlier. It was extremely hot in the sun so after spending some time in the cemetery, we were back in the shadows of the tree outside the cemetery. We bough some ice creams in one of the shops to cool us down and got artificial vampire jaws along with it ;)Read more

    • Day 140

      Filigrana Goldsmiths

      February 16, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Walking around the town, we ended up inside one of the shops selling the silver and gold filigree jewelry.
      Mompox is well-known for its skilled goldsmiths and is home to the unique art of Filigrana jewelry. The seven-step art is a result of North African techniques brought by Spaniards mixing with Colombian goldsmith practices. The silver is melted down and made into a thread, which is then crafted into beautiful and unique works of art. The people of Mompox are proud and dedicated to preserving this art form, which is passed on from parents to children and is also taught at a local community center for disadvantaged youth.Read more

    • Day 139

      Night in Mompox

      February 15, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      We reached back Mompox by around 6:30 pm. The sun had set by now and all the beautiful colonial buildings had been lit up beautifully. We walked around the town for the next 2 hours and had our dinner as well. By about 9 pm in the night we headed back to the hostel to sleep for the night.Read more

    • Day 32

      Slackline-based community engagement :-)

      November 9, 2017 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We spent the afternoon of or second day in Barichara slacklining. We found this a fun way to practice (for us) and engage the local kids. Most are shy at first, but after a while, one or two dare to give it a try and it is always a lot of fun.

      We did the same in Santa Cruz de Mompox (we took the night-bus here and arrived this morning): after arriving and looking at the sights of this UNESCO world heritage site, we set up our Slackline by the local football pitch and akin had a sizeable crowd of onlookers admiring Anna’s skill in turning around on the slackline and (new since today) kneeling down on it :-)
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    • Day 140

      Time to move on

      February 16, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      After the lovely experience at the filigree workshops we walked to the nearby basilica of Menor del Santisimo Cristo de Mompox. It had a beautiful wooden interior roof and a gilded apse. From here, we walked along the banks of the river Magdalena. Here we had our lunch at one of the restaurants on the banks of the river with out sitting tables overlooking the calm flowing waters of the Magdalena under the soothing shadows of the trees on the banks. After our lunch, we went back to the Santa Barbara church where we picked up our bags from the hostel and then walked over to the bus station to catch our night bus to San Gil some 450 kms away.Read more

    • Day 140

      Filigree workshop

      February 16, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Opposite the Conception church, there were workshops being conducted for the underprivileged children. Teaching them the nuances of the delicate artwork. The teacher welcomed us inside and explained the procedure to us.
      The art may be said to consist of curling, twisting and plaiting fine pliable threads of metal, and uniting them at their points of contact with each other by means of flux such as borax, with the help of the blowtorch. When granulated motifs are desired, small beads are made traditionally by using precious metal wire cut up in small pieces and mixed with flux and placed in the small holes of a pitted block of charcoal and are then melted with a blowtorch, after which the bits of wire curl up and take a natural spherical like shape to end up in minuscule grains. The more delicate work is generally protected by framework of stouter wire.
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    • Day 140

      Casa Sol de Agua, Mompox

      February 16, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Casa Sol de Agua was a much nicer hostel than the one where we were staying and I guess that's the reason it was more expensive as well. There were lovely quote boards hand drawn and hung on the walls. One of the boards was regarding the various bus departures and their timings. From here we got a good idea about the bus we'll need to catch and realized that we had till about 6 pm to look around the town. The breakfast was sufficient and very reasonably priced at 12000 COP per person.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Mompós, Mompos

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