Costa Rica
Río Barú

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    • Day 5

      Tropensturm, Wellen, Tarcoles

      November 3, 2023 in Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Die Rückfahrt nach Sierpe erinnerte uns an die Wildwasserfahrt in den Universal Studios minus den Trocknern - wir waren pitschnass 😅 Nach einem Zwischenhalt bei einem schönen Café kommen wir in Tarcoles in unserer Unterkunft mit Aussicht an (Danke Sanne für den Tipp !) und entspannen im Whirlpool. Morgen geht es nach Playa Tamarindo 🤩Read more

    • Day 19


      April 15, 2023 in Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Gestern und heute hatte ich zwei Tage „frei“ und musste nicht arbeiten. Die beiden Tage habe ich genutzt, um ein bisschen Reiseplanung zu betreiben und mir Dominical anzusehen. Dominical ist eine kleine süße Stadt am Strand, voll mit Surfern und Hippies und hat eine süße „Innenstadt“ mit vielen Bars, Restaurants und Souvenirshops. Am Freitag haben wir einen Eco-Markt besucht, dort konnte man total viele schöne handgemachte Dinge kaufen - Schmuck, Seife, Schokolade und vieles mehr. 🧼🍫💍

      Der Strand in Dominical ist auch sehr schön und man muss (endlich) keine Angst haben, von Krokodilen gefressen zu werden. Nächste Woche werde ich mich mal im Surfen probieren, mal sehen wie ich mich so mache. 🏄🏻‍♀️

      Gleich werden wir mal hier das Nachtleben erkunden. Also bis später 🥳
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    • Day 5

      Paradizē iekšā

      November 22 in Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Nabaga vīra paradīzē jau piecos no rīta ir nemierīgi, liekas, ka notiek būvdarbi. Grab skārda jumti, pa kuriem, kā vēlāk izrādas, pērtiķi dzenā cits citu. Turpat lejā pastaigājas īsti pāvi un arī citi mums nezināmi putni.
      Esam koncentrējušies uz sliņķa atrašanu, tāpēc taujājam par to personālam. Aptaujātie ir pieklājīgi, saka, ka zināma varbutība pastāv, ka sliņķi satiksim, bet viņu acīs ticību neredzam. Katrā gadījumā, esot jāiet augšup, dziļāk džungļos, kur aug lielāki koki. To savā naivumā arī gatavojamies pēc brokastīm darīt.
      Brokastu laikā izkaļam valūtu mahinācijas plānu, kura realizācijas rezultātā no viena poļu tūrista maiņas ceļā iegūstam 100
      dolārus. Tagad esam pilnīgi droši, ka tiksim atpakaļ pie civilizācijas.
      Mahinācijai bija nepieciešams konandas darbs - Zandiņai bija ideja, ka poļu grupai noteikti ir daudz skaidras naudas, Elīnai bija Eiro, un man nekas cits neatlika kā veikt panākumiem bagāto sarunu procesu.
      Sliņķa meklējumi sākas, kāpjot stāvā kalnā, kura virsotnē parādas vietējās dzīves ainiņas - baltas govis, enerģiski suņi un motociklu remonta darbnīca. Pa vidam kāds savas būdiņas priekšā nolicis zīmi “Restaurante”, bet tas laikam domāts atpūtas sezonas karstākajiem brīžiem. Sliņķis gan te nekur nesēž, tāpēc dodamies atpakaļ, tuvāk pie okeāna, kur pa dubļainu taku brienam paralēli krastam. Mūsu pūliņi tiek atalgoti ar pērtiķu rotaļām un maltītēm, kuras ik pa brīdim vērojam, tomēr vidlielāko prieku sagādā Lielpapagailis (milzīgs un sarkans), kā arī Maztukāns (tukānu pusaudzis, kurš aiz sava naivuma mums ļauj par sevi priecāties tuvumā). Tā kā taka ir tik slidena un slapja, ka ik pa brīdim iestiegam, ar paceltu galvu meklēt sliņķi gandrīz nav iespējams.
      Pēcpusdienā dodamies uz Huansito pludmali izpeldēties un aplūkot vēl pēcpusdienas pērtiķu aktivitāti, kas, salīdzinot ar rīta cēlienu, nedaudz kritusies. Spriežam, ka Nabaga vīra paradīzē tiešām bez maksas daba pasniedz visu, ko sirds un acis vēlas, atskaitot alu, ko varam tagad bārā atļauties, jo mums ir 100 dolāri.
      Pēc vakariņām Nabaga vīra paradīze nonāk tādā lietus mākonī, kādu nekad nebiju redzējus. Ūdens vienkārši gāžas no debesīm. Ir tik traki, ka netieku līdz sea-view nojumei ar vakara pīpi, nākas pīpēt turpat uz terases.
      Rīt brokastis sešos, izbraukšana plānota uz 6.45. Ceram uz mierīgu okeāna klājumu.
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    • Day 6

      Sleepy Dominical

      July 8, 2022 in Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      We arrived in Dominical in the afternoon and decided to take a look at the small city after we checked-in at the good vibes hostel. Its a very small village with one pedestrian street at the beach with many souvernir vendors and tables where sellers sell their wood-art, bracelets and beach towels. And there‘s another street for cars with some restaurants and shops, a school and some bars. The people we saw are either backpackers, surfers or locals working in the tourist industry. The beach looked totally different from what we had seen before, the sea was wild and on the sand there were pieces of wood and stones. The restaurants all have the same cozy atmosphere, with fairy lights and wooden tables, walls and floors and look a bit like tree houses. We drank a smoothie in one little cute place and Noah ate fresh fish tacos. We walked past a super fancy restaurant where we went for dinner in the evening and shared fish, shrimp and palmheart cevice and again both had fish tacos. Earlier we couldnt see the sunset because there were too many clouds but the sky still looked beautiful at around 6. the next morning we woke up later than usual and had breakfast at the beach. Now let me shock you: noah eats a lot more than me, and to show you what a lot more means, i‘ll gove you an example. We had bought fresh mango, passionfruit, granola a 500g yogurt cup of which i ate half mango, half passion fruit and 2 big spoons of yogurt with some granola. Noah ate THE REST. So all the yogurt that was left in the 500g (half a kilogram) cup he ate with the rest of the mango, the passion fruit and at least half of the whole vereal pack. I almost had a heart attack, saved the rest of my glutenfree cereal and told him we would go buy him some cheap cereal with gluten. At 11 we had booked a surfing lesson. It was quite expensive but so worth it. Noah had never surfed before and bevause I was sick of always taking the beginner lessons too, we had each a personal instructor focusing only on one of us. Mine war Jordi and after he saw that I was able to do the pop up, we went out into the deep water and waited for green waves. (Waves that havent broken yet) I actually managed to get some and to ride them until the beach!! Some others I fell off and got tumbled around like in a washing machine. I got tired super fast, especially my arms and after 2 hours I was dead. We wanted to go buy some food and cook pasta at home but as we got out from this super cool glutenfree-shop (which had cookies, all kinds of pasta, flower, crackers, and whatever my heart could long for), it was raining so hard we wouldnt have made it back wothout being completely wet, so we waited, waited, went into some shops, waited, eventually drank a cot tumeric golden dirty chai latte (yummy) and then walked home. It was already 3pm so we didnt eat. Noah ate 4 meat skewers from a street vendor on our way back. Then we wanted to see the Nauyaca waterfalls with sebastian but they were already closed, so we went to the beach in the stormy weather and walked up to rocks to see the view which turned out to be very beaitiful. In the evening we had dinner at a place called phat noodle and they had a lot of glutenfree options for me. I shared a thai curry and a phad thai with sebatian. When we wanted to go back home our car was out of battery because unfortunately we had forgotten to turn off the lights in the back. Some local costarican people, called ticos, helped up push the car so that noah could get it going again. After some attempts it worked and we drove around a bot to get the system back on track. After getting back home, talking to the other guests for a while, we went to bed.Read more

    • Day 3

      6. CR - Dominical

      August 25, 2019 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☁️ 81 °F

      Dominical is a beachfront community focused on surfing and more surfing. We stayed for 2 nights at a beach resort called Diuwak. The word resort is used loosely; a Costa Rican small town resort is not the same as the Half Moon Bay Ritz Carlton by any stretch. While the grounds were quite lush and beautiful, the a/c died in our first room, and we had trouble with the plumbing in our second room. The shower had no temperature control, but the room was clean and quite pleasant otherwise.Read more

    • Day 235


      July 27, 2021 in Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Unweit unseres letzten Zieles liegt unser nächster Stopp Dominical. Ein kleines Örtchen, das vor allem bei Surfern sehr beliebt ist. Surfen ist derzeit allerdings noch keines unserer Hobbys und so geht es uns primär darum die Gegend zu erkunden. Umso schöner ist die tierische Überraschung, die uns hier erwartet. Denn in den Baumwipfeln Dominical wimmelt es nur so von Aras. Vor allem am frühen Morgen und in der Abenddämmerung sind die Vögel hier am aktivsten. Was für ein unbeschreiblich schönes Gefühl, diese prachtvollen Vögel in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum zu bestaunen!Read more

    • Breakfast Time!

      September 16, 2019 in Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Erstes wirkliches Frühstück unterwegs! Mit tollem Ausblick.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Río Barú, Rio Baru

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