Luka Split

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 2

      Dag 2: Froggyland

      18 de maio, Croácia ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      In de voormiddag een korte wandeling gemaakt naar een uitkijkpunt over de stad en haven. In de namiddag zijn we naar Froggyland gegaan (mocht je geen foto’s maken😢). Dit is een klein museum met allemaal opgezette kikkers. Ook hebben we alle 3 een nieuwe tattoo gezet. In de avond ook nog uitgegaan in Club CentralLeia mais

    • Dia 192

      Split, hübsch und viele tolle Cafés

      19 de março de 2023, Croácia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      19.03.2023 – Split
      Heute schauen wir uns Split an, welches eine wunderbare Flaniermeile am Meer hat. Die Alststadt ist hübsch, aber noch nicht so herausgeputzt wie die in Dubrovnik. Einen Stopp wert ist Split aber auf jeden Fall.

      Bei Primosten halten wir auf einem kleinen Fleck an für die Nacht. Auch hier auf dieser Strecke finden wir wieder viele tolle kleine Dörfchen, wo es sich garantiert mal lohnt längere Zeit zu verweilen.

      Oberhalb von Zadar beeindrucken auch die nackten Felsen im Meer draussen. Da hat wohl der Wind alle Erde davon geblasen bis nur noch der blanke Steine übrig gebliegen ist. Eine bizzare Landschaft.

      Oberhalb von Rijeka durchqueren wir noch kurz Slovenien, bis wir in Italien einreisen.
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    • Tag 26+27: Seget Vranjica bis Split

      15 de março de 2023, Croácia ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Gut ausgeruht, aber doch immer noch müde, frühstücken wir und machen uns fertig. Das Wetter lässt leider eher zu wünschen übrig. Es regnet teilweise in Strömen!
      40 km haben wir noch bis Split, der Hauptstadt der Region Dalmatien.
      Wir folgen der Küste und werden mit wahnsinnigen Aussichten belohnt.
      Dann ist plötzlich der Weg versperrt. Zur Vorbereitung auf die Hauptsaison wird an der Küste Kroatiens fleißig gewerkelt, gebaggert, geschraubt und renoviert. Auch do manch eine Straße ist davon betroffen. Unser weg ist erst überschwemmt und dann einen Meter tief ausgebaggert. Irgendwie finden wir aber unseren Weg weiter.
      Dann führt uns Komoot über einen Schotterweg hinter dem Flughafen von Split vorbei. Auf diesem ist echt tote Hose!
      Der Weg ist eigentlich ganz gut zu befahren, wären da nicht ab und an meterlange Pfützen, die uns bis über die Pedale reichen. Aber auch die meistern wir, immer mit leichter Angst im Schlamm der Pfützen stecken zu bleiben. Aber ein bisschen Risiko muss sein! :)
      Auf dem Weg treffen wir einen Franzosen und eine Holländerin, die von Athen nach Triest unterwegs sind.
      Kurz vor Split kommen wir an einem ehemaligen Kolosseum vorbei. Dort unten in der ehemaligen Kampfarena zu stehen, war schon etwas gruselig. Besonders als wir dann gelesen hatten, dass es inmitten der Arena eine Falltür gab, durch die die gefallenen Gladiatoren aus der Arena gebracht wurden.
      In unserer Unterkunft angekommen muss ich leider feststellen, dass ich einen Ausschlag an den Händen habe, der mich vor lauter Juckreiz fast wahnsinnig macht.

      Wir beschließen einen Pausentag einzulegen, weil jeder Kontakt bzw auch die Sonne den Juckreiz nur noch verstärken.
      Lukas schaut sich die Stadt an, während ich den Tag nutze, um zu regenerieren.
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    • Dia 14

      Diocletian's Palace, Old town Split

      8 de dezembro de 2023, Croácia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We picked up Hannah from the bus station last night just after 10pm. She left her home in Saarbrucken Germany at 8am in the morning, and after a train to Paris, a flight to Zagreb and a bus to Split, she came back to our place for a bit.

      Bearing gifts... A beautiful array of Christmas biscuits she had made. We have had to show great restraint to not eat them all in one sitting.

      This morning we plunged into the alleys of the old town, through the labyrinth of old town mixed with Diocletian's Palace shops, and a meander through the farmers' markets.

      We spent some time just following the impossibly narrow streets with beautiful points of interest and general awe as to where over time restaurants, cafes, bars and shops have managed to establish themselves.

      We bought rolls at the pekata (bakery) which we took down to the Riva (waterfront) and ate, for a cheaper, lighter but incredibly yummy lunch.

      Later we started to meander along the marina with views of a very ugly and prominent building being actively demolished, and saw the island of Brac which is where we are heading after we leave Split.
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    • Dia 3

      Walking through Marjan, Split

      14 de junho de 2023, Croácia ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      The park is beautiful. After making it up the steps, you come to a stunning overlook of the city below.

      I headed into the park via the gravel hiking path rather than through the wooded part. I’m saving that for later.Leia mais

    • Dia 18


      12 de dezembro de 2023, Croácia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Another wet day with little doing. We played online rummikub with each other, an outing to the pizzeria for lunch, shopping at the asian supermarket. I have found plenty of things you could make money on if you could import cost effectively. About €6 for a 5-pack of mi goreng noodles that we buy in bulk because Kate eats them in great quantities. €3.80 for a can of coconut cream. Crazy.

      Craig made a yummy massaman curry for dinner and we kept on playing rummikub. Somewhere in all of that we semi-watched a couple of B-grade Christmas movies.

      EDIT: Our game statistics said we played 5.5 hours of Rummikub today 🫢
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    • Dia 9


      19 de agosto de 2023, Croácia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Travelling over water was fun! We took a ferry from the large harbour of Split to an island called Hvar. It was very hot there, and lively. We went up another hill to see a great view of the sea.
      Then we took a bus to another town on the island where it was much quieter and took a boat home from there.
      You can't see Reginald & Friends but they loved the pizza we had 🍕
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    • Dia 16

      Day 16 - Breaking Rocks in the Hot Sun

      19 de agosto de 2020, Croácia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Our very early night had consequences. Jackie woke up at midnight for a couple of hours & I woke up at 3.15am & never got back to sleep again.

      At 8.00am, I popped down the bakery for a meat pasty & a couple of baguettes to sample Cherry’s home made jam & butter. It nearly ended in disaster, because I forgot my mask, but the bakery ladies took pity on me & allowed me in.

      After breakfast we packed up & then took a short walk to the fort atop Skradin. It was a ruin, but afforded a nice view.

      We then returned to the car & set off for Split. I took a deliberate detour via Sibenik which I had got in my head was a pretty little town, but as we approached the outskirts it was getting very industrial, so we abandoned that idea.

      We then re-routed on the non toll country roads south towards Split. Our route took us inland then back out to the coast at Seget Donji, which gave us great views looking down on to the town of Trogir, a UNESCO World Heritage Site for it’s Venetian architecture.

      We couldn’t stop because we had a ferry to catch, so we raced along to Split, located it’s port & bought ourselves a ticket for the 12.30pm car ferry to the Island of Brac.

      After a 50 minute ferry journey we arrived at Supetar on Brac & then 10 minutes later we arrived at Boutique Camping Bunja, our home for the next 5 nights. We checked in at reception & were allocated our pitch. Our view is exceptional, looking out through pine trees to the Adriatic & the Croatian coastline to the south of Split.

      At Jackie’s insistence, we sought out the cafe for a cold beer & a plate of chips. We also checked out the favourable reviewed beach. Both were a disappointment, the cafe was too modern, we prefer rustic charm & the beach was smaller than we imagined, full of kids & next to a road.

      Slightly demoralised, we returned to our pitch & set about erecting our tent. It was now a slick operation, however I am already sick of trying to mallet tent pegs into rocks & stones. It didn’t help that it was windy & the tent was being blown about all over the place. Eventually we had it erected to a satisfactory standard.

      We had our chores complete, including getting our bedding laundered in the free washing machine, by just after 4.00pm, so we went down to the beach to give it a trial run. It was absolutely fine & we will spend the day on it tomorrow.

      At close to 7.00pm we left the beach & showered, then returned to the cafe for some of the advertised ‘mama’s’ cooking. It was a huge disappointment, again. It was 2 young lads cooking & serving. I had a minuscule portion of bland spaghetti bolognese & Jackie had fried chicken & chips & a sad garden salad. We won’t be eating an evening meal there again. Jackie could definitely do much better on a one ringed stove!

      After a wine back at our camp table & chairs we called it a night.

      Song of the Day : I Fought The Law by The Clash.
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    • Dia 17

      Slowing down in Split, Croatia

      16 de setembro de 2019, Croácia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      This morning it is my turn to update our blog post, as the girls and David are out for their run. It's 24 degrees out, so we will try to run either earlier in the morning (before 8:00 a.m.) or after dinner, as we aren't quite climatized to the hotter temperatures. We are definitely Northerners!!

      Yesterday, we flew from Venice to Split, Croatia. We had the pleasure of dealing with what David and I feel is the most chaotic and disorganized airport we have encountered yet. No queues, ticket printing machines malfunctioning with the airline with which we were flying and so many people. And of course, not understanding the language, which always proves interesting, especially when getting yelled at by a fellow Italian passenger who did not believe in waiting their turn in line.

      The flight from Venice to Split, Croatia is less than an hour and we were greeted by sparkling blue clear water that is the Adriadic Coast. Our apartment is an amazing split level (ha, ha), with two bedrooms on the upper floor, a roomy living room/kitchen area and a lovely balcony. The kitchen is well equipped, for which we are grateful, as we will be here for the next month.

      Today is the first day of our non-holiday portion of our travels. We are attempting to follow somewhat of a routine, with waking up at a decent time, getting our running in and starting some math and english. David will be working with the girls on their math, while I work with them on their english. Neve and I will be starting "Tuck Everlasting" today. The rest of our time will be spent exploring Split, Croatia, but we are limiting our touristy excursions to about two times per week. We also hope to get a fair amount of climbing in. Tomorrow is Sophie's birthday and she has requested to try some sport climbing in the Marjan Hills. Stay tuned for that adventure!

      The rest of today will be spent getting organized, doing laundry and heading over to the local climbing store. It is an absolute luxury to complete such mundane tasks with absolutely no time constraints.

      I've only posted two of our lovely balcony and one of us being unpacked and organized, with our items actually being properly hung up and put away. We wanted our apartment in Split to feel as homey as possible.

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    • Dia 62

      Run in Split

      26 de junho de 2022, Croácia ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      This was a nice 4 mile run down the promenade and up the hill to the park around St. Steven Church. I continued on to find a nice beach area and then turned back. - Sean

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