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    • Tag 32

      Short stay in Croatia

      30. September 2017 in Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Heading South, Henrike was a very nice host to us in her beautiful house in Érsekcsanád and gave us time to replace Silkes worn out chain in her garden.
      A result of the dinner before: Peppers can be really really spicy in the country of the peppers and even burn under the fingernails for days...

      After a cold bath in the Danube we went from stronghold to stronghold along the Hungarian-Serbian border greeting Hungarian soldiers with smiles and finally found a crossing to Serbia.
      In Serbia and later that day in Croatia people started to greet and wave us enthusiastically.

      We had an amazing stay at Tanjas & Ivans place in Osijek and there was no end of adventurous cycling stories (among other trips, the two of them cycled almost 2000km within 10 days in the Alps!). We are super grateful for your hospitality!

      Back in Serbia, we continued along the Danube and stopped by at the impressive fortress in Novi Sad for an extended afternoon nap in the sun. Since yesterday, we are in the aspiring city of Belgrade where we're going to spend a few days enjoying Cevapcici, Kajmak and Rakija - well-earned with 2045km on our clock now :)

    • Tag 13

      Geburtstag in Osijek

      10. August in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Nach den weiten Strecken, die ich die letzten Tage zurück gelegt habe brauchte ich wieder einen Ruhetag. Außerdem wurde es immer heißer. Die Wetter-App hat Temperaturen von 35 bis 38 Grad für die nächsten Tage vorausgesagt.
      Es war gerade Samstag und Osijek die nächste größere Stadt, in der ich meinen Geburtstag verbringen wollte.
      Für die Übernachtung habe ich mir ein Hostel gesucht, da man da an ehesten andere Menschen treffen kann. Das Hostel OS direkt im Zentrum war hervorragend, alles sauber und neu.
      Kaum eingecheckt spricht mich ein junger Mann an. Wir haben das gleiche Zimmer und ob wir später etwas trinken wollen.
      Beni, sein Spitzname, kahm aus Graz und ist im Kosovo geboren. Er konnte mir Tipps für Kosovo und Albanien geben und es war schön das ich meinen Geburtstag nicht alleine verbringen musste.

    • Tag 11

      Baroque Church Osijek

      24. Oktober 2022 in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Beautiful baroque church in Osijek - Roman Catholic. The church is quite small in size with perfect acoustics and ornate styling. It is more than 300 years old, and was restored after bombing. A local singer performs for us in the church.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 11

      Osijek, Old Town and Fortress

      24. Oktober 2022 in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Located in the Tvrda district on the east side of the city is Osijek’s Old Town and fortress. The fortress was built in a star shape to ensure the walls were harder to breach. They never were! The architecture ranges from the Roman remains of the road to the 18th century town square buildings. The mediaeval road is in worse wear than the 2,000 year old Roman Road. Heavily bombed and still being restored.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 34–35

      LHD in Osijek

      24. August in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 36 °C

      If you have been following the whole trip, you may recall our afternoon with LHD, ex Bambi Molesters in Zagreb. We had a direction after that meeting; to make it to Osijek to watch them accompany a silent black and white film. We made it and it was so very much worth it. They must have practiced for hours to manage to match the film so perfectly in tempo and in mood. The limited script was in Serbian but it didn't matter. The whole story was described by the music. Incredibly, after the movie, they played a full gig. Totally instrumental, surf rock and highly enjoyable. We were up and dancing with 2 others, maybe the protocol was to stay in your seats but the band seemed to appreciate our appreciation. Lada and her husband, Harri, provided a rock solid, groovy, dynamic rhythm section. Sven was the master of mood with Moog and guitar and Dinko painted a captivating melodic guitar over the top. Dinko seemed to be lost in the music until, during the last number, he walked out and played directly to us. What an honour. We learnt after the show that Lada had lost her Dad the night before but decided to play the show anyway. What a professional, what a way to honour her father.
      The town of Osijek is very pretty but very deserted in August on a hot day! How strange that a place loses so much of its charm without humans just going about their business.
      Fortunately, we had a mini kitchen in our room so we could cook yet another random dinner with a goulash soup mix from the mini market.
      A true highlight of our trip seeing LHD play. Check out 'Off the Grid' their album.

    • Tag 23

      DAY 23: 2. Etappe 🇭🇷 ➡️ 🇩🇪 Back@home

      21. Juli in Kroatien ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Unser letzter Urlaubstag, knapp 900km bis nach Dresden. Wir starten 6.30 Uhr am Sonntagmorgen, alles noch schön ruhig. Frühstückspause kurz vor Budapest. Die Fahrt ist entspannt, keine Grenzen mehr, ein paar wenige Staus. Nach 10h erreichen wir gesund und munter unser Zuhause.
      Auto auspackt und dann den langen Fahrtag bei Maya auf Hoflößnitz ausklingen lassen. 🍷

    • Tag 22

      Buso Legend and Family hosted Lunch

      1. Juli 2016 in Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Back on the bus and off to a rural house for some morning tea and story telling about the Buso Legend. It was so much fun and the morning tea was yum.

      The story below explains the legend.

      According to the most popular legend, during the Ottoman times of the territory, people from Mohács fled the town, and started living in the nearby swamps and woods to avoid Ottoman troops. One night, while they were sitting and talking around the fire, an old Šokac man appeared suddenly from nowhere and said to them "Don't be afraid, your lives will soon turn to good and you'll return to your homes. Until that time, prepare for the battle, carve various weapons and scary masks for yourselves, and wait for a stormy night when a masked knight will come to you. He disappeared as suddenly as he arrived. The refugees followed his orders, and some days later, on a stormy night, the knight arrived. He ordered them to put on their masks and go back to Mohacs, making as much noise as possible. They followed his lead. The Turks were so frightened by the noise, the masks, and the storm in the night, that they thought demons were attacking them and they ran away from the town before sunrise.

      In the older, less popular story, the Busos are scaring away not the Turks but Winter itself. In any case, the locals have celebrated the Busójárás in early February every year ever since, hosting guest from neighbouring countries .

      The family hosted lunch was lovely. The home was nice and had a large backyard where they grew vegetables. The stories of the war and how they coped during and after were very interesting. Currently the wife and daughter live in Germany as the wife is a qualified nurse and has much better opportunities in Germany for her and their daughter. The father and son live at home, the son will finish school in a year or two and father is returning from the army. They will then look at options and decide on their future in Croatia or possibly Germany.

    • Tag 22

      Osijek - Tvrda

      1. Juli 2016 in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Back on the bus to visit Tvrda a military and civil complex which was completed in 1697 by the Habsburgs after they took the region back from the Ottomans.

      Development of the military settlement at Tvrđa started in 1687 when the Habsburg armies drove the Ottomans out of the city during the Great Turkish War. The town magistrate was established in 1690, while the plans for the new fort were still being drawn up, and one of its documents from August of the same year described the condition of the settlement as horrible. Two months later, on 29 October, the Ottoman army suddenly attacked again to no avail . Turks withdrew on 6 November, after a brief siege. The event made it clear the construction of the fort must not be delayed any further. The first phase of Tvrda's conversion into a Baroque fortress was based on the plan devised by the engineer Mathias von Kaiserfeld from 1691.

      Second layout in 18th century.

      The original plan for Tvrđa was drafted because of the need to reinforce the town walls, but did not include provisions to redesign the interior and envisaged largely uncontrolled development. New plans for a fort on the right bank of the River Drava were drawn up by Maximilian Gosseau de Henef. Gosseau took over planning of the fort when construction was already under way. Starting in August 1712, Austrian engineers, supervised by the fort's commander, General Johann Stephan von Beckers, built barracks, staff headquarters, churches and monasteries, surrounded by system of moats, bastions and gun positions, respecting Gosseau's design. The design followed the model of lowland Dutch military fortifications of the period.

      By 1715, all five planned bastions and two gates were complete. An additional, western, gate leading to the Upper Town was added in 1716.

      The completed fort had "eight bastions, two armories, two major depots, garrison headquarters, military court, construction office, garrison physician, guardhouse, officer apartments, military hospital and seven barracks. Based on the 'ring model', the fortifications took up an area of 80 hectares making Tvrđa the largest fortress on the border.

      After the fortress's military importance decreased at the end of the 19th century, Tvrđa became a center of administrative, educational, cultural, and scholarly life in Osijek and the entire region. The first school in Osijek was organized at Tvrđa; the first scholarly curriculum was introduced in 1707, to be later expanded and renewed, and the first printing press started working in 1735. The significance of educational institutions of Tvrđa are best underlined by the fact that Croatian Nobel Prize laureates, Lavoslav Ružička and Vladimir Prelog, along with Serbian scientist Milutin Milanković (Milankovitch cycles), were all alumni of the Tvrđa schools.

      Most of the fort walls and fortifications were destroyed in the 1920s. While the fortifications have largely been removed, the fort's interior core remains intact and is now home to churches, museums, schools and other public buildings, as well as numerous bars and restaurants.

      Of the fortification system, only the northern side of the walls now remain intact, as well as parts of the first and eighth bastions along with the northern gate known as the water gate. Tvrđa sustained significant damage during the Croatian War of Independence.

    • Tag 22

      Rising of the Holy Cross Church

      1. Juli 2016 in Kroatien ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      After a short walk we came to the Holy Cross Church, another beautiful little church very ornate. In the courtyard there are two memorials. A cross made from artillery shells from the Croatian War for Independence. The second is a memorial to the Jewish population lost during the Holocaust.

      The church has managed to survive for several hundred years of wars with minimal damage.

      Inside the church we had a beatutiful performance by one of the local parishioner's.

    • Tag 22


      1. Juli 2016 in Kroatien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      As another day of touring comes to a close we learnt a lot of history, traditions and wars during this tour of Vukovar and Osijek. The people of this war torn country are lovely and happy to talk about their lives during the times of the upheavals.Weiterlesen

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Osijek, Esseg, Οσιγιέκ, Eszék, OSI, オシエク, Osijekas, Osijeka, Осиек, Осијек, โอซีเยค

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