Czech Republic

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    • Day 27

      From Dresden to Prague

      September 21 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      It should have been a straightforward process. All we had to do was transport us and our 21 bikes from Dresden to Prague. Simples. What actually happened was a shambles.

      Although the bus arrived a little earlier than expected at the hotel in Dresden, I was rather concerned when I saw the size of the enclosed trailer that they had sent with it. Even at a casual glance, it was hard to see how 21 bikes would be able to fit inside. We soon found out the answer - they couldn't.

      It might have been easier to work out a solution if the driver spoke even a single word of English. He didn't. We discovered that he did not speak a word of German either. He did not even speak sign language! It was completely impossible to communicate with him.

      All he could was point at the bikes and shake his head. That certainly was not going to solve the problem. The only possible solution was to tackle the problem ourselves. I delegated our engineering squad (Ken, Paul, John , et al) to examine the problem and come up with some sort of answer. At that point any answer would do.

      The only possible solution was to dismantle the handlebars of every bike. For the next hour the engineers took to the bikes with a frenzy of activity, quickly converting them to a pile of nuts, bolts and cables held together with duct tape. It was quite a sad and ugly sight.

      The deconstructed bikes were finally all cobbled into the trailer, and we were finally able to go on our way. The story was however, far from finished.

      When we arrived at the hotel in Prague, the driver wanted the trailer emptied. This seemed very inefficient and unnecessary, as we will require another bus transfer out of Prague on Wednesday. The lack of any sort of language link, meant that I would have had more success talking to the statue at the hotel entrance, so unpack the bikes is what we did.

      The next 30 minutes were spent dragging the sad looking bikes from the trailer to the garage and piling them in some sort of bike cemetery in the corner. We had been assured that a representative from the bike company would be at the hotel at 5 pm and would be able to answer all our concerns. I eagerly looked forward to offloading a truckload of concerns when they arrived.

      As the appointed hour arrived, there was a group of us waiting in the hotel foyer, but no sign of anyone from the bike company. Over the next 45 minutes I made an uncountable number of phone calls trying to locate the elusive missing person. At one point I was told they were waiting in the "Green Saloon" at the hotel. The only problem was that the hotel does not have anything called or resembling a green saloon. This was rapidly degenerating into a complete farce.

      We finally tracked down the missing lady in the underground garage, assisting a small group of German riders. I explained who we were, and was rather disappointed that, although she spoke some English, it was marginal at best. This was not going to be easy.

      It got even worse when she thought that we were riding from Prague to Dresden. I tried to explain that we were riding the OPPOSITE direction, from Hamburg to Vienna. That seemed to be news to her. We even showed her our itinerary. She glanced at it, but did not really seem interested. By that time I was really over the whole process. I can only hope that they will have someone in their office on Monday who both speaks English, and also knows what we are here for.

      I have a feeling that the next few days will be rather challenging.
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    • Day 29

      A Beautiful Walk in the Park

      September 23 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      After yesterday's encounter with the overwhelming throng of tourists in the city centre, I think if I saw another tour guide with a coloured flag or umbrella, I would just have to scream out loud.

      Surely there must be some place in this city where I could just escape and enjoy some serenity and solitude. Luckily for me, I found it.

      A short walk from my hotel I discovered a huge parkland with an absolutely unpronounceable name. It reminded me a little of Hyde Park in London, albeit without the squirrels. Whatever it was called, it certainly was peaceful, green and deserted. Some of the huge trees were just tinged with the first colours of autumn. And best of all - I virtually had the whole place to myself.

      It was such a wonderful feeling to wander without being jostled, hassled or overcharged. I even found a little cafe with a real coffee machine in it. After the stress of the past couple of days, it really was the perfect place to sit, ponder and just relax. I found a seat in the shade, got out my kindle and spent a most enjoyable hour reading and nature watching.

      It was exactly what I needed.
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    • Day 1–2

      Brompton via Prague to Brno

      July 17 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Amazingly, I managed to get all my connections on time: Bus from Brompton to Northallerton, train to Manchester Airport (ugh!), flight to Prague, bus to the city, metro to the main station and train to Brno (phew).
      It was dark when I arrived and I'm relieved and thrilled to report that my old Kuwait buddy Chin Wee Chen was waiting for me at the station as promised.
      Photos and sightseeing are from the journey via Prague and today's jaunts around Brno - the cathedral, streets and alleyways, and. the Gregor Mendel Museum - not bad, educational :)
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    • Day 423

      Prague, Czechia

      July 5, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic (also called Czechia). It's also capital of the historic region of Bohemia. It's located on the Vltava river. This area has changed hands over the years. It's been part of both Germany and the Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania even further back.

      Czechia was recently part of a larger country, Czechoslovakia, but the two PEACEFULLY split in 1993. This event was called the "Velvet Divorce." This formed both Czech and Slovakia into the separate countries they are today.

      Prague is a beautiful city. All the beautiful Baroque architecture of Wien and Budapest, but on a bigger scale. I do think the highs of When and Budapest architecture were higher than in Prague, but it's still a gorgeous city.
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    • Day 4

      Tierische Begrüßung in Prag

      May 18, 2023 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Von Dresden ging es nach Prag und als erstes führte uns das Verkehrschaos in den Prager Zoo.
      Erschreckenderweise war die Parkgebühr fast genauso hoch wie der Eintrittspreis.
      Unser Glück: Für Alex gab es durch seinen Ausweis Rabatt und freies Parken.Read more

    • Day 1,116

      Zoologischer Garten

      August 15, 2021 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Im Rahmen des Punkte-Programms haben wir die Chance genutzt, uns mal wieder im Prager Zoo umzusehen und unserem geliebten Schuhschnabel einen Besuch abzustatten. Auch wenn dieser heute etwas schüchtern war 😉.Read more

    • Day 3

      Auf in den Prager Zoo!

      October 14, 2018 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Vom Schloss Troja ging es dann in den Prager Zoo. Gleich vorweg muss ich sagen, der Zoo hat uns unglaublich gut gefallen! So viel Liebe zum Detail, so viel Mühe und Arbeit für die Tierhäuser, Gehege und Flächen. Die meisten Tiere wirken glücklich und zufrieden. Im großen und ganzen kann man auch nichts negatives über die Größe der Gehege sagen. Wir sind der Meinung, dass der Prager Zoo einer der schönsten Zoos ist, in dem wir bisher waren. Für umgerechnet ca. 8€ pro Person ist der Eintritt sehr günstig. Der Tierpark wirkt auf dem ersten Blick nicht gigantisch, hat aber einen sehr großen Vorteil gegenüber vielen anderen Zoos und ist dadurch doch riesig. Der Zoo erstreckt sich auf viele Ebenen. Das kann man alleine daran erkennen, dass es eine Seilbahn im Zoo gibt, die die unterste mit der obersten Ebene verbindet und dabei 2 Ebenen überquert. Wir haben versucht das meiste anzusehen, hatten aber keine Chance das wirklich zu schaffen. Nachdem wir den Eingang passiert hatten, sind wir direkt Bergauf gegangen. Als erstes sind wir in eine riesige Kuppe gegangen, welche einen indonesischen Jungle darstellt. Wow! Man hat sich sowohl von der Optik, als auch von der Stimmung und Temperatur gefühlt, wie in einem Jungle. Durch Mangrovenbäume und Höhlen sind wir an Tieren vorbeigegangen. An Komodowaranen, die ich noch nie zuvor in einem Zoo gesehen habe und auch an Affen und Fledermäusen. Ehrlich gesagt hat mich hier am meisten die Liebe zum Detail begeistert.Read more

    • Day 5

      Residence of the US Ambassador

      March 7, 2022 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      We saw an excellent lecture today by Christina Sharkey (Counselor for Commercial Affairs). She touched on topics including routes to foreign investment, czech political and economic climate, and her career in US commercial affairs abroad.Read more

    • Day 3

      Überraschende Fütterung der Seelöwen

      October 14, 2018 in Czech Republic ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      Den Abschluss unseres Besuches bildete die Besichtigung der Seelöwen. Wir hatten ein Unterwasserfenster im hinteren Bereich gefunden, bei dem wir alleine waren. Aus dem Nichts sind die Seelöwen total eskaliert, weil die Fütterung begonnen hatte. Die Fische wurden direkt über dem Fenster eingeworfen und dadurch hatten wir eine coole Show, direkt vor unserer Nase. Die Bilder sind teilweise verwackelt aber trotzdem überragend. Bekommt man nicht immer so hautnah zu sehen. Vom Zoo ging es dann mit dem Bus 112 ein paar Stationen weit und dann mit der Tram 6 Richtung Hotel. Im Hotel haben wir uns ca. 1,5 Stunden ausgeruht, bevor wir zum Abendessen und abendlichen Bummeln aufgebrochen sind. Ziel fürs Abendessen heute Abend, Coa.Read more

    • Day 2

      Let Praha - Madrid a Madrid - Bogotá

      March 6 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Sympatické pohoštění na palubě... už vím proč vždy tak pečlivě zatahují závěsy mezi bussines a economy... je to fakt masňárna... obletují mě jako španělského krále. .. takže cesta pěkně ubíhá. Do Madridu z Prahy to trvá pohodové 3 hod.

      Tak dat si sprchu při přestupu na další let... bomba...a teď mě čeká 5 hodin do odletu letadla z Madridu do Bogoty. Tím, že jsem dostal možnost za rozumné peníze přesunout se do bussines třídy, mám přístup do salónku - Sala VIP Velázquez, kde je možnost sprchy, odpočinku v polohovatelných křeslech, studený i teplý bufet, pití na které si vzpomenete. Součástí je i restaurace a la cart.

      V půlnoci nasedám do Airbusu A350 a čeká mě 10 hodinový let do Bogoty. S časovým posunem -6 hod dorazím chvíli po 4. ráno.
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