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    • Dag 2

      Charles Bridge

      12 september 2021, Tjeckien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      In case you haven't guessed, this is Charles IV again. Charles Bridge is a medieval stone arch bridge begun in 1357 with work continuing for about 50 years. The bridge is now on the UNESCO list.
      The 1st picture looks at the bridge from another of the many bridges that exist now. However, up until about 1840, this bridge was the only crossing of the Vlatava, make Prague an even more important trade town.
      The 2nd picture is of the gate tower at the old town end of the bridge. This is said to be original from the 14th century.
      The 3rd picture looks across the bridge from the tower in the 2nd picture. You can see in silhouette some of the baroque statues that the bridge is famous for. The original bridge had no statues. They were added in the 17th century. None of the statues today are original save one. That is the statue in the 4th picture of St John of Nepomuck. The legend says he was tossed off the bridge because he wouldn't break the seal of the confessional and divulge the queen's confession to the king who suspected her of infidelity. It is said stars appeared around his head as he hit the water.
      The last picture is another one of the bridge statues. To my knowledge, this is the only crucifix anywhere that includes Hebrew writing. I leave it to you Hebrew scholars to translate. I suspect our Jewish friends are not pleased by this.
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    • Dag 20

      Taking down the wrong statue

      3 januari 2016, Tjeckien ⋅ ☁️ -3 °C

      According to the guide, 2 nazi soldiers removed the statue of hilter's favourite composer. Wagner, instead of the jewish Mendelssohn, out of the 34 statues lining the edge of the roof. Because they were not able to recognize which was the composer and just removed the one with the biggest nose as apparently jews have big nose. This is beside the fact that this theatre sound acoustic is very good and is one of the main theatre in czech. And the picture with the castle in the far distance is the prague castle which we will visit within the next few days.Läs mer

    • Dag 5

      The Jewish Quarter

      18 januari 2017, Tjeckien ⋅ ☀️ -3 °C

      The peak Jewish population here in Prague at one time made up 1/3 of all the inhabitants of this city. There were periods of time when Prague experienced religious freedoms (I'll talk more on that in another post) but the majority of Prague's historical behavior towards the Jewish people who lived here has not always been the best. For instance, they were only allowed to live in the Jewish Quarter, which was the slum of the slums, along the river. It was located in lowest elevation of the city and every 10-15 years the river would flood as rivers tend to do, causing massive damage to their homes and shops. The river waters also stirred up yucky things better left undisturbed like disease and human pollution. The Jewish people of Prague were taxed more than the non-Jewish residents of the city and a few times a year the King of the Austrian-Hungary Empire would forgive all the debts of his ppl out of his great benevolence. As the Jewish held most of the debts, their income source would plummet, a difficult life becoming even more so.

      Then there is the Jewish Cemetery of Prague, a plot of land in the middle of the Jewish Quarter. When you look at it, it's like a hill in between buildings. My first thought was they raised the ground where they buried their dead so that their resting places wouldn't be disturbed by the flood waters. Sadly, that is not the case. You see, when the original cemetery was filled and there was no more room to bury anyone, the Jewish ppl asked the city for another place to burial ground, they needed more land. The city said no, there is no more land to give but we can give you soil. So they put another layer of earth on top of the graves already there, just moving the gravestones up. This went on for generations and at least 10 layers. There is an estimated 40, 000 graves in that small area, stacked on top of each other. The headstones are jagged and jumbled, all smushed together, not enough for everyone that is buried there. It was quite an experience to be near something like that.

      The Jewish Quarter is no longer a slum and the city raised the level of the area so it no longer gets flooded when the river rises. There have been times in Prague's history where religious freedom was widespread and the Jewish people were allowed to live and work where they chose.

      I did not have time this trip to go visit the Jewish Cemetery inside or any of the synagogues. Only saw their outside walls, which looked much like the outside of the other walls in the area. But I knew what was there and I recognized. Nor did I get to see the display of 5,000+ works of children's art that was done at the concentration camps in which the teacher hid them in suitcases under floorboards not found until 10 years after the end of WW II. Prague we'll see me again and I will give proper time and attention to this piece of Prague's historical tapestry.
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    • Dag 2

      Auf dem Kreuzherrenplatz

      6 juli 2017, Tjeckien ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      An der Altstädter Seite entstand zwischen 1370 und 1380 genau über dem ersten Brückenpfeiler im gotischen Stil der Altstädter Brückenturm, dessen Ostfassade über die Jahrhunderte erhalten blieb. Hier sind die Wappen aller Länder, die zur Zeit des Brückenbaus zumBöhmischen Königreich gehörten, das Wappen des römischen Kaisers, das Wappen des böhmischen Königs sowie ein von einem Schleier umrahmter Eisvogel (ein Symbol für Wenzel IV.) in Sandstein gearbeitet. In Höhe der zweiten Etage des Turmes sind zwei Brückenbögen reliefartig gestaltet, auf denen in der Mitte als Brückenpatron der Heilige Wenzel abgebildet ist. Beidseitig befinden sich die Statuen von Karl IV. in Kaiserwürde und Wenzel IV. mit der Krone eines römischen Königs. In der folgenden Etage findet man ein Schild mit Adler sowie einen (nicht heraldischen) Löwen. Den oberen Abschluss der Fassade bilden Statuen des Heiligen Adalbert und des Heiligen Siegmund.Läs mer

    • Dag 30

      Walking Tour of Prague

      24 maj 2015, Tjeckien ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      We met our group at 8:20 am on the lower lobby and a Viking representative told us that the trip would be delayed for a few minutes. When the Viking representative reappeared one Chinese-American man was furious that Viking did not do what they had promised. He had raised a stink a couple of days ago on the ship because we were told that it would be a good idea to buy water when we arrived in Prague. The rest of us thought the Chinese man was being a bit extreme. We were surprised to learn that the bus would be taking us to the historical sights. Our guide's name was Anna. We were led to believe that we would be walking for about five and a half hours. We went to the old fortress and palace, then to St. Vitus Church. We could've go inside because Sunday worship was about to begin, but the outside was beautiful. The bus brought us down to the old historic center of the city. We crossed the Charles Bridge and saw another beautiful old gothic church adjacent to the old town square. It was badly damaged by the Germans in World War II. I was pleased to find in the center of the square a big monument to John Huss, a pre-reformation reformer. One large Catholic Church on the square had been converted to a Hussite church until the Hussites were declared illegal after the Thirty Years War. After that all Protestants had to leave the city. The large emblem on the church was exchanged for a large ornamental chalice, a symbol of the Hussites, while the Protestant group controlled the building. Large storks nested inside the cup of the chalice, and would often deposit upon people standing below. Our guide thought this was especially horrible because storks eat frogs. She also mentioned that the Czech word for frog is "Jabba" and the word for snake is "hut." It is from these two Czech words that a villain the the Star Wars trilogy is named "Jabba the Hut." While we were there a jazz ensemble was playing such favorites as "Dinah," and "When the Saints Go Marching In," and "It's a Long Way to Tipperary." When they played Louie Armstrong's " What a Wonderful World," Glenda teared up. It is a wonderful world, and this has been a wonder trip through it, both for the last thirty days and for the last sixty-five years. Next we walked through the Jewish quarter, with a thorough explanation of the history of Jews in Prague. Anna, our guide, was cheerful and had a wonderful dry sense of humor. However, her English was so heavily accented that she was difficult, and sometimes impossible to understand. Our guide on the bus from Budapest, Judith, was even more difficult to understand, but she admitted that she had learned English during the Soviet regime, and that the learned English from books and in a classroom without ever hearing any movies or broadcasts from the west by actual native English speakers. We got back on the bus, and returned to the hotel, where we ate lunch with the Swim couple. I enjoyed a bowl of onion soup and a Reuben sandwich with fries. Glenda and I came back to the room to rest before going to the Italian restaurant for supper. As it turned out, at supper time neither we nor the Swim couple were hungry, so they went shopping and we went out people watching. I got a few shots as the sun set. As we passed Smetana Hall we were given brochures about a concert. I didn't pay much attention until we got back to the room, but by then it was too late. At 8:00 pm there was a concert of Dvorak, Mozart, Rubinstein and others, but by the time I read the brochure it was already 9:00 pm. We went to the little grocery near the hotel and got some chips, bread, cheese and a Coke, and called that supper.Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      Pingu vor der Karlsbrücke

      12 oktober 2018, Tjeckien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Selbstverständlich haben wir wieder unseren kleinen Pinguin dabei. Wie gewohnt, haben wir ihn vor dem Wahrzeichen (einem der Wahrzeichen) der Stadt fotografiert. Wir haben uns, vor allem auch wegen der toll stehenden Sonne, für die weltbekannte Karlsbrücke entschieden.Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      Alter jüdischer Friedhof

      12 oktober 2018, Tjeckien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Am Ziel angekommen kann ich jetzt schon sagen, der Friedhof ist einer der imposantesten Punkte in dieser wunderschönen Stadt. Das Alter dieses Friedhofs und noch dazu die Geschichte und das Überladene, einfach atemberaubend. Wir sind den Weg durch den Friedhof und haben uns alles genau angesehen. Der Alte Jüdische Friedhof ist einer der bekanntesten jüdischen Friedhöfe der Stadt und einer der historisch bedeutendsten jüdischen Friedhöfe in Europa. Er liegt im ehemals jüdischen Viertel der Prager Altstadt und geht auf die erste Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts zurück. Trotz seiner kleinen Fläche (ca. 1 ha) enthält er über 12.000 Grabsteine und vermutlich die Gebeine von 100.000 Menschen. Der Friedhof entspricht bis heute nahezu seinen mittelalterlichen Ausmaßen, da es im Ghetto keine Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten gegeben hatte. Aus Platzmangel begrub man die Verstorbenen in bis zu zwölf Schichten, was mit den Jahrhunderten ein für heutige Begriffe fast malerisches Auf und Ab des Erdbodens zur Folge hatte. Der Besuch des Friedhof ist jeden Cent der gesamten Eintrittskarte Wert. Dazu noch die interessanten Einblicke der Synagogen. Wir bereuen den Kauf ganz sicher nicht.Läs mer

    • Dag 1


      12 oktober 2018, Tjeckien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Um zum Friedhof zu kommen, mussten wir zu aller erst einmal um den Friedhof herumlaufen und in die Pinkas-Synagoge. Die große Besonderheit dieser Synagoge, ist die Schrift an den Wänden. Fast alle Räume sind komplett voll von den Schriften, die ich auch auf einem Bild festgehalten habe. Verstehen tu ich davon nichts, schön find ich’s trotzdem.Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      Jüdische Zeremonienhalle

      12 oktober 2018, Tjeckien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Direkt neben der Klausen-Synagoge, befindet sich die 1911/1912 erbaute Zeremonienhalle. Diese sieht sowohl von innen, als auch von außen total imposant aus. Diese Liebe zum Detail, sowohl am Mauerwerk, als auch am Boden. Sehr schön! Aus einem Fenster der Zeremonienhalle konnte ich zudem den ersten Blick auf den Friedhof erhaschen.Läs mer

    • Dag 1

      Day 1 in Prague, Czechia

      9 april 2018, Tjeckien ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Had a relaxed first day in Prague wandering around the old town. It is very crowded with tourists and not easy to take many nice photos. My first impression of Prague is that it looks like a fairytale city.Läs mer

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