Inner City

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    • Day 100


      June 25, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We started our 100th day of the trip right by doing a free walking tour (we love doing these when we visit new cities)! We met at city hall, which was actually modelled after a cathedral in Siena, Italy. We found out that this was actually the 6th city hall and it was constructed in 1905.

      We then proceeded to walk through the city, learning a lot of fun facts along the way, including that:
      - Like Oslo and Stockholm, Copenhagen has also experienced a lot of large fires (it seems to be a theme in Scandinavia where they loved building with wood!!) In 1728, there was The First Great Fire which was started by a candle in someone's house and the couple blamed it on their 7 year old son! That poor kid was blamed for having burnt down half the city!
      - In 1795, Copenhagen had its Second Great Fire where the other 50% of the city burnt down. After this, the city made some changes to try and prevent further fires such as making the streets much wider, they changed the corners of the streets so they didn't use 90 degree angles (so it was easier for fire-fighters to get around to houses) and there were rules about the construction materials which had to be used in Danish houses (I.e. they couldn't be made fully of wood).
      - Danes pay a lot of taxes but have free school, university, health care and uni students get paid to go to uni plus support in finding new jobs. This is part of the reason why Danish people always score very high on the "happiness index" being considered some of the happiest people in the world.
      - We walked past the house of the founder of Carlsburg's beer. Carlsburg was founded because the founder wanted to create the best beer in the world and travelled to many European cities to try different beers. He discovered that the first step was to ensure they had clean water and the problem in Copenhagen was that the beer there didn’t have taste consistency (because they used different yeasts which always tasted differently). With the king's approval (who just so happened to be a fan of beer), the founder set up a brewery just outside the city walls and discovered a great yeast that they shared with rest of world to help everyone have good beer! The yeast was discovered in 1883 and hence the Calsberg 1883 special beer was born!
      - There are more bikes than people in Denmark and over 50% of people use bikes as transport, with bicycle highways to get from suburbs into main cities. There is quite a bit of bike theft in the city so people usually use their "worst" bike for riding into the city and then their "nice" bike for visiting friends.
      - We had a quick language lesson, learning some phrases in Danish. We like that "hej" is hello and "hej hej" is goodbye. We learnt about the concept of "hygge" (which doesn't have a direct English translation. A lot of English words are derived from Danish/the language the Vikings used. For example, "by" is the word for town/city in Danish so any English towns which end in "by" were Viking towns.

      During the walking hour, we visited a number of nice squares and buildings in Copenhagen including Christianborg which was a palace built for the royal family but they didn't want to use it so it is today used as the Parliament house. We also saw many students wearing particular caps which looked like sailor hats and riding around in trucks playing music loudly and drinking as we walked around. We even saw some of them jumping in the fountains! This is a Danish tradition for when students graduate high school and the trucks drive them around to each family of the families, having drinks all day and night!

      We finished the tour in front of the Royal Palace and then headed into the Marble Church - a very European looking church in the heart of Copenhagen. Of course, we spoke about the modern love story of Prince Frederick and Princess Mary (who met at the Sydney Olympics). Interestingly, we learnt that the Danish royal family is the second oldest royal family (after Japan) so other European royal families have to bow to them when they meet up.

      We then had a walk through the Kings Garden and stopped in the Botanical Garden for a quick lunch break before heading into the Rosenberg Castle. The castle had 3 above ground levels and one basement level, housing many artefacts from the Danish royal family, from paintings to sculptures and even some creepy wax figures of kings and queens! It was the home of where the royal family used to live and then where the royal family housed their dearest and most expensive possessions. We finished off the tour with a viewing of the magnificent Crown Jewels in the treasury.

      We continued our walking through Copenhagen to our last stop of the day, Tivoli Gardens. This is the second oldest amusement park in the world but also contains some pretty gardens, fountains and a lake in the centre. We also went on one of the oldest running wooden roller coasters in the world (built in 1914) which was lots of fun (see funny photo of our faces!)

      We enjoyed some organic burgers at Tivoli for dinner before watching the light and water show in the main lake at 10:30pm to end an incredible day of exploring!
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    • Day 9

      Tivoli Gardens (inspiration for Disney)

      July 25, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 66 °F

      Made a stop at Tivoli Park for the afternoon in Copenhagen. Very old (1843) version of Disneyland based on Hans Christianson Andersen's fairy tales. He is from here and has multiple statuses. The little mermaid is by far the favorite with the tourists. Mandy wasn't feeling well this afternoon so we headed back to the ship around 5. We also found out that due to bad weather at sea, we would be staying in Copenhagen until 2pm on Wednesday and skipping the stop in Skagen due to the 40mph winds.Read more

    • Day 127


      October 23, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Das schöne Wetter am Abend haben wir ausgenutzt um zum Tivoli zu gehen. Mit das Erste was uns in Kopenhagen aufgefallen ist, sind die Massen von Radfahrern. Die Stadt wurde schon mehrmals zur besten Fahrradstadt der Welt gekürt. Kein Wunder, die Radwege sind breit und meistens baulich von Auto- und Fußgängerbereich getrennt, es gibt Fahrraddschnellstraßen - dem Fahrrad wird viel Platz gegeben und, da mehr Fahrräder als Autos unterwegs sind, ist es in der Innenstadt verhältnismäßig ruhig.

      Der Tivoli wurde 1843 eröffnet und gilt als der zweitälteste Vergnügungspark der Welt. Toll beleuchtet, unzählige Kürbisse, diverse Fahrgeschäfte, viele kleine Läden und natürlich Restaurants und Imbissbuden - das ganze Jahr über Kirmes, mitten in der Stadt.
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    • Day 3

      Tag 3

      January 2 in Denmark ⋅ 🌬 2 °C

      A üsem dritte Tag in Kopehage, hets aagfange winde und schneie gliichziitig. S'Wetter zwingt üs eigentlich üses Programm nach inne z'verschiebe. Aso simmer nachem uufstah direkt ines Kunstmuseum mit antiker Kunst was sehr iidrücklich gsi isch.
      Nachdem hemmer üs doch dezue entschiede zum 'die kleine Meerjungfrau' go aaluege, was es Wahrzeiche vo dere Stadt isch. Es liit direkt am Wasser, isch eigentlich recht unspektakulär und es het üs fast devo gluftet 😅 St. Alben church, welli gad nebeddra isch, im Churchill park, hemmer au no aaglueget, bevor mer no vome Kafiwägeli en wärmende Chailatte kauft hend.
      Vo dött us simmer is Zentrum und hend die bekannt Iichaufsstrass under d'Lupe gno. Zwüsched ine hemmer es härzigs Pub gfunde, hend dött eis trunke und sind wiiter. Am Nyhavn han ich mir Austere gönnt wo sehr guet gsi sind 😋
      Nachher simmer no im Hotel selber eis go trinke bevor mer is Bett sind.
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    • Day 1


      April 2 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Vertrekken voor 5 a 6 weken. Vroeg op en richting Kopenhagen. Eenmaal aangekomen regen, maar dat mocht de pret niet drukken. Veel kilometers door de stad gemaakt, maar door het weer was het niet fantastisch. Wel heerlijk gegeten oftewel genoten van een kreeft en zalm. In de avond op zoek naar een plek voor de tent, maar dat duurde al met al 2 uur voordat er iets gevonden was. Slapen en morgen door naar Gothenburg! 🫡Read more

    • Day 1

      A happy pilot

      Yesterday in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      The small matter of getting to the start point - Copenhagen. Direct flights existed from Manchester but prohibitively expensive charges for bikes and Lufthansa's previously relaxed approach meant a trip via Frankfurt. 'Taxi Driver' ... Liz had an important zoom meeting so an early drop off was the option. Meant the bike was dropped off and security negotiated with surprising ease. Did an uber session of Spanish which really should've been German. Relying on CSE grade 2 from 30 years ago. Could be patchy. Dawned that with boarding passes being on my phone the battery had to be preserved - chewing up 25% on Spanish wasn't the smartest move. Not packing the right cable for the power bank even more so. Settled for some eye testing on the first leg. Frankfurt airport is massive. Must've taxied for 10 mins and then had a 20 min to the terminal. Chilled for a while - discovered the right cable so chilled a bit more. Sarnies and a catch up with Liz before the next leg. Not the most German approach to boarding - opened the gates before the door to the plane was ready - cue panicked boarding manager and quite a queue. On board the pilot forgot to give the English welcome - much apologising. Despite that boarding was ahead of schedule much to the pilots pleasure. Able to redeem himself with an early departure, depending on the length of the taxiing - might taxi to Copenhagen. Then to the small matter of bike reassembly. A lot of back & forth trying to figure out where my bike would appear but thankfully it did - a couple of chunks missing from the box - concerned - what bits could have dropped out. No need to worry - all went together fairly easily & on my way by 8ish. 5 miles to the hostel - all cycle lane. Past a huge bike park at the airport and no less than 10 bike shops in that short distance. Hostel was rammed - full of school party sports teams - a couple of lads weren't too impressed with my Liverpool t-shirt claiming utd and chelski were better - not the sharpest it would seem. Quick shower & sort out. Little bit of an explore. Sat outside the fine art gallery eating snacks - as close to culture as is likely for me. Saturday night is a bit lively lots of party buses roaming the streets. Not for me...Read more

    • Day 3

      All aboard

      August 26, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We have the front row seat up the top! Yep we are cool!
      Off we go!
      35000 bikes cross the bridge into the city everyday. There are bikes everywhere and they definitely have right of way. Denmark will be 100% carbon neutral by 2025! Australia is an embarrassment.

      The city is beautiful. The architecture, the cobblestones without a suitcase, the green parks. Passed by Tivoli gardens. We are going there tomorrow night Grandma!

      Sitting near the boat tour now having a beer before we head out to the canal tour. It’s a glorious day and we are very happy touring this city together :)
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    • Day 1

      Colors of Copenhagen

      June 18, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We settled in Kopenhagen tonight. Given the last couple of days, we figured we need a nice chill evening. So, we figured we will explore the city as we have never been there. 5min walking and I am already thinking that I could live here. It's a wuirky mix between legacy and quirky design. And it definitely helped that we ended up in a nice restaurant for the evening!Read more

    • Day 17


      July 18, 2022 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Heute Mittag haben wir nach einigen Kommunikationsschwiergkeiten (🙈😂) ein Café gefunden in dem wir leckere Panini’s gegessen haben. Danach war uns nach einem Eis. Also sind wir zurück zur Markthalle wo wir bei “Nicecream” ein leckeres (und sogar) veganes Eis zwischen zwei Keksen bestellt haben. Zum Abendessen gab es dann Pizza (unfassbar lecker).Read more

    • Day 9

      Canal tour in Copenhagen

      July 25, 2023 in Denmark ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

      Happy Anniversary to us!!!! We stared the day early with a 5:45am view of Hamlet Castle on the Danish coast. We docked in Copenhagen around 7:30am and left at 8:45 for a bus, then a train, and then a canal boat. The canal system here is awesome and very clean. Public transport is also clean and efficient.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Indre By, Inner City

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