Capital Region

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    • Day 239

      Classic Copenhagen

      December 1, 2024 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Ein sozusagen klassischer Touri Tag in Copenhagen, Christiansborg, Weihnachtsmarkt, durch Christiania schlendern mit dem Wassertaxi fahren und am Abend ein super feines Znacht in einem unseren Lieblingsrestis - mehr gibts gar nicht zu sagen ☺️Read more

    • Day 1

      Nu är vi på väg😁!

      January 20 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Klockan är 05.00 och vi väntar på boarding till Amsterdam. Alldeles för tidigt, tycker vi, men i går fick vi info om att planet vi egentligen skulle åkt med är inställt. KLM bokade då om oss till en rutt via London, Bogota (Colombia), Costa Rica., en resa på totalt cirka 26 timmar😩. Det tyckte både vi o vår researrangör var en dålig idé så då blev det den här tidiga flighten i stället. Vi får säkert flera tillfällen till lite extra sömn under resans gång😴.Read more

    • Day 18–20

      Home sweet home 🙏🏻

      January 19 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      A terrible night’s sleep in an unexpectedly warm hotel room, especially for a fairly cold place in the world. My body is probably still adjusting to being back on land—I could feel the "sea legs" yesterday.

      Breakfast with Guadalupe and Steffan, and then off to the north.

      The journey began with a flight to Buenos Aires, followed by a 7-hour wait 😑 then a 13-hour flight to Paris. After almost 6 hours of waiting there, I finally boarded the last 2-hour flight back to Copenhagen, where the very-missed Camilla picked me up at the airport ❤️

      All flights were on time, the luggage arrived as expected, and the only issues were the loooooong queues 🤯 at every airport (not my strong suit). Oh, and a fruitless debate with three French government officials over whether I could bring a jar of Dulce de Calafate (marmalade) through transit. Apparently, it looked so good they decided to keep it!

      Once home, I shared a few stories, did a bit of unpacking, and finally enjoyed a long-awaited sleep. It feels so nice to be back home with the family 🥰🥳
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    • Day 22

      Seejungfrau und Soldaten

      September 7, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Bei der weiteren Zugfahrt durchkreuzen wir unser geliebtes Heimatland 🙂 nochmal und kommen am frühen Morgen in Kopenhagen an.
      Dass wir einige hundert Kilometer zurückgelegt und das Land gewechselt haben merken wir kaum.
      Hier ist vieles ähnlich wie in den Niederlanden.
      So gibt es viele Radfahrer und eine entsprechende Infrastruktur und jede Menge Wasser. Die Menschen sind freundlich und sogar die Sprache scheint uns ähnlich. Nur das Wetter ist heute besser.
      Zunächst wandern wir vorbei an den königlichen Gebäuden zur kleinen Meerjungfrau, die am Morgen noch nicht von all zuvielen Touristen umlagert wird. Weiter geht es am Wasser entlang und wir stoßen auf ein Marketingevent der dänischen Marine.
      Wir lassen uns die Möglichkeit Kriegsschiffe und Militärfahrzeuge von innen anzusehen nicht entgehen. Allerdings hinterlässt das Arsenal von Tötungsmaschinen eher gemischte Gefühle bei uns wobei das Personal sehr nett ist.
      Auf dem Weg zurück zum Bahnhof sehen wir noch mehr schöne Bauten und Wasserwege, entdecken Bademöglichkeiten und Fitness Anlagen.
      Kopenhagen vermittelt eine entspannte, positive Atmosphäre und wird uns in guter Erinnerung bleiben.
      Am Nachmittag fahren wir über den Öresund weiter nach Schweden.
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    • Day 51

      Saturday in Copenhagen

      October 19, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We have left Norway. Woke this morning to a grey drizzly morning, and were very thankful for the lovely rain-free day we had yesterday exploring Oslo. So after breakfast and leisurely packing up we went to the airport, as no point hanging round, and getting wet. Oslo airport very organised and not to large. We did have one drama though - Amr, very unusually, made a crazy mistake....we were at the self-serve bag drop, had had boarding passes and bag tags printed, and Amr put his bag up before he tagged it, then scanned the tag (which was still in his hand) and off went the bag away on the belt before he could catch it!! General panic (by us) but SAS are very efficient, and assured him that they would catch it and tag it before it got any further....but it was a moment of horror, and we didn’t feel totally secure until it came out, actually one of the first! at Copenhagen.

      So all was well, and it was SO easy to get into the city from the airport - the metro goes right to the airport and took us to right near our hotel. We knew which stop, and it is quite in the centre with many shops, restaurants and hotels nearby. So easy, and even cheap by Norwegian standards! About equivalent to $15 for the 2 of us. The train to Oslo airport, which was very handy and easy also, was about 4 times the price, and even had seniors from 67, so Amr just missed out!!

      Our hotel is great. It is another of these Scandinavian modern minimalist hotels. Small spotless rooms, everything works, everything fits, no nonsense! If there are 2 people there is a second doona, pillow and set of towels in a drawer under the bed (you always get a doona each here it seems). And amazingly great wifi in all the hotels, and even on the boat.

      So, once we had dumped the bags we went out to get a feel of the city. It is mountains in Denmark. Also, just remembered, we saw what I think was “the Bridge” as we flew in! We had left the clouds over Oslo, and it was even sunny here, though has descended into rain this evening. Reasonable forecast for tomorrow though. We can’t help noticing all the absolutely beautiful young Scandinavian girls...they all have perfect skin, and are remarkably gorgeous - maybe from lack of sun!

      We walked around, it was Saturday afternoon, and a clear day, so everyone was out and about, walking in the cobbled pedestrian streets. Saw the royal palace (slot, which I realise is a Schloss)..but am not sure if this is the royal residence, or just a show place, as there were no visible guards like Buckingham Palace, but maybe the Danes are more casual!! Will find out more...Amr plans to find the Danish design museum tomorrow, and also we found another Viking museum here which should be good! So if it gets rainy there is plenty of inside stuff to do. Had dinner at a restaurant along a canal were there are many eateries. It was lovely...I actually had a very nice steak, and Amr had Danish meatballs. Cold by then. We had come south, and when we arrived felt too hot in thick jackets, but it certainly cooled off. Not much photo taking this afternoon.
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    • Day 52

      Exploring Copenhagen

      October 20, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today is Sunday. Much quieter than Saturday, though when we went out for coffee this morning there was quite a lot of evidence of post Saturday night debris. This was in contrast to Norway (but we didn’t inspect on Sunday morning is Oslo) but there was litter, broken glass and vomit...not the perfect behaviour of such people so conscious of planet, sustainability and happiness!!

      We have had a good day, and quite busy. First we walked along the water to the Opera House. A huge and very fine building right on the water. Quite a long walk, obviously you can drive there as there was parking, and I think you can get a ferry. Then Amr navigated us to the Danish Design Museum which was a highlight for him. It was fun, and we saw many chairs by famous designers - Hans Wegner and Arne Jacobsen to name 2 I remember and liked. Besides chairs there was a lot of Bauhaus stuff (which we had seen a lot of in Germany). Anyway, we enjoyed that and then we went to see some nearby churches - a Russian orthodox with very Russian domes (and where I had to put my scarf over my head), and the Marble Church, very important looking and rather beautiful which we found is Church of Denmark - the national religion, evangelical Lutheran.

      Stopped for a shared sandwich and coffee then walked to the little mermaid just because it is a thing to see here. Many people taking photos etc, and busloads of Asians, but it was a very nice walk through parks. We have sorted out the royal residence situation! Found another Slot - the Amelienborg (I think that’s right) which is an octagonal ring of palaces where all the royals live in various buildings. We even happened to be there when they were changing the guard, all marching round in busbies (?sp) like at Buckingham Palace. The one yesterday - Christiansborg -I think is used as the parliament (that’s what the informative man at the Amelienborg said) and there is yet another castle - the Rosenborg which has Crown Jewels, thrones etc) and we going to look at those 2 tomorrow. We found this on our way to have a walk in the botanical gardens which was beautiful with autumn colours.

      On our way back, we stopped for a drink outside by a heater, watching the passing parade, then Amr dragged me into another department store but this one was really fun. It was purely a Danish design store - and we had such fun in the 2 floors of furniture- these beautiful chairs that we had seen in the museum we could now sit on and try - they were so comfortable and attractive (mostly) and it was actually more fun than the museum. They shut at 6 so we went back to the hotel (which has these style of chairs in the foyer) before setting out again for dinner. Found a perfect place where I had soup and mussels, and Amr had salad and herring. All happy.
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    • Day 53

      Last day in Copenhagen, and in Europe

      October 21, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Today was good, but not quite as we had planned. First we went for breakfast at a Hartley recommended place - called Sonny, like our Sonny! - and it was very good. Excellent coffee, fresh seedy bread, tasty cheese, soft boiled egg! And a great juice - green colour with apple, ginger, tumeric and something whose name I didn’t know ...anyway, it was tangy and delicious. So that was a good start, and then we set off to go to the National Museum with the Viking exhibition. We had seen it was open every day, but hadn’t read the next line which said from October to May open Tuesday to again we missed the Vikings!! But we had heard quite a lot in Norway, so we cut our losses and headed for the royal palaces.

      First to the Rosenborg palace, which houses the thrones, crown jewels, and exhibits the rooms of the palace as lived in by Christian IV (I think, there are many Christians and Frederiks)...and that was excellent. Spent quite a while there, and then moved on to the Marienborg which is where the residence of the current royals is, but there are several palaces round in an octagon, and one is on show. Also excellent, furniture as lived in by Christian IX who was the “father-in-law of Europe” as most of his children married royalty - one being Alexandra who married Edward VII of Great Britain.

      So that took us through to about 3 o’clock when we had a coffee break, and I have a slight complaint. We cannot find what we call Danish pastries. It is like looking for what we call Sicilian olives in Sicily. They don’t exist. I just love the pastries with vanilla cream inside, with fruit, almond croissants, pain au raisins etc, and thought this would be the home of them, and the very best. We find them in France, Italy, Spain, Sydney...but here every bakery just has croissants, and nice bread, and cake things rather like muffins, and cinnamon rolls. Anyway, our hunt was fruitless. We did finally see some more like what we were looking for when later we came to the markets where there was a French chain - Brioche d’Orée - but in France we would never go there as there are so many better ones.

      As usual we took umbrellas as it threatened to rain, but never actually did! It does rain at night, as it was wet each morning. Anyway again lucky as it is miserable to walk squelching along and getting dripping, and we did a fair bit of walking. These palaces, and the museum are quite a ways apart.

      We had planned to go to a restaurant for dinner that we had seen. Amr had spied the bouillabaisse and it looked good...but when wandering later, after drifting into yet more furniture stores and sitting on their chairs and sofas, we found the market. Lovely market, you can buy things to take home and cook, and you can eat and drink at some stalls, and we found a tapas bar which just beckoned us. So we ate there instead. It had all our favourite food, and it all felt right, and it was so good just to order what you wanted as you ate it...I think we have had so many meals that it makes you lose your appetite. Anyway, this was just lovely, and we got back quite early and have packed up as much as possible and will set off tomorrow morning. First the flight to London, then connecting to the air New Zealand flight to Los Angeles. This is the thing - will we and the bags make the connection successfully as they are non related tickets! Hopefully all will work out. We stay and draw breath at LAX hotel for 2 nights before taking the flight to Sydney.
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    • Day 4

      CPH Foodie Day

      November 24, 2019 in Denmark ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      After an impromptu Thanksgiving Dinner and drinks (hehe) last night with my Canadian friend, Harriet, and others, we were rather low on energy today.

      So of course we used our precious daylight hours for a Copenhagen foodie bike tour. Beginning with a smørrebrød brunch (see pic) at Hallernes Smørrebrød, we then biked the hip streets of Nørrebro, where Santa and his helpers gave us free cinammon grød (Danish porridge)! 🎅

      Finally we visited Superkilen Park and Nørrebro library for a taste of Copenhagen's famous coffee scene.

      Now feeling MUCH BETTAH!
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    • Day 20


      January 9, 2020 in Denmark ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      We had pretty crappy rainy weather in Copenhagen but I like this city. It’s our first city (not including the Swiss Alps) off the tourist path after the peak(ish) season had finished, so it was relatively chill, and the Danes are pretty relaxed, friendly...and generally quite good looking. I felt bad finding myself having a cheeky glance at a few of the Scandinavian babes, but then I caught Lauren doing the same with the blokes, so then I didn’t feel so bad...Read more

    • Day 1

      Flughafen #2/4

      March 2, 2020 in Denmark ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Kopenhagen Airport.

      Ein schöner, mittelgroßer Flughafen. Glücklicherweise keine langen Wege.
      Wir schlagen die Zeit mit einem Frühstück in einer der Longes tot.
      Kaffee ist ok + es gab Mohnbrötchen = Frank ist happy.

      Wir warten auf den nächsten Flieger...
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    Region Hovedstaden, Capital Region, Hovedstaden, Huvudstadsregionen

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